THE MICHIG0AN DAILY 'l MN TENIN e have a valuable piece of real estate+ T(I0tne'atcapsand icvery respect just D eehoueratc f~ew ears This mstpe + f :,l ihnh ays. We have another otile *+ UN1V-L i atrn e uchsd hep~y ls hv F R THIS W EK ONLY t.. fl a Ilow fratenity 110use'for sale or o e n. f neetdcal oil c e 11. G.J.11ALLER & Co. . ________________ Your last chance to buy a Suit, Rain Coat or Over- Cam us arbr Sopr coat at LESS TH-AN WHOLESALE COST.% . W Cam usBabe Sop + - _ U. A. MOE, 705 N. University Ave t o ' Your choice of any $25.00 Suit or Overcoat $15.00 1 44 1 11 22.50 1" "C it 14.00' The Ann Arbor Savings Bank 44 11 11 11 20.00 1" "6 "1 13.00 _ Capitl Isloch, $31,0I0l Sarplas, $200,00 + "1 "1 " "1 18.00 " t" !" 12.00 a Resoarces, $2,200,000 I t 18.0012.00 , A Gen.eral Banknt.g Bustiness Tran.sacted +" 15.00 10.00+ OFtICERS: Chas. F.I~Iscoch, Pres; W. D lBlaels ndteds c ep01ted1._ Iteowe11VI s ii IaitonCahlea* tto T.he balance o1 our wool two piece IUderwear 1-2 regular priceREITRDN3 Thomas Rowe, Proprietor +_ 3211 N, Fifth Ave. Net'Pon 111457 BelllPhone 457-L W t.W AND 130 XV~L I N G $'Ni0R LIl'lS TO 1)1.1IlI% graph}l. 110.,Will 110 giveni. 1111is parltj FERY POE"N 'I)ATI(A7 1,ITRES. C. Lp ARIA 1IGON \ LITER of1 ii101011k 1111l ot eneil11, ad S. ROTTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. __B_ ilkedl iwiha comber of lpractical talkas P1r11f1 01ewoisB.Pato111,11f theIHartfoard 'liic or afeno th nirflc'llll11 I i t s wi 0 Iaallon ahoto raphy ou,11117ldlmake itie cai- Thieolical00 i na1111rs-, elf Iartfordi, hold111all i11111111111 0110 lclas meing Ito de- 01r1 clubi one10of 1the11mos o ulalllllr sti- Co.,111 i d1e1011e11 a seriesoaf 10e11100s You c11111et a1side u 111't 1111111ter of awardlli th etog lc 011117llaniationsl. in1Nebs ryh a illlbginnainlg Marcli4. 11 u n h ad o ncontroact ila1111he(11110of TheneIio ne11'etil i 111 ll o he ldn tThs is the 11ias f Ihe 1t011series 11f th ls or, iligolll. 7111101i licthe past 01111011d1y. Feblruary 28, ai 7 p. cm. 1 111 PFo11111t11111 lectures given e01101 At Tsvttl.'n. 338 S. State ix 111' 01111 capand i 1111 II llll11'0 h lc ilb mon ae nyertne h npcso h Suet ________________________________l___________ firms0 1011 n 1this bulsinesso and w ili 0 l~l oiil'allY 011011111atteiiil. 1110 1i111s 11111 110as follocws: '"The THlE FARMERS AND NMECHANICS BANK 11o1t1th11i10opiioin Illh c a111111100 his i.Primitive10 Religion 1 1of ratel,"1111' MAIN AND HURfON STREETS metllinlg. \lll 11011011111DA'Y"Tic Rligilll o Capital, $50,000, Surplut and Profits, $60,000 l-c sidlco 110elmatter 11f cias iian 111010gownsERS lA E ERanaan1 Il 11a111d10 It lilc 11111111h1110 1101 Dos a General llathitlBasicesc and Payre clgo " Th Prid fteEay .perce00111icterest on11tThor sod Savings 1111111c11111anf a 011005110111,c0110 iohe l opheti 11 ls,"" e P rio slf11e icrEcoy Deplosits. Safety 1Depolsit Boxes to rent 111l 111he 1near10futureo, 1Will11 1010b 11e i . Ibrought. 11 tOliloflcelupcr ate f2.00 and Iupwarseranal lh11110 111111 '0'011011' 0 llllll'1110 1 0 rp1 ets"da hoe10 1 tlleraoaaclic Periodl," It. K F PrFes. IW. 1'. Scorcoc, Vice-Pros. ud ll heic opinlioln 111t111 c0111 obtlid.11 o 1110Io113 l 101 'olci.L17 110Pr11 1 l'''1c Rllll 1 I+'. H. BOnooo. 0Cash. I. A. ,tLAstAsst. T'111 1' lll g Will be11 he1d0' at0111 :TO 0111-11 of F o11111 rI,io da'lyillg.Sarailacs111e l is 1 111helIseo o L aw"" h Re 11'111 lationiil oR La LM{ega -l ihtatedtehsea,!. '1'h f inet lea~r Havsana 50et.cigar 11in 11II 111 1001111 1D' un1 lap, pesi detofte oi ty, l ilo 11 11110f01 c th011.t (All o ti m ein llsnili 11tl" .I3lllll O o dit11Il' 1003 ay, iAla0100114,111 3 oaclock 1110 0000111 -AT= a1 c i rge117111lay11req101uestediil atoiclturn(1i1out.. 111 glo v11111Alolda', March 5 t7 M~AN'~~ S DiRU.,G STOKEj - Ailoes Gi111. lDr. CGunnilw11s1t1111first w10111 nnunedla teir11111'I1110. 213 S. Main St. 0 \lI.,R A CL U11 AIECA I NG0 1physician 11 11111ho ld h i r 111in1010100'rgery______ MUSICAL SUPPLIES Mcian Camera oclubofw1111ld 0101011)1 1 111111e111Ills'the pur'osell l of 011acpoment oe oilan 00 dea &iCo,iHnngry Fine Repairing .)f all Stringed 1111 010111110atI I lllo 011111d11. :011111 ttoll n.1111block. eod-tf Instrtum~ents. 1enthusias1 ltic bun 01hotI 1111fieds1as 10Folow 1n- 1'. Nallrl'c~'o tdiscs'tlll'ol' SCHAEBERLE & zSON pesnt111 al nertngotline 111 51 110 11111'otf 111 o-ItstiAnlgell, 1A1'. l)ttllalptand111 ovl Sen111111' s and111 juniiorat' engineers i 4 w. Liberty St.W Ik wssgetdb seea ofte ra ote lmeso th soit re plaelaeodrfo J.M caspps members._____________________________ 0I'll11 thefautt heir wit c 111s, art he a l t c l'Studt Slo , it. I ;. NWilliatm )Embalmer and Funeral Director 11111110110phtogr'~ ahrlleol me11111101e ts 11111O~ 10te-r osed t wi tsning17llill kar-j .l 11117111 0ll ictrs. ,3 11111. tf Amtbulance -Cals at ended day or night. dacqua11isnte 11111ith teteoyol i c 1011 t reho111011110ml. t10akiilnAe, antdienea ing.1111 From 111 tine t11t11eGlasses repaired. Phone1014. Ann Arhbor. athiti es01105 tallillv11101ious ibtlO ,lsuchlt Michligan pitt, o b ls atnd spoons. Eyes carefully fitted and tested. _______ligh_______lenses__,10cistryolltf phtio-,t I TIt,EII'S J weovSTOoct, Main St. GEORGE IJALIER, Malt St. FINI LUNC HES a~e carry thte largest line of TUR MtOF tOMiESTiIo& IMPOR1TED ig larettes and Dotmestie & Ittt orted Cigars. A complete Joe at all stacadn articles. We ace age8n for EMTHntse & halt, LttstANt & C3O. ansaSi 0 FPsS, also for STAIIY'S & SCRiAFFEoE'e fne chtocolate iBON-BOtNS. R. E. JOLLY. Sta St. Ohio Ceutra1 Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars n all Trains UI. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. GOV. BALFX Greatest Sc Cigar Made r 1 'f r ti 0 t . 't I 4 M. f 1 11USTON BROS. SPALDING'S ~O $~ ALMANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDING r. SBOS. Now YorkChCiicagol Pll11111 thi (tenver Syacse M nLt Iisll Bostotn Katsas ity Sat l.,i,;" Bialtimlore Iittshoe \alrtott Now Orleans otrl-, Ca. Lolllsto,iinn Spaltinegscatalogueeof all thl111eti sptrts mailed free toanIy addrss. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Speeial Cars It o trit 181a,Im., an'ItverI two lhlars unttill p.i. Special Carse IllJat-ksont8:3o1111, and ever1CO~y two laus ncotti 8:30 p. m. Hourc local serie toIDerit e0113a. m, 01, 1 9:lOip. nM., then 11 1l. TPw-Hlourlocal seito Jl.ackson ; :t5la. m. 0o11: 115I. no. WAITOIGtROOM HUOtN S01 1011T0O1101I10 OrighttenFlatClasp11a1110s 1 twec evey PURE SILH web-ot orae I aildcotot I has thetBrightoenja1 1 0gbol attllong wer-itsistlupot BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS All Or Dealers . , awBy Mail Part..anetareC. .fakr r 71t5.eItroe Poeer rht.aetphl.. Octoedre. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor.Micb, E D. Klnne, Pro. Ha~rrsn Scle, V. 8, W. Carkson, Cashier Capital, $10000. Surpus and Profits. $40.00 GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Chsola. Cut Flow.s.anad PlesA.s Chapn S between Hrons and tiler Ave. Phone tilt Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watchea and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 1. Pins where they keep a full ine at the L o we st prices. No ta poor stock In ourastore. 5® ' Nothing charged for e loooking at our goodsoor ge tt inDg p ricer on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $.00 and op Call at tho right place, opposite Law Building. HA LF-TO0NE S and 'ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Beier in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH F, lIAnts Arbor avings Bank Block ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Fistlly Gvstn.'nteed 01cr'10011110Clols are tlhe estdade for t11heloley.' Pine watchl repairing ' a specilhty! J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. ; Q) Q w 1 5 U'tIIR I OXFORDS OXFORDS OXFORDS - I 'FOR MEN AND WOMEN v 0 Q4 0 , 0N NO 0 0 a abO0 at- 000 cd7~a7 oh . THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of iow shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALLA T WAU(-OV[R SHOP And have a look. _ , 111 South Maira Str-eet. '?' , .:,% r a VX A A I ti + ' r +t O~ ii r - r +IH+*t*+tI*+t f~ rs+Hti~ it+I+IS44541IrtPI5Itt++4ItS++rs+rir ~ 'i ~ r*si)If* t$+4I ++4I++4 I4 ., Senior Classrnmen We wish to inform ali members of the " i :; ,3 .. .... < 1 1 LITERARY, MEDICAL., HOIEOPATHIC, PHARfIICAL, and DENTAL Classes that we will refuse to make sittings for their class pictusre after PHONE MICHI. 895=J. It HOME 367. FEBRUARY* 28. ALEXANCER & CO. HIENNING *BLOCK. ?'*.1 "''' +".' ' ''+r trr i Q iF ' ' * ~F+ 4 NI 1 WE ART NEVER uMJEFRsoLD---GOODYA DRUG STOR.