-U lRockinlg Valley Ry. CONTINUES IIS 1'X '1'A ILNT TRAIN SERVICEij You will fiod Four7rains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsorin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32, jCAmpus Martlus Detroit, Michs. W KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we niay sell more f il1m and more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE E. E. CALKINS Dr~ilddist 320 Souoth State Street COOK IHOUSE Opposite (court House Square FlIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Stesam Heat sndt Elevator All sight service SUNDAY OsEouEs A SPECIlALTY. 500. Each varsderIlp t Oral, THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAPE-TO-ORDER STYLES Regal Shoes For College Men Alistcvl 11 1ega1 s}le s i vW~tsV ectston oo-makers of ic t~wlteul moelIthat111 1110 m ospopoular'intheoollcio- vv; produliunoilcetain-otllmae- 111011111 alhrach eiof 1110 1110111 husiessidirctewd by 0our'lollly 11011 1011000 lisl Bureu Ds pa1. el'l OlllpOtSe(1swhollyof ex- scrure111t1e01t111110111t0s1itseyo. dA $3.50 and $4.00 shoe that.11 is 11made1inl1 ulllell i~i X 1 R. A. H. THOMPSON,. Agent sw 61 Yr Student Shop o"n 61E. William St., Ann Arbor U I The Best Move 10oel}louelf 111with furpriles .1111 4 We ho-cl iv0111 o u - its in( All $25.00 Overcoats at X18.75 All $15.00 Overcoats at $11.25 "20.01) 44 15.00 44 12.00 " i" 9.00 "_18.00 11 i 13.;0 " 10.00 44 " 7 50 Manhattan Shirts at 25 per cent discount. Spaulding Sweater-vest 1-4 off. Ypsilanti Union Suits 1-4 off. Don't let this opportunity pass for it is a money saver. REULE, CONINi& FIEGELI 200-202 Main St. t t 1 6 f~iI C HOL~ FOR Groun~d lFloor, GRA GE 'S DANCING 3105 Maynsrd .1,11111 ' p After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of anoppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thing io now ready to be seen. TAILORS FURNISliERS rOMJ fenr ad y I R I 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. I, r- I c 19 1 IHAS... __ RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? R A N D A LL You can procure from him a coupon entitling yous to use dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use is the M~ichigan- ensign, all for $3.00. P H O T 0 R A P H E3 R Expert Jewelry and Watch Repaiirs. Arnotd's Jewelry Store. I itdrett'ssgenine vO elveltoloisses1a C~sinlg's. Suits pressed, 250; 100111005, 100. Futter & O'Connor. tf TheeigPipe Tobaccos Are the LargeAt Selling, Most Popular, Highest-Q Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, t=-e world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. Hie knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoredi by and filled with one of LAAthese tobaccos, is better -than the ° ~ ..blst smoke of any H o ° W 1 r. 9 other kind. LATAKIA 010 F i Non et . sA t grade-evl woatic, 11110 &.. ffuu~t-oo3 fOllum and full-lu Thelbest. y"-Y navy plugocut in three j 555.1 31 .00. s1,heavy-, me.o~l 1 1111nti mild-in - .u- ° u tii. t/v:.5 C.; I010,1 1111CUT UN IV ERSiTY NOTICES. dayat4 P m Tlsithe11last c11a1ce. flI 0 at1:451,1111o 1 11 111h1010(1 1100 00111 111111011\\- 11 eet IllthegylIat 4 :30 11111a0 fol rmi, oMCordl Mana1gerc.. 1111110111 1 111111110if1 S1u11en11Coul- 0101 lll 11All mlb er.l,.101111001100'and lliew. arh"'fl't' o' 1e, 10-i' 11en 1. Pl' ll 00F11'11 fo 1111110-C00. N al1) 111 11"nar m ein- ofte'.lh ill, ed of 1at1r1110on 1:1accounof' 01t101 trac mee oil the lilltr0a. A'lle hoot ff0si0--axer I 077 t A %,Iarc;uTrack TI I I" It 0 IOllgsignial by "the loan ilthoc 1110000"iia), rust hiutndreds of bunion lives. Yit a re "thoc 111a1 in theo tower " to guardl y0110 11010stomac.INDIGESTION is 1a wa-.rnling signal of "Gdanger ahead!1" Keel) tbe boack clear with S HR" ED DE D WOLE WVTHEAT 01100111101 110.. YALE.;MIXTURE 40A THREE STATES -A Virgnia Keucoky 001 co. '1 00, 15c.; 1f OZ., 25c. 1ic. soz. 2bc -- of these Some one or more Sltilltot v-ltliliig at satisfactor} ric . 11111e0 & O'Connoor. 619 E. WVil- liam street.: - tf T110 Aim lArllor ,Press (formlerly Par- for & Sldolco) tfflolers of thle Mticthigan Daly, '111 Alutmillus, Ilader, Yost's great1 hook1o011folotball, theTe lclhnic, S. C. A.lhandbl~ook, etc.. etc., are printers to 111e s1tden toy 117Y E.oWashing1- 'l']11:.lTRFSPICIAt,-Wtednesday) too 111110 of. 'Trainile-aves I.fticluga,, Ceta 1111 pot10 001at 6:45 p. il ; retulrinlg 1111ves11Detro1it at12 p. 11. Pare oro 1011111n tr1p1INo ce00 Arto.ns,.0011111 ltga Nowr~d 11Il inO11 Suatl.' ,"Striscco' Yani,- 11111011 0 (1Order1yourtheaitre tickets at 1111e0from0111J. IRettinlgr, 334 South~ ISltatelostre1et1,1both pons935. 98-1.4 Watchl, jeery and eye glass repair- 11ug by skitted workmen. 1 HAl,lcs'S JRwsttssvSTORY, Main St. HALERS JXttus STORE, Main St. The coltege jewelers. Established .185&$.' d a niatural foooi. It blocks the systemt against disease, keepo.thoc stoomiiehoso-eelandotlerian and toe bowels hoealthy oond active. It is mtade of the whole wheat, steaml-coklledl and drawn 11110 fine, porotus shreds, 1p0e- sentin~g 1lloe bra~i-making, boody-building elements of the owhoat berrhy in digestible form. Supplies natural w~arth to floe buldy in a tnatural way. Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot milk or cream, the BISCUIT is delicious for break- fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It may also be served in hundreds of dainiy and tempting ways in combination withtfruisoysters and preserves. To learn more about "Shredded Wheat Cookery" "send for our "Vital Question' Cook Book. __ TRISCUIT is a. Shredded rrow - Whole Wheat cracker, better than bread for toast, delicious with butter, 7 cheese opreserves. "It's All in the Shreds" famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara' Falls, N. Y ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLS MILWRTHE TAILOR THlE BE~lI OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING