THtMICHIIGAN TDAIL.Y FAT 8IEN ATTENiTION! iFINELVNCES We have avaluable pecept real etale Ave are, the tar w i ' 111 of iga ti Op nctelaetpu~aodu'tli'yi'laeciut e.ft A3 n-ear T /l t-Icl tr1il .fi:gr ot A aple beitunye Titleatib- U Up * ~ 3 UNt alaittt'rl":'i1, . We a roxella 0 H- Wiaret attaalato-altt aced rtenit dys ha e fa tale ra i-*. . J LLY S t.St (iteresed cttl 't once. G.J ALHI Sf0. CO _____________Your last chance to buy a Suit, Rain Coat or Over. 1. Lines Campus Barber Shop : at} at LIRSSTTLIN 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Ini ersity Ave Your choice of any $25.00 Suit or Overcoat $15.00 .~ TOLEDO to COLUMKBUS t t< t 22.50 " ".< 14.00 Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank4 PalrCsonllTis Caitl5tekitiat.batia, ia tit. " " 20.00 " " " t 13.00 ' Pro asonalTan Renaurcetck,$o,000. Sut ,$0,00tl t t t 18.00 " " "it 12.00 U.of lY. BARBER SHOP A Genral Banking Buiness Transacted . 15.00 1000 y, TrojonoDwski State St. ilejCia :Cha .litteitl. Pes W D~ lca niButeepei tarriman Vice Pres.: 1.1 TF~ittatitas iler u The balance o1 our wool two piece Underwear 1-2 regular price tec ~ GOV BAGjL Rowe 's Laundrv Thomas Rowe, Proprietor tE. r. .raa. w---..e.a '..... .~ Greatest 5C Cigar Made 326 N, Fifth Ate__ , USO RS ets Phane 357 Bel II II t1etaI tb e r QWe r h A UTN II B ILLI A RDS iSPALD N'S Bil IN Go the ants chapter to raise the sadard MIII hOAN MA R\V'iCKIO"DI - ALMANAC o chtlolarslip and promote iteres in ONx lI p1 NC>'I) IC to i' ll I OR 10 S. ROTIEfNSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. Intercollegiate Notes. all branihe of pure aid applied cliit- [ildbeJSFOSULLIVA iDetri. Geregc itl eicaclentl lthe PRICE 10 CENTS Yov got a.A croi l .l t i(i3il little eat ini Co relilieasexcluded aall ut college Uliticci cliltyf tihian i e: Ii lil- - -I 1tnoilhl, at IIitt-evi, daily. ITe cottess froim ir schedules. Frler, licte lt' sedalji ofitto eI 1,'pietlit lit sstftc t l me m e iip i eectttctdl 150ov-e Itst tnit imemiber of ciiatihlletic eaiiacan e dcinI a ahr vi tolih taebeil- ll'iil lll1eed +11 t, nittttetic i " Ic 'ilt li-t AtT ttl'a. 338 S. Stsae it-eli Ill ' liii'. I Iresent anyathltiitlubluiinIthetol- lll a i- i -h i I tteil h' ea, or co pee it an i't5 ewsOrltietns 'iil et- ''l( ,1 II att i nt; .i THE ARlMERS AND NMECANICS IBANK frtoln i.diebar etaizedlltt itecllegiatc lias beeni coidttered to restrict suiiamer enilelii ieIv ili I l ~ea D .A .J A L A MANAND IUlfON STREETS ot llug Leiia~' tl~ac citte alte Uni- aciviies in the saiie tway, btithisai tas aidD.1 Y.el lalsiA.'i. xsA t .RIt LW Y Ca tatn,000 arplus and Profits, $0,000 tecilt of civettl-are xetdt togtt e tordclt atmta n D') lreldwin. tee litlii rDillati c.'01cct Dosa eneral Ianblcg ltsiest ait ay-, a, Iacn and everyolgl t e o rciei t llnpta In t era et sti l'antdiSavings tiillllnlth eer ftlire. once'.KK' i l ll t 'v lChour ll tettiiuritn.Itt1li5 a an up ad-tvu ousnl1A'lp.Tt. Safety Depsit ttuoes to rent ______ t l t eis n F :;111 a. n', devr RKse, Pres. W. C. STnrcne Vie-Pres. 'IiiNSA S C A'I N T orlcl("eet )1 ot .Ttt trhnCa. I.A ~etu si e Lult cv it iof Setra 155 iic c e 'rAeOCAIONAt54a spacil elcctainystay i iite Itt iii. tliiii11:15. a ipic Iof$aia0o0eor at t dicum twhichi SIIXII :1' VIFIcI(DIaEG TEPS noo, "ustr" MIcCrlet s I -n 'h 1:t .m.tti'he ti''' i tta ti.i a. Ilt helis(tu fielua ill le conirivc Room 'ITe YounlgWo~olen's Cristiani asso ill the ttictiney. \II ;.Il'. Ictllt i;t 'The finest cleat' Havaa 5 t. igar in a'.ill Ie pa vill]fortbasitis all ant foilftol cationiahas elected the following officers:t M cCord's oponentta ndll, ttli allltsta the tarket. Fll teshI. .lsoa rnni ng track. Presideit, Mtiss Rutha Rier; vice-laes- sild iiies. Ottl tgectem e t c ll s 'AT.______iit Miss Olive Otuks; treasurer Miss the twoca tntidte iculls atevettwnad ir 3 - 1 MANN'S DRUG STIORE In itl tlilsadotedhac a luoal syCsteas Bertha Blotnt;sereary -isDora SMctaru Llii: le ier.Othe l ac ilstse i'tsu 61itc7ry 213 S. Main St. iila itoithlesataltireceaciilt ishtiteite ueo. Theiy eater upoiatheir chiies officerst itill leeetectedetxutt l rda tiePa REit I utLen a1-t'liittta t -aitteis a I rneon T e baridilof htrusees atocte1w'Sing the cermuonies aof for - I 1rc c~ MU IC L UP LI S i i ts l alihtlllthitulttialithsytm nalc i sta11tlliatn AT e electioni was hldth For Ilit hcatshtets i ht l tsielaly i iii 111 i tiil fthe pe cas aroie ftuulsorghatidh ieforetin cetar lo exner r o d enifgi I H O Fine Repairing of all Stinger{nnu elr iaiiil,'ii iii tlofth1e aculty w~olici iehi-iti orattzedtiabefoihelchkAetdr ~e cd -ti BRIG T Ilnstrumrents. killcacth 1 e atdti i1n st h r e Iahvltle (11111entoin of the Woorl's Sc -i --a-atih at- esFLATLA S li~~ienl in tl'cil work. Stidenti Vol ser Mioceimint, htihie Snoltts an 15o cgnc',G A T SC A B R E & S N I1iiii1tl h t hclhel t ury 28 to Marh . pleasa' eave tatrIes forcJ13. M. 1114 Lbrt Wa11111. LIiItbertts tisytia liSIt.teegh ssil o ell-ihccuss' S itiil Sp1'esi I I Illiat E moch Dfeterle a tel% }hlailidt(p ill ithase itt l i es 'rs. IGeniral Screary treetcitf Embalmer and Funeral IUiretor The-ci as foundd 5over teenyeasl Eve~ rr. id ive Bcs' idt l SISatiReiht i chgAll Or_. indm. Amblacer--Calls at ended day r night, 11 i t e nic.t y of ihlltio 11111 11 clst 'iiielti lttltrgart'i c(a'it, ----- - - - t Y ,1 "wpv t v. eilnesne ol oa blel isto l uIi ntiii 6a11 ndetotAit c, it Christinie Ivserson, Aly(,l sses repairead. ( i h Pitaur aat. Annt Arbotr. Ib ielit t eiti lit