7 "- --. ".____THE" MICHIGAN DAILY jSpring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractive Styles New Colorings FOR MEN'S W[AR Largest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POPULAR PRICEIS Full Dress Suits a Spcialty at 0I. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS 311 s. Sttat. PX INFIELDER'S GLOVE V The best ever made Heavily padded around edges and ex tending well up into the little finger. No heel pad, but is extra long to protect the wrist. Model selected by prominent players. Buckskin st grade. Price $ 3.00 Sheehan & Co's Students' 80 okstore Football Pillow made up complete for $1.30 thi week at DARLINO & 1-AALLEAUX 224.226 S. Stat. St THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered a ecnd class imate' at th An Abcii'Psttsic. Fiulished daily ( Mndays excepted) drngn the collee year, at 117 ast Washigtn street. Belt phne 89. H-ene phcne 76. Maaging Editor. CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletics ........Claece E. Eldidg News..s,........Luis D. Sticney Echagsr........Cales H. OWitead Mustic .......-A. I. Oteys Wome.s... .....Effie J. Amstog EDITORIAL. STAFF. Hugch Allein Franklin C. Pahi Athsc C. Pond. ASSOCIATES. Geocge A. OsorsIHacold C Sith Feris N. Ssit Grace A. Baoess Roet 1. Clasy Fak J. Clak Henry F. Sehulte Hery A. Motgomersy D. F. Steesons Walte Metenmos Glen D Bradley Jh F. Wsce Roy V. Lll Floyd I. Jones RATES $lo50 per year, or $.oo it paid is adace. Address: WALTER R. HAN' Buinens Manager. 230 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L THURSDY, FEBRUARY 22. 1015. kdior osay-JOHN F. WUJRZ. CA ENDAR Feb. 22-AnnnaIIl Wasigot's birh- say tparty of stnior laws class, a Graigr's academty. Medical memtorial exercises in Sarah Cswcell Angel al. Fel. 23-Y. W. C. A. cilreen's paky a) Newbery Ia, . tm. Seniors as. Fresismet, baskeball. a 5 p" . 1 Feb. 23-First year lass class ora70oricl cotntes. Feb. 24-"Macbetli atd "'he Merchaant of Venice," by Beta Greet compay its University Ial. Mineiiecaid night perfortmances. Senisr class oratorical coiest. Prelitinary idoor lac mste. 1a. 2-Ohio cia 1)banquetciat Cook IMotsse. T Iar. 3-Jtior t'litclss 7p771y ill lar 17717r gymn57asium.7 5Tere sill be no issue f'Ihe tDalyl tomsorrowissmorinig. It is deplorable that OWashigon's birthday does not liae geeater sigifi- cance as a niiiatinl holiday. lFersii- dsiaoscre this rda iilhs 17r17)7c mannicr. (Of lseuearcallit Itas cm17e1toi le regrdedcb)thlem imsssple s a ress froiiicoillege a-irk. Psverstu17diet shiouli atteas)thebeexerises iivellrc shy' hall today, to extrss his -ly aly to his conttry atd his restlect for the niemtory of the great fihes of 1h7isonii te. It is itestibess ota a sate uives- sits more thau ay ohetisiitioii to set sit exasmatle of parioisss adcltruie citizetnsip, ad lieig iii as n otiei things. should take teleadciin itesisi fyisig tis spirit. The1-1edillos of111(, ici tlgalis-isialar 17151' 1the17anniml ea',rlir ti 11117r 11ha1 usul. Nl577ll sudns and11 esleillyC scs 77ors a717'intereIisedin Ilheirsc ice'ss ii thils reard.'l '' ll' JllllisaIiIl 7of tie fol: hl si a 's ii dlailyedin77 lr'c ios yes li te Ils' gle'Iict iof .si'iosr s i ai g thiii pic71resltaken 1711iis, n liyt e fIlis- 117- of.idien1t sslcontr 1ibuoss 'Ilic s c - operati1on17of7thIlstudnslis ilc'tssary 7to succss in itis partisiclr. Cctily 77er 15177117 whol has so7faliegiecedlctoC do1 Isis slt s'shoul ie slsssiuites enough to7makeIup'i IIs linency at. 11idut e1 1 Angl ssn heiccsion 777of Iisr- cent7isitto 1111111ni esil 1171777t 1111 bss' hilysgr"atify ig' t;iscigiia ,idens77u71presillt has 71071eilmor'e tha 5177177''e777t1111 omote s the 'siIsnlfres' feto 1111orsihisprliingi~s fromiapi o fond lsen7se' Illgatsitudel. Iis 11111 f1at Malt Illhs fgreatne~lss illedction andll1111 rissi Ills' silillssof tilsischooIl and sate The15 7771tissis 1endered'sim11111 lssIlls 117177 7 sundesrgraduates17 '. mus hae Iss's'i a7 source''7ofimuchllsatsfaction 1In Pic10 illI \sAnge'l, as iis tIs s 07111. IF. 117717's 5olu cllI 11111 The ' 1171i 171111111, 1171111e Ifo 177 11111117 sfa ll "Illsceri nl1171 uldm11111od1711e 111711177r, 11111eis Ill Ills 'iI 777717 Ands lsIlllsytis sIllp forsedssr 11111 t ' slc 771ihaitnt'coum .' 777a77 t 1771171 riend7s1717177tIh1e7Mairo1o7 aresl sor7. b'Ill c Fs x ' lNzo Shelock 'INMo les 1111 ' ll did ''o 117 ur 1k ou11111 s i Illpoab'bet IN'.h Ilhlts s1777g7 n ur tafi ode to c i eisI getting a7'' lall77 s 1777 o17- cute'lil 77 Nsnc l to m17771hi i tilco 71 sllls' 77177 s Ite hIll 5s7 th 1t eluch all il'I stis 71Itsns y Ill'emade 71.777cclikLIS T(I)l Iit 171 7 l 17711 70 e 7711i1r7 lit.7 77 177 vce 7her 17rs Ills'sspar'y of the7yea sfillshe Lagua 777177711 babou gumsi111 7171oil lls' lcllltg of1Mircis' The soial'1' I 'rille i,171717's777 .11 1711effort 51to 17sake ti n tems)tI ,1515 . 1 sucsl l s fu 777 l ilsss fucs.nsr t17r170Ths'hCr7777'che11s-l~ macesigiven17771m111c r: o f thieclas171 tome hortssrl hr, Ian'd i' 71de1r111177 c'rassn. oil prto hecas ' 51f'lIlf ,..NNAYN 0111 N;'ON, (ay' ]777)7 of thes'senior7' 1777 clss 17777ig11 and s7711s'sfl evni' l Islli'lllslcII \ beicl programI hefrs177 111iss7u1d 117171 wi~l'llI bia77n1at 1 15llssli thl"Cs-1 2 rIo ''i'Onst''7ack 1e'ter s gld march, lve l 1 I7ltll7H1ar1 1771stf.I onhl~lls walt, llanal 1717-step.'CI ic177 C.l. .cr: 711.777 171717lull'}: c1 177'She aPis by17t11 lh-oep 7771 177711111,; 57 ramo 77,711/. 1W step, Colege l 1i.17extr True flllllll1,l ) TIIl~.\ i fll D777 1.7771's 1 "'171 ( I I I 717 Ills I 7711 117171 Ja s :. A7170 711 l enA .1I17 1 a 1 atilhllV lpncelI' 11 0111 1 lilstt Whleras, inithe povidencec 7f1God Il- la esss-ate and frienl. Arhlul '11irilelnsen. has bhenscallel 17t17i17 mort'Cal life, Illrefore, be i IResolved, thain11li111 departureCC of A7tbr Crisenlsen, 1111e l111777es CII class1 of i9o4 of theUiert77s iy olil 117.171has suferedl the irrsprale llI's 11f 'a 77111ren I acs) 717a1711i771is'cl'1's-ma 77 ose Iprsenlceas a 1cri.177n71ll.i7 spilion tll o his'feill' sudes; that '1771'loss 11s '7class is 71777' suC1passed'l 11 1111' sor1777 fell isveacadsnilvidal 77177 her. Ressolv'cll. shal 1111' giC 7ll'7'clay.,' of 771708 llscs'1751ex1t7nds o the1parents5of o777 1717117'77 (Ills.,-1Timll'17u7r1' II 177 'l tillns 177'sentto dwll. h'it fnrsi7hCr Re1soledl.t1171a7copy of' Ihese'rso Illllls hsp ea 71 upon77t11e1recolds of tile sla"s',771d1t11771h111777 ltIon717177L77 FAl. 27.,777011 1777llnthor,7$2, oiper 77c5777a17 o 77r-7ices'te f7 oos. '.;7te'\N177 2267 '1 11175717 II Irs eelsl oo Mih~iigan ins,171fosli s11 plons. IIl~ssrs>cs's Jt set ivS o77177lMainisS. Try Phlelpis'Petfetiosnschoc7oltec77ffs and 11chips at1 kI1hitk's pillsissacy. Secotxd Semester News and Secondhand. Purchase Yours at fthe Book. store that's NEVER UNDERSOLD L.OWEOST PRICES GJUARAN- TIEED)ON Literary Textbooks, Law and rledical Books, Engineers' Supplies Notebook~s for all Subjects WAHR'S C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books NI-7005AND) +'I 'ONI) HAND. D)ICTIONARIES j IPRACTICE IBOOKS I QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cask trExI changqe for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phosne 761 325 S. State Strest, 2d Floosr I Ants Arbor, Miht. I Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING, Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis -*1 Dec. 1 Jacob A. Rits - - . Jan. 16 F. Hlopkinson Smith -- Lorado Taft - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. i2 Pres. Alderman - - rlar. - SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers " May 2 Oratorical Contest Open !Number - - - - -_ TEol.kotafor thtell rtire Coursse _ $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office. or from Student Seiles Seats re~served-SO Cownts Exjr4 -at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University .Hall, beginning October 30 -IMO1LZ#AD3IISSIONS $.00 S. L. A. 1" koie 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec ATHLETIC SUPPLIES BASEBALL Mitts, Giloveus, Baseballs, IBats, Masks, Shoes. WVe hase juttreceivedh a ttew 11110 of gosods wahiect aae are offeritg at thus' low5est prices. Baseball Shoes mlacde ontthic sprinter last, of fine kanlgaroolastock. sathftull lenigtlhplates, wshichl retaih as hligha as $5.0o, for- $3.50 and $3.10 TRACK SHOES VYleatanI ..alf O'cfordsclilstsed 'It $5.50oslnd '$'. 01)ak $2.50 and $2.35 Gym Suits and Shoes XWe inuite y'oultos exaineI i these goisis atnd)conssidhetr ssu prices. IDot'tbhuoedbs; sas -are thlei'aiuse of thur preset era of lustw prices.. Membership Foss 50c for Srrond Semester Kind W jd il Ito ote anthi r ;i~d face, bt t ti1 quickly soothed by te lather of WILLIAMS' STAICK ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. T.' .ins Lae.'ra Annr Arbor Gain'cNorthI95Ola. tm. andt4:3ip. m. GoiiigSouth 7:20a. 5mt., Ii:ks. m. .nd7:at .ui. T1. J. IC ttIiV, 5W.T. WILLS, Glen'] Pass. Ageunt, Agent, 'Tioldi, Ohuis Ass Arbor; Stick hell pone i5- Enose phone 693 \\1CR1GAN (JENTRM "he Niaigara Falls Route' Chicago Buffalo Boston New York 'thraughTs irainss East--a.1 a. in., 2.40.)Mc., 4.55 p.01i.,.30 pI . .1.05u I. om. Locals East--76.0assn, 011.1) .. m., 54fS p.m. *8.367 p. itt. Throaghs Trains Wet-2.f7 a in, 7.58 a. mn., 9.Isa. 0., 2.'33ip. im. 10.2fp. m. Locals West-224 .16 m., *8.28 a.m., 01.40 p. as., *6710 p, i. *IExcept Sutiday.) Clsonections ci Chicago for St. Loots Kanusas ('ty and theusat. W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor Busy watthe CoOp TII L fGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES- THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE St.