1"'- ^ - Th4 T C I 4GAN t IaA tof V I t7 P, IVI 1 ., 11 t 1 xivZ-V iv "tit14 1 ---------- - I for Art and Skill in Iailoring Call Olt SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HVRON STREET Class Caps and Gowns A Full Line of Samples of the W. C. Kern Caps and Clowns is received and will b)e furnished the Committees of the different classes on request, or may he seen at this store. These are the Caps and Gowns furnished all the graduating classes of 1955, and which were roost satisfactory. We are sole agents. MACK (~ COMPANY INE mLVNTCUES DOMFS'rIo & IMPTED111)Clgarettes andi DoemesticeBa Imporled Cigars. A complete line of all smokxing articles. We0 areag en foe DTHsne & Co., LINKMAN & Co. ana 3 PPES, also for STAUY's & SCIIAFFEE'S fine chemislateBN-IBONS. R. I.. JOLLY. State St. Oho DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains -II STATE SAVINGS BANK wIV JBocoth Jno. V. Sheehan 55cs. Arnold Dr. V.C. Vaghanr luj. Ht. Wads E F. Mills N. J. Kyer John Haarer Ire. Koch Prof. 1H. S. Carhart losE . Z/immrmoans Christian Martin Try Oyster Bay FOR OYSTERS STEAKS AND [16111 [UNCHES Everythillg FIRST-CLASS Open Evenings BOTH PHONES 467 i ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. Youngs Hats, Spring Shapes. "eNone Better Made" States should establishi a fiscal prcotec- FIRST-(LASS COOK wishes place toratceoovcr any Wcst Indian, S0o111 or ill frateernity to rook; good manager; Intercollegiate Notes. Cetral Ameericani republics which strati expecrienedt; libreratlisw.gcs. 711'50S11th miets a chironiic faitlre to eecttheir 'Thavcer. c-99 foreign inantocial1 obligatioins; gr'antedl, -- ___________- hr CUnieristy if Pennsiiylvaiaiblis- that iiithter tthcse repubiltics ior any Satisfactory tailoring ar satisfactory lwlalctam is still in tic coil in tie oilier foreignl naitiiini woldli iotjict.' prices. Fiillrr & O'Connor. 619gN Wit- cislr ec ol legiate clllnaiinilli imi.1ilci 'oltilhas tie1negaltivel. Lot street. rf Itarar icii 1w traitioosripof tie Siudents statiottery a1 stuideiitsprices. 'Theiv iiersiy of Virginia still hiiid eisterniinitercollegiate tioctkey league pail ID. Coopec, 721 N. University live- achess tue ronatuelt IwsitthJohintittipkins lit iSatutday evening, twhcn tie cciii-Wnlr.iweids-If cmiiiersity oni Washiiigtioiis biirthdiay andnteam cilitiat Yuate 4 toi J. This is the ________________ thse dirfilloingli. fo(h iiconsecuteveiearitiat Harv-ard hai osn ithle thockey chiampitionship aind M~assage, biatths and hourly nursing- -the secionityear that I tactadacu os ete- MNiss Jessie Midley, graduate of Battle 'Ieic lace artunivlersity fenciog iteim foicut Vale ini the finals. Creek Sanitariuii. Phtoine1221L. eod5t woniih l ii angtac iintercollegiate meterI w iti C'oluiiai nme Massactunsetts Iiisti- \F1XN R(R M If you are not particular, go to anv titl hl''e .tg.teldtit nBostit,.lFri ___h toograpther;hot if yoir wanatthe hest. c cieniti 'li'A ur iltrayscet cvt ome to Alexander & Co., Henning ii yacs ie eiuit.lt li i h t ate tie follotwiing progriiam Sattiriday tbtock. eod-tf lhigltiuig likettrntenyceseeintig.flare-ct t , 7:3Jo Song, "Aitit - ittiacseuirsity fititmeit a tiickcIetiror." soiety;'tiotni, tlonce; infor Seiiior lawvs atid jonior enagineers birigaite ttit titer half ati hour's iwori, tltiddtress, Kiiig; talk, "Retation of please leave orders for J. M. ctass pipes 'avthe tti'KappauAlpttitate iftroii 'ulth~e ngineer lto the Comitiitty," 'War- a1 Ye Stiideiit Stiop, 61itr Wittiam it tgeccuits lure. ie 'itifoirtiitalititress, Luiia ; detbate- street. tf "Resiolvedth tat tie Seitate as toss exist- \t tieotianI ltinet of Coreintc1tg tius assuttmeit greater tpowers thani The Aiti Arbor Press (formerly Par- auiiat tieIWatltorf Astoiatini iNes s tie iniItteitedfur its exercise tay the her & Siiyder), printers ot the Michigata 'Fortk City on Saittuuraylistii5itws an-i (iirtiers if tie Cionsttittin, uiid tiat Daily, 'The Altiunus, Inlander, Yost's itititieithitat tpretparaiilsi t i t ti ntionosceiwisiiitbeiitmfadteecgreat hook oii football, the Techinic, S. lo odagadru iontitiof aittluititttontstituttes ione if it'itithereligi'ves tindierC. A.tiatidbook, etc., etc., are printers ait Itihaca iiin s', iiit litbtratete flii ih urgsu e ri''tnmi'tt latiors at teto the stiideiittrody 117 R. Washing- tith -ili's 01 lii of ttudingoitpresent timei," affiirmiative, ti'i'i'itt, lBerry~u, ton sireen. tf Stiteg:;sontg, Y'elluotsanstltte" Yicttigaii pictures.Lyniioin. tf 'tTh 'Uniierily of Alt tle sub iwilloitt . meerltie 'ieircty' of Itisa ini detiate ____________ Glasses repaired. Friutay eeing. 'Itihe quiestioni furthe- Micttigaitpis, fobs and spoons.' Eyes carefully fitted and tested. tate is, "Resolitduth tat tie Unilitd AtteR'n JrWttLR SToar.. Main St GEORGE HSALLER, Mai St. BEFORE BUYING Your Spring 'a CALL ON WADHAMS (QLCon. AND) INSPECT THE NEWEST AN!) THE LATEST STYLES U, of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. GOV. BAGLEY Greatest 5c Cigar Made HIUSTON BROS. SPA[DIN'S - OFFICIAL ATHLETIC AMIANAC FOR 1906 Edited hy JAMIES E. ISULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDING . BR1 OS. New 'orl. ICluico lPhiladelphii tDenver Syracs atnneapius 8Si, Lois Btuffalo C(' tniura'i i3ototi anss ily San rleiisco Bltimoire Pitshrg wsasiingiei New rlesuss MoteisCo.,LLondin, to. Spalding's catalogueofaluthtlilitic sttrts maled free teeny adsiess. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Specisl Cars toiliDetit . .u. .neey t'o houruiil B ((z i. tire horsruti sil 0 . T11. 0:15p.si., Iteni111I. 'rwio-Ilotir localsr,' le 1.o .aisii:15 . m. soI1:1 i n.iicis I c o WATNP R.HR ON - ST.WEST ol iiiN. Briho latsClaspCal st care PUILKtelgiir-otmedi 1edcot stn andlong wear-niton BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS Dealers e . ,sl'By Mail IMoner .n.e~is JieaiNo FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Aror, liche. Ef D. Kine, Fes. tarrison Soul, V. S. W. Clarhs, Cashier Captal, $1.00.00. Surus ard Prott. $0.00 GEORGE BISCH'OFF FLORIST Chol.. Cut Flow..-. andPlas~t Chpln St between IHuron andt'riter Ave. Phone 505 Save a Walk Down lown Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 1fl. Pins where they keep ai full prices. No yaf'ide. poor stock in our store. a 'Nr t hi n g charged for 'e ii oooig at our goods or ' gme t tiinig prices on repairs, etc. Atarro clocks $1.05 and up Call at the right tiace opposite Law Building. HALF-TONES andl ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 An. Arbor Savings Bank Block 0 aig ig.0 .,A he tO 0 ert/' 0,0 b or 0 0 0r- 4- O ,b..i 00 o .0 v.' bat) 0 00 © m ti . G m a I1y h OW aN V"a o U a mG a 0 " " Q o V 4ti WADHAMS Q~ COO., 121=423 Main St. -, 4. Senilor Classrnven We wish to inform all members of the LITERARY, MEDICAL, HI-IEOPA'THIC, PHiAR1IICAL, and DENTAL Classes that we will reftse to make sittings for their class picture; after PHONE MICH. 895=J. 66 HOME 36'7. FEBRUARY,,28. A LEXANCER t&eCO. HENNING BLOCK. WI$ RT NEV-ER UhIJ4RSOL4D---GOODY"AR'S DRUG STOB.4