TIlE MICHIIGAIN DAILY G. H. WILD Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of hh-class fabrics and seih style for ste- CG. H.WILD &CO. ' 311 S. State St. BARGAIN'S, IN BOOKS if yoeusnould sact money (soy your bhus at the Students' Bookstore 320 State St. Books for all Departments of toe U~niversity. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Books Engineering Books Lntin; Greek, French and German Books THE MICHIGAN DAILY.; 571 \\ 11WOKS ATl.11LIIMY Filtered ans secnd sclanassmatter ;itte.Ann Theltibtsaroffiilsthive ttade ac- Arior totfftre.tantgtsttentns wtll I. ,. StectrtCo.,ist- pr tistg agnts at Nesw st 1 to-e 1tskttlsre I daily (Monday eeptel) paritesht iipets fn est books -tnt I tt Ike in- cotllege- year. at 11; F,. 55 ashloeto srsp5tt iecti oof tine faculty s irregulatin- BellPhon 555Hotte 5 tlteittteressis thtronghtont tie estiege year. Thsis arrangtetent wsill ettt .e thttoset enstetd Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW sii ieslcis Ot t i letsr Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS nsleparttment s to'. sastsile tanlvttol EDITORS tates lbefosrertect.naating ttemstfor Attl 1ie- Onanat--C ARENC F. ELaDRIDGE Purcitthtase y tte ii tttt. Tliist stf News -------------- ARmaca C. ttOUNo tes ass, mtatde upttf Ftencthsanst E nettanget------CHAaRLss E. WIsnN sTA Germtatn putliicatitttt-,(atserr-ed antt it Musc----------------A. 1t. OTMEYERta lsoks an if tltttt v; ere ttts dsoubt asst Sttsss...---------- Est IAnUSrcNnsss thttnttccess ott ite .ert-ittteslt . EfDlOsRl(.L STAFF Alreadly titis fall LibrartianssKttchths ttssets Allen . FrankinssC. Parseceivr4sedlarsgte tts-ro f 'tew booksts. LossiI.PStielssey. (stleote mst t tist-515 volemes re- ASSOCIASTES ceiv edsi i Ths e ler-s (Guidto nsPer- G rsts A. O(Isons 1tasass a (. STIIts iodsicalsiLiterasture, 1930)04 9., cattttttt . J1. EasasoGSiIsI. Gnss. A. 1A Stas i It, CnAssss 05InsN FR-stNo .tCLARKs This is 55tcomplet~e sndex to ts- sixty- lstsss :II . (UnANtY ii onnvA. MNMtnsssst wo lesdinsssg smasgazinesssof the E.,gii- ts. t-. STEVsosNSN WAsLTERs MsETZnBANIsn speakhingswotridsforste ie ttyeasrs ends- -- ~insg Decesmber 31, 1904. Tise formttof I;t- lATES; $251ist y ner . te ?55 ,titspas)in sdexinsg usedi s is at sif tke diictionarys astasee.catalosguseiby givinsg 'astihrss ndse ;c Address: WALTER B. BANS' Boninessan frqetyheile Tisvlm Manager. 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. wtil te foundsissonltetaibie (strindiices jet set of st the sild stssstgise riesn t list readinsg roomss. \sssssise Aoter worttk sof impossritance tsoi1s- tray- studentts is SioutsT he istLibrnary )f Literary Criticism ofstiEnsglisih ands 'Ii itkSl).Y. (iCTOBEER . t \m sletr sss.Autihors" int eigih t o ene. - Nis wort: iterefer-_,:. -c_).. -ltl CALENDAR. Stuttitsstsstwoae msakinsg prepaations (Set. d-weiti meeth ttlt itng a itst i st :1I vlms f"eed'sstoerns Eloquseste iall.i1. y. eilssl.Thvlstmssis51s- 1 5 jsuIstildedi lits. ;--FcutlttconcetIl.FPiee-hal-i to hlis raits ea i i lit it icai soratorsys p ttttrtt 115 ssit (trenubr ofI ssesehes lies. 6 --Frs-sSophstruss. of lt t mest listinguitshed ora5tor55s 551 (let. 7--1iiciigstssns. Case at Perry fieisd. the sIts ciState-sind reat (ritaisl. (lct. 8Sn stiiso-bisFranses llrisig Bhooe w' sssisss atses of Scotiand, Newbeitt- hall. Sundssay,-. t p"0ll Essgi-stsi andi sWates shav-tesseen tadded Tusday, ts71it. Ill. to thetsqmap sca lse tesetssiistg troom Oict. 8 -T. IH.P. Saitr. 1).. I)ic1'ii- ind somelttne-n itinaiels have beets tall hassl. 16:30. plceat1 it thditspotsasifsthelis stssletss ________________ Wtin as ftwtdtys-theretwill bepitt e Te acli sit ofi upperclarssmenssnt event- )stse referecshelives--ss t-essntlis-i isng its chissgisg lt-e piace otfholdinsg il sof the I st sstpstistPititic co-ss tse annualss Frshi-Sophsirsh it ndttin si-ssslg osteIlss si lnmes. llaiitsosnssts biging gsgforwa-rid lteisletsofsti mse thitentylsfIourssvolumse sof ltesninth SO(i(((( ((0kEPOST[ R5 CRAT(7' SrNSAl iON. AAs herlie jpl0(iefoutndslgeet (post- er staidgvmsittemstfromts s idites triest tier ,sskr eslerti - nsssrstisg. rSi- alkss. tleers. titpthone ttolesandtssn stor s il(ore list greetnies si-inck thresateed sdirethinitgs tste sred iresiies. .stss tie residencee of lOvatt HuItschisosfte last- desartmetss d ii sots esrcap~e. At tnt -olock Wednsdrtay smorsing fly sophomsottres areseistillsoo00gres testers startedi 0ut1otthlitlepasing e- edtiion. Osne ihtunscitwas casdliy te cits s t.policmtain-io iredsi(s pitol inthe litair.bttaltliescapeti exceps tilne ssfsrt tssletellhts st-tutrprised iy tie cosp" assdforcedsits girthisisnane e- lsste he stas releasetd. G;eorgeRupl~sey a fresh itifrstms lis- tlt,I-Mimti., saseenber of tie Zetst Psi fratrnity, stinle atemp~ting 5to tttpholdt te htotnor ofhisisclasss, was rusgly Iatt- Iesi iy te isqei Int. Rsstsiy folloswedi tsr of lthesopyhomsosre gangs abst townsr tssd as fasts theisy psstedi tp te(ost -ets itroceesidid ttulisltthem -st.n. hi en~gthlittws t eictedsad aptietutsredtiits jse Sophomortsc. (Isewtsr forcedl tnt mlt Itest silsi ntstensmeattredi fromstss tos foos tillspt-te -. ftrethisisospertisn ,hd Iets-Iefortedtesis t-ssetss istih rsi td eses givnc h(itssosrsa1nd stststedto thiss roomslinsg hitSs is coth- in en etllaslistZetlPsi(osses TRACY SWRiTFS FPRl iONE't -beare Psapa Iisi yo11get mstt ster? Csnstoutmake te irttinisssstllmet $32? 1 lsst fountds soul totday thast Inedsm moert- iboasrsdttc. Is-I stI wll s e t steposit $3 (str basckatlthetnd of teseest rIt ']'ls forsgoin ttgossctsss-'appeltwist-t te pom-sotftce- (tr b(ster iretsion.55 if "Tracy" is still tngs-for te thiry- twosshetwould do el nl1t clliat tt ssstssflces-ands I tstsess tis-crdsortti- ler stilt., write asltistere.mtsforgtn-tingsa tn-sct 51statmp~. Tine AlimsArbosr Press I(formsery (sti et & Ssydeltr),(printers sof tle ist- i slttts (yaly.: The hitsmsis, tlissts er. YSn-in C. A.,thtsstbotokt.etc.. etc..sre printer-. ts tie stutttbttody.ln 117 1.\Wasshig- tosn sre. 1 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Thet (rt regtul-r sethisg 1sttie 5. W.C A-. sill tsr hetld 5on1Thutsdaevent ing1Oitober 5,.at Is tttin Nwb (erry (alt. Titsubjisect iss lsThe NtCollege Fesar." Sis ss i Stties I (ater. hit 'giltirtlt mots5ttoritlstirite Is . Piste(prospsectuss -dvsertsngthe lstuSs- estis Lsetisre tassition11coustrs ttsst tse otainedi st tinS.1. -ofie sfer sdoo c slistodatly. ~rk~s s iS-her All New and Second Hand University Textbooks Draughting -Supplies and Athletic Goods At Big~ Reductions To meet an' attempted compe- tition, we have decided to sell our entire stock of Universty Supplies at astnscishing PRICE RE itiCTIONS. No Membeship Fee! Cost Not.- Considered! Textbooks Atletie Goods C. E. Barhl LAW' DENTAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND i 1 trophlty itllughs tiitthichthe tealtiters otf tilt ltasthtcoutld eidenititssiedtis cer- taintly t to ecoimitme-ndeds. Hlitofoe evesryting hasttbeen inittniitetastttshsie iss wh-ich enverybodsy :(las talkenp(st. r ills year sialltprclassssmesn iso itt ks-ti HEADQUARTERS FOR sssst. Gistie thne entti ta hane. if Drawing Instruments and Engineer tiltspsostore s, atler a years tap--ri- ing Supplies. et ttcattu IItke stre of em le, C p tlst sthrsllesthvtttsheir ftss. Pert- S e h n & "hapiI H ~ Lst~ s 1( ex1tI sears cltss may e e a r J ''hrog'htentill of tine late Drn..h f' e Q ~a 1. iot, IfCaltifirssisatine Usiter-lity jo innst ilitreceive $200000 (sir PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET situ slisgery.----- 1 editiott. Tlib iirarian hopets stfosr lnsg toIle en cesins 5o11 sutitabe iiratsstn studets sintd proflessors ctallsekssssnss msadelt (yexiibitiing somt e - titooks (it tst15isttemorry sheling' nathelitdetliey lest. STUDENTS. A lire insusransce poiircyssting.$.09o may nsa vtittu$400. See \W 1(-. Sitt, roomist20.,.hnns Anton Savnlgs bstainlck osr ctai lls Belt pkonet 249J. tf_ lThiin ni rborPrest s r ity Par- kr i&Snsyder),r sits osfnthli Sliln Dasily.lT hitstitin s. itlitder, Stst's get soo:oiin ftban.ttist.lst - ss-ttcj. SC C. A.h ndsiooknt.etc.. etc., tretprinter. Itn Ills studnst bodyis. t 7 E. tstasi; to (strter-. tf Cash or Exchange, Books - for Old WASTEPAPER BASKETS, iTe annualstclass tcrasp titteeistile SOUVENIRS, ETC. fresthmien andsnlsophtomnores nil the Cii \T-its- nf Ksanss s ( belen supsededit~t 55 v (wha t Psittitti termis tine peatce D)ARLING & IIALLEAUX jubile.Tins juilete cotnsists ,of a par- Bath Phness. 224-226 S. State St st nle ite ito catsesits "robies tieituit." Annou 2lcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 SOUSA'S BAND ER-PS PTTHOM PSO N' SEON (Naturaiaist, authosnrand ltusrer. p (Social reforimer anid author) JEROME K. J Ofivttt (Eniglaind's ltsnorisl)- LORADO) TAFT (hiericas greatest living sculptor) LEAI .POWERS - (lImpersontator)I F. BOPRINSON SMITHI (Assthois.atrist, anndlecturer) lION..CHAS. B. LANDIS (Ilogletploliticiant anid oratosr) FREDERICK WARDE (Notedl:EntglissShnakespearean actor and, lecurer) PRESIDENT ALDERMAN' (Usnicersity of Virginia) ORATORICAL CONTEST (Open enmber) S. L. A. Officer-Main Corridor, University Hall; Hours, 4-6 daily (Sot- urray excepted)BMiebilgan State lhoose, 552. ([C'ourse Tickets, $2.00; Seats reserved 5te extra; single adisiotn $1.00. Tickets may be- obtained at S. L. A. office or fron student sellers. COaOP, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Co- = Operative .Store s SOUTH STATFE STREET C. F. KERRIGAN, '08 Law, Superintendent Liberal 1Discounts to Members. Supplies of All Kinds. Ist a Pew days outr stock will be cotmplete. Eugene Dietzgen Co. Engineering Supplies. Join the CoOp atmd Help M~zdrktair1 Low Prices C. E. Brthe1I 326 S. STATE STyI. Teleyhane 761 Risky E:usin&;* to shave with itlfit usap. TFake no such chances., Stick to the old reliable WILLIAMS1 HVN ENOC". DIETERLE, Embalmer and'Funeral Director tnbslancen-Calls at enu eday ornr og t. JS. 4ths Ane tslsiitti s4stie Pthinse 40. Ains Arkor. ipo tink ~ \\ICHIGAN _____ P ts StnglTn sell'o P?,Vjl - THt SHtOT LINE (CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to ;BUFFALO -BO$TON withtdec d rtit c 0 fin hie agcsyIsis I5t..- :Ica0. s. ssi.ity...! tPaul ald the \West. -For -loft rmina nd015 thirsugh tickets (:ail in or write tosNVh. W CASK, Agent, iann Arbor, -46 , ,nf.1 9 Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WA HR=The Shoem an 218 So..Mahf-n'St.