TlIT E MICHIGAN DAILY Hoekifin ale y lT1AtINSl 4YUW1 iTid Four Train s D"aily I F rmCarrying Parlor Cars on. Day T ransi< Sleeping Carsorc igw Trains Union 1):,po a I dca n d It is t'rrt i do it oel reli sell more N il.i 1551\ _5KA1 )SAMN k -r IPer Can, 10 Cents Per Case at Pou Ar Dozen, n $4.00 In1 5 Case LtPrCase, 4.40 214soth DEAN & CO. Ann Arbor Alain St. Michigan Press t:a ,.;:t ae I ) Itrotcornea from e. being a carte - I r e man is yours/ -by askingoV ok. ntdthat does not or on 1 xtravagnt-my creatiosoaY r10 iyed. WAISTCOATS "MACKI'NF1 IF Reasonobly pied To0),COATS p3 ,.c; ts 1 Judge fI i PRICES REASONAXP;" E :mod? ,_a.. MZ isni ta S n COOKHOUF 1itiaL5 sa 'f {/rdais,( n "iSA ENT§CLE1I' Reuesentative called upon Vo e prot wonIrn n )oci 0 al C o;on dozno$150 Cabinet Photios and an extairo:rito ensian, all for $3.00. e^ri i' _UNIVERSITY NOTICES. - I 'tr II I ) 1 w lll( ll rlb it 1 lc110)11' ill Roo isIli'll l 7wl lt~ " J Ap e PHOTO GRAPHER - - -INDECISION 111,iv cost' ass tear if you sttidy too Im-n as to where. yasirl1 send yasir shirts, collois cuetffs, ee. ;tohbe washed. Stiv. YorsselfItihoughtl, svorry antIex- pei it hrhlsitis call Fist anythting C t assz wont laundertied. We. make not caroge ['(sttiftlanti returns the goodls, tr i i ist 55 lien intl where yoti.waist / re Telephne, 928 Vrs~y Laizndry a 117 87 4th Ave. Buth Phonas 928 ._ N 405 1 1 -< natural dryn pagnes, Tis is acquired, ) Trih af to of ripeness. I experience t perfect i heP 10 for $y tmail posta d-Iff pniac° deaesse~nd ~ftr tear,;r7; ALLAN RAMSAY. 111 Y X1:3 Y t~l ilt il.t11 t<\\. c k of thMra i ic , us lke th tit rc1 i? . i i < 1 a icliWk. ,suet' m ' X 111 r 1 ()()11l (31 117(C jii. 11fii1'(\V :il Ii. 1 1(' l l iii li1 rt \ic isi tlc n ii ii 11 or isi. IIil o f t e M u a d i '41° f Ais n a e i t ip r i cS u a , g oM anvS 1C rngnAslced ' l btl iiciciii ai te biiiike th ust thetoright point iiiii Ciriliriti make his ualiy tt' tlehIi1s ad]lr} usn- . l~iiiit'1 a Y1iiii U oiiiiiieii 122iri (rri 1i;1 51 Id oiiiiiii e 1ooliogst oa fil Avnu. Ne rk. Ciy l y thle(Bestorench la3i 33A 223 < S . Mayin YSt.R, an t Ilj y] 24 CaMg Ivel' - 14.. STD LAIIPS $ "2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for I=3 Cent per Hour Sav e Eyesight, Money end Irouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. iii W. J. LOVRIM 104t ve i isiou r ouse t o 8--15 A Business Strcly Confidential F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING e '- y i .- f ' _._- _= a w.® t a ..... ._.x x1 ;_ Itt it oh I)RUU O RE3AI BtAILEY & Lr)D'JU IDS 11East L inerSy;SinSe. Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES lIL ARD, THE TAtLO THlE BE~ OFWEVERIY- THING IN TAILORING