Vt 110100 ~, o.o 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractivie Style New Colorings FR IMEN'S W[ARI j Largest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POPULAR PRIiCES Full re s uits a Specialty G. H. Wild Co. Leading '~MERCHANT TAILORS 311 . State St. ~11 Mitts The Newest Models The Best Matrials r The Dependabl Con struction which char acterizes all of Spald1 in' od ALL 01111 i 501B11L1. 01111 S Sheehan & o's Students' Bokstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamoond or othet peroalpropety Watches and Jeo oelry rpaird. Bargains in Wathes & IDiamond o11icr at residence xp01l,. Lberty st AititAbor iHours: Bto 11t:30 a. i., 1 to 3:0 andoi to S p. m JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Etere -as seondotclas t ter atithe Ann Arboroootoftitl. Puoblistheddaoly fMonda ys ooexcipoid) bui tioe college year, at 117iEasitWathiingtoni street. 1113C 0005 too89.hoeoooponess76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDOITORS. Athletics ........ Clarencer1~. Eldridge Nesos...........LaussD. Sickey Exochoaogs...... ChlstiL. Winisiead .otousiot.... ob........ . 11. Oritmeyei Wooen........Fife J. Armsirosni EDIITORIAL STAFF. Huogb Atleoo Franklin C. Parks Arthusr C. FPsind. ASSOCIATES. leorge A. Osbsrni ttretd C. Smitih Ferris N. Smith George A. Barnes ttobert 11. Clancy irank J. Clark tto-srt1. yo-utottl Hentrry A. Montigomery 1.F. Steronosn lVsiisr Mezenbasum Glenn _cBoalry Johono1. Wsur Roy V0 . Lull tFloyod tI. Joes 001011 It 1thanisoe of tile mtilcder phasi~ee ofthe ItrivalyIThe it-ttotal 1urial of oll stablerunivestyt in 1 cte oot oo trwtek 0s 0100100eIf serliotts0ettotte to ttooloke its h000 opfotrotoretedy. Tha Itt d i Promised1. to0t t0(1 0018ylthelt Stud11101Co01111011wich af tter odeliboera- tion110001otldtoo ntitnte a1tig-of-woar loo et totttt to ia lasoses,oWili theit 11011000 ve110 et1eloot0100hc-enoos of tthe r00100.11uch a1soluitio00101 o tttuzle 1110 001 1010y001not stliohta0 Nitoiganttradi01- 110011bt 1 ts1e1 y nle100100tle-ty ommends tlit. 01'er loo s00011ttn1t tltl (oftdit ma1110111. is arlth itlghlt ofoi01 totithuirediittroypiting stde ts draoedthrttiootgho111eititoloy wa1 r of1theHur01 Stic10100 1 a11 CrIosing ofthe .111 r1100111 rir"in00011 i h t of i thousandtot tcitt;spoetatotors offers exoteme11011 para lleloedoolyintt hocantls of1 1111 Romantarieta.o IutIf11111sott toughi to i 1, Olt Ole eits tog 10001111 '1h too -o f-«-tl 1111 ill11 effetuatolly tisoseot of tilte1spr itotburs011it otf0101.s 110v0111 ill ao loov, owithott lood00001011 a1dott i thliot tesnaio sity10101111001. lo thlisfea10001. C01 oupl00wi h te 001t1haoot jeisteotdioct RATES:0 $2.5o per year, or $s.00 if paid in ofte sttiotltiCooottcil, teseCrosslin~g advance. ol oft-eJordan" 'resolttiolout tghtto 11011 thetiv10ettlupport ol tto tteio troty &Adress: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 2365. i2ith St., Phone 8419 L. SC ltA\V, WlR-C bENfi. 00)06. 1001 10001.03 y-til.3N0N D. BRNADLEY. CALEFNDAR- - lo 3 . I ot III.ooit. ol Ni~ il 1 loot, I'm tbuilitng. 710 1P. Ill. Wtt llotol0001100 (sec pl-s at loare toor, 1:30. it) N 000001 1 Ior lasttg o ato ria 3 10- .01 co 00000 l ttlte t U C). 22 -: omilo\'t intt3. bith , rob Casoot l \otgotlhilol. 1ach 23 . Firs e ar30001 boot a010o0 at00i001 001101asmen lnd tepive soupptt~ot of evryeo0011ite Campus.t The110r100e0111 cha~rges m110110 against M\ichiganoo tholeltictaoohoitiies atloegingt that intuettntoswereo-f1fetred Cooseo. te foootbaoll 1113-r, ototrletoe0011 ant crbting0examole ofl tilt- loottotod ittma e o- 01t byanirr103 nsibl 00000 oltoo wi-ll 1r0u1sh tontooitwt 0001cusatilitonsbaeod 1u0000n toefltttet 001t oftevidence, or 0110011110001evience -it ol. It 1 isiply- saidthaioo tey11010 offeredo I oindoemotslat~tolc00010heret. 01h10s is a0 se1r1000s011har0-e00110d0110ewhicho, if md.sold beisit ortedto-iby pottr loece Rt hoot a00 ooohlofIproo~f i0 off-roed toottuport toechaorgoosttaooeoitt 0c0110e0tionloottit Case-. Obv-ioutly,-.tlth. the1ech1res otreomdeoylot meoatdis- 1.0110 lo Iperon- r one00 010w1hIo w-iihed 1to 011j1113 litlotgat's thleltio etat~tiont 11ewort 1prtof itis10bthtoenews pap 000010emto 010000 oeage-rly att01 sotof 100100.if si t ois,0010n001ivit o(il t-etpromtinencelosibooole.It itis soot of thiitn loot 0thatha opeluiodtol 0 0010003peoptletagaintecollege=010athltitcs. boon.urpart, 0000re0sck1anottirtetolof it. if anyone00koo f ly out mtosill \iclig11 ahlti sstm 0011 010otoeyono 1 brtng specif 0 ictharge boofore toalrdl ofIcontrtol.Ce01100111 10 tI() oeperon wrll1 000use.Iptofesoor Pot t11 ottolandhi-scolleagu0 teof tontitto lo-nten110. tttil sc cl~ ton1001 111110 is taokentonotool 0 oiortghtt int supp~ort oof these charoogeos,1we feoIjutst ifiodlia synthat1110wevobeolieveth-emttt tooblotitt- osireoibiotatolic01110 jeoi ttot-of 3olicio gatto gl orioust athletic roecord. One 0t0110111 sh1ll 01n1i1t0upo. if theo proosed tui bg-of-wtar11 ite litvori sigiig "Roll. .1To rliot, Roll." FfO10 10101 --1First-ciotsos itie. 720 S. Statie street. 00-96 Satisatorv tailoringitg1 stisfactory pricrs. Etller & O'Conttor. 6i1gR. Nil- lat street. tf \lNi ) IFSSfl IN hl 1,if.S f 1(31110110II\1CF S 15 CT0b10 The ~-fol lgIto0ta tportioooo 1100ttc' receivedoo-1 o0 limembeortof '1110 (11110} tall frootot (o bot Nt 1110 on h forterotuet 11000010wit1100 10010 1 to 01011111y110 01 lhto 0101000K0 tot 0 liii. 01 oi Iit to t, hil t A n y r Ilo 01 litwM .1001 100 1- oioi iiSlke Ito Ii rv orotuna lteo b110 h oh 01101e a Nottolpay iostittoot ItoI'onteotagN. 110000 00 1 (110-1 0du l 'ie patlif tohr lay, eoil to00100110010 1110000li lGretts ompooot hao o o 61otto-or antooertothe1 olay It was0 113intll tio100 to 1r1turn0 to 011l 0 111100ersityI 110 otoil a d I c01 00 00 100oool liiots odocas1hd enelce stag0e 11manager0. ott o (001000010 0lint 111001011 ott ttlt1001011ntto-frood w1 it 1110 pla1110 I 00100nc luded tot co 011 back too loatrol Nciganto.rtttotooo0too 110 uivrity a ot alTh0 rsu to ta I(oiedM. oret' ompanyoo. MllMO11)11 Ni l"RI'idl It i to omary11 00 10intoe medocl cl oll00 too itVCeaoo- ealom-moiait - - ~ e 1atm n.100 e r he :.101,- wv1 ie ldoloThootsdaytoe00e100110,bolt to 2 ito S-rahtooio (boonoillNotaol.tOil C 11. G. bdt 011011010 0101iheth1100pttOklo of theo-eve-nin tndittIhto twil tll; emtilt lift-and00harcter o Mo 0000010, fotto 111lort em ofleI t editt aItofi cuftti Aftor teceboo hir il ea itformalotigtheing t in 0BaIr01100011 c 0 nastittm. Te afairi ld110101rttooote auspy~t ice fte 'Stdet' AMeicltiso cie yt. PROF. K ELIY SPfEAKtS IN KANSAS CIfN Prof. F. NN1 Kclcy, hoad of thoodI- pa.rtet of 1.01111, lcturedon 111Biurie-d Cities' ill KanosCit lot telo, 10100er- the auspices of the KansasooCty- broonco of li eicarn ArtcNhraeoetlogcal0000101., WNhile commtilin~thg 0010t110 civrol, t- Kasa Cotoo(ily Star quotes lProf. Kelsey0 aso odelrig tlitthe phov10erbil1 iii t- 0100-01fot- "de-ooi 1 otgoloein11Attte to thit 1101st-aet}totar1 tindethe ito Latltlttttilti I ta~e foth000rtytofft ultc iCn(lol lob oCl- Nowothatithe Itio 00-0 semesotitr--lot tk at1 Barourotgit 031 10 ittis otittle ogray, thte exce n -rollmenot is0f1000101to c000011 of tihree1 1undoeodtao d iflt. gobs, lhe loorgeotiitttberoithotuhasooe0001 ro1000 foot 1011300011 i wott-btile liee.4 Mallti re on oaorrnigdt-ol the 110-; creased a1 01 tttloitco oil not001 11000 I( 111010 tlasses,-oh1ti i 00-t1001 te lsse0. wtill bl oo uOtto-o totlotrg or holu lst oeil el er. i Secomnd ,SemesteW] II New and.Second-hand. Purchase.*Yours at thse Book= sto re that's .,NEVER UND)ERSOLD) LOWEST PRICES GUARAN- TEED) ON Litefary Textbooks, Law and Aledical Books, Engineers' Supplies Notebooks for all .Subject-; WA HR I I l __ _ _ . Feb oi to iorfoolooii 10s senorclas ratrialconitiet. I to titioal-oindotoortack meet.1 Stool. 111 li can approve1heartly t-th itudira oto ootilstitt min1tio10t101mait 010011 001100"liattin: ofthe toi 01000T1h11 tco liothnte01laveraecl lege 111011nl. 1 attyearlltoitiiiO untlowardroort ilons, 100001110c1me po111101111d11gerotis to lift- an limb booh d tohehtdencots. quiteo 30- eralv reoglaze 1e0110geil111101 hir been-it indcdlalorgely3b113-hoe retmettbrttoc110 of thittwoe n w1h1otlaoid1in theiopitalooo gglitig ng.for i- lifle agaoliost01kife 010011101deaolt 111m1 103 01croazorifroieoottn. 13111thesotdagout111110acciets, thilough ar'orcer.10-i morI eitrousi to thte 111i- COLL-ARS d~iffer1crito-ote or bothtvo setjaoit. ts- ttooecollrtohoa101 t:oo heoie sie-,-ltl0i t coitsleeotit of l~tth e ll le.asit 11000s 010000n 0000 ),lg itit. (I00000c i thrlil bi cs1 and . (fn110l0 Ier Sizee Ito oo0011things.-10010totisitol 1 5c each;2for 25c Clluett, Peabody d~ Co. Clbfii a2611S. 4th..A-re. Phoite 93. io idetie 1302 NI7tb Are.:b-Phone :114 AMBULANCE- as CAL!.L to yotur footie aildycsifrf ace «-ill WP1A~ - SSTICK ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TresAos Leeh ve Aexa Arbor- Going Nttrotoll:05 . mi n id d4:35p.no. Gtoig Sohi7:20a. s. 11:3:5ain. andi7:55 p. m. . J. IIIY, W. T. WILLS, Geitl Pass. Agent, Agrnt, Tooledtt, Ohiot AnArorto-liclo Bell those 130-h r lomle ptonte 618 VLCH1GAN CENTIA L Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through TrainEast--8.i8ai. .0pin., 4.55p. in, 5.305p.no. 11.05 p. ii Locals East---.05 a.in., *11.10 a. it., 145 p~ll *8.36 p. min Through TraisWes--2.07a at,, iS.5a.it.. 9.i8a. m., 2.33p . m.1020 p. Localo West-24si.0., 8.28a. so., t.4S p. in., *610 p,.ma *'(Exgeptt Ssielstsi Connections at Chicago toe St. Ltous ifansas City and the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ass Arbor Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis -- Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - - - JaB. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith - _---- Lorado Taft - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman - - - riar. _- SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - - Tickets for the' Entire Coturse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. IL. A. Office or from Siudent Sellees Seats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extraat S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 11I401E ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phon~e 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec TEXT BOOKS' New and Second Hand Engineering Instruments and Supplies We are the Special Agents for the Eugene Dietzgen Company TABLETS and NOTE BOOKS Don't be fooled. We are the cause of the present era of Lowe Prices. Membership [ee 50c. for the Second Semester. B-uyiftt the Co-p D ouglas Shoes WAAH R Thebnhomanw 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes YY~IIX kIV I~ XIU R