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February 18, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-02-18

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The Michigan Daily

t(ol. XVI.

ANN ARBOR, MICII GA , .FLY DAY. f-IFll.ARY 18, tror.

No. t97.

- ------ -------



World's Champion Makes Aston-
ishing Record in Firt Trials-
(jarrels and Dunlap Do Great
Work in Practice.
of the many creditable performances
executtedl in the gym yesterday after-
oon, by far tie most remarkable was
that of Wesley W. Coe, tie world's
champion shot-pastter, who shoved the
>xse-pomnd shot 46 feet, 3 inches on
sne trial. Hsis other efforts reslted in
pus of from forty to forty-six feet.
Wtite Co has been working in the gym
fir some weeks, hie has devoted his at-
tenion o handball ad chest weights,
and yesterday was his first workot with
tihe shot since he entered the sniversity.
if the shows even ordinary improvement
isring the tractk seasos, Ralph Rose's
issdoor record of 47 feet, 6 iches for
,ho' sixteesn-pousnd shot, his indoor rec-
ordl of 56 feet, 3 1-2 inches for the
rrseive-posusnd shot, asd Coe's own rec-
or of 49i feet, 6 iches for the sixteen-
porsndr shot otdoors, will susdossbtedly
go glismering before the evening of
rJune .
I nlsap and Garres iere also ot and
practiinig tossing the iron. Dsnlap ar-
rivert at he gym late, so lie did his
resetk in te basement, where the rots
eamn interferes with slot-ptting. Con-
,crtsestly no line can e gained on te
slItaster Dnlap pst te shot, trt from
tie form lie- displayedl he was probatly
partting it absut forty-fosr feet. Garres
rworkedt out for the first time, and on Iis
hestr trial Ie rdst43 feet, it inches.
Pinch continuses to do very cosistent
wr-ork in te husgh jump. Yesterday lie
agaisn dirt wehat heeIhas been doing o-
sisenty, g feet, so iches. Cox and
,eeie are doitg very little so far in this
event,anst in fact Cox has doe very
title sisseehisi phetonenal jump of six
feet isste preliminary meet last year.
Thresorkinthle tpole valt yesterday
sas especially encosraging to Director
Fitpatrick. Hsnt ssceeded in clear-
ig te bar at t0 feet, 6 iches, asut it
sas the unexpected performance of
Bishop, a freshman, who did o feet, 6
inches, tta drew attention. Bishop, so
is from Chicago, won secosd place is
sie iterscholastic seet last sprirg.
arrels sort i-trrlbert n-rc sent oer
rie hurdles and toth look good. Gar-
rels looks as if he swiltisake as mucth
ri ar star its the higr as in the loss
Ray Steswart ansI Bowman sert con-
siderable timre is practicing te star.
ltough Bowman scceeedl ir beatisg
Sirsart on one or tso trials, te vet-
rass was too fast for the freshmans
most of the ime. Boss-man starts weli
however, ad ot osly can he rmn te
straightaw-ay, bst takes te track in good
For the first time tis year Garres
rans irste qarrtr-mile sqa. Ie lest
te bnchs the first tswo of their three
lais at about :14 2-5, and by that time
ie and Goodwris were te only members
of the sqtad who were not hosc de
combat.i or at least so far back that they
coulsd ot tar coisidered in the runnring.
Johrnny then doppedt ot ads Goodwin
arstie last at) "in solo."
The relay- trials of the serior engireers
shich wiere to have beer heist yesterday
aternoona were postponed. Kahe'o"-
ever, ran a trial tp to 13 3-. Tomor-
roseard TruesdavayisethIe held the trials
for all the teanrs, as next Satrday night
orcrs ste first race, so it is necessary
that the teams get some practice before
they compete. Director Fitzpatrick wilt
holdI the trials for the varios teams at
any time in the afteroon that the man-
aers may wish.
Ilarvard pnion has an active enroll-
ment of over tso thossand.

Somre rrrretronrsile 5pe rs rrout in5Iosa
tas ag'ain raisedl a rry ffirartirletic
mtehodtschrarging MNcigasrssa tlti
aurthoritiesswihhIasag tiduced Cases,
thre star tackle, to entee here.Tire very
vaguenress rrf ithe charges aisrrnorghtrr
consdcrrnrrthemr, butrsthirsatchls gCresn
for wshat it aisswoeth.
tossa City, loss, e.17es . sss e rity
anad college spoerignerrirraes irsrosa isave
bseess stirredt irs Sa srprisingC 5mannr.
The hrand rof tire «N's ri sses, dsitetheSir
prolonrged cry r arrest5or reformisorri tie
part of thre Michirganrsiet, rhirs seers
felt sss thre H asskese stats-,-arrdiCasey,
captainr-elect of tire ste nrrrmial isrsrol
and onte of thretressttaekle s irIrrrsrhis
enteredt Michigarn as tiresolies itaiois sr
a represcertativ e osri aits5nsstrttinrr.
Udrder tire oldries Casy woud b
ablie to play s srw irs-theMichrig-rn5ts-arm
next fall, as ireiswitl taks worksirlsirai
institurtions tisurig lireerrmings emrester.
the adtoptiont of tiereceeomnssrdatiososr
the Angell cosnference wourid struthi
out foreieghrteersmonis.rit
'Thle eagernsa sthir sich ire irs been5
snapperd sir lasMichiiganir s inesrreted
hrere, inrsiess of the tresensitr uion, sr
meaning strat Ntrcligars tilltreask raway
from lirecorrference enetirel-yiunlees tire
stew rules asuit and u stwirsnitsow
scor n srder erules of its own d revising.
Minsrotaa is alsorr eporede as taigri
a sirilar positiors
Tire methsodtirs shichnseraywsrin
ducedt to go irao'Michigng hi a srri berns
miade public.
Assefforstseas also staretsois s ers
Hailtons of Normial, onr e teats
sprinterssrntire state, nit liselittlr isl-
lose reinsert too.e Theis hitunas'rssepre-
serraiesi asaidl irs irestill ins sirsstite
andt thresvarousa trleticr eoacesa tr
awvating his appearance ons Sie castirs
so a conditiron brorterng on parire
Inrcidentally tire eagerress swilsaswIich
Hestons left Drake tiswannierhis aret
ceirved a fasrls satisfactory expltri on.ir
It is stated that aboti$foo cr5 lisal
ary- is still sdne, ndass t on55 aoeertiof5
she usustccessfuil season at Drarie uni
versty there iss agoondelihsne tit hle-
wi-itl htai-esoroethinrg oininrg forsorrmir
tore yet.
Pennrsyltransa haisassotalisttendanc
of 3,55s8 stuidentis, erringrro"Iright
states and counrs.

Ben Greet Players to Present "Mac' -...
heth" and "Tihe Merchant of , ,,,
Venice'" Saturday. % r>
ata iiric a 55s rise is, les tir~l e s-i -srrs la- ,-
bit, -itn ess-(Aduts. csi1 is rise t S 1 h

shir is oduss i on o ] Ir}na
St tikes sit..rs a c lI a the a.' il ie -ecill I'nvrs
ath pl saySis iaeal- gves fon te So
plte te t.ml a a te i h ksits1 tr st
fik. Ri lit a cll raesa e
lost stn their sal si si sas thsr t
iii Sil s iisissris sslayer t. n sri

CA Xits

f ri iii Stperf arma rre'; Tug=of-'War in ,Huron River to
\1,ir , i~csay <t 3 p 11. Repince Hair-Cutting-A Full
1 alnissol ; ets rserve-s Text of the Recommendations
' >>tsof the Council,
i-XF'at-..1,.esternetrtly eight isvsekasaof irseestiga-
tinS tund diiascssirsniof lie irair-crtinsg
eitd rt'lct oit in a r i- esirtS5 tire Stirsiit Cern ich i rsin its
t ilde lita till aii tei iri- s yersterday died t oi ii ectirr-
1r si t ire ii t ir rm l o te m ni thr abltilisment ofi Sie curstroin.
errs si Ws's t N itiiiii sri wt It lit s a ce Si they 5propo55sesal a eusstrm
1' tsr << onsrirthecorse. ITitte arhich iha riret rwih Cr5-air aproaval
Isr. 1l 111 itilspar onitir 'Tent hit Wer evrter ex plarinedri
r ttwlas (irte' cie-rserr rerr tSat after

ii :llt

,i I
. ,_
,,,, _.

, I

irspSirs nta-
title-l~ls 5l
Spcl seen
iwillibe the

S;r S'i

Ii re iterates i ltrait s
wes bin rseirchns(
n-sc11r t acte ir.
cait al ai ld t tia r i
isto avirtei iii Ir
iii ;S ra hacesC;-sr

thian tt oftart
ofi the ieris Si ne
o isco t r t heits xa-i
VC(I heel the ll ii

(iS "ONt -l el bI'l's
tACIIN b-11"i Gul it
is-)r. t V C -Sr, S n itemdc c


Slice statisbuiC st-ftrasy-asfIlast yeasr thast
liaise-cutttiitbgmurstbigr, asnit Sit-attnlypreobs-
le astio Sindtuatgoodti ttistitite. Tire
cm itetsaxisia-membeia r is t e tcuty
isr till depiartmrie-rits iad saars apirinienst

C iis say tartteex si5555tr n aiti t -
titlist aclorefs a m i n le
1,15et5sa S'1t eilat 5. t i performS n est
hav eftilit lSi tarsa Stra liiartitst ae
AiratGets isc h caw fr ti
Sit, Stat 5 hiaS o 5555 i ii ar al lSyI more
it agrssbrt is " rits a be
tu t so mucr peryard. I I aris
iun raetera ric le- itasdavs-stirs
caugh Shemt istsityo ienGetan-
fo- l a-ir i -rwas-s. hi w r ro e
bsli iactrs wa llre-tsar in ther altq -

!aStlt'l s\a s\-tires s it X's it tollsis
1). lis \vtel: befre te 1lostico s- elutasirs.
sltcc ol ir rsSt ae i reIlignCtniae es staisirtdukigsafar
nlcrc_ vhici c mmitee s n w cisi ist ub-f-o a ttirsht h thal osig siits
at artsutridrintoatheswaseI.iAtpeace anasti
crtsa sitar-Sirs i trit Steohding stai
Slitr. 55ir p a ria vas1itldatstillppoin t- 1 irs) tic ir s sleate irs Sire
s~1°~ facmitrtests taof f 55 i treprs ofwfesit de a Sa eet.atd lire
as ltttlth rqustsoffo d nan f~r_ the a[ r lil ul ed"rat ofaitf. stun thre
is-- [trnSie)i thessrtnoair-sts it itrl \lisasal i d l i
Stin rs tti i 1ir. at htat si ve Mtac lr is<gc~ t uns
sdrdbytre amigterl~veear iIs sitsrybody s i to scete otet
'Ils l pt15- - - --illlisitslaNis, sho ld aga io fo fvet tn t uandItititai
-it o c art-l te s to eSiets heilS it i t o pe i ghnt stie Sir iaaital iwthevi uiquei
is atrailotgitsata pst i oogitSite .t_ ndimart iralstdeant, wilit tab eal.hored
aogcal ihe is. sdit raits a<is c- i tet S itale f-h rrem to sesrrtatr
co srd; sits'11-.at t<sisatari trial p si air ltligoes well. sAlessibsilsaprca-utond
orta)11ti m s ti tit ve t tr ta(11 o ibetke a strd aant rsare lut
Sirs lts a oo queston.ind tl Sa- SidayswillIbe tchoseantotinavidi
_______p____________hills. tinly atnrist u 11d etlrst
t'Ill N 1I isi i AXL1is N; Ni,.S1 N iai xl~lScitmprons'art exesictedl t Ira-honrirto
_________rer n ctitireer ia cassea
Sutirst atir thliaold Aten s alre -Fintny nil Sie nuppterelis stres sn id f --
wtill bet remodetldtl atnd a opetndri a utyr e seins iraeo ri itestsigg sttaall
groun flo rioprahosear raaincr assis htS i t il rce e gn ifd
ctlatn ple fat tat c tir trail ptrovia l.t
.55 is St S t~tit 1 i Ltin folilowsing raesolurtiara aire adtrin
tra wil a ita ls is s ns rers b eha i n d m i ere ' li se t l s s e i t i- te t ea
Sr~ci slc earis -inist rtoter.listory rsarr the SraCounc55i tcte rasas
si ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h res t isis-r e mt tsar tcnt s willsarips-i e ira stshenrslat rtite s itiii is csea
in- 'tardaysr5orati Subsaip atin a nkrtistcutomes-s s s rs-stiltsc e sy- sisalpopr
arac S ~v beigslit triaboit,1 by -ie Nstions, adt e puir c arrien ts byite
o whc a h peson indshi se Siore: ses ts r eitsrimenait h bel st
dlesterueion satpropr-rty;sacid
S OF THE WEST. auth lbrutlality ad air rs iheretorforerc
stilts-sill ei ouisitS phytlsicalintr y, andirt
vtiaree trt f a tin ahiih irisapa iatesstier-ai
Il s nil t sinnt itda o tcoliea
-tpresaind-tenIm sies alsirstyu a im ul
therefore, be inn
Rf-eommtiendue-,Th.'lant tairtscuttitag Ie
inn-i-a-ly abotnls -ed ant IN-ite gis n tsa llnr
.. unln-ralaneeca-truan d -strut u er ble it
iRecoannne ''ll, ta tn-arutoiarintan Ir
aacepteinits tie ad-sit ensass foallows a Tlb
at as tmeton- be ls hreaftei on-ct terl
- te- tlts -c inanit saiall hd atugnsf
)IIs taluonrt i irstins trutalsot
run Sia-shilles nna-u oite iduSe sisf it-
fiv r. irs crrrrna- ins eiso sasaltl ire
a -esiaeta-alfronit tie sliaSt --enit t heSre- -
taslanrt tSi mintin hn s h oldrni ntil oars
Sim rthent ot thinutrdactriss Sine
sra . Peatinisstrut reg ltive dte
i ic i i'1ris s tn ttiar as-; I asts camceSr' raits guiardnhsirs nst a ccidntss rusetinn
, rightr ihutd; bataitni Ctampbella,cihirst- tref-resneease sun le arnouncedllater.
c ranri . tLongman,
lt o , h ntunsehi team isr-nappar- C.(eor'e GIn 'slrrltn,
-lunsts team te following mnnare ini Robhert h Clarncy,
tinn Kelly and 'Taft. Fets. 17, 1906. Commrnittee.


Stasing-Wndhei, cnther fistd snethirtelenra;I elaNafe. pitcerr Salluree. ire'
:Martisr, left fieltd;-McAllistner,coachn. Sittitiug -Ibelli, e. aomts base: Cavr tulan
stop; Taft, first base ansI catchner; nDe'ree,-.ista ase.
Thse first oweek of training for thinbsalisequtiadirtnihied nd trtheSirosp 55e
ently mtuch brighter than tinny- were at Slistsirme lans year. Sit theire 95 riaint
the university at the present timer: Wendell, DeNeffe, Strnger, O'Bienr, :lant

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