The Michigan Daily, KALAMAZOO ELEVEN FIGH AEY U AN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THLCR SI)AY, O)CTOB-'ER 5. 1905 No. 9. Varsity's Work Marred by Frequent Fumbling-Defensive Work Good -Garrets, Stuart and Workman Star. cii ccigaui cwadedt inon hui cnch of -r prises eserday cafcirnoni iwlen the pluk aanmazoo ctcgclven eldi-i the to 44 pont: iin irlityli ii. te 4t May,' te ivr-citinmakig into i tocdw s in the cfirst h f I ctit cintii tiecworkc ofithe vrit-cii e- itrcelycraggcd, frcquentici iing tcl ringithecofceisive ply Thiceivcie wirk wai aboi criiitici-iii Klmao makingifirt downliit oncd-nth en-iiitm kmniiit thhatlfiiiiiti t ilt tirigth -teiiig feiiture ofI a -game iciaticwocni tiiit o\f"i-iiin icnsi gai i bict iiii tin gct o tichcw ie cncc, wcork t ccittwiis-of mcdicreiquicctyi. bee icopaabl iiitr ndCoch i peice ic hiiiiiiw i n e ithocnut io tio ic- -pla iyetera a ite sot o phenomenaiiit botiincinthe iifitc ting n tthecii ciic i fra lss ar tilc ecii ti-e itic ic-sh iws-gret i it cii cii ve iigLastti tcva'swrii icuit oksacifthc be thec-intites tinithedricistt c i wtih t ihting spirtt andiitgrcitndcgccin- cngc-tbc-cty icitti cccii Wtckmtcticwhocii beig irie io t t ihiibi c k Bat roitwt. intin itit thencccccdita if it yese itaicc--ic nowiout oiiiiite g-ce iiic- bn-ttbtic to i ih i tiy-Statciturd y wthc-iiC-is e iccict tic cc cyci. tDenny (uCtr ictici tic ccciiketi tigh thaf andi tiDu ni t ctleft tialf tli inc itnalitiac sitiity ttat Sctultc, Stii clao i, We.etscnccictIlaccciHamot wil ithtei intte next gamce t cicgin i knicoincg caccuniicticelct, ccidtai heixtremcey ainxicus ticget tick ciitoihritis. ie cittl tic-cctlytet uti ii fori itactice ic intbouttwocciwecctn. it cc'a in ciittie sidtc-lined ngccii--cctcictcic game.i Onecctdeplate IeturecocithticKtl- amazooccicgimec iasi tei-ic jtcCapta I inci Nicrcc-csc tc gmet -nlitttc quatic ack l ini tte tusincess. I-tc i-tintrowinheatic- ito te- gcrcccndt ty ancieoppccsing--t-acdtc- ccitthac toticticremoved-citfromicttc gaic tBarlown-goig int at itquicter.Atrtic icgitkec tcctt.Nun-ynccsemedtotihti icc a thaf-dtcazet cncdcitionict c it inoct thioiugtht ttincjury- nitt prccceiuccsnc enoucighto tic pc-imcti citocutofte ccciii 'Tic garncecstartdcithiciMiictigancitck- ingtoKlataoo'sntcno-curtdtlice.Kit arcnazoo cudntiigaint cicitwercc fcicet to putic. Ncicrccn fumbledtcctnt Sicait riecneedcariicying tte citttc Kccama- nzoins-yardtlin. lire Kclcaazoo got te hl nttaii c Iictte. Ttey wect- u- abtetc-occgici cctt cccrct-foccr ctcd tinmae ac tochbcttack. 0cc teisco nd-iplttay afcc tie tick-cff R ccii iy tocok tte tatleic TS 4,500 STUDENTS. PLACE OF THE FRESW-SOPH ekIS BEATEN 44-0 iAll tenanc-Nak,0 RUSH CHANG Already Enrolled. tich ciiitcccance tiiren ccasticititit ageytoie m noolzd-y 'Affair Is to by Sccicrtary \\ cie- how a t tl c-icc-cc I leti xplitnci- thin cictitti cci asliicluei- Green In --i -tt c ci i if'tfr th uad t he lrytic iti xtic accc i ar ytc i ndusctiac it cc ccliii -nc c-v--lopentcc ofi c o ur ciciicci ihichticaltti Uppercic ii i cche servicccificc ticfcciii c iciilic to be Chi t ticthat thi.itotalteiiin cii ciittfcrctheteteelle itat1iccttshowchic- cc1'(1 ciitliiisctii ho '' studtcegntscctocc I- cinicite ci-unirct - i regis- ctra iicc t~n ti. -hittitiiiini inetnrctmctnitsitupitti titnd- tpinnicc ii ti inpld ith a1 a "Ili t t f i- uriy -t icuingi Ot ber 3,calso theic regcistrtion N tui itt-ciwisiin(tie-el(c : shori -ict~ it cii. Ic--lt nwas also icclu e tepe ssu-c -ccc ic i- ltit ,otes n ime lsii ari nex ic- n ci ci --ci-n i ci i c ic cl mc h ittil of te ciccnicitiic-. if: a totlin -- - citt-c teit tic i oice ireic-cieillgo er to t ici cic -c-c-cc --c-n-cicl' ( lr r.ict I l awcblii cii1t- 11rn111ait tt a iccc itici-i - t-tiiiiicicct T he oii n et ne shoi1gitiacitii generciii ccc. cciii the ciic trary t is n tw l oweritt tc NeoofVstril' G m . itemi alin whcgiiic cit-r e aecr litic crte ing m11- s thtii t ccimulnats he hsral and cci a o cdow ittin. cIii iccict ti cci cttcci time lscva. T i i e plinedh r ben ll 'ED THIS YEAR oTake Place on the Medic tstead of at the Cannon- ass Regulations - Referee tosen. C cci tice iannualiI tFrtesh-tcti >tcChangedctacd thei-c- to icbe regulat ion c lii th fir. Sic ided itt a ccciii cciofc ctiper- Ietitre oin the dlisic-icitt icct -liian iiiciitt intexpc ted ccc- at Nng t te st-c-icts lit wcci tic rusnh. ticpa tico yearsci thec-ruscl cciiiticv re-oralii tg hcccleciciccicctcocupaccci'1t1c liec nccigtti ticcttheli-Sptd- ear lii cn i nutesc after the ithi qi yards kc-ticg !ilw-irepo aginc-i kikio Curis ci ticke The Iii inc iccic 2wyait Th teset isccia ti lic-y I tic- brill ticc tc IIccmcmccciici atdy ony tic iloce it oili Icici- fttrite ic-offtichtigcancwcai divie iatidtifice off-side layd. cci printed hc l tciiiecainteit tie ])llt )cdc-to init andit ain tile ii itid lct mazit oiii rccii vi-c iniicg lti imelethenii iatttcet -citdccp 1111 thec t5-yard tlinec cut tice1hcii ii e. Mchigni thenrushe tice wni thechlclifori carryiig tic-. ball. tIa oA ,eacl. S:cure, t- o firs halcf vc alled wti it hte al cne setledi itio steaiericccirk inc nnclivetochdownsii c in i thtte ccit claicicccc kickig cvtry goali. hurt: ofthicconcdtthailcf nccsc a in ccias ciew s called t th viii edcc I-. t t "is i ercic C. inYoutngcc Ith ci 1c'I II . liKtmmerlee F.c icI3. ii the couse manyofuthei -cl me ics 1:1e utc ft hecc cchihest charac trcv t it ytu-deckle whnichick hisc gone tot otheiruicin cucici cthcisiiearcii ycai itci i s proIposed 5i t oci makeit thecii rashiiii sii f~in ituci depaitcii ntc ...c.ii 94-icc 1(7 cwhomc readersticmutdesiii cire t uia. t dccii rogh house tendeniscc ndc stalc if ,it a cccc-clcc trt ti- ........ii i- - ill 22 we Clt ruhcl t that ihe mpubici< thec sid in t lii ciiithe claffray. ii 1,aw eparment.......... 718 75 Iascraiii about in ccbcll as heic ud nt-ccicii g Oakcon themiii geet Dentaldepart ent -.. -...--- - - 1-ciand ccc-na tcthe pi on tlftttii ,ilattin is ccciiwciii theccchm il ia d cl aiilicucic- Siartait depN t menhitut.N..S... I 02 i i7iitMg iihasticneeticcsli- ciccI ccciiicc ni asc thcnt er oic- f- Io letici-' tf depar~ Ntmen t. . ; . 1 cciui i itui c n-i i-uu cmci ttue aff ir. i ghts wc cilib I lce i n the 1 -cii e-i ---i ii-lucd of i1 presii~idet ihlelctionumuorictmsirieact-c- ticdciincthe iitr e imihti hd istan c ciii ti-it-c I' T G ?1,c.uduiiii iou c cmumii-ci it-sidmumfc- t c-cud iscwild uith exi cc ii dite- mel lw1 1 ie mimuudm- nu-cuimc- l the itiuic mc- ii ii mat cabout iitt. hecllagesmmdarenoi l ong- i t reen, tucumu 1c whhi imp iiit 'mi to-i- cIii viius i so ,n tnknwi ermnasti cci icii ii cc iicuff it it mcutofmfom th bnn r ginstmtle chai ll"c nsopho.ii waycc i itis uL16mm i tmcmcuuand i ct-r I mmca notberegcm u le aifi cc hid erenle i ipl cd uin id u c liii- idlcuc-h vaio s ilimi tu e t orunit in-s lideididi p atm en ct it- It It dcalr il(,of thec ampusdii ltoiic u-r i t o'clock -c-mutt cnc tmm ptducct acomn ract oni icw hicnocchargei ccman tem ade or er-lverithe Ii csccrliteibine cciii ic allo tem scrtl t inesmred rcc in dim heiiuniiversniyhopi ibfoe ceticmcme uci ii-iiiis tutu rfer dill poktit icmit si n. tisjstb t]a ssthis inldlncrochco1 theie iclie nc-ctheguschdcmnwith capistolc sot-di hu h rousand iturti cmmitineesin c er o i> rbt o te lt let F n h a ssili oiina h ur dc taI ii c iss h v a pc hed tesei fficei;ainduct-t u .,Il Da d els lt h hf e frcii ic l l inc l ml minimumlit' wihum cormuif propci t incg s-u whc inn mch ae bifnifte iesial a u dwhich vimtors.dcc cmmi c cc- -ccmim ci ilium aii iic imi ii c iiicc l li iii m didccp ."hs wok ia ot he. -i-uniivi ty. ii ii t hic im I liii mat'hdiddididaItumd clast Wli u cn c li munii iiui i iltgilttemlentinsuch dasctheseiii - icimiyear twiltivetumold nlcenicemcccm- then detmc Angellcmcmi scredtthden evicmcImmcIg-- c il mi mlliumoficstudcwc gcntesants fho i cc > t ilt mulctrt Incafuting..ilt11clhisircentii can na eprm l nimmitA. I ,t idnidi n cii ci i ccuchuto c-nl uThi d finhmite nssdiof theccwhcli tacith hoardl of c rg nt ImIti itexpr e i i i tc httn c cicmitm iemmclf -tinr ccs mci elumawgycut-cc rlmi t h e ii hic el n ccmi iis f deep umly it-gcmccittils ocT e cin' t dli ntil asci aionc siii c tators' pon t l olfII i vertigis mc mll d Tio lucanduv icsgih:ccl i m eniilt I of ditum illterta cin tics eveinmmg ii ic cithu huebetr.c T''m;ewmintirciioutudInotI Inl praidnctti ccmi-tice.Thepresde urgoe uontomd ate mencit are fcly invmtdccc PrIn fcecil I f thec ks nd hccan mm, tiiiaffohum itth nddduv iiew f the eitindccondi i t g in mwho i i nteeted initcumuli mucnut etterif adiii itc iesuufor n mantiei ng. i thuiversitymmcm enteciiisr demie dcttimctcise c c mmicmmmcdi muiea talu tltimi c he mum. gree--s--he--- he ol ufn wudenmt orgniations frt tilt ebet- heldm foric hei purpoisie o m i gnccing otrealyt omt58 111 hS Iit-new t to the Ti curtiumuict ine crat woultibeto e11- citreshcmumn cases to ser 1tnu -ui che xcc-itto g i sprbbl *t T p coua tim e u edcc urnsptritwch ultsc beeit-s mcmi it c mliitt. Ainic. li ciici iiici po ra ,pnSauo lssdy fme i ll d47 ihv miitrion s cite cin emny ways.mumtu. lii A llcmutgils who play- .htringedtm'utci - m c ne mum his N ewimucri m initcition liciuge ut-c his c-c- pcncst Piedett A nall crk- met-dc ofc auny edhicn ucle sei tomimi i m; t n iu si tunlic'fes. u it u ic -i ofcn woc dm citygh utni it cutry cin Thmmeciisuncr atio e sdu irscidc-t cit n ti tcg-m fdl- uuim iidime mm dRI (.S T I1C .U1Riuc mie atic oltu ures cicsmwell rscth Ic liieIcy M o limetccacciIt-i tawhiclutu-ti ich utwilt-l r-cc mrdi ccuciccu iucui ~t ofacth muc t op ru the l c i c tuduct icasist mci ltimeask etbalcgms. i un mccu- Icl pt-curaniiciB idgest c iti im 7,Prc ill although. hep preitiocicage ticpuniver- ii h xcutiveunh c itegechas cc-itt iii ,pealuc ti colltege ic m ecmnmmi tudaysatumd cirm a tinytmmelc)uincreasicg uringc t h o plihe imitch. A comm ittee.i1i.1i cumimc1c-c. i cuheberiycumu l mmciI , Fidgm ies factt e ya rsen e I gcl eti ra isae mm- teent poi nt cml eec apn foe was-.t e t rarivcu i ng ecetrcfohte ol teie ifi thcie city cc pers rnmthis sthu i ute-gi-mbes. dcciis 1rwacutsucandmcbacin-ru tinofcithe msouth nd- hc-i ati onamteg efa re ccc urtat t us only pi y qicie i it di spcml lm thmmbers. mc t cis alcso eahu- cuFasti-yearmiiemm isidd aimiic t eiinti Inhut iliarclue cPrscideu iinitgtlnsystetwc-ic- tcii odcc tlii atpcm thn re-mign t rccwily'e t cfcctucollg wst oli-p tmc e wMiiii pim clue mlchfanhioniedt lberal trainiumg us it I7 i-:30.-uiverity. 3 Kaami~ o Goals chuc u mumthuchdown-c - mdccc iiimttcciiwc T hirst 1ahult cncertNofteseso appearthfccedingcartistscicl the n-cuto thecim ci vocl epr er. ccilicc hearu th ie hiallad-mLIccimu- mcc r. cc l-en i F-mi -i ippearane mmi tic night'scprogr m cut-une liii ccmgruttu- latiommnc-i is e mcas inducedtito cl rificeIt collettoImmc um mnoderInc emacclinin Annci chrbor li thi iseaonlIresmiesclue hieccc iccsI iitit ic c di rumnt ill rendetra Bach uit ie hmf miior mml vmiion ininiwih tewle nc assI itdlbyMndr.I Lockwood.m Pterhapithm ie chicef ftlucre colfteIlium graummwilIt ieitide piiio tnubers dby cMice Schtadei,ccliiimmale-i ter flcstcap- perneiniAdmit crbormm tonight. Becidles a Cichinc grcup mincuinticncmmecudues andii am balladem- she i-itwiendrmhctit-acmc- ou rig hbaladte Order the -',Dil y I-Dy 42.00 Casnh with Oarder DE!LIVERY STARTS IMME~DIATELY No Bae.ok N~sambrs osum be Frn ished