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February 17, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-02-17

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The Michigan Dail1y
ANN ARBOR, Nf1CfI(IG \\,S 1ITLRD.!\Y, I FUR \R -17196.

iil.. X\71.

No. 96.

:An eiliragnag anituience gatilereu ini
Former Varsity Star Asserts That aa aaelAetbil esela
Eckersall Cannot Ran One I afternoon to enjoy a concert given by

Hundred Yards
iscc dig t attmenti matsdlelast
kit httb1Arctie h.te crecksprint-
t ici hnslitlil ccesi tiits:sitleast
auiss it he ispr)1i s t the esife-
sits< n"Nt itl. aron, e cla i s. s
the ii imniinthe iec t hoecan eat
,'ay twitIt the oly "NI tunau itlii)
iitrpee t 5ilti laI Iin iithe striits
J6, h-is 'isin skestithte tgt
~f iks ll avid his sprining ii ability
' i tn t ewari t i icanii efst t' ersi'sll
iih oehndiredl vrl styatlast
:yad 'krits iiigoes 'll tii pices at
,net is itsgoinii tis ioneridis
cn c, Len ii in he fot -yardI itdasli li
i n st wor l eate, s Itdon't thitsnk le
(tilt un uner :of 4- stun tilly itl
.thadta itsdi f fotite itid sie itaf
usn gtaay iwiell, but t thatitli
itt tel i O 45. Iss tn' ttik
ry at needsf lt iry esahoutnoitheinlii
iec pi Pas-oinsi i estisili
-hu i s lhte'stiertsoetRckiesal.
1; uitdibsenitxpetedsiufoitisitmse tite,
Stewait )i i ll litustrutii the sitnits is'
lit it isitttwhenioutdor ok leinsIt
i iig rd tt it rrsi caltieiasiy caet
iiial one s i iheliihutdlsi ssite
b,,' I ilgett indt Ilitlicrti sit Stwar st
i-sntetde tittres Iivti t hle itassti hani i
in te isthur leis I is ipossibtletic riito
tll whoI itsi- llie Stess--isrunn~tingiiimteit
ii lokis s o s i i it i l e itlist
itt hur lak.Thlistspairis ttp
u t u isitsinteg;ts everytternoon, ii
:tt( l sn h l r i ors itiarian rIsis f
1l ea iiul isitist ile apparentlsys
- 'littyifroi'm tthe a isnsmrkblifsiti
is sit ioodform toiatriavetr
(yh id o tutauonthe racki i
:13i si-siistougis hea s tilt the uit e ds
is ihiiqite cl s l itand siltlit-lih ti
t ii~l iio itso iiiritractitiisita s -tan -
55551ed iyest tutu iththeirt-l of iea
- o ii is" t ha sl, tti'd af-il i-e sial .
slssi t idorreod 'its al-ml
is :0;uilf a ey ho ws asti t t-
tie icii liiito compte, ha ly de
[all 55inthe iasliii'imeetinident-i5 i
llysting il ne recor of 2:2. 'T'isi
reod s itliunti l ssttya ien ne
itrl: wasisettitimeitt-i yRmy
!lIic' lapi-s, ti ui tii t'' lii s iii illtii
t c isisder. Thei ii iets iii'' lii 5 iii it
liaten on " that fi li iii fmi
'i istl ieiap itssis i ts1whch ifts ay ' madssi
the seisifsahotlti s-soS. si sidttser ui s il
tact thatishoIsiit iie eIiif is ers teat
im islt xcellet. T heli i lestsltets sli-
andiCoetisi t lisd tter, ii stun itsli
aslitte stig g liitsvrticowaseter
isis fthese iii hy fivsheiitd. as re
lie, runniisg trakgits nkepstrebusotal-
ratwentiatyisdciiataigthte tracsktite
olde that2-thsen laye in c1nd3-io

tse Uiversity ilis' lireclutstutader
the slitrevictionof Notra C.1Hut. ITli
ytotiig ladties sicqtittedi itemselsves very
c tredtliably ititdssdesre sontisustlatioas
forsst lastit ering ito tat hi
'The seogramttii thoghshti waas fea-
Iuedby twssi sstssofutu situ al mrut.
Isittie Simithias a ihistlrasiatar
suicett andsitu aIt Ittit tlteasetd seey
sits s-ilhtwisiscestrtiolisolos.I lie woik
of the clubtwas svessicttmendtatileiswitt
tie exceprttiontaofitthir trienditionitof cos-
legs: tincsesiiwhischiretquireimore isCittiti-
issan sptirt i itthntse younglarises
seemtesd totossss.
Thle conctis i vi -s gisvii to faculty
taies 'aidlsit ivsesityswomntiansi
wtas tundsr thitt atspicessaofthue Wsocen'si
Leatgue,-uwiti lbtssesEsattiaith Maisiii
tutu l leissti 'isslitsetmasiagers. Miss
Eli-satssikiAmistog isspessidetittot the
\ftsrtr the itcons-riligttrefteshmenvtts
WIvrresertesi ito the guests, comupletitag
aisucessfutl ait, fior the mast sari,
prirsewo-s'rthty etstertaiiimtet. The tftl-
ictigis itheprosgram:t


Lunes suit lots Litit
\-b'l1stittg solo I ...LoissSitht
Colteiss iftse IntlandSea;.~
bbhitslinig solosi ..I ottise Situh
Jillts \ itr . . . .. . . . . Club
Solo .. .. .. .. .. t..M ss I1ntitt
Ytillowi -nds B ue..... ... ...lub

BIG SQUAD OF I(use pitcers) -; shitigi, Charles C.; PICTURES IN ART
-- CaStctherI--tidree , G \\. ;'Btterfieldl,
Infielders Given Practice==List of Can.-I,.1',. ;CamptbtetllI.;tChaneyIHenry F. Gallery Much Improved by Recent
didates For the Team=-Squad t nie tuu sit 1. V.;Forhan, C . b(r Repairs--Prof. D'Ooge Tells of
Has Picture Taken. left til) ;(thuls, C.1.. 1 lolclriuge, Need of New Art Giallery.
Chuestert(A.; Ksmpattinueais A.;Ktutz,
flier asi ttufresh tmuentrepteduast thae homine J.(or secondtlbas e) ;Lsell, Johata Suoreaveeks agoithe sirtmsumtnawas
caigs ye'sterdayhas'sfte rnoon ufor uasebuallI.Site pitaher) ;Piereltuncata IH. ;elosedfoe repirs. Advantaige was taiketi
psracie. Probablyfs sixty tier cettof Stitussuu IEdwaird N. (or first base) ; of Itis to rearrantge thse different roossui
themui sre freshmenai veys graifyig \kalsh, WilliamtitR.;- Wheeler, L.B. (or, The cetuteerusonm is anwthe uest trots
fast to (u uachMe klitet andt he.Itsr a's sutatusu);VtWinsch, I' laed F.; Wilstn, an artistic standpoinat. Nuoshare couudn
future. kiumosig thet ttie otrthibit-tiRh11,:lWuittngitunI.G.Lierstfieltd). he fouttd fournanny really satluablte works
in ues it acti out thuthBorusomiue 'sosdt Itr \euul t1, R 'iII ;Sanuger, anti ai acounseqiuetnethesy' hasve beets
utrialustis t ts undutusforutbotha tautsh-Frauit;'VIartinaC.L;DeNeffe, F.fbM.;Istored asray waititug fuse thurtimaearhueta
er' atusca tcrts espositiuonas.Nsaaittery GlasseI IIti lglt M..B.fbi. (or the sut gallery awilltbe hucoused nt sbetter
isulster ea sidtou bstat ysuetrdiithe seconud bussr I Tiutgree, Roy E.; Nagle, antI itore comotduuuius roosms.
sthecanditudat tesssithaitg s tryosltsutit JohnitN.;'Voss, krthiur (sr field);Vet- Of the thare enouts tututsake tip the
th rtck its las gaiv sitthe istcheters teF.1- ).art galtlery, thue umiddulc'roomi asiiseen
r hiarsct indutuhe ts e w tritututhuseisen Outfild-Ml bart in, C;BearI L.fM.;-rruuetueud atnitrerraeduug with lavish
at tiat. Scvirshveryromiuusinusug lsokitag Pslt, El.J.;GeurnandutiW.bt .;Barter, care. 'T'tue wallts, uwhicht formeurly were
cathes p tut ou thetmuskantd Ihest-iii-EF S.(ori shourtstosp) ;hItautrisBartons dissoloredt auth crsac, luause been re-
tectritsuas orked sutiprisuingly swell tsr S.;Mimic.itarout ;Jontes, Flsysd It.;tsaant, tthe wioodwou-crkhissbsentgrained,
s earl inthliiseasostn. Aoutive "M"Sine, J. h t.-,Selby, 14 A.;Schlesiniger, ad a dot i ofttu tburtlilusths bhurtu nalsng
tautit ters' presnts ye'sterdtsaysutudthety' Iartsld; -Share'DonstB.;Slter,IHoew the tase of thus isalls.'iThus-there avas
ate speedthiy ''ettutng ittulatue i sesonta-tnt A.;Sobuel, E.;Spa.asum, C.14.; proiduedl asutitble backegrundasfor the
shp.Sutllt itn.JohT.u ; 'T. 'loe, WaltereL. artteasues thuattirveenssahautng there.
Soc si-tnt Ithstt himusrlft eninrt utro Itnfieldt orioutfieldl-Biusp, R S.' Ito tis rsoosmuatasere takten suit of tse
ths hissasditotssedla ten ov er, ussrer 14awsints, I.(0.: Jacksonu, George1; inefutus nduchoiscest pitnuutingsstichtasa
to "s-ta itnte osuthut' differetmenusueab fat- Mtis, ft L..i-atns, T. C. 'Ihitsinits,"tytBoturgtereanit, "A Flock
tinut tformta Nosestpecishlygooud hitterstfShessp itt a Storm,"Ity Schencks, and
itv sir pearedt tshulusustatuttno dutL: ' A' STIUlDEN'TS ON "A Catlte Pastuneits Hollantd," by De
afte mussre hrticthismenairs l hfbegin TIE ANNIOVS SI-.AT'l' lt s.'htsfortmerover-srowding has
to rotundinttuftrmtitA-Nitthus utfitetessbr~i tavouutied.h tpictures have been
uwere "ta-et asc hante to shuowstuershul-Tthemil ctsrteeers say thsat life us br-thutnguwithaespstecial sffort toward an
its' 'tcitnetg tip grsuttdsers ansuihtuotingg mdea utuburdten for thetmsthis n-eeklatitiai-rratngetmentatanwths great care
theti-t --ertoi Iaft.iswhisspla ysu ttctuaausby sstudetnts of telaw udepartmntlwiouastsoftlit, so us tobtintg sutthteir own
at\ ! first hiase. The ur filders n-itt get see anxiiuus to knosw-wsheta the law ces stog Ipoints. Besidues the paintitugs,
ito furtherurac utice ilth issbattingutil siltlhe astunctaed.llusarbltestout Ironits avsie been
that squiadtgos5ouutdooirs. Flithtuent's sake," saist onaeof the grupteditiihascetetsuntfttuis roouat
Ak ficturesofitthle etnttresqfudtwas carrierst a ruporter, "ftnd oui tunisn Thteotiter roomsshuavemist seems in-
tikrti. g'sfrutsituonsouesidhe sitftsesage. thecosissiill be semi outtand ututit it utintrovsendmauch.i 'iuth iirdi roam tuow
Aferttrueockte sn men s' tooktnsfotir the suture. 'Nbotieverybtotdy iremeet ecottaiis sultofthe ptrraits. Beeatuse
ive fashtlps tut thetratck itt settetututhue stretets itops ituianod asks wshlen of thseir great numbuler they hsavseteen
to het titr i id sse-srly' is p1s.ssiltn ie sisit ts' passintgsmut lamit-ns'" considleratbly credhi. Four harts of
Thin followsinug is thus-rcotipieefist of The sia- facumty heist a tieetitng yes-eont mnty fitue pictuire's couldtntltbe
thos '-''- ha -isdclaed hemunuselvs'ssteday aftfernoosu. Nutdefituite anuntmce- placed, atntlhadt ult:bestoredh away its
tos furesucandites firstfsitins suitthur sentihis uren adne, bat it is under- the whisperinig gatllerytiters: to auwait
varsitiybsalslt it:si to tht the conusail tte sent stit thueutieishenut iti siayhe feoundtfor
irtst hiase-Tafitt . ulI; .;thatoutgh thieos-tis Stundtay' mornaing. It them.
Fits,(Getugs (r is l):Iy.A . is ailso nd tuerstood that the ntumber of In speaking of this mtuter, Professor
Mustsign I-R I losPtatesn .(soruton stufflsturpass altrencords. DOoge saitt, "'hla ck otfitrssut t oe
fted hut PttsnIR.b; uitpiiu 1. C -mamas-otatthe inest treasurtesisertiainly
Secndtl ase--5Knits' Leorge A.k (liTO RS.015 5NRESFlECTED an argiumnst toe a turnart gallhery-. This
Cody C.A '(rrgtht Fild) ;Keetont catn beprosvideduttsr itt tha n teoial
W. h. inglu~etouN, A EB.(use catrche). Ointg ts thet'large tautmbter of rota- building.Foinst anuistcethuee isouthitbe
Tutdu aeO' it e uu F.SCl;tBsatnites tnts tot thitum uiorelterary oratorical ttomns fur tthe Altuittassocuiationanadu
RalsphiE.t orliargtieIts)hullNewm aHcntsI teuas sti-s ucessary to subimit the atm assembluy eoomtutfoe situdentssuwhi
Sthertstop-Beigg, its-ieft S. (orileft patipe:to a commuuuittee to seletixKtherenmnaindteofthe bsuilding couuhl
ft 1st); BelknatpNb'.h1.;tClrk. J. I. tamotgthgIiem oulthiought aad rotaposi-tharndlybe Itetter applsiedt thuatuussi ahomen
EldruigeI sLeionrd C.-;iuuger Johnt; ttiI Tose selcctedl were NMiss hBernice for ouutart gathery.
ftdet tus ayth Ws.; flarit I i5 L.Ifit;liertdfordit Clancy, DeBrutynN-oore, _____________
Hotckir ss, I.Il itsLtierge,[Hurry- (tueWaishbutrut atud Hayashaild. It isas tfound
sint Itfit) ; t fsass it utRalph;Meadnt iecessatry to stumit thuefresh liw trn- COSM Ot5OI,I't'sNS f 'ET.
Robter Sut (rstecotnd hiase) uMooly, liosshtI ronommitteealss, althhoutgh they Wih-psyguttttnrt
El'-s.t ; (st rstaneW.A.(o est htutu t auth ateen'staretturedu.Kirkhm Wt oylo:o rmeantiandta
hule) ;PtitrsunisAA". H.tStasis S.C.nwuhf funplamedi antg the setnior its. ficase f langutages, the sash of this
__________ _______________ __________________________ ntiouns met laist nigtht itt the shape cof


b'httlt' hilt" REON (I 1,lt I
us uhf , is eture otuunI"Grcetund Its
People"mst uihndansetenitg it Sitrni
itsie hldt sutusts this auspicrs of theUrnit-
vest t hicshsclub.i Setyussterecup-
ticositu vis illuhfehisist intithue ilustra-
ionofthusit letsrewitcutuh lloccnutat
hlh)-N hut-iltCthNS A
h'it AN1Ht il
hican Harrt I;t, thitttusof lhs tiw
detpusrtmest, iit teusthinsp'akesrit thue
Sundayisss-enstutu' asettag I Iciluff it
hallh. 3tisMsus ilhe ut' itushuedhby the
ssocaiofiatth comapsed-ostfSuti
us-nsitsyIGhis slush tembnat.nT'Iheis t-
5551\61) beitt'as 11s51liati hi30p. it

of ihet'littsle-zrecaed fruciet ndslsy hansss
wvithisubjets sit tha t-Nlt ilts suwhle hehis
stter two conuuers itt thin gnlbe.its-re aso
Rep-treset t iss ust siteenIs 5:15
issed:eIptesentat ndtualtussghishSits' r
min tuuf thseSosuauouu utitus wusst sisfiedt
w'ithuthus hossmely Nmetcan u;aptles'sit--
rneniusttut retben i-tma utist-\,cit-
liviiiittcii s;ssfusechme isf tsuihrt is
'tantt t o shut hetlhu hi this (:11,hills u t
v'uiuksu. Irish 5st- vgus'lic, tices auus-
iontltfoIsatush si h-Ss FI' glists is th)s'
Ofiilltngusage 1ot thu-cluit antutuh s
atss-utat th s its lusalst ight.
1hiumishpoket sitthinchurausti- nd'tshdhus
htrraistsit othis' Japanetueatnguatge, 'tnt
Ur. Finiretahlkseittututhus infutsee ot
:ustitoit-ttiassoc titituns, shoinetgtheir
relavtiouu n tstate, religiostnad morals,
with stuecialreertnttir oithteir infuceu
ini Gertanuy. I Tie busnuess ometing was
follonwesbyhaynttuinformaisutatlk, Etnglishs
tuing stiltlused. Arerungemtunss were
mate ts have n pieture of the cltub taken.
K. S. Inni, the celebrateud little Japatn-
ese orator of the senior lit class, deliv-
ereed liii lecture, "The Sick Man of Asiti
and His Doctor,' before the Lincolns
clumb of Pontiac, Mich

si rt u 'S Aus suINsiY s'euuST-u'As.
Ak unliqnt. orgaizaitioni is Luangers orchsatus aut itscourses the strainu i s twichlt uesur-Sekers atthue tancinug
acaemteuy wandicer throuughth te dreanty' isauszesif te atzun, orcurashtthrotugha the irelyinwostcp. The orchestra is
Cos edttsusensatinrly of stuidents, ash althosttuh smanagedt hy' Mr. Granuger, is ama induepeunenttorganuieationa. Itisiirecog-
tuteanhs thin strongest nmusical orgaization inmu buttn kerbor, tndt its plainmg at thus:recenut Coumetdy-cltubperformances
ucse ne st mu chusi faavorablte comment.Thine ufoewtng stuttseus comupose the orchestra : Eugetne Fischer, 'of aiw;
Abuatut Satitus 'ogjht; Branmon IlH.Hltmes, ol itt George ,I1. Knutson, 'o8 eniginee; FreshC. Parkins, '07 dent;
George it Clark, oft enginteer ; FrethC Da, o aw;iNi-n Wbado Schleede, 'o8 law; George B. Roth, 08 ilit; Magnui G.
Riebling, '6 lais;Lstis R. Weinig, 'oodent.

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