THiE MICHIGAN DAILY _u :- Hockillg Valley Ry. You will lod Fourjrains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Dpo~uiz Ii) (doanod (n- S. El. CLARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing W~e do developing anid printing for amateurs, arid do it well k' It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i I 01 and miore Kodak-, 'RICES P IIASONAISLI "20 Soamttx state street ____ALMON BEST ALASKA RED SALMON S Per Cnn, - - - 10 Cents S Per Cnse of Four Dozen, [ - -s $4.60 In 5 Case Lots, Per Cnse, - - - 4.40 214 South DE-AN & CO Ann Arbor Main St. . Michigan The distinction that comes from -. being a correctly dressed man is yours --by asking for my mark. And that does not mean heing extravagant-my creations are reasoriahly priced. TRE SIL OIONS0.1T lo e aoiliintn 11 00 11 1101LanO 00110 tl GENUIN1E.'00 ou e Re 11 Fls tsl. 1 r Prei Fs Iiioololio~o~ioeerliiiaeS s g151 andllina ftese o ooieTe pres.0 Or ol oftlthumb00 on lteigalo jecigtilng(iisc omls01nd r tlSold drwshi helnk odthe renis isaontly000101 THKINIE CNKLNPNC. 00 Stisit 5i~iriREoSERsrOIRirdo. hio.s WAISTCOAT1S TROUSERS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representativesC .JfyI/iark c ~ Judge for yourself by asking Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. HAS.. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet ? R A N D AL L Tou can procure from him a coupon eotitling you to one dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the Michigan- }ensian, all for $3.00.. PH OTO0GRAPH ER 6 P'pert Jewelry and Watch Repairs. Arn.oild's Tewlrv o re.1 C,00Oi( iHOUSEB I liellihs genuine velvect tkibsesat 01)p oi .i o useIc SOIl 10 1 t- iio s. F iRST-Ct A 0'INALLiBRANCHIES $ ".0 $2.50 $3.00 a T111.0 !,w0 Oio A Ini-it 01e111i0 Suits pressed, 2.0c; trousers. inc. Vnd ariirlp 05)._o , t10ler & OConnor.t All~0 d001 ,1/ TH product of sixteen years' experiment; the successful re- suit of ar effort to make a Turkish cigarette better than the best ! are unequaled in richness, smooth- ness a-nd mildness -the one Turk- ish cigarette that offers these qualities perfectly, and in perfect harmony. 10 for 15 Cents I~ le 1C/Il i'-f/you cooit get Macrad Cigarettes a/year dae,sad tc /01/00or o '75c. forfifty; $r5o for one /hundrea 4 ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City UNIVERSITY NOTICES. meeting oil OmegalPli Satur111101.4:30 ood l it eay- te0110m11011e11r110for pract17i111c evry dayo at 4:501 P. Il. Band1 Ipractice ill homyll co1101iic mical0 New orkclu0111 owill 010tfoer\ilio Mcia-picture atil Randall'.Saturdaliy, 1:3o p. I11. for 11ractice. (0111didateso for 1907 lit relay ieam Iryoitsi. Pottcr, ltrackiimana-ger. iher wil bea(11tng01111 os hi be. ll present. og01 oeclp Fe1 ur (leo-le o 'lo11ck, -1Room U. liii- metng of tihec StouuntCounlcit wiill 1be 1he11d1in1(11110 F. law building, at 1p.i . Saturda. All oldl membe11rs as0 well is 11110a0e1reco~tee10t11be11111- ent.1 .\r. toelll1. [Raker 1has0 lftcollege and1( wilhine111115 leo inGraind Hano. lO(ST-PFoe nt oaiinig $2. on Sooth ULliilersily. Rewaredlifturnieisd 101209 Smihivers51itiy.1)5-1)11 Wtchs, jew-elry anod eye glass repair- lng by skilled Workmeno. HLtitER'S Jt4wELov Scoot, MaiSc TIry Phelps' Perfectiono chocolate puffs aind chips at Cuishing's phoarmaocy. HLrLR'SJAsvsoLaY STooc,, Main St. The college jewelrrs. Establishoed o858. BItoN YORoUNFRoAMEDo PisoorRoen DEFRIES ART STORE -ad hart them framed with Choice Mouldiogs Only the Best French GIas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. - - - oo s2 ' Freyling " M endels [LOIIISIS Grand Rapids, Mich. Eiverything first-Class At Reasonable Prices Nestle's Milk Chocolate Mackintosh's TOFFEE FreDmnsrto GAS STUDY LAIPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1=3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and 1Trouible ANN ARBOR GAS CO. MONEY LOAN[D On WatchesO Diads.Jewelr 0110 all OHigh Class lChIattel W. J. LOURIM 104 4th Ave. tppositeournailHouse Tw o dors south or new P.Ol. C. A. OFIEH U S;x3 0,1:0 o to 5-t5. Husiness Steictly Conidential F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. FP. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' INDECISION tiny cost you dear if yotu studyto long as to swhere you'll send youir shirts, collars. cuffs, etc., to be washiedi. Save yottrself thought, wnorry and e. pense by hiaving its call for1 anythinlg you ranit latuidered. We mtake no charge flor that and retuth le goods, tolo, jist when atid inhere y1111 10.11 thiw. Yes; we htave a Talephnea, 928 Varsity Lacundry 117 U. 4th Ave. Both Phonoes 9285 1. . L .l l Vll'il Q6 f ll All Thio Week * Al *QUARRY'S [)RUG STORE IBAILEY & EDMUNDS %porting Gooo 121 East Liberty Street. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR TfIE~ IIF.r OF EVERIY- THING TAILORING