-7 THE MICHIGAN DA!ILY_________ Spring, 1906 SOUR STORY AAttractive Styles New Colorings r-OR jLargest Line of Woolens j Shown, all at POPULAR PRICES Full Dress Suits a Specialty at IG. H. Wild Co. Leading MVERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State St. NEW AND SECONI)= HAND Text Books For All Departments at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore LOWEST PRICES Prevail Here No llemlbership Fee to pay Money Loaned On Watces, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewery repaired. Bargains in Watches &4 Diamonds Office at residence 031 F. r~brty St Ann Arbor. flours:to tall30 a. 1.1 to 30 and 7to 9 . a. JOSEPH C. WATTS r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. r ~ tet 1assecondolassat tllat teAn r rorntPtotct. Pubtitsed daly "(Monday enceped during Y tite college year, at tcy East Wastitgtn r street. Belt plaote La. Hlnite phae 76. Y -Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW rBusiness Manager, WALTER R. HANS YAtilettca.........larene IE. Eldidg YNesat.......... LusitDI.Stikeey Y xhne .......Ctatles E. Winstead ittMtsic .... ....A. H. Ortaeyee r5 etttett ....l...... fie J. Amstrn YlHtgh ltlint" ranklin C. Park I Arthtur C. Pacd. rASSOCIATES. t eoge A. Osbotnn HIarld C. Sith r Perit N. Stmitlt erge A. Pane rRoet 1. Clatty Iatk J. Clark rI tttnryP F.chtitr Hettry A. Mngeryee I)D. P. Steenttn Walter Meteebaa I)Genn PeBadlep JohnttF. Wre r RoV._Itoll lioyod ,. Jne YRATES: $Sate per ear, or $.nn ii paid is r ~ adne. YAddress: WALTER R. HANS Business YManager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L Editr Tda-GORGRE A. BARNE. CAENDAR teb.t -Kystne tclubttt oatoc, ('antgor Ctonr ibtGirls(G1ee cl, itt Sartoh toaOtelli Angtell hltl, 4 I. lm. heit. 2.4 Wiacletlt' tttd "Iekerccate of Veoice,"lobytctn Greeltormplny, ilott tototoy ih.l, llotitec ttttt Mciancmtninttatcleeadc u r lol oti it oeeattt oiclelie tattfront the telf f P ossoro.\ctauglino. All .ors o reort abutcorupltion titcol ,ogitletic itato heccttgoitg te rtoonds. Thtcy ttttvelttttttdIepresoinl tttcls i rputabtile journlals, adttohie ttttr ttoghtfl ttettwhtot tr itersted int M1iciiganItaOt. tegitningto weotder ifotheei ota ottitt ot trottth tesec t tes. Profcss.or tclc-atghitios article, tett it xttn i gt sy ttmly.cItoor asore-r hind it, oreoterthnaeof titoanll in whse hnest itedctrcteri oeer niittttttt1tlootha co nedttte tlestetic i thettcttIrol.quartessetryofatseimt-e it 'o tt tok thacvetbeenog los ectoltorttel ototto tooetly t armestecot irtont fo h oet.tzetoondodtttti ornall tt( ttoean chraieitntotethtanitk- Thtc ttcces.tof to tettreexcurtiontts tt Octroit olv etmpasies te eet o go0000 tetrettt accomtoat ttiotts ittA tti Aribort. A\goodoiptty tos to tittit edueto- CM10iooiol tatte,.like ot goodoook: oftet 10010 so, ecatseoth ~itgs seetarerrmtigt- ier tth ~ings. herd, 01101dte platofto mighty emlotionall forces, wrorkig tlen- slv out 001 i ittble. tatgiblefotth oll tta'g0e, otent htso a iasting itpreint ootit theople wo it reachtes. It it a 01100ec ot attaititig te tulttralattitde that ttulitte iwithinthe ttoreao e veto ory eicolegesuenot. iitooastbeettsggstedthttwi o tea- tres. titott ipay bteler tne. Tthc'tere tre etioutghtseeesatoier a goodtimie ill a0101otoiiot AnntoArbtor toomateac ogoo iviely vaudtoeville teatretpy.ndtoihIe rotg tih lose" spirit cotlilexendtlitself itiere. Thtent a tquiet, tasteful theatre, whlichlouttldl011n 1011lyrt-c~las tpor- dutctonsti,.ovolod onotedtcly te toe- qutelotcy pttrontiedl ty te fcltty townis- pepl0ad cvry cosierbltetiituime ott studoents.n.toiAroor is atowntotiof almtottst 20.000 tpeople. It wotldt scot tatiaitheiato. ot t oewul e oaliosttoaoecs- ily. It sems.. oalmtost strantge 110001 01- madeiriconnections01iththein0tional cir-t cuittanesoitablished atood t howot ouset It tys totadvthoice. Wedesdac.tty we relatedl ta.story ot the odiligettec ot fH. Joohnt YWamblool. Todayo toe chonoileis i' ap0oin 01ents .a oicioior of t (.faculy. ll;1tIt,l2 lid \NC 11 ITS 'T( 1111 EtA 100101 Aoon taitmpt1 is.being madotte too revie thei Ceicte titootteis. owhic tos ots far cotya rmindii te quiescntta tte. A0 mtetigoftoeitterestedl oa. tld ini 'pptanthall yesetday, 01101i is thtouighteceiett tottettpt to miaitino agitn t hitsocc.y11000 that te scod semtester thas sarotandtore tt itte is aloe.It i plannedito hItv1000000nutmberto ot depa~rtmen~ttt mettrts to..weclhs is yi- tinguishedtlFrenhen ftot m o 01 0otitc gie setea puoi bnllic lctur01,0 too r0-toitd- IlTeitercollegiatecantiteotrcostic relay ra0ccacoriva, gioton ttntttotlly lb the LUniiersity- oftPennsylvanoia, till te 211 attFraonoliniel dol It istoetwot elt 11100nghundttoe r t. etisic, ott the tqtoooers. Te outdis opetvto toolItthe' colleges aottiottoverites othlit.Uted' States.anotto d a.itttAt sn tthe 10011,Itoe footr-itile reaoy oiltle te it feate ot thetteet owith t ot. o tiolnloveo-ile oct01) eventst.bloitg nitlitt rotonenc. Pcttti.ytoit htas titoottnouncd tati t i woutolod alcets tot llto. rc,oandoo texpects 1tha trvatd, Yale 1 1011c 1001, Chticotgo,. "Mihigoan. Sisconsit, Cottt- biot. (Georgetowovitettolother schoos oil atlso encteor. Thle college catmpionshit title wilt got to the owinler.of Ille variooo evens.. A silk lbannertO otill te gileli1o coteh wittinteam0111ao. a college trphlly, andtoo tothe itdividulom emeorofcothIt teotmototwiceaowardedeigoldtchesoc. The tsiatoo rtck ottd fidoleetswill also te hed lltt college toent, gradute or 1und4r- graduatote,toeitg ligitle. Goldl wathles oill te the firsltrize ithestciv011.. COI I"~,CT'IN lOF ROMtAN ANOTIUItl'TIS FOR t'NIY1IORSIlY,_ laos oootoslm c. iithrough the ito 1tocttitt of1 an1 l tootto..Proot. (5 oltto Denntion, ot teLotitneartitont, . va.. enaoleotot lotliettise litnimpor00tant c olectio00100 Riomian itoititit.. tor ite tuitversit. It coo~ompies. tictott c 01p1ices 110 1ta0bot 00110 tra ottaitand tolwas..purtcatsedtof Shg. St. I oriscoofott uoloi, tia1101 toe sametrtoan1front1000001 ov obtaineto IThr arettto eigtt ncip tions1001 t-e preset ollt onalo. Toofot lotg otthe tChroistoonpeitodoantd 0is itl mttosaic. '11r acIfu 000001d oo tiles..tiand one pe10001tlt presrvedtondooto filettrc. Aon(110 teracttob-t jetl.. lttfor sisp0tetstl .00 o01sppotioos torothe Iolofloor in1 10ho t tibolrititofoo a0 privtebalthting sttut. I tooaoo trobatI too d 1000 te11100ge10101btilartooot or bathlin lobasto. Stoot t tilln00resiltg 001010 t o t inte1r0esingtto f001 ll is at marbtlelowell lotatotowhithtwoatoplcdinit 1000 10011 -. I otiitthe ii Iocothao ttohas pobalylo anottest hetlotbirtof Criist. The lare ojet tolleexlhie ato bel obngigt'o the uo 00010 .1 Its 10000be aprpilit lce.AI t s incrd ot somtll toohci'toO000a00000101 O .0and itr tootowere00.0 ooarconeverostontoy thetl tonera oot ticli t Ma tgnutos G. Riblol 110'o01lootwloat ' Itt lis IlessonttRct lolIlotdan Lw stidents AbsltratetNoteb oooeookorghted.o Tecoo litlte lookoloets wroioogited byllot-S~. Rictlii... tt siletitte foo theto1000w ltu- denots ini rcoitettltrithe loir .o''igotoooo1 00101 outlining th ir toi01001 Anitreoo tCtruitoii.hoos givenii$20,000 000 ItatotoLyhlt, Va.tontondiioothaothe tOT I oo et03,olteaotosoto estera.to 00ottdraigi ns05001 1 . truettls. Cidert till toecieto% ottobtoottooin tot f15 S.Fiftoh toteit. 0507 If yell are nto partictlar, go to ette phtotographoer; bot it yoanelt tebet cotme to Aexndoer & Co., IHennitg tlo. eoo-t-f Stenoo t. tir ot tad ttuiot engiteers ploease lotve.'rdtrlcsftot J . 1,clats..ppes ft Ye Studoentop, E0too0 1. \Williamoo (01O10 11O5R) So\to81- . Hiltonot. Tabtle forotree.1 On.1aloof1001lockoeo frotmt highi 'cho1000. 93tol Thte AnnL Arbor Presn (fortmrrly Por ler & Soyder), printers ef te Miclhgane Daily, 'The Altottn, Inlender, Yotts greaot bookoil oo footboll, Ie 'Techniocto C. A. hadook, etc., ec., are pieter. 1o ttudnt htt oody 117 E, Wasohong Ion street. tf Second Senmestep TEXT BOOKS New and Second-hand. Purchase Yours at the Book= store that's NEVER UNDERSOLD LOWEST PRICES GUARAN TEED ON Literary Textbooks, Law and Mtedical Books Engineers' Supplies Notebooks for all Subjects WAHR'S ARROW CLUPECO SHRUNK COLLARS areclttttethinogttWan otltuotetlittg }ttttl appr~ectiate to' ClnILOLe tooessthrinkls too' faobritsot altht~e othrinkingis onte befotre youytah e tottar.s.ot fter-- ward~s. Ytttt fitd oreon'stles aodthe ontly acucraotce t30LOIS0ita it.Arrow Collars 15c each; 2 for 25c at attnrIhaherdashte's. Cluett, Peabody &~ Co. Lar t, maerofolar,,,(t toolShirot.ot, te IWorld. 0. M. Martill FUERALR (.1o01 111Sl tAve. Phone h8S Reidenca 312 S. 6th Ave. Phone 14. AMBULANCE ON CALL Insure your Face against irritation. Keep it socoth anti healthy by always Ding ILLIAMS' SHAViNG ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Teans l.. asAnn Arbor' Going Nrth 9o05 a. m. atd t:35 pam. GoitgS tot 71a. am.,11o:3 a. m atadl:a1 p. a. J.2. KoICHY, W. T. WILLS, Gennl Pass. Agento, Ager', Toledo, OLia Atn Artee 'Iloto Hell thone 15lr Heatphone 698 kIICHAN CENTRAL aThe Niagara Falls Route" Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Throngh Trains East -8.18 a. ias,2.40 p. in., 455p. so., 9.30 p. in. 11.05 p. as. Lscals East--te5 a. in., Ll tO a. in., *4.05 p., *8.36 p. in Throagh Trains Weat-2.0t a in,, 1.58 a. as, 9.t8 a. as, 2l33p. a. L10.0p.i. Locals West-Il2, a n, *8.28 a.., *1.4fp. M.,e*6-10p, as. * Except Suandoa. Connaetiens at Chieago fee St.Lauis, Kansas City and the Weal. W. W. CASE. Agent, Ann Arbsr -' ' Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Batel Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riffs . . . Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith Lorado Taft ._ .Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . - lar. -- SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number Tickets for the Entire Cournse - $2.00 May be obtined at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Censts Extra-.at S. L A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLL ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phomoe 552 Office Houra: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec i TEXT BOOKS, New and Second Hand Engineering Instruments and Supplies We are the Special Agents for the Eugene Dietzgen Company TABLETS and NOTE BOOKS Don't be fooled. We are the cause of the present era of Low Prices. Membership fee 50c. for the Second Semester. B~uy ea-t theCo~p acugtas Shoes WA H D.The homa 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes ' X 1~~JI.FeI~~I