The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, '9k Ikt\\I RH) V\ IIHR \R\ t6, 90g6.>o 5
No. g-.
He Rights Mtatters When Told of the
Charges Made Against Coach Yost
and Himself.
logiittni tel ephne cm-ra--
it'm tt~citAti111 lAtr e a nd cithe
ig hicahart, te Lafacte tackle, yes-
erilt, reetittithe fact ttie Lni-
,~f f Kainsasipofsso wh ctt
Ht'y p '1t)ts t atedtinger;ci (m the
i mtitittattd fiat
,1It Nti ci (it ii N C-iet it ut i I.tt-i-t
\ii hit itt ih .,h ad li noit hear
ittil ies teray of te chargei t ha i
i ted onioach tititt ial t Kansfs
h, w rk tkes int nto te tildts of
\lichgan nd m ils hitearit euet
itthtiKitasiProeitt;fat immeditetlty
ittchw irigtigth'e mter.tt t111
"t's tsim cyianealie i ciiia fabilse-
n tis r ittso- it ' art ed i it I t
atr I i-itr tiltedfrom iiiiLfayette
h c ce, fa trltytha ti octe m t l y
oo 'a tadililithat.iThn h t ellsii'-itteo -
mi la wo te igga e ith Nit-u
cin hesaf f1 ns. I wai neve\ if'
the stte of ci-I a. t hetimeilllie
lt esI i at platittii on itiltKansat eamtt il-
Ii-iutuin~rfr t - i oft ice -iet
d t tutuworkigthr tpi c iii - flr lt
I have s ill-r ft ifnltu ctuftit-t n
dic hea t, everi-il ilty ofi anii al t t t attc
in tt empiu't-ti i 't iltuoca}-aserion:li
tn, 1 tithi liha -feen, and thtI itc-
iN timmeNita-tlt crrtiti ll eo twa
lit-cas i l ythe atilt thal t 'lt i ghfttt
sth ilfttI" h idiherd f it . t' c t
.reotert ateptitoaciatefte ieoCod.
ita t-c the lie-t tas pa 11ru 1ex eepulitcg hai
ittlt t lass oraoical cf t ecif, atill acii
veec mtetdal fcr the sco'ndti best. Thev
mt lie seini to tie secretaryc. L~. V.
Gaffict, liy Marci i-i upaft
OFESSOR LANDONI A Large Number of Minor Changes Gym Presents Lively Scene Every S,-
Made in Faclty=Prof. Wenley's Afternoon-Bowman Beats
CHii -i-OiS-iCUR Leave Extended Clark in Sprints
________ lBeidites etihifig ti ihair if atfhi- W 'it tine s s e ltaycthill set pac t tiig
Frm ifr ainrc iiit apfpuaItec tdieu-ithu-ib1oacti uf regiets oi \edeuf- u-l u af trnooniliii-gymui fretesit tilt
1 fu tte t the dtay uitr sctetfi l hit-i- fllowiufig ltst- -ii~ifi-u --cut- luu ifri 'tuti-t-
do thtetuifteic-sI 'iiii-ithe ut i ic f idoctouruof ctaf cut-
Iti - - tcf-it-ti conutferret-uI otn ttIi e amtem-ithiru f tie -age frontit e tthrfl a iy. -
ro o e.tm ps nt a eef n efi itkc Junowinrii h t itf. I uu itunuttfp i htigpiei i th'i-t
el.tte Cng eai l cuctsociect-) tiu da cts, n lredh owg ing.hI r cdhirardi il tetly ieutbeir paccet overiiiw he
ht deliberatired-'uponittheciquestioniiotheen-ie h e tak mt ak ossinhfte1 o
1 gng il htc. T ese-iice-i tf \r ' iis su en nth edcl tue - ati froc thi tut ttuiii"Si loes y-i--i
hfecn ihtet n uh i l-c h idersttl il fhave tfi~ tugymufufterp clc teei co -
hcenticaftledunfit-ut if uf-iotuttct-c'vistu ttui -h 'ti di aftttti i hui lf' I fi --
-thl l orcrrig -n hisi ia- cititwofrki.uuuuucf h ic ttu Al Dtt ictI-u- K utetic hutuclit-ci fau t tn i l
hir Ichututtitpf itiT iini er it tu istIola ari-cu artu ofiiittc o hse ilt-e tuf Ituu h uuu it, tn
in uthi. ch urc ,aet-u ta ndstilt htctyh i-f lti-tu 11 iit-t t- iihave ifuttit's iye t-it itt-i beriii iii ' '-i-
Tracy', fti-iifii-ittitnt flitnursettatitthei lif
t111iu lt uiuiu ti hiu ii hut i-iitt-hositatltu i s ihten eei e rii ctiii-l i teittitlu
Atitittspc-il Itm ofi t he sflu ithu- eit-t utRr.u ItI i"W h i-i andi1i ul, t vcratie
Iui re uiiu hua-hf t niiituo ititthu c if tul Marchli-i-itugit Miustu-tstcu-u til-it
hut- sda evenuh ttu ii fing t h tpfirna oft-eitdouun ui I"t', u-thbe t ut-.Intthiel-ig ih utpi-
i i t nitutitit tti tifof. W S tutu i nc h s ctu tu i h e ryti- oif cfi'u-i
lo ,rp td tierc m e ion fs te cl. ti has been nacit t otttiI illt-i eft-itt ancyii ii i- tutu ifle tet, titinch s cn-i t ly.fuitut"u'it
Sutn ititccct-ti us. T h t -tuckres - iP ri f Nit hl utit t citwho- ii u A c ie Hh u i t ay thuile ucspa n ic
zittpropertytheti old.h ift i tbuyertfcould-itlitr.i-i-arecireceIivitt fitgimorh e uuu~ t h ni usifalit tel,
it-- i-itnthlhandi tiltiii -i-t tsociety tuthnLui -f h e w Ine"rt Ciiik putt lu-u
'iit 1futlftt'C u ..ici r.Ifl tt rti ft crtt autuui O i IR S U1EN uI I
tutu' d i1 t ttuitd tuuu tfittuftedfifice loniaiitt-il-ill ani l-i h" inutie t t st otil speed.ittuf
tic, hih fhoud tbdyt e fltc~ai feet 'fthfugh ithe forfmeriistsftolitettingupofduuu
- -iftifiiilii l-i tutuluu ufi utuuft -- 1 ii utu hiilltufifttet-iclitcnuciicitilthu1'ut oron en elsohn euio'8sittil
thu-t-ie titfo i iiia -i ht cifi-i in-ir-chi $forti-ittiu t h ur l ifTh pirfinteitti'htfrtien l A perHee wnSh kep ri
tilt' shilt-u d fit iiuuu t'uf li tft t 1 ttusca lrh ce r I m~r oii ittft iacesiutlitfent t hee urghulthit reCutt isPay etW
whilc it N vas deci-il-fedhtohtdete-iuutip it v cg t h$urIp o lr a h tr,
later fet tpiin t hitrchmfludi t io ft i e. or te scondhut flueto ale is thee tet fc rd ma .Hin ti- hetit i I I tcifitiNIcihitt
tilt reporttseemedi to meet' with general'the plue Ioftth" i-. Itt flit fitraf erredti tquat , ci inigc i Ohctui ilt feshm nfhournutnderttit thrrr I r fiu tust
favor, i-itetti- tftot ut i t he i tt ii $ if-ien ctrii hhhitaartlgi i i i i itc lit-cuti ota in tuttulak cfng fit -cu-t
T hi l c usi huh fit it-i stfandsi f $2nl u-ii i tsut "ctli t rkut ccIii eustrauinedpafmtci leitf ff tunir iili
on ftutu mostihfli t flI i h eCIcTYWic l - ap intd si ttto in hi leg ibiforelexamsit I CuitillRupr]-i ttO-R fiEtR ISTU EfTfu iWl-tI - T Ilu
f p r ic uulaly inIilts iinteri r tar atgtett ti.i Prhitch elit-it theipri.cnttscmlu te r a t ttiyibe liiih fpe int imettut oahitl ticF ttts uh - ti -if N GEt T CfluAit
tr~ ditnttuh u aeentuu Ofutii h turcni ecdc eiic. Ditunli s wothe inhf ut wihuhf1 ce fehot ifltiC i fi c I utWil
tu(, m o t u i fiet-i f t y secureditt tuu aitprophiatt i-if as iade fl-u'veu-idai a udhiohdoel ethic e ls ohn, I ext 'OSu i tf
hihtowingliteliiigtlttle tutu faateiphafitc
tt tit fhth uu ue hhu tttuI hit spec i letur nt e A o e n P eicA p a h iy t rt itliii' aiofi nti-i ty f eeuitt rguu ftiCte cistinrtr cii pi luts e x i t Cit i-lek ci. -i
thiefl.Ttutprpitt-ittin pssibly et-fDrma," b Pirc$Mc4aytinhng.tbuthis ii i'uup-his-workuthu
fter PhnitIIionta n I (PN- on- IcIittiohn iii it-iitiwast ialpfint-i. s- iihfttar c uch c tttc adbl hadut ci fa thlpeu ati i it tl u -
P h I Hi IC zou lo'tiatu$2uouiipletac tteeuofi hhAmongu t i t ItrieC11p1layer, flu tleIt ,n Gre
stric ctufaevarious hutrhie-uceft haveli-t-icefluestutumchiciwhicttaflitafsitur-etututututcit-
been ifmtde uon it-sincett utingi.Thlt W.liiim- ncfnte disuu ut-a vst h er-cc l lu ey sG rdn eu lii I e ofp lt.ut-in
ut-eofthic ing h e uuuipoll'uidoftn hitand tC'eibudget Pfo the sili scho lut, eeraldct uu cha s aeushortiyC-e acuif utcuiii i
flIt ttti iit tt ectlthisiteiis. flue we t$1,00 n nces attuwtutu as been tutu i nghl t-ippp'huwe ll eutt
unut ucefucf flt tituuic s Iif (ttu ik hh ut eu-d uuectucuceh uuTic cir tutuwhifeutu coait t-c yar
us~ htis reasonit tt o i euiu th aih icuuiglue h ip if.f i i . milu ,fu wii lueou tel bctc iet u Hf' ws.a mu-irof l. I I y lu-i i-t ,
nut- i ewit iffItl tfi u iiehuuucatheit'r f h e -nt h 1 u ittsu efeoge w s pp ited fcuinfut t-iT tte.h-i a tf-ui under Caitall cuin a c -hutk ipartiin thuci t c tile-i-- Itay
to rsp vaiabl an deirble ii ifh-t e t ic liiin -whit tutu tutu alautto fl5 u e rvisiontel On'el ot r hiail nutfueRih i-IP 1 y pe cnsc frtn w ks ok eahIc pi te < pl ltcn "1h
tfortithiltuitversiutf-i itthiftutudhhstutudithut lit-i ili"frfueshm ni ho sieniCieartuuodftu Msi- it the v n
lhe chN rchfi ayI he(pNC'ric h tIh ipe. flin:c e~t tt i af r ple uu Ititi u httin the lfu-m i, i i l e c cuuul Aftal omyNubat ,r
toe oud.inths aeberediy itas - rT e e crt i eit s t e -iuftoi payi to thelid ciiflue as i t sleenufund tcica tha n VestyclIsedi lft TieAth1u "~ h
frma-ut ito at mth seilt ieahe tutu errtup he.lance d'oe i [cht-l t iirs.nt he i phys- uce hInott clon rhu ;print fre esuhorlieu-ri
cityttticp-fcutDr.tJamelinac urecpluuitseappinnteucefene.ccuredtutuee tile citewcciii loic-ioant
----e -t- i c -ilRcipettuphtdurCcx utonttutnlut thu hlefcp thaeuutucautu hinc h Ner nf tti ewtI (tluu Itotit-I
c3,li I't) futuipii th i CutiONii Iii uuufu -i ai u tt ite ilc int pnecerul ounelhcsuubeeniifounicyetuC anda Inthefclheioegc- Ie
fitSnt c n t Nlutc lriuT IS liniuuc lc -ld istm. u hfuteemsch oI befi n tuicheficss. ItMrit"uCrIe Il o ii i thitihaenashel
_l.i tiu-i i- a uuu l I h u I 'le hti rti' dju ne d fu-fTOfttafch f3.tDftee g t heutu mfiler i huc adii 11w c oarc cicc ecteu-ifevff11'i -cr ii. u-
Anthe ft it tuf V ubee''pdi alt te v i cc atit .i....tuc i i- i u uc mat ifleuhi tyt eai iu m awiuyc rsn agoc is oudcut Cep-e re paes lntv~tc
[ersityf Ifuut" uc cud atlcc-u huvin u tilt-IIittAKiuuNiueeitRf-i forunarhcicfluetrcii elcerwegh. Awcau iuiutu-inc02,p e crt ~c ,
C ' .utta tiniicoach of ithe tem, fli uuttut I uhun TERup c T e waffu sck last yf a riku-ga-liceathe tot playliii eluau npuutttu- l th-ytIh-it-
it-ieehandufed u in hsuest indtin a . i li t tof i 11h uIdhue f u n, ug t i ap areunuly ight"flue seye'aflth m evsra t t i JI
athlei c u-uhfd I1, hetam Tten ccepnt h [ec up- s i Si isnh Ate ngeeral C ic r ale i terestaing etuidee d Ip in T hui i iir ifouCrIt h cIt
'tuan ttw ull ak'te tln.Ket A heingp ven-tick pft uf into theucage uyCster Cay utand haow i hav ciueda thIaeiracu li-ic ork e sntelaeared p" I;l
bueganThursdtteap alie atwit waeeks' an- ereule willudeivecrflue tuddurecc. ATiere andulrepuete-iniinio gentle terms lthat il-ce 'fle atualuttustettioruc Wlute chits hut
ctiontndtatu ttlseven unditriledfrleech- itill huetutuinufoirmiutureceeptiont int he par- meni decuiat heifr trublesome sport. tarty wiff behu'lelduatif hh eig-c01itthu
meniotihue li tundenineerfig depart- lutes u-ilarbturhugypp-ttimmeitelaftlie''hlenth le picture o1fluhe red-checked uand 22nd1 ofi [ebruiary, flue cetntg if iWush-
metic are registiered ini the canre. hmetilic nfg. henumbled-fingered ladiec wa-i taken. ingans hirthiday,