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February 15, 1906 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-02-15

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Hocking Valley Ry.
You illiifind
Four-Trains Daily
From Toledo
Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains
Sleeping Cars on Night Trains
Union Dsepos in Toledo and (a-
S. E. CLARK, 32
Canmpus Martius
Detroit, Mich.
We do developing and
printing for amateurs,
and do it well
It is to our interest to
do it wvell, that we may
sell more f ilIm and
more Kodak's

Regal Shoes
For College Men
AIr tevrtR isos tyleass dil
r ntiy o iedfrma inew aasi' It
New Yorki anditiLonon. f
Aoil ihe liegat oesm that are
moiist populaisiitt siiiiilegi-evr)
whereareseact and i thul i ei
ptias iossli lit aii sisils.ii i
isiniest Ofasisrssssnssthesniin(' h
nes si- i essi- ititsin ii ts isiirld.
''i pcia raimiliof the tegii
iiiusiss is direeted byiounii wly- i
parmenissst, -composed-il smsiof ex-
You dso'lhtetsend awiasmyimil
sisose ihe stat sits yos.Al
commmletestuoci in Coni logs R,tiem is i
$3.50 and $4.00
righstisheein suAtiAnmor.iThe oil
soe sttis madesits ito i st.
R. A. H. THOMPSON, Agent
Ye Studet Shop
611 E. William St., Ann Arbor

; The Best Move,
Vouiicanrmak, is to italir
- I <inliii -ossis ass vron t s
m hsstoreiiis rn onte awk plnNe evrssrsleep.
Wes hav i v i ded ouriitsF il
siut iii2,5 air csnt on ees ir it
Tble .No. 2 rontains suits tiF1
iiwsiii t..........$13.00
All $25.00 Overcoats at 4;18.75 All $15.00 Overcoats at $1 1.25
"20.00 " "15.00 4412.00 " 44 9.00
18.00 "I3.;;0 44t1.004 7 50
Manhattan Shirts at 25 per cent discount.
Spaulding Sweater-vest 1-4 off. Ypsilanti Union Soits 1-4 off,
Don't let thin opportunity pass for it is a money saver,
200-202 Main S#.
After Paying Your Tuition Fee
The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of anoppor-
tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select-
ed with the otmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thing is now
ready to be seen.
HlATTERS TO nNH r and K e

fiAn air'rn' SCHOOL FR GonFCE:
DANCING 310 Maynsrd

PRICES <A i. A ..
RAO ILHA.. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? IR N D A L
E.ta I. C.ALINS You can procure froms him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture o use in the Mihiga-
Dtsgg s ensian, altfor $3.00. PH O TO G RAPiH E R
326 suouOtt ae street Mi~Flidii.inoset as anut-Gov. ---INDECISION
F_ UNIVERSITY NOTICES. m iay cost you dear if yot study ta~
COOK HOUSE 1 1imtslenuineiise vslvet kisses, at _ - n-lstg as to swhere yo'l send ysur
Opt ir- , oruaeCsthL 5 NAL ON5I5 iiis. ishl ii rs iaitrts collarscifs etc., to be washiedi
-iisIissltims imsr - Save yourself ttoughtttworry andie\
- a ea s a t at i set A ii s essee I'1li e sst priedil5yrcigar tsmae - I lii ; ims ii-sistsipe5 li i aetb}layhaing itincall fistaythisg
os b O sleatJ l' s simssi i 7.i ii i ii tim /a yott satt landered. We make tim
VxI'hnrtpCatholic FSitudents assiismieoacioy.tion
-- --t mm -iiliss anemiit 55 ~ charge for tat attdlretun th te gois
________ miiistis m emlrsimis 5iiiii iiilii i~ F 5~t.Z -i~ too, tt ss-thetad ishere you ttsai
51sF i-s / ~themtt. Yes; hv Iave a
(Piiipsiefu i- mo7rm-ss-t/Tlepho .e, 928
his loo temswilliirepotiirn Isi'as tutsi tssaftur
it, e mus, tnd t It at~oclVa rsiky La.xndry
lfegilr iimisiI ssisenior lawd c isis mmI1n 17 S 4th A-ve. Bth Phoress928
ArethE i s .Se inSw2, Most Popular, Highest. { mmm lae iishe seral o--asibulit
Crde Tot C zO AI it he W-ord liii-esiarranged.smmiims
- 5/ ' 1 L Cmlti -SCtr, toe iworildiover, knowus - i Iom :. n ivierssityisis n ii miii \F mmml sit~
oneC = -a C e fe tobaccos; andi knows that at 2 .n~in.is, issimo l m ltis asstatimed
F; Ni r, Diitys was never roduced. i________
$ . r 1~knows, too, that a good pipe, cii-mior o ius mmlorisim Ma p1ntsEwrniigas. te a i h
STA C C tb.acos fibeerdtewith iion e 1) m. Ii i il i tosser " ay cost taundred of hmnalies-
theCse ob c hsi3 be ter tan the ao pers. .Siiraseionm"Thelie tiau.hats l are sthe man in the tosser' to gardF
SIbest smoke of any co nd-f i your own stomach. INDIGESTION is a
Hf, t other kind.11S -1m- Fiiiiigiis irri mmiwsaning signal o danger ahead]" Keels
LOm ST 011i 1\iiiiiii gui se. r et.si oIn he track clear swith
__ _ SREDE
Sfn n 1( t.i f-ssi43 i-k~ em
1i ni ii sn s ug sm rsmeis

- iAM-: iii s
- ii 5 1-

CASAN- Aii'M, m - i '"ia cjf +

isde ill iricmisve reswa~rdl insri-esmrisig
min _1_my S. Iswelfthi as uss'. 93-94
Fto Nlav s, $3. 93-04

it ae. a ua iii5 three ittO
GARin - - ine tim-55
ri i , i ii ii
Lsoantanietntdct.tArt,,C i
ile-i i elii l - - 5iltr, m~cti-
j i~ ' n cilttEEtinstt=
rsa'm - -Mild. s30ci3iis60c, MPtRIAiCUBE-CU
ii ..? i - inri frl ' - '
acuumstiss tie oz.
Allens -
2a5c.;S 3;a. oz., 45Csiiss i su
s-E L TU rsii s. 5 ; F
Ifno t i ud aoatiyour def~alrs, tsoentpstad
11.;'13 Fifth0cAvenueHavnewYrk HE TTS-




n trn fn. 55 sesiani -; the ir,,, 555rinct -,555 z

WMatclh, jewelry and rye glass repair- keeps ithe stomach seet and clean and the bowels
Fag lay skilled woarkmn.
I aTn ~SJtwtt.sY STOstt, Main St.Ihealthay anmd active. It is made of the wshole iwheeat,
steami-cooked and drawsn itato fine, porouas shareds, pre-
Try Phelps' Perfectiotichiacolate puffs senting all the brain-makinag, body-building elemetats cmf
anai chips an Custhings pharmacy. the siheat lberry in digestible foram. Supplies natural
E-,xpert Jewnelry and Watch Repairs. wartmth to thse body iti a natural way.
-Arnoild's Jewrelry Stare.- Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot
-____ --milk or cream, the BISCUIT is delicious for break-
Suits preised, 25c; trousers, toc. fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It
Fuller & OConntor. If may also be served in hundreds of dainty and tempting
- - _ - --- ways in combination with fruits~oysters and preserves.
FORf SAL,, A f ie iet of dlrainig To learn more about "Shredded Wheat Cookery "
inistrmiments. J. C. Wsai331 E. ibl- send for our "Vital
erie- sires-i. tf Question'' Cook Book. "
F _______TRISCUIT is a. Shredded =- - ,
t~rLaRSumnJewrsv STORE, Mlaint St. Whole Wheat cracker,
-The college jewnelers. better than bread for toast.
t Estaliislied x858. deli ci ous with butter,
cheese or preserves.
D~ress suits to measutre, fromi $3ou00 "It's Al nteSrd"
FI $4.5.00. Order at onice for the 5
1hop. Conisumners' Clothisg Co., t18inStd
i2n 1<. Libierty street. Ii THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y





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