THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprillg, 1906 iOUR STORY Attractive Styles New Colorings IMEN'S W[AR L argest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POPULARI PRIC[S Full Dress Suits a Specialty at AG. H. Wild Co. Leading M1"ERCHANT TAILORS 9~311 S. State St NEW AND SECOND=~ HAND Sext Books F or All Departments at Sheehan &Co's Students' Bookstore LOWEST PRICES Prev ail Here No llernhership Fee to pay Money Loaned O Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Ofica at residence 031iE. Liberty St Ace Arbor. flous: to ta:30la. m. i1tao 30and Ie a p. i. JOSEPH C. WATTS THEIFMICIG~AN DAILY.: cruel. This lie of roaoning lraven! I Firerd a sent clasmt tter at tie An rAbr Ptsteliore. tPablised daily t(indaysecetd dring r tie cnllege year, at 117 iEast Wasingan r street. BItlchoprne t89, hinme phne 76. r Managing Editor. CLYDE L. DEW t rBusiness Manager. WALTER R. HANS r EDITOS.l y Athletcre ........Carene E. Fldidge INews............ Luis . Stinkay itEcne ..........Cares . Winstead fbui.ri ........... A. H. Ortaeer r Woenr.......... . e . Arstrag r EDITORIAL STAFF. YiHngb AAlnt Frakia C. Park Artbur C. Pnad.1 ASSOCIATES. r oege A. Osbr tHarld C. Smith rFeris N Smitha Genrge A. ares iRoert1I1. Cany yank J. Clark tienry F. Shltaie iHenry A. Mngmery r . F. Steenon bWate Meteaum ~rrlruntDtBradey lairs 1 Wre t oy V. Lultli Faydi11. Jesre rRATES:t$2.5a per year. or $.aa it paid in r adace. YAddress: WALTER R. HAS' Rsiness rManager. 23 S. 12h S. Phone 849 L. V INIISIIAY. EGIRUARY T4. 190,. Editr Tday-ROBERT H. CLANCY CALENDAR lilt.14-J. S. Girrckel, presiet of tie :satinaltiNesos'rassociain ati Newberry all, 6:45. ,leeiing of bordrr of regens. lilt,15-Chopin recital by Albert Lock- noon. Friee hall. 4:30 . i. ito ySocial elibdance, Granger's tcderrmy. Fibif6-Keystore curl dance, Granges Feit 17- CnrceriIby Girls' Glee Ciu, Sarah Caswell Aigell hal, S p. in. Felt 24-"siacbeil" ard"The Merchant f Venice," by Bet Greet company. in tUiversiy all latirie aid nigiti erfoemances. tinnco'' ittm' oricorplesttinsork. ith plclrsenti.Anralsurndareeof cons is beitnrg disriurted about the arps. Streey there mritabie sometirggood at iiiitl. 'Consr" tenek hardship it pariclra set, inn le general resl is beeicittl. If ties'cotiue to e di- trrredi t he preseti rate, the posses- in f tt .i1higan dilomra will entitle aiatoti iigreat respect ard considera- tin. fieprobilern of efficiently proi-, ti re Stetievast rnurmbiertf stderts who rcint.ine torpour ito Ann Abr tirasriusoe. It is only lie ptiroft t ritto "con"tItout lie poorer ieee tn ire tie sroger ones the opor- tuityiofiicliseretouch witfalty ardri facilities. 'lieuiriersiy's repitation rist icreasedmo rer be a doen gio ernt taitihunriiedelpior. nes. tirecrrs ethisrr r osoaint temnwoistdrppiedut tie tess 1 ofl liii otrsidelewcrredraree evert Imoref igru n li,)a., h rggefeenceeis stll rirore fierce andc f cnrsiderationitr he1tclints of aciiy r'trrigdotsirelie cass-roo.rtii. li ir, iip ie pist istdrent.:" rave tri t ,o watr' outsire iteress-irolitiics clubs, athletics. ardltie like, The trainig ad tire' lesstors whiheirtese orrside atiitties incurlcae nity e erent rnore -alitlle taintre of le la-roomri. ODire leis tres teipleasanti rmemoiries of careise das; f sudyithat wsatpleasuer'.anti pleraruree that taught a lesson- all cwit- ouri tirse .reintendeerre of tie factyl. Buii just rowthiefaculty watsrrosnteir mrser direcly into te life of the sirreleit. Wha ititshall it iroli 10 ialc new re. tard deiseinew envrironmiettfor at les, if we reet Iae io atlets itr 11,1.1NOISI iL ESTABLI'S1H A RAI,WAVY SCHOOLDI PreesidentrrJamtes,ofthre Univrlssit' of lliriirs.liternnutotrcedi thatlastess schrooli ofrailwaycigireering atriad minristiraiottwil e oered for tenrs t Illinoris ini Sepenmber. Tis is tireflst schoiol of its kind ini te wortd. Iitwill havethr iree tdeptrtents, itededeto i coerteiieentire rainge ofraitlwasy stok. Thesc till icludelaepinarmrent for lie study f irolems f costrctiorr tnd mraintenartnree f twty, rtdeiarterrifor te sbljeet of ipoweertnd its apiliatrrion, tan ali 'thatis iclrdet inii mecantticl rideletal engieeriig tas aplliei to etailwayroirnblems. rTrhere cwiii alo be eideptetriwhereirt problens nofler- atioir of trgtanizatiorn, of financirg, rte rmsing tartt-eerythinirg which has to dir iswithsticiral fortionrrratndlrirange- mento a'netilcway ecompiany' sill ie A *defeert romtseili faclie ts e--"ic slretior in lie varioustdeartr- 'ctrprominent 'riwa officials till -m seial courrses ii order 1o ertpia- liet stdents tlie vatite anrithelirla- iti frt tlts ofilie cerr'ieulurm. SEN 11)1 1,11S TDO HGSHOT PT)1DAY 'ihat thie senior yere is ee for lie 1900ircls is very apiparet. Tie ar one.ciartand gowen hairmnetare bursy noiing coitractrs tie' serior ariirtl is bet igipushed to concusion,the rool men tre srmokingtheir senior pipes. Tdtay at noonrthlie senior lilstill gather at tire ltis brenhopostte south wing o1' 'iapprrnrhall foe he senior heen piietree. liii senior girls are sowirg trnerpririse by' rmakirg arragmetsi' 1o ase it sirilar class pictre taken tomrrowernoort onstrrhe seps of Basrbourn gyrnrltsitnrr. Phe Chicago Maroon has conicreito lire linmeighti in ta receni setil hrutg it stuvocting a loering of dance rattes. "Sisireird tie dancirg garlicuireil the rece is ot.ered. The pie of admission 1o fooball gamres a been loered- wchiy'ca'l tie uniersity faclties gte togethrer i anothrier cortferertce and ciii dowrsthle experse lists foe tie tnnal prrm" Apparenilie copy secred frlenirg football tagiaiortis rnrrwvget- tinrg sarcee.oothereerefonms ree in order. FANCLT'iY NOTIC.S. Latirn--.'.trse Bir 'igil eed Hookis I iro V' pen t irt' stintw base rakseriCortse . arrd 1tillltee weho hace offereid rirero rtiehireej tlliit of Latiirrforeuerlartee.pritetdi thrat Virgil tar otinlueidi. 'Tse wishinirg t'onstarie raboutr thinrsitoure's itiay fri] ein Ro omr :1 , 2 tir3. excepltin irtlay'. 3 First irtetitg f ike classtill Weelrestity, Frersee r4 at . This eourre W till ntlhie gis's it ear.iHenreeA. artier. 'PT'erommtttee tn Ca srta Ioare, till mteveerydaty (flie feirst eeks iiithe secoird sermesrei. 'itRm IS. Uivrlseeity ral, frrm4 :30 Irs 5 :0p. nt. tocoid tire appiliationrs of sudiertsrisingtirex-c ra hourrs. Strheapictions tlieitbe rradie in peresonrduringithg lir est eirkof tire semresee. Before litaig isi lie sorral applicieonirrthre'stdiiirmusi trtaii fromrttire regitlrae lie cusomryaey plsi-i cohiort,.afte flliig it out moust deiosi iin ile.tire'gstrar's sliiit oin rileelonreofRoomrnA. T hisn t the ii done a.1lei't sl inst.ris ieforeerstee apiplieationitlethlie cemintntee Tils.rtile dries mnottpply'to irtelvear stents, whoinmtit s urmituilir choieeof tud 10t ir t e nmmnttilee orn electots. Onm Feirr'rie7 t'inmenrtnilen rgini ecrirug laotoiry ofn' thIn~e' n ir'sits o lYenrnsls 'iurtiastirsti'sr'rndyet islie. T'I bunilinngco'tatind lthe' tynamo its wich i frnerishedlmotoftheii liv ~~ eesits lll inigs with.light,. 'nti tie tlehotine e- ecianuge. I.i'lita letothleh1os tnts 'tintI ri of lir eiiparn'Iutt Iitere' sedtilt11 mu thndntagedi ins lie'1a tie. flue N\'nnnmen.a1lhainirg clin t iiat' ifos rniitus1eieedl thhl nnin isn't ft.' re'gtuta un. 'Ntninr's hbithdayi. C01.i,rGISGIRlS' ClASS IN DA.NCIG. Cnleg' 'un high. shooitl gils wiit; toinn trillaits i.n dninerg wiliactrit Grngu'r's Actdemiy' Saurdin ay'afterteoon ath 4 ercilsk; $ to l nit All. Nil dr tre ntwernnenfur.'secorinI stntret U 1LOST1'-Inn ROOMu 40rr late 1:1'' 1 Ii esnerse.t io f ltdraw rg nruets Findere llireceiee'r'encanrly'eeurinig in 4r5 S. iTw'elfttntventie. 9n-4 Iav 1ts-0n1 .n ,m utt utlt int so 'e stir'rt maungzneuwulrractetnif ilsrrd I shaintuiisraeueit'ntilsartee'pii'its l withiry'oun. Ohlande, Cituwesun'ourit.t l3 ''IIIA'PRI EXFC'RSION To DI ecri, Friday, T'hen. leaves'.\iehigent Centraetldeportiat 6:45 i. inn: etnnrirg. notaues IDerninth at 11:31i p. nm. Rounnd trill fare 8o cets. NAttrac thon atiDetroit Opera Houtise, "'lieNVi- ginianl" IOrdee triune tikets iatnon' ferunJ. IE. Reiige. boul. hnes 95 334 SouthnirStu.' stret u92-95 LATIN 'PEACHIIFRf \\'NT''lDl-. College upreptwork n in nys' ataeml'ry. Begin Sarceht I: $7 lto lroo ur' anduiihonme': increasenex it wrntft't stid cessfn. IB. F. Cl, 7 1.'Ni. lnren street, Chicago. n-24 Second Sema-ester TEX BOOKS New and Second-hand. Purchase Yours at the Book- store that's NEVER UNDERSOLD) LOWEST PRICES GlUARAN- TEED) ON Literary Textbooks, Law and fiedical Books Engineers' Supplies Notebooks for all Subjects It ,, ire iiinthel 1 i:,i umlaut rin COAT SH IRT "On and Itf illo a Cat" CLUETT, PEABiOY & iC., Tre, N. Y. 0. Y!.I~artllFUNERAL 0. M. artin DIRECTOR Ounice J2lt.K4th Arc.,inhonecSb. Reisidence 30HI.5t'ebAve. PInlIng:1. AMBULANCE OCALL Your Face Tells If it's soft and smooth and free from irritation, it's a sign you use the heaing WILIMS SAVN ILLIMS'STICK ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMIP LINES. Trans..LeaverA.ArA'bor' Going ourte}h s:C r . i.and :.p. a. GounceSouth 7:20 c.nin, 11:5a.n. adh7:51p. n. .13. 3.KithBlY, 5V. T. SWILLS Gien' Pass.Agetn. Aet 'Tledot, 0111oh An Aetrm, Mueh itllch lone 135-r Honepor nen698ti VICHniAN CENTRAL- Chicago Bluffalo Boston New York Through Trains East--sill a. m.,. .n.., 4.55 p. cm.9.30 n. an. ti1.5p. ci. LcrasnEant-i0at. im., *11.10 a. cm., *c.l5pan., *8e36 p. cm Through Trainn West-2.7 a.atm, 7.58a.nt., 9.i8 a.m., .33ip. mc.10e20 p. m. Locnaln Wet-Ill, 's.28 a. cm., *1.o0p. m., 6 10p, in. * Except Sunndaye.) Connections at Cbicage foe Sut.tLouis KdansasalityannulthreWest. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome IChas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - - Jan. 16 F. Hopkinson Smith - ___ Lorado Taft - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman Ts -lar. - SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - . -___-___ Tiaketsfor the2Erntlre Cou.rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Studant Selles Seats reserved-50 Corts Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Maine Corridor, University fll,. beginning October 30 3INO,'LE ADMISSIONS $1.00; S. L. A. Phom~e 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec TXT BOOKS New and Second Hand Engineering Instruments and Supplies We are the Special Agents for the Eugene Dietzgen Company TABLETS and, NOTE BOOKS Don't be fooled. We are the cause of the present era of Low Prices. Membership [ee 50c. for the Second Semester. Buyast the CoOp. _ _ Ia Douglas Shoes WAHTeSom n28S.Mi t Gym Shoes AI-h hona -1 S.Mi t