RAT MEN ATTENTION I Shavea valuablepieceaof real estate ,thetampus and in everyrespecttjust -iigfor a fraternity. could use pts- oossefor a few years.'] hisemust be sihit 0 days. We hase another site Z ,s ,--ssbe parohased cheaply, alsa hass W cfraternity house for sale ar for rent. + Irosested call at onte. G.JI "ALER &Co. Campus Barber Shop ~ ~0 A. MOE, 705 N. University Ave 'I, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank:~ Capital stack, $50,000. Surptas, $200,000 Resources, $2,t00,000O A General Banking Busineas Transacted + coFrsrssoCtsas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D +A Haians, Vtce Pres.: M. JFritz. Cashter Rowe's Lau nd ry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 3tr 326 N, Fifth Avr. r Ness Phane 457, Belt Phosne 457-L+. BILLIA RDS&t. AND THE MICHIGAN DAILY s i *' "?11*f Y*fi*Y1*H* 9 ii*{Y 4i±4 { 't.' +ts+ +a+ t "*G ' i i+t ' +' ia$i sa Q+ +± a 4+ +4'is r+ i r'r y+ +4 .+i+ ++ ri+ r ia$r+4+ 43i +ti + ii i' ia++ i i t' 3taO D Ot CAYOUG man who really knows how to dress doesn't wata suit lake thousands of other fellows sre stais- i--he counts distinctiveness worth a big while. The average clothing store can't rig him eat in saris garments. This in no out-of-the-average place. We specialice the yoang msan hy g"iving hitmt College Brand Clothe s Lots of patterns and just one or two suite of each sort. Big shouldered- -lonse and Englishy coats---wide peg trousers. More valute than the price has a right to ! .1-4 Off on Suits and Overcoats (Black end Blues Excepted) i...tt t,, f f 1 j. .L 1 C NY _ f STER 4t$5.5 I 1 2 1 f ]PINE LU. NCHEBS %Ve car y the taee-t one of TIIRKi$H DsOMFtSTioC& INMI, i g Oearettes assi Domestic &O Imported Ctgars. A csoplte line of soot smoking aritles. We are agrent, for DnEMUTH &Oso., LINKMyAN & 0CO. aru M PIPES, als for STACY'S & SCi5Alt'5EF'S fins ehocoata BON-BONN. R. E. JOLLY. Stag t.. Ohio Central Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains U,. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. GOV. BAGILEY Greatest Sc Cigar Made f- - - -- r- - -t - - - - - . +-+ - -+++ a- -.+-. a-a- - - .. t -aa- art- - -' --a+-+- -. + - -a-+ "a + - - - r- - -. + I Staebler (Q Wuerth I 4**ir~ir~ir~st~it~ir~isr~ir~t~irir~iit *++++**~-+-ir~ *s t++.+-+ -+-++++++++++++ BOWLING S. ROTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. Yos em. A~ge.m Hot Lunch At Taa5esl. 338 S. Stata THE FARMERS AND MEICHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,05, Surpius and Profits, $65,000 tDoes a Generat Banhtng Bustness and Pay 3 per cent interest on Ttme anod Savtngs Diepsits. Safety Deposit Boxs to rent at $200 and upwards it. Resort, Preso. 0W. 5. STEVENSt, Vice-Prea. P. B. BteLSa. Cash. B. A. SPOLLIAms Asst. .La AMega The finest clear Havana 5 ci. cigar in the market. .AT- MANN'.S DRUG STOREi 213 S. Main St. GET NEXT MUSIC VALENTINES. SCHIAEBERLE & SON It04 W. Liberty St. Enoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance-Calls at ended day or night. 210lS. AitsAve.:;Ritldence name Phone 4ld. Ann Arbor. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.30 Fially 0zanee5.d Our Dotar Cloctks arc thte best msade for tse money. Pine waltsh repsairing a seialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. ,f We . Sell DIRECT To YOU .Sttiotr loots andto!juntiotr tngitneers pl-aettaveoroders Ifor J. . lasrits is att '0c ,Studettlrtt hioop.6ot1tE. Williamt stretI.tf I r. tsnld.Mrs.. Grantger sottldlidke to acc'mmttttodtlote oa lets-eatcht ettetongof to-setoishintolo tokloot ltttrittgassemt- bisttho c adetmtty,hlt th ilsthe ex- cetotof paorentsootdolvtsitr'sfrott mittsidetlchet.city toato tots tattte antt are friettts of thttosetookintgt;ptrt intthie dancing, the ind it tttposstible tuttter the '.ittf(itrcuoottstattces t ol(t tt. 'is is toot oc. toes-would tl ike'toohav-c it, buttlas it ttttb te. 92 lOokRE NT-Sitogle rotom; price $2, inclttdittg light. 6o9 Mottroe St. 90-92 >EXCLRS1ON TO .DETROIT. I tell you yotur Kodak trottbles if yea asre tot gettittg gtoodl resuts. Lvistlont. Bytowty of thte Ypsi-Antnt co-ry ntightl ttis week. Casr leaveos Atot Arbsotrott Michigan pins, fobs and spoons. 6 to. Itt., retursoing leaves Detroit at to FAlaten's JEWEtLRYSTOREt, Main Si- p. Itt. ostnld ti top. n.o tt.0 trooctitost, ''The Vieisiatt."todto-f ( Kodaloks osnol stmateutr supptlies. L ytt- l PAIITST--Air-. F. IM. Rheintfrasnk, 1 114 \V.Libterty street.,swill readtho le ptotpro'esnt attolfuture life. 92-094 dolot, 721 N. Uttiv-ersity, FODR RENT- -First-class site.7 S. Stoste street. 90-96 Tao The Attn Arbor Press (fermerly Par- Glasses repaired. ker & Sityder), printers uf the Michigan 'byes carefully fitted and tested. Daily, The Alumnus, Inlander, Yost's GEORGE HALLER, Maitm St. great book ott footbosll, the Techtnic, S. C. A. handbook, etc., e., are priniter, Satisfactory tailoritig at satisfactory to itesttident body 117 E. Washiing- prices. Fullter & O'Cotnnor. 61g E. Wil- ten street. if ;Lam street. tf I c I J I l c t t 4 t ASK YOUIR. DEALER FOR POSTS' EXTRA WATER-. PROOF DRAWING INKS Are of Superior Quality--Flow Freely-Are Dense Black ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THl' THE FREDERICK POST SOLE MANUFACTUJRERS DRAWING MAT'-3RIALS NEW YORK CHiICAGIO 28 Reade St. Hiamlin & Avondale Aves. con PITTSBURU 225 5th Ave. '!P..!. m ML~atk 0ver shoes $3.50 =$4.00 i. IiUSTON BROSn; SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOR 1900 Edited by JAMES E. SULIV~AN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDINYG $,I. BROS. New Yorks Chticago P'OttO totohit itene Syraouse 0Mintnteoatolis Si, Lasts Btuffalos (Inscittstt ti Bostosn icanss-City Sass I-roetws-ot ilitmoe ittsrg Washoiitgttost Ness tOrlesans Montre-tl, Casn. ionottoio F Spaldine's catalogue' of all oatlticsortts mailed freetoitany atdtss. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Sisectal Cars too itytessl ott. to., ottood-ct-r twotthours unttl Sp. itt. Spetial. Cars to.iackstott8:30.tto.,otandceery Owe sous unst lO:3t pssin Hur ocal seres t'to Ditreoit 6:15 z..n00., to 9:15tp. as., tihets tio:15. TwoHo locseoticetoo tacksono:o tit.o toi i1:15p. m. Brton lattCahpeiuanteiry o t I orcler PURE SILK wia-noismercerized1cotton ti cost u 25censeepair. NotOergare -is the Orsgisinsjiait cla sp. aorc Ie or anedlong wear-isuiteupons BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS All Or Dealers $natb5 By Mail l'iaas fed,, a~tr 718 MarkeStireet,Pisoneer Philadelpha. Susopenders. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Stick. E, D. Kine, Pres. Haions Soule, V. S. W. Clarksoon, Cashitee Capital, B100.eee. Surplus aind Profits, $40.00 FINE LINE DRESS SHOES For Women-Patent Pumps, Suede Slippers and several fine styles button end lace patent shoes. For Men-Patent Pumps, Patent Oxfords, and Patent Button Shoes and Oxfords with fine Military Heels and on the new Potay Last. I I I I I I I I 1 i i GSEORGE BISCHIOFF FLOWIST ChoieCust Flow.,'. and pI..rs ChapnaSt between Hluron and Hiller Ave. Phone 500 Save a Walk Down TowII Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pins where they keep a full line at the L ow es t prices. No j' .R poor stock in our store. a8 o N ot h in g charged for a8 N loooking at our goodsnor ge tt in g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 18-120 E. LIBERTY STREET \WALK-OVER SHOE COMPANY I Factory-Store R. F. HOFFSTETTER, M~gr. Sole Agent Everstick Rubbers 111 S. MAIN ST. e --------------- +* ". *f+ +t *rs* + r *r+*f i.*.s+ r., r+ . ,.i + .' ft 4 +'+ + M'4fi f ; i+ ' + ' ';t 4 4 * it ' ' + s 4"i.~ + - ' ' s!a -: SITTINGS AT NIGHT and ALL STUDENTS UNABLE TO COME IN THE DAYTII'IE CAN MAKE ZINC ETCHINGS AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVENING Lower in Price We Are FIrlly Equipped For Ni11K1t Sittiuigs.BetriQaly HENN E.HRO+N Ask A. M. S+ITTH BLOCKNNENANDEECOO FURTHNTSAND nnArbor Savings Bank Block t 4~+++4++t.*+4*44*4*4*44*4*4**44*4**+4*4++++*+.j'lII1S~ ~11-IlI WE ARIJ NEVER UNDERSI4D ---GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE2