THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- __ _ ISpring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractive Styles New Colorings IFOR IM[N'S W[AR ILargest Line of Woolens Shown, all at IPOPULAR PRICES Full Dress Suits a Specialty at IG. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS A 311 S. State at. NEW AND SECOND= HAND Text Books For All Departments at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore LOWEST PRICES Prevail Here No flembership Fee to pay Football Pillow THE 4MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered at tecntd class mattrat the Ann Arbor Pottoffice. Pubtitshed daily (Modays excepted) during the college year, at 117 East Washington street. Sell phone 892. Hotoe phoste 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Rosiness Miaaager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athleis.........Clarente E. Eldridge Newss............ois D. Stickney oEhangs....... Chtatles E. Winstead Mtttio............A. H. Ortmteye Wome.......... Effie 3.Armtrontg EDITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Allett Franklin C. Pars Arthur C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborn George A. Barnes Ferris N. Stmith Frank J. Clark Robert H. Clanoy Heny A. Montgooery D. F. Stevetnson Waller Metzenbaum Glenn .1) Bradley John F. Worz Roy V. toll Floyd H. Jones Harold C. Soith RATRS: $2.50 per year, 0r $a.oo it paid is advanceo Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St.. Phone t49 L. ''t? I )S\Y, FEBRUARY 13, 1906. Editor today-FLOYD H. JONES. CALENDAR- F"el. 14-J. S. Gttckel, presidet of the Natitotal N ettvsoy' associationt at Netwb erry tall, 6:45. i etttig of boartl tf reget. Felt. t --Cottintrecital by Allberltteok- wotett, Frieze tall, 4:30 1. Ill. 1 ,a Sttcittl rtb dttncee, Grttngers acatdetmy. Felt. t6--Keystotne cltb dattce, Grangers academy. Felt.17-.Concert lby'Girls' Glee clttl, Starahe Caswell Angell tall, 8 1. in. Felt. 24-"Mlacbetht' andel"'The Merehantt of Veedce," by Beit Greet eompanty, ini University httll. -Mlatittee ted ttighttterfttrmnces. A11limettters ofttfe1c laily boatta r ee requtestetl tti mert inthte Daily' tffice ino sharpts odtay.'Tis.meetinugtwill lte shttrt attd itccttrtatnt. ITe IDacily s plteasetdIt toaottitce te addcitiotti tf Hleniry F. Scliulte tt its, editorial botard. 'Xr. Schulte hstac- tit eanettviable reptitation tis an tth-l. etc.t gttottlstuidettt, tttd ottall ttrottntt Etcodtimti. The Daily coitsidlers itself 1 fttrtuntatte ittaddiung him oIste statff. to features tof fotttball is datnigeruis. ft is ptttsible that tle prfessors of LaiiitGreelk,itiry, etc., whtotitsadte' ttp thte Chigttctiferetice' tre bteler ettal- iietd tjuitdge butttweetre itclieito dtlthiis. If. as ie eliee will e te ctse, te tntusiber of itjiries in westertifotttball is itcreased ext year, we cttitendl tlit te lamse sol e laiit at the dottrs of te confereiteemieo- ersndtitn ot tscribet to te gtine itself. Hfowever, in viewetf te ratical aticlon ttkein lyv the tclties of Wisconsine tod Chicagso, perhaps te sotlt le tttik- fiul that the ictiots of te Varsity Setate was itt worse. Foottbttll, t least, is savedin t spite of the efforts of tat por- tione of lte faclty who svttuld mtake every sttiteit a "gritd" sus as they temstelves were diringthIeir ollege careers. Our footttll eans will imeet oppoeing teams onsts qatfil ftoting, totightotrcoaet etinnot bat o tf the prefix 'rof." We sincerely httpe that te coifusito ine which te coniferettee reformers left te football sititttio sill be eleareid tiltbefore lotg, for te presett sitettioitt affords a rtre oploruniity, for thitse wordly-mitided insiviulas who lore t jest tibotithle imtptrctictlid eaets of cisllegetrtfessrs. FACt.',ThY NOTICE S. Acrtig tta rle of te literr dettarttment, cnidiiins' received ithlat dlepatenettt te edtlif teflst ati- estr cnnttitbIte retioved utiltattfe Ap1ril i Prtfesstr I lOoge's cutr se itt Aniciett .Athtetiatt Life, opeitoittall stttteits, is chanitgedt frtttmtFridcay ttMoniday, t 2, titttfromttithtettttsettitiectire 1,001n1 to RottmttC. nitiersity httll. Professore Stanleyvanontctes tictt tht course inth ~e eoutitinttitf mtsia istrt- iieits will Ie el t the scheutlei time, 'ittttt Ity' at 2, ii te Stearis cilectiont Latint-Coutirse B, Virgil, Aetcied, ltoks I ttt VI. is tttet to sttiets seto hcate ttkeit Cttrse A, adteiottall oters whitare icfferedt either twit tr three tnits of L~atitn for entraitte, trsvitdecd thtat Virgi tasinoit icltded. 'rTose wishing totconistlt mte botittttthis ctourse macy ftid e i Rttttmt17 at , 2 tie 3 except ott Montda. First meetitg of teclass ott Wednesday, Fecetary 0, at 2. This course will noct tse gieit ext 1ea.eiry A.6.Sadters. The comittftee ttn exrai hoir will mteet eervtday of te first week of the seconud settester it Rttttit1F.University hllt, frtstt 4:30 to 5:30 tP. it.. to cotsier thte atptlicationts of stidetts wisiig ex- trattti hor..Sichtaptpticatiots tmiist Ie tiade itt eerstntdriig the frst week of thte settester. Beftre mcakitg his ter- stttial tptplicationttie1cstiidetticest otaii frostite registrar te tstonary appli- ctittitbsatik anid cfter fiting it out. mutdeposit it itt the registrars box tit the tdotor of Rooms A. This ituist e tie a lest two hours lefore perstnal ctpcplictitn to the comitee. Tis rle elies ntt apply to first year stdets, whoit ictst suobmeit their choice of studies to the cotmtitee ott eetieois. BA\TTERY CAhNsl)y.TE BlEGIN BIARD WORK Coahicti7l.itier rrivedetitowtnulyes- terdacy, aiid aticon sic hicIe ail dotitiet his baseball seit thitg begait to get lively. IHI set tesenoai or set catditoes ftr the battery positoes to work imcedei- ately, anmithtlouighc notitg streutos wacs cttemtedelGepitcers atdcaticers were gvenin testpplorunicty to loosentitp fir a little mtore tt atc hour. After the work downstirs was over 'Mac" scit th1ccni upstairs were Itey begit to get teir twindi in codttitoic by takig seeral aps ontile track. ITe ecge hats eet ustitioe1cgymi but it will proaliy not 1bc lowered for tise unitil teemcidle or ttter part tf the neek. As tetwcirlers have to tdt te celkloftsieswiork llithecccage, ii pitchtincg t theroter cadidates for hattiiig praticie Coachc M Aliser thioiightcit e gotilplantoicgie temic c fecw uays preitminacry workotitbeftre isuing ithe call for ifielers atit out- fieideis. IHIcis ailxiots titll the etn- tiidates ftrtee battery, hocwever, reotir ftr practice' i the bacsemseti of te gyml etcery claylbeginntigthis aftericoonut t i o'closck. Nttte of thee tltImecnicere out ftr Iracice yesterdaty excet Ctinien-e ell atndt DeNeffe, tpitcers, aidTaftf, catchler. Schulitetias lsttot wrmintg tip, tedloks gtttdt as i pssibiity ftr lie btackttt poititn. Wtetington, thit trietlout latseacr stemissto b1ccnfcfirl goodtitsiape. Ofithl~e ne te c, Lwelth eeEsca- aibtaifreshiiiati, antid ieuiple, frmteii 1 U'ersity tf Virginia, loek the est frtmte ecelittle cworkc donei'yeserdacy. Ctcht McAllister wcas tised yser- dcy cwhat te cances tre ftr i reeti- ton ttf tist ycar's camupinsip-ifting stuntt, aitdtliecanweredl with hils tue worot retort: -I cans tell you more aibott it after the' gmee." Ferter tanthelat te ouldtt iake o reeictions. Hu- ever.tin ie deel'otel a canpiotnshi lean tiiisyear awhen'itnoi ilts iaed dreciis'd f sctaltinig, te hsthecccotfiecete tf thee stets cintiesteciatllyiof le pliayerntemtsetve.. hEXCC'RSlI.N 'I'D ETROIST. th y co' f he Ytsi-Akttntevery ight tisstweek. Ctrlecies AtiiAror it 6 t.inst., rettrninisglecies Detroit cat 10 t. it. andhitop. ic. : attrciotn, ''u Virginian." edtitf THEATRE EXCURSON. 'To Dteroit, Friday, Fel. o6. 'Triii leaves Mieligas Ceitra depotcii 64+5 e. i.; retutruiitg, eaes Detroit it ti :30 p i. Roitiid trill fre So ceits..\ttrac- tions at Detroit Otera uoise, "The Vir- ginicit." Order yurtte icets a ciitte fromc J. F,. Reitgertbtlepotes 935 332 Sothit Stoic street. 12-95 LATI'lN TEACHER \VAN'l'I- College preti work ii a oys' tccdtiy. Begis7Macrchc i: $5 to $100 tper mithut aisit hotee: icrease ext yecr if sie- cessfil. B. F.Clarkc. 17 . VcittIliren street, Chiccgo. 9294 A 5c cigar to the student. "Gov. Bagley." Ask Genereatx. f Secoa~d Serxseste~ BOOKS New and Second-hand. Purchase Yours at the Book- store that's a NEVER UNDERSOLD LOWEST PRICES GUARAN- TEED ON Literary Textbooks, Law and M'edical Books, Engineers' Supplies Notebooks for all Subjects WAHR'S i Recent Publications For Sale by C. B. BARTHELL Cabot's Physical Diagnosis (int Editio) Cushny's Pharmacology Hialbert's Practice of Medicine Copeland & ibershoft Retraction VIII, lONE1OF' Law and Medical Quiz Corn- pends, Dictionaries, etc. C. E. BARTHELL Phone 701 325 S. Slate Street, 2d Floor Ann Arbor, Migh. tmade t1p comttplete for -afier alii tee cry eliot has bteent raised aigainst thue briutaulity of fotbacll, it cer- tiysneerts intctosistenst fur else Senatue $ 105 0 ofi tietUntiv'ersity' of Mtichigant to ratify lie restiltutiouns madte hby the biewilderced this wceek at muembl erntiff else Chicago conference, abltishingttgihe prelimsintary' traininog sea- DARLING & I IALLEAUX stillntuc h ~e trainsing tblde. Thse omost expert Iphy steal traiusers intshle counutry 224-226 S. Slate St aee gied that the abtolitiontotf these Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905, Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Ruts . I - - Jan. 16 F. Hopkinaon Smith.............. Loradoaft > .- - Jan. 31 Frederick Wards - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman - r lar. _-_ SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T.. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number___ Ticketsfor thelEzitire Coturse - $2.00 May be obtaisneod at S. L. A. Office ore teen Student Sellers Seats reservedSO Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hll, beginning October 30 '3INO6EjADXISSIONS $.00 S. L. A. Phon~e 552 Off ice Hors: 4-6 Daily (Satturday excepteg AT THE CO-OAP Sweaters $1.00 While they last, navy blue and white Sweaters for $1.00. These are not $6.00 Sweaters, but they are excellent value and just the thing for skating or tramping,--or camping. Buy now be- fore they go. Only a .t the CoewOp. , J I Doctors Say it is better to shave, buit don't attempt it w°ithout the rich, healing lather of WILLIAMS' SHAVING ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TrasIs Asaps Arbor Going North 9:051 a. so' and 4:35 p. mo. Going South 7:20 a. so.,11:t5ta. n. and 7u5l p. mo. J. 3. KtEBY, W. T. WILLS, Centl Pass. Agent, Agent,~ Toledo, Ohio Ann Arbor, Micho Hell phone 035-Or Homte phone 696 WXLOHIGAN CNT "The Niagara Falls JRouts..~ Chicago Buffalo IBostot New Yerk Through Trains Elast-8.18 a. so., '2.40ip. so.. t.55 p. so., 9.30 p. mo.11.05 p. so. Locale East-.05 a. so., 011,00 a. so.,*0405 pom., *8.36p. so' Through Trains,, 7.08 a. so., 9.08 a. so., 2.3p. so. 00.00 p. m., Locate West-224 a. so., *8.,8 a. mo., *1.40 p. m.k, 06101pso. *t(Except Suandaoy.) Connection at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City and the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor _ . C"IGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST.