'I A MIC14tGAN -DAILY Hockillg Valley Ry. ti~lxxi ITS'Illilx~ TiYl' {\It~. i .\r..}11N SEIt1W51' You xwilindi i FourTrains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Uolon Dopotsin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 1Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. 3 - The Best MoveI ' Tollcatxsxxxxxhe.xxis t fixxix xiiie oxrclixllxil xiiprice-s'oxi - Ixility if u, i -xxxxl xxxiircxxxx-x. " This ,toreis -I x on he li de- awae wke lani wex xnevexr -xxi'- x _x'. xt iiu Nxf WexIxol'ofivixecxiix xi in Talle NO. 2 xx xxx ixx xShit lxxx formierly sxxllfroxxt$j8x tox $'20 '"y' goxat .....$1I3.00 All $25.00 Overcoats at tI&875 All $15.00 Overcoats at $11.25 4420.00 41 4415.00 44 12.00 '4 4, 9.00 4418.00 44"I3110 " 10.00 4" "4 7 50 Manhattan Shirts at 25 per cent discount. Spaulcding Sweater-vest 1-4 off. Ypsilanti Union Suits 1-4 off. Don't let this opportunity pass for it is a money saver. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. THE SOCIAL SEASONISO REGAL- SHOES U KODAK Finishing We du developing and printing for amateurs, and do it wxell ! it is to our interest to dox it well, that we may sell more f ilI no and more Kodaks PRICES HAS REASONABLE You E.E. CALKIN;S Drugg~is* 320 So~uth Sta~te Street x COOK HOUSEi (xxxxxix"(u st Hxx onse Sqiress{xix. FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRlANCHESc $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 "t i lea xx ex i Telcx stoc All ightt e xi 17 N ) # Ix N IitxvIZS A SPECexAxeY xtixx V axudec ar14r i. G a 1 S Clases Ins Darncing 'of ixlpili. iiiiijoxixx xxxii orxxas lat GRANGER' S i g o lxessns. 5Cixixeit laninig xxxix ia ini shoritest lixsslil l lei.J 611 E. Williatms trieet After Paying Your Tuition fee The next moot important thing, is to avail yourself of anoppor- tunity and let us show you our variouts lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thing is now ready to be seen. TAILORS T HATRS P lOiEN Hea yan-d ye 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. ______________________________ ~R ". RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? R A N A L L xcan procure from him a coupon entitlinog you Isonor dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the M~ichigan- ensian, all for $3.00. P H 0OT 0 Gi A P H F ;111( Ini i xxi la c ii csw et xis xxxixt----Gov _x-xi .N lxdxi UNIVERSITY NOTICES. lxxx hs -e~ iniiii lsi-is i ssi-e-s at liii s.lhe fotbll xeamx ofi thxi 'oii , iii iiiexiiii I~rt xxixxaiys i will mee xMixxixll'- at t? :4; it hi stpie 5e igardii imade .xxxxs fx \lxliixiix i- xx liii cxiii lxxii ii. .f m. todav forxxil _Ml iiiii 'xii xii i icttx i e ~x.x ii w. I /1 --7 / ix) ~ INDElzCI.SION titu s to d xxix liii ii lxisndttii sits, icoliirsixcuftsoexliiolie wxash(,( youi want.i lxxiii lx. We \ maixke tt chaxrge.-flxxthatli-l xxiu(lxiii elIi- guit too, Jut sslxitxx xx Mxlere 1ii xixwxxi item. Yes: ei lhave.- a V~rIty Lzxmd ry 117 S. 4th Avc..x 130nth PKaies 928 useof u ig i filxxix~x lmiiandiiiletting , xxi ' ,piliit iii in Ic lopiiix G ix~itxci Inc xi an A0A e di( ight.li A. S .xixixxi. Si A ',c igar coxcexixi nt. "xe.l Baley." Askixilix ixxxl i lx. 'Alxi lng bxy skillexd wvox'kcen.x II ttxiEiWiJWxLxY TOROiiiiiiMin liSi IQ i S 1 (1 l 5115 15 usq W Inxx good iimiiixix. (lxxxii .11-ii'ii'Si- x0x-oxxx " nluiii 1 5 ihl Six cx)( i:11 xciroe St . -2 { U SED wherever connoisseurs_-- . I TryPhelps' Perfectionx chocolaxexue iffs gather, and on every occasion xndchoilpsxt xi gS pw« where good taste and courtesy Expert Jesvelryx and\xre iRxxc de an te;es!Arnxoldxs Jesselcy Shire. r~[ .1 I .A.D Pullrr & O'Coixnor. ti CIGARETESS~ have exclusively proven that fine Turkish Cigarettes may possess both richness and Mild Bess, and { in the combination of the two, j kR 0 x present a flavor and aroma never x CLU1ECo s H RUNK equaled before. ICOLLARS ore 'ioiiethitoiiwg d onexix t x ix- you'llxx ! 1for 15Cents 15ipprx le-thxeIuue~ cs hik0t e faricso ixixteshriii don heforyou buy liixfire li o t xxiii xxi litnail postpaid-If . youi I c iii i llurd i aet a orwasids. You i ndxx orIt tylxxxdtmxi i xxxihue riars , sexdi.fo e n;ii 75e 'x J13 . ;ox /ii / / xxd~nly .accuraote QaIf ixux inixi lxii Cotlars. ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenur, New York City 15c each, 2 for 25c at your haberdasherx.i } Cluett, Peabody C&s Co. LarxestixxakerxofClxxir xxxirxxts ixx thex Woxdd. .I r . i i i i i hi AClear rac T H l aIE sxxociignaxl Lxxlic te nixnin iitihe towier "xay cxxsi Iixndreds ofxt ct huan lIi~ l.sxo l ix e xxxxxman in liii tourer"itIn guxarxd iiu5on ttSomahItixiiux I IlflES"I IN is xi waxrnxinxg signaolof "danuigex ahseudti DepKxl the truck clear wixl SHREDDE WVIFHO' p"1"L qvmE WHEAT xx natural food.x It blocks-ithe syxsltm agxainst disease, keeps the stoximach axweet andteanutanxdcthe bowels hxealthy- axtdlactivue. It is ixiade if xthe wshole wheati, steatm-cookedl andcldrawxn iiti fiii, porous shriedsi, liii' senltig all the brin-ma~ikingx-Yiboxy-buxildixxg eeents is thie whileat berry in dige-stilble form. Suipplies nauixl warmth to the body in a naotural xxaxy. Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot milk or, cream. ihe BISCUIT is delicious for break- fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It may also be served in hundreds of dainty and tempting ways in combination withtfruits,oysters and preserves. To learn more about "Shredded Wheat Cookery' send for our "Vital Question' Cook Book. TRISCVIT is a. Shredded - Whole Wheat- cracker," better than bread for toast. delicious with butter, cheese or preserves. It's All in the Shreds" d 0 THE NATURAL FoOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N.Y ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THKE BEsr OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING