THE MICHIGAN DAILY f or Art and Skill in Tailoring MONEY LOANED Decorations for Students' Roooms... nWaches. Diamonod.Jewelry FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPES, DRAPRIES, STEMNS, SMOKING and Coi ateral security SETS, POSTERS, U. OF~ M. SOUVENIRS. SAM URC FI E D & CO E W. . LO RIMBanners in Splendid Assortment SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 044th Ave. Oppsite Court House .ThS ESNBECS The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City ortcx O RDS; 4s0 o:WIlto 4:30; 106 EAST HVROM STRET Bsiness Strictly Confidetal MACK & CO. SPALDINO'S O FFICIAL. . FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR.- 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP j too1taitis the sca:ly teised OPICAL, tL4YING RULES andl pictures o leading tuis, etibtaitg ote'.Sitsplyets Pre 10c For' seiit' tsaoilNeiadeaers. Atltittao0sai heaersindlepartoet Strrs. A. '. SPALDIN G aBROS. NKWjo Y ta('oti'AOO ENtio PNoFRACI~io~SCa S itadingI ' atguof alathitit sprts maied feetotany address. BILLIARDSI AND BOWLING S. ROT l'1ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. BILLIARDS HUSTON BROTHERS Successrsro JAS. W. REEl), 312 S. State Ping-Pong Photos 36- PHOTOS FOR 2^5c u 4 Plt oLDMORIn ssTV 115 S. Mtin St. Anns Arbor U. of K. BARBER SHOP Trojoniowski State St. Do you have troubie with your Cuts? Try the "New vProcess" Plates of the CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Snsdtrial order throgh no A. M. SMITHS OneWaro Onswntoswn Booktore ii / ALWAYS IN SEASON ITatsetwtu enoy to the fttllf tnti tesports ndrecrrsa- ttstf ottdoor life reulie 'cimportance of prop ~ dti'The appetite is kee, ite neeti for foods tiat risfy and strengthen is fet. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit preisey iise titesorequire- tetts oe tuersesthat it it mateloathe entireowheat hry, tsiich cotains tretregte- incand pbuidig ptaerlet tatay otherifoott.QEItca- iis the chemicatelienetsre tiuired oe strengti, eergy. ttuceh one andtissues. Itilt aiwaytimey becase it can be peepared in hundred o ays- with mikh cream.fruits, ege- tabes, etc. Q( Always abs i ih yu,und prepaeitaccord- nztoiitalothe maoy recipes in " e U'tal QstieiCeed Ba,' whiichmeseideree. QEInopace tf bread oe Trselt. te whoir wheat cracker, which is ar beler thus bread or toast. It inscpacand easoly carried. Q'Tey"Toasted Triscit" atd THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Fis. N. Y. The Man who pays $35.00 for v%. H at w h en S ell-fo411 for$3.a0 Pays for 101,l something~ besides a Hat. Come *1n. a%,nd see the Yoszn.g's then. youa WIllknow what we mean 11JJ3A ALLEN Main St. CITY HAPPENINGS. At thec list coutiltm teetig itwas udccided tt1use 150are lights antd ffty gyas lightsc ti light the streets. t ii~i i l a ,t'hftt'girlsat t he'i Ytt iltotic ittertat factotry ltretenitoittgo oiia Ovecr10 ticit'elgates tart'expacctd in metetitig oftifJiicntttt Sytitit of Ohio1 aid x1cck. Tereciscttimotvetme itnfotin ttcity oltc'i':i circltic ti secure lilt ortintantce' liii't y hecleainintg if idewcaiks cict''t.( itItticaiclettictiyesterdity ltat sprig tt iiincuetihc I'iirstc brewcry i)f Yp'ltcithei Mic nroeianiltdiWyatt- brceryccf thf ids city, is ttiioif firitti LOST. A littygizcicPatkcer hLucky Cttrt' founti peiiittittorIneat' Wasingtitt. S flt4tis~ifails-11 'aigulic Gt'aingcr'sttctati'emyihiicbccntgrctliy iST UT ~lNTS. improtctecithtueptat fcwtmtthsli. Whiat -- wais thei bittcotny ihasietn diied uypil- A lire'intsturance ptiicy coinig $2,00 lars andsti ldwsockititiitg twotverccmayitaic coutit$4oo. Sct' W.',11..Siiiiiii, whaitOtctcitti hebacittis Ac atcrer's titicheit. djinsethe icning room onttste t~ I a ads '~e o noth Teetrineirhsbe _---_dctetd illFleics'ctoatk, with iced tidtt Etishidicti K iltiton ciice as a nttii ciliitgs. lTh'e Is tiiclgt jew ls'i. he decsirc'd. Tietc'hciisti'tai ben111 poealso byttewiadition ils.tint aiutiti tti iic tctctitici' ii iiiiiei iicIs Stisftacct'r tailtring at satisfactry Y fTrkisih towels, etr sii ci c qu'ityil ,ti K'tcih & Niciholi', fir 2;c. S, to ccciidibeforec Octobicrto.Ordrscmttay its iettfiiMSiiss Ittycelic, 332 S. Slate 1 toutud12 ai t. l T'e cuits ticei'notithe samt aslastcesar'i.s bt;ae lousycandc bloiiers,& ando ldieo. e auifne Athltc aissohu' ciin'adyp11111 hei ne 1t', atEticih & Nicitotic', Nittitistccii. for 39c" 5, 10 ptrices. It'iiicy& (t'Cotnorft1g GI.. Wil- iittistreel. if Studeintts' attpisi aitiean & it.s, 211 S . :Mi tsreed, $1.,So titdl$2.510.lYt't lm;iii city, if Etcgcstxain, i ltsssrititd , lentsecc 5211ai sret ] ,Seiftdt$t . oiet~. 7Best lmin 'tgtc "5ity. tif,'tiuu itc ' D etnitl fitrftits foric lcthi' aipctia t J. C'. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mic~h. E'. I). l ot, trot, itrontitttStui, V. tes S. w, tClirsan, Uasier lopiil $100.0lidS urtiluits antIi Palis fitt. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor .26 N, Fifth Ae. Ntew Phtotne at' IlelltPhitte O57-I INSJR A NCEF Geo. J. Hailer (Q. Co., We tinure YGAttltt' eais gapae itidfurittloe Roomns 1-4 tiltS. Min. RANDALL PHOTO GRA PH ER S a ?M ega 'Tle ineselcleatr Ilaana 5 e6. igar itt the tariet. .AT. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. 5PENDYOURVACTIO ON THE '6REAT LAKES' fi' OI T~ i 0g OI p I TIE yT DAIE DJETROI ss __0LEVELANrip LeseDEROTafy . 10 .P.M Aris CEVLAD51t530A.A LeaveCLEVEAND, LAND015PM Larve DETROIT ai- . 10.30 . M. Citttcctittg witht . A C. STEAMERS Inr Macisac, "Soo" Matsqutettlth, Mise apolis, St. Pal, Peosty, Mllonobt, Chi- cagt'andtieotrgiansBya.ttst wit tll latl- raIls foliii' tills iiMihigasnthWt -sc 1t.1 DAYTR'IiPS (Incidit Sday) betes DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY ecept Moda, JULT ad AGUST MACKINAC DIVISION L.TDLEDO, Mondas &-Saurdaps9.30 A.M. *Tedays A Thursdays 4.00 P.M. L.DETROTMstas &SOatrdas 5S00P.M. nWdnsdays A Fridas 930 AM. Pour Trps Per Wee Cmmentcngloe 15th TrougtsconeilonaeatAC(KINiCI&LAND witith sot ttst to PointoN-thilaWo, and pun. . & , otnd SooiJiso at S, t. IGN'CK Bod i2e hSnP foeliintrmoid tos.~uhisi Addo,Attb.SCIIANST,t..&.T.t ,tst'tt,t ih. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. -at. DARLING & M1ALLEAUJX Both Phones. 224226 S. Stte St. EDISON Phonographs and Records Complete Line SCHAEBEIRLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St. Ace Arbor, Mch v WADHAMS (& CO. Suits, Overcoats and- Cravenettes All the Neac-l t n pt-l hostylst t D oni't Itail It ste otIlt,' fininst-h e fi New Fail Hats and Caps rr'['lie -r eatest aetsy in the (Ily Fail Furnishings .r; New thi-s etiltIiti ai.l. New fiiShirts, Neckwear, (Gloves and 'ci A.~'Underwear. 'The lat'gesl siutl finest slo~ittirof ttMensand YtiurtgMenus Trousers. A lsotasfitt; vaeapltyofany vetl. A hat-ge assortlstenl of 5si Suit Cases at SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS v.' WADHAMS (Q COO The Newest Clothiers. 121 AND 123 S. MAIN ST. Clever Cl~4e" 17 - -- - - -1 ALEXANDER &c COMPANY, Pf R TR 41T URF Highest Quality Amateur Finishing COR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE 1HENNING BLOCK . . . _ . 1-47 AFT- NJBVJl? UNP[E RS1&P~n..,GnOD YEAR'S, DRUG STOP1VF