THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Sprinig, 1906 SoUeR STORY SAttractive Styles jNew Colorings FOR MENN'S 1W[AR. ILargest Line of Woolens Shown, all at PO -UERPIE Full Dress Suits a Specialty at Ie0. H. Wild Co. Leading ' MERCHANT TAILORS I 311 S. State St. C% C". WE BUY SECOND HAND TEXT BOOKS OF ALL. DEPARTMENTS. Firing Yours in to Sbeehan & Co. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. r nterd as second classimatterat theAnn r ArborPn7to700e rPublihdda6it lyisttdayt excepted) during r the college (year, at 117hast Washinagtn r treeot. Bell phtolne 92. Homite phone 76. r Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW rBusness Manager, WALTER R. HANS rEDITORS. rAthletics.........Cl arenaceE. Eldr-ide rNes.............LoustD. Stiackney richage ........har-Ies E. Wintead rMtsic ............ A. H7. Orteyer r Woment......... fie 3. Armtroang rr EDITORIAL STAFF. ilHugh Allen Frnklint C. Pat-ke Arthur- C. Pontd. rASSOCIATES. r Gortge A. Osbtorn tintaiod C. Smtith Y.Eat-I Ogle, Jr. tGeorge A. Barnes rFet-ris N. Stiitht Fiank J. Clark r Rober-t It. Clancy 1Henrty A. Mntgomaaery r1). F. Stev-enson hatte et-ttenbaun r lenn 1) IBradley John F. \Varz Roy V. bull1 Floyd II. Jonesea rRATES: $2.$t0ppe etyea, te $2.00it paid i radvance. rAdtdress: WALTER R. MANS' nusiness rManager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone t49 L. II CRS11 b. FTR-t CRY 1. 77). ldio~r t17 } 7 311IXF. NVUR. CALENDAR 171.72--Raot11 ~il (7ii. p1nist, Uai\-er- sitybal1 Feb.1-1,. ilV burr Nlesser, genaeral Sec- re1tary771f111e (hicago Y. 61. C. A., 77t\Mc illan ha7ll. 171. 77--" 1101)pVWatermn 7gymn17asuttm. Fir-seteester closes. 17b.17 o-Glee 7. lh conicert inl Utni-er- sity ha.11 1F-b.12-Second71semetser lbegitns. 77777777717177 (Soci71l71711. Wit7111hi111717ue11177 Daily -stsplends 1pub1i1atio110771t1171T177es(a777Februa~ry 72. J.I-Earle Ogle. j r., has .res7igned fro1m71 the7-ed itoriaIl 1boa7rdof 11117Daily-. 1Mr. Ogle 17a7s11be1n7c771neted wiith1th117 Iaper fo~r 111e 177s1 year 7777117 177ff 17774ie 17e77e7s ,ritll thelin 11cereregret(If thle ent7ire- s1aff. If the7re.- 7777 ait- 7717 7(17a 71ppermiost jcture1 wh717a71forl th-li et d 1 e mon17777- stratinlsttiilttake7, 17771it miigt ely751 be some17 formle Iss dsiablle 117a77 a7- tendan~lice 7n1fnoballl gam1es a7771foohtall ma~ss mietigs. Football thlsservedIl aniimpott al - most77 a7 necessary puirposin ite growth of 117e 11niversity-. Or athl1eic prestige ha~s 1undoubtedly711 attracted77many771students11 t0 111(7 school. Ther grow t 7.71the 1new Mirctigan11sirit 11777crntered ab11777t.foot- 17711. N(n117ut theirlmos narrws-mindiced isill d1eny1 11at1tegroaossi(f tis sirit antd thecons1rleqet formtatihniof the MIichilgan1Unontttot17(f 17e71761 177the uni1- vesits. Football 117s7done ore than 1771 anit g - lsett o do1a7.lwit777 h757 7711dIeart- ment11al11jea1077s. It a prctical 5wa75 11e 1recei11ts7fron uhl(tr larger fo 117b711 gamies 17717e 11711e of Fer ie1ld1an1d1 t1he rtainingf oeofiflci lhe greatest atliltic traier i the cun~- try. Nor is itrue -t11771f7777117711has been deve1loped 17(ito the exclusion77 (f gn- c.ral1 athletics? '['here- are few schools71 of the, size. of M1icigaii 111771ay so 11117711attent1in117to le tphys-ial w7l11 beinlg(f 1117e avera-ge 17771. If therebe-eliels 17in fooball.te co17- feence trecommendations717775ale iut11r7115in1 adcequate to 171reimeidy theim. 'Ie 711t1171t to relegate fotball 1to the posititti of a7111 iur sorshilinavisabC1777e lb-caus1e of 117e-oppotun~~itiy ilgives for tielhelhly xpression f college spirit. Te1777117 of thle students77171nd 1a777m1ni are iiiti the 771177 .17715sente7, and (17777b1li11777that their 1ho1p7essilln117e71 saplien11t7171771.71 Il-le 17(0(7 licligaiirsianaiil77rdexect ito gel7o111therseioir ai7117l71this year by lh ie 777-(f the -tring vacat7in. 1To (1o this inecessitates that(1senior Ipicre it7 ullepartets lbe in by Ferua~ry- 1. It 1s also necessary that 7711 organ7i~atinsi un1d er class o((fficr groups, cl1ass7 7t711s. statie clubs,5literairy- 7777171177. 77771deb1at7 ing 7teams7, an11d1all1oter ogniatios should av e their sittigs before that tim. Avcassglup or orgniziaioi whlicht 117s. 7777 77011777771777777717wi111 so1m1 imetiiber oIf le lboard.1 717177 do1(soi7a on1ccto7hate scr e reseried1fohem1111. They should 1117171 a1l0o117771the 1117010 graphiers Iae 7aprintilfor le MIichiga- eisiait ready45-blithe 511. It is especially i1mp(ortant71 that 7711 sen7 iors have thelir Sittigs by the 12111. as the book will nolbehe ldelil7111ya siiall body of delinquents, 17711 thesIll be 71711717a group at the7117.1of te senior section7. It is the seiorwo alt viie 4- at-ed the book esery ye-a7r 77nd.1it 7wil1 ineedinali(11-7 tle effort oniithe part of iniidual7.7171iieiibers 1to 777777.1 a 7171a7 this year. Anoiter tinhtigs11171 d1717071tlend7111.e to7 by- 111 se-nio7rat 7)17777is the matterll- f tillng p e statisic 1blank-, giig n1am777 college hoiors, ad4 the like. IThe reslt(f le slip 1111y le teated77.1accorinig iio the taste ofte iiidniiial ut cer- lain quleries like favorite boouk. execteil professionl afterr graduiaio,.7717.1iiother, are exp~ected.1t10b1inhg 0711 sme irther- v77alable 771771sigificaniit statisicl 71177 ter. '111heselblanks re lplacin ite genierl li brary-aiila771the 11771rom71in l the law building, an1d.1i1n consp1iuous71 laces iin thei engieering 7711.1117717777 buildngs. Seiiors soldoilff7 to their clas 1p117(o- graph71ers 1to get in1tote Sicliigan1ensi7771 and1 c7la-spcte-7 Anyiseniors who177 baive177771pictres takei t any771)oiler place sholdc111 nicate17777w7ith111tier bord at1 onie Phonelu mbeiialer o f te offic is VARSITY SKET3CH CLUIB ,MAY BE ORANIZ.ED tie university Ishorly after-the relin-l ninig of nelxt semeste51r. C. 1I. Gtcell and1(1several1 ohelrs plromiinent iithis wsork areInowV 7discssig 11177advisabil-7 1t- (f 717777 a7 (171, and14altlhuagh 110fixed 1117777hate leeii lmade it is proauble 711a7 s71717 a7cluib twill Ie fondhed. Admtission to1it117ranksiwillle lasei 077 t117711n17rest of the candidate raller 111n-Ill is177artistic achivemenrlt. It is 11e711 117717.77that tere are a7711numb er of s177(1e111s-17 college wo possess irt- i711i. abil1ity alhougha lackig teciiicl7 71ki1. Suhauorganiziatioin wtild im711 10 a77si1t. 11117class. Iis1 prblalethat1177 the organ7ization711)11wiulimly he open(717.7 ha7cr a7v5ry foriblerbering up1o1n 117e wtelfare- (f 1177.Micligaitnxi.ia aidith- Inadr as7111-r 7 stchla bi1ctions are777 7s171g moe1 ndoe r aw777 171-.in1-igs ii their tunt ers. It 17 sigiflicant tat 1117etwor lotte i 1117.- Aichigaien 7.170tis ga s--7rt almtot 7.-tiirel-y5-b57st7dents, 777nd1iirm ises toibe btte7r tan tat 1771of 777re lAN\" SI TENTS CEI.ERRRATE WASH111NGlTONS 1111,1,111 y tree classes-7 (f tela1771dieartmaentill11 111771h7frohe117.-1711baciigit77 io- 10t ul Uni rity 177711itthear CGove raor Cuminttoags' 7addrs o Febrars 22. Govtse rnor Ctumtmainsaind771D1)a7771utacias wi-ll 17777.1the iprocessiona.followedl 11 1177. senio17r, juniaors aaadifreshment-a ithtle orde7.rnamlaed.l. ie717t7r7 (f t lde-(I- partiteiti tiill lhave rese7rved7.set, i77 tilter sty 17al11for te occa7son1. RiI"TI)RIC. CORSE . Its a1tpotgr~ahical error. Corse8. Prosle Fictiohn, appears ith177-an17171ance- met sati7 on(~te-hititr curse., 71sted1 (f 77 two7-hourit cou71rse. It sill 177.-GieTi171( davadTthuPir sday at11t1. fOitFeltrua7ry- 13 tereglaris17u77 of tre .hlintesoii IDaily- nill Ie gttei 0u1 hb- mtembier of te University -Y. Nt. C. A. T17.- editrials stores, ews-sitems7, t11771ntire edition w7 sil1l117 i tie 1hands. of 17board i appoit7ed for lte wortrilb thii assocition117. 'Il-liea1777sill 17e 1o have-7.thu e711r pbihiei fronta tii standpont ofIaCristioranat io. Trinaer Christie of Califorais 1quot- edis in7.ltg ery- tatct oposeto ttte 777 of7 roltler7skatin1g ritks bi tudlcets. I 1177. Califorian atlie says5: "Rolle- katingis1a77cirtco ltlege. Stdiets frequientahet es-177777010te derimaeat of teir 1health7 7177.1scotlarship.At- 17177 showt a771l771k (f college srtat-lb75 engaghihng i 777o(dangefrus7asprtr. Spalding Sweaters' 1 ~OFF $6.00 Sweater Vests, buttons, .. $5.00 Sweaters .. $4.00 Sweaters .. $4.50 $3.75 $3.00 Michiganeonsia.ns, '41.00 WAHR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold Rcent Publications For Sale 'hy C. E. BARTHELL Cahotas Physical iagniasis ( 17777 Edi ,i77 Cushny'a Pharmacology Hialbert's tPractice of Medicine Copeland & lhershoff Refraction Law anti Medical Quiz Comn- pends, D~ictionaries, etc. C. E. BARTHELL Rhotnet6 325 S. State Straend Aann Arbor, Mdich. at (((f11chaotic7 11771 f77111711teci te Students' Bookstore CicgoitIastht oobllocupe 11777 ey oolarge a7place illt iatiersiiy itttirecommendation17777to 11unit hlritn Foohb 1l Pilow 'er o 77n Itt 7v. Btuwexr l7717(5 de1tswillied717 a 7ven7tioftsome liar dt.i $ 105 lagel spetaclaritnturIfsaffrd a this sseek at body. 7 Thsstt he 171n7117.i7777of fooatall. If footll passestaway.77o07is so ito DARLING & rIALLE~AUX fgraded(h as to lose its as a77spec- tale om t i l-7.-lseswll takr its place. 224-226 S. state St 1 hit771llivet 1it is diffiult 117 (7717 __.. i Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING Jerome K. Jerome -Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. I Jacob A. Rils . . Jan. 16 F. Htopkinson Smith- - ___ Lorado Taft . - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman - - rlar. _-- SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest - - ----- Open Number - - Tickets for #thel~ntire Couzrse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-SO Cezvts Extra-at S. L A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hll, beginning October 30 SINOL~aADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phonse 532 Office Hours. 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec AT THE CO-OP Sweaters $1.0 While they last, navy blue and white Sweaters for $1.00. These are not $6.00 Sweaterse but they are excellent value and just the thing for skating or tramping,--or camping. Buy now be- fore they go. Only .t the Co-wOp. i 1 1 t t I Risky Business to share with unhfit soallp. T'ake no1 sutch chances. Stick to tile old reliable WILLIAMS'SHAVINGTICK ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSIP LINES. Tr lrs Leavea Ann Arbaor Going Northa Sil5 ad 4615.0i17. Goting Soath 7:20 a. and 7 :51pill. J. J. KIRBY, IW. 1T. sWILLS, Gen] Fads. Agent,(Aget, Toledo, Olain Attn Arborae ihl Soil plane 13-an lHame 711777 t6(91( ILCRIGAN CENTRL "M ~ ~Niavara FallaPo7 Chicago Buffalo Bostot New York Through Trains East-8.18, .4ffp.M. 4.SS p. at., 930 p. at. 11.077 p. m. Locals East-COS 7at , *0a1(0 a. 17I~ (7. *8.36 p. at Through Traint Wentit-07a- m,,75a. m7., 9.1IS, 2.3p .6. Localsi West-2214 a. at., *8.28 a-.nm., l-7(0 p. at., *6110 p,.t S(ExcetoplSuanday.) Connenotions at ChicagaoIfor St. ((tail Kasas City and thte West. W. W. CASE, Ageot, Ann Arbore CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTil STATE ST.