THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINULtS IS EX( tithL F\T TRAIN SIIVICV You will fltd Fourjrains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsin Toledo and C'o- laamus S. E. CLARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing aind printing for amateurs, anod do it well It is to our interest to do it weii, that we may seil more f ii m and more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE E. E. CALKINS Dr'uggist 320 State Str-eet COOK HOUSE Oposite 5Coust H-ouse Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.0 ;team Hlest andilevinator Ali night servii 'tsTNl.Y INNERS A SPECIALTY 50CEma VarsoIerlp M Gi. l. ROLLER SKATING COLISEUM RINK 1VAYNARD STREET CiI~I - ~ iii AFTERNOON AND EVENI1NGXnt50. ADMISSION: 10c, Skates 15c. Evening 10c, Skates 200 D~oors Open: Afternoon, 2 P. M. Evening, 7 P. M. The distinction that comes from .---a ____________________________________________ -being a correctly dreosed man is yours -by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagant-my THREE SIMPLE MOTIONS TO FILL creations are reasornably priced. ON NSPress WAISTCOATS TROUSERS SELF-FILLING PEN PEtun1AR e "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS ofth iuibonth leal poeein. t< onn nid ea ' ik s yu ch~ Iheithe Reasonahly priced at my representatives ItReally IFills Itself. ( p ils 1 Judge or youself b askin I 0,hop5,18,llnrsNo ca oled it o cLae1 robl n ~RNHE R'S Representative calledruponnYoutyet? IttA N D A L Il,,I hlil i toothyleated iob y oto ne dzn$.0CbntPoosada x y itr s s ioteIicog 03nsianccalsisor$3.11O. p H OT 0th (OR A P H EK-NP sRwl ulots rsss ee ifM I I You dF lerd1es ias coole theI)ENX CI PENN _____ U IVE SITeN TICS.upon uitif tt lsrlst. 9t c> 0n 1 0 1 ice ~ ;IsT e 1 gemitie vevet kisses at stpitcd ce sigaiss1ile- 01n alt at Jolly's. if 'These Eight Pipe Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- * Grade Tohaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more of these tobaccos; and knows that higher -quality was never produced. >.. He knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoned by and filled with one of BATA A these tobaccos, is better than the F } best smoke of any r t H. oDj _ = y other kind. ~L&LO~ APST AAI-ie 5&0 CA H~O oMild 4rad -loaolyaot0-Olst) &0on . n f o i t r s i i m n n t n sO t1; O u t.. 30c ;jt o z,60C CASTRI'MldmE tileisl ers of i all-fresh tiam eeti a ltcsss-cllers.S l iia i .lttd tat1230 SW-P. \Vlecisg ofiiidepedenitls-ou0i to l hu) its Rosot]]siC. Ilisit-us ill. I6:45 10- 'ist-Fact: licinlertst chieduledl for Tlliiiiaiylifithissig clt s. U i pst-U siits -ts sill. at 5 ip. mi.,Sioliear-re pirt if lie ibanquet cotissiojilee, t l e- chic out tluclisat-s-asi picture- and ote siprate. bsine111sist i i i iii 1{(1111 [)-I'lt knfe ssrkd ith tlthnaIseo Sande. \iThe knifha Iec les attihefits o ithesec tso 1t 11l(' E ' lVr Wh il l deslierit to. t ops l yil ie ntelified.I it9o" instrumen tts.-el. ~rtt.331. sttt St e t ciar toireettdet. "ist DaresitAskoGsereat . 1Iqu aTryhelpsL'u erfciosociscoq0e-is insichig ipsgtht lsig's ltitoltl0. o- GlopertandsliecledWaeairs. hatssolslssJewel Ssre.2S Sa t S 5csis rssed, e stdsert. "soc. Fisiles & AskConrau. If Expecrgtnjiswefohand WspooResirs Huller 805O'Con'r. s.HatfS 1 DITRIES ART STORE and thaventtem framsed with Chosce Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223S5. Main St. Freyin' Mendels [LOW' SS Grarid Rapids, Micr. I I I I Y GAS Y t D STUDY t Yg r LAnPS e z%, _ ,m -mr-. / l ~ f I I Nestle's longssg 0t11 iwhere yoits'11 sesnilytilt shirts, collars, citfs, etc.,0 tio le washted. Stive yousrselfI thoughit, woirry asndlex- helseIby-hasi g its callforiarntintlg visi watnt lautnderedl. We msake nto chiarge iorth at anid retuttrs the gsods, too, itot whleni andel where vytos'want tihemi. Yes; we have a Telephon. 928 V- .rsity L ,.sndry 117 S. 4th Av'e. Botsh Phsorsen 928 J a e s ' a i e I I I i a I s I IMPRIoAL CUBE-CUT tOIINA PERtIQUE -100llen NaGinter' .a The or, -nf l ~2tAue-utto 0,0.0 v. cuut instttt.,iioz.,s 211d finesor or e ot oeelee Milki Chocolate Mackintosh's TOIFIF EE FreeteDemonstrations AllThIis Wenk AT QUARRY'S D)RUG STORE I $2.50 Each 100O Candle Power for 1=3 Centper flour Save Eyesight, Money andl Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. M ION CY LOANED is witchs.e ti nil. JW r and all liigI tiass Cttel W. J. LOUVRIMI toas4th Ave. iOpposit l iose ii TitilodosiSoutho e M.)Citt OFICEii HOiS; '10 to 11::0i1s o > Busness St'ictly Confisdential 0--- 1 famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 11l Fifth Avenue, New York BAILEY1&1EDMUN s SNTRsPUBN F. J. SCHUH 5portin 3o oo'0 Gas and Electric Students' Supplies j 121 East Liberty Street. A SPECIALTY ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVER Y- THING IN TAILORING