for Art and S a The Recognized First 1 106 ]EAST H' STATE SAVINGS BANE~ IV.J. Boot isi. V. Slea W'l. Arnolld Pr. V. C. Vaugl al Jas. . , VI ae I " M'.ill, V. J. Kyee ,R :John arCC J11sKo. h of' 'l . ii S. ashas Dan1 J+ . i l ls nall Crisstian lMari We Sell DIRECT To YOU at W holesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 118-120 E. LIBERTY STREETI Try OysterBay FOR OYSTERS STEAKS AND L1fl1 UNCG[S Eveythillg FIRST-CLASS Open Evenings BOTH PHONES 467 kill in Taiioring 11 Om~ [ailoring Trade of the City VJROM STREECT THE MICHIGAN DAILY Class Caps and Gowns A Foil Line of Samples at the W. C. Kern ('pan( (11111 'is VIIC Iv a15113will 1he furnshed ttae 'OmD liitR's of ties i l t I'I'I'I n t 15515 t I'l' llIIv be seen at this store. t''hese are the ('aps and Gowns tarnished all the "ilytl win ll a 'issI's of 19)5ti and which were 1m0st satisfactory. We are sole agents. MACK (0 COMPANY FINE LUTNCHES W~ecally 1th1' Iarge'1, lin1151of' I(tsill linleolft al l noiInl5allI'cs. We is111aIle'Is f11o Ir ID I I'IIwt C ., Lii N om NSe (). i d R Itl t1i~s aD. Sl sr S'1tA:Y'S .1;, H 1 ,1-s -in sIhcl~sate O N-tl(1ti. R. E. JOLLY. State St. Ohio Cenitral [ines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains 1_______________________________ of MW BARBER SHOP I"Allen's for Quality" Trojonowski State St. t L GO V. BACKLEY °' d / A . ~ E N greatest Sc Cigar Made Exclusive styles and extra values in mien's Suits and Over- TheCllhirIUSONBR S coats at the above Price is our specialty. MAIN ST. ""ADI6' i -- OFFICIAL AtIILLJIC h[ 1II,' IlC'1 : T )F ' 31 11)8 (ON St.'.\t Glasses repalired.AL N C [ 1I! 311'FR\{O\ M R311 tRi VRI'7tTO\RI IT ye arefulltyfitted ald tested. FOR 1906 1 -GI ,ORG IitAII,I6R, Mailn St. Eitted by JAMES E. SULLIVAN Phs aftroo 1,i :3 'lockiC ll(, .' i atemti.slll Ibieinlg Illrade IV esla I ____PRICE 10 CENTS ll11111 I.ttt ch ll, organistC, \6i C11 111uden ts t ri e a party toI5 t rall ve l SatsacytIC a11 111ilring a t. aisfaIcry A. G. SPALDING lid, SROS. tiss' Lo1ts 1'. iissss i 15551' Il iltg in . Is lr, : ttt tilerst Mrsesos ndissgs llB3S5talsls'>I I111Rllsa ' t I 11111111 c Sst ... ... ..6o cr th s brn h s l s wil itrr t er, alIItil . r llPisburg lllD/11111 loC .........1.11..... itn II rtilePIess1(formerlyI Par-s ewilllD ll ills.nAle1t1111Can. islialtter,1't.ns 11511 1 1 iigmailtonfsreettoany11 a.111 1111 ,r~n~trl ( p. li~ l r vivac } . nilnu nt th beucits cf th trip and a dinglo D aiy,'1111 Al mnus, Inlan er, Y ost' /1' 1n '1.nl11. the itretl fthl udns 11 111'lilIi inte ' 11'var- $ D.. IA.(11A. 11J.ii ''R AILWsA Yi hclil c ... .... ..... .... . 11 hitir 'is as stu ies. S e lill i ig iti.rofes-s'rl> ll ll \lr 11111 5.111 1' 1 r'l nlan . sx'siC t al ed wt'.ep r httourei'o hestud115bd5'17 sl4Vasil'. 720o ess t l s l. t ton street. IlltwIhours untis8:GARTERS 1 9:1 1111.'.ll.11 till. Jlll1li. Per Can,)i. 10l . C11rr i I~rdo 'at as b en rq t d t lc>llou locli 1)11t}111 Is n :. 335if Percas( IFoIr;rcls oll zen, f,- mo ct'tl:oi ,u pei DressO ll siltstou111 . frm o Byt Mailp.r In C selot, erCae, - - .hop. '51C 'lstlli i ll is il I KC Is., 118 crudI CO. 3 11 l 15111PON SsJis s SleD, i'els siltCi I~v lv css~s io Il ('11a o C.1Is l sIiiC 31111() 1 o 72it. )0-03 ol'h il h reeto. . '"ic .1.1e t a.i ~CalI a Negligei Wadhams & AND GE"T PRICES ON e and Stiff BosoM A BIG REDUCTION .MS l8. CO., 121423 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ass Arbor, MiDh. C o 7's EI). innsie. Pres. 1Har'risn Soule, V. C'apital, $100..55 SnrC~is, andPrfte sl $40,0011 (JEORUE BiISCIOFF FLORIS T ChaiesCast Fiow..ea sd PSa.rsts Cha~pinSt betwee ron raand iller Ave. Siui'1~ Save a Walk Down Town Get yoar Watches asnd Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of rl. Pins where Vtaey kteel)a fltl tine at the L o we st prices. No ' ie' poor stock in ourstore. i N..o..i ,111 in g ecaarged for '.S llolbing fiat our goods or ig e b t i ssg. prices on repairs, ete. Alarmsocllks M s' St $1.00 ad up Cait at the right isiacee, " I opositeLaw Huiding. M.F CLEE 4 ot +*t+ r t ri t f s*tt stt r ta +;rs+wfi + s'!is aaie +i +is+ s i- s i+ t s + s+w at+ t tt + a+rs+ a+t '!ss