The Michigan Daily
'Ohr. XVI.
.fo. 8oj.
Severe Penalties for Unnecessary
Roughness Are Provided-
Western Faculty Members Re
fuse to Talk on Subject.
Tie jto d iell egae fohl
rude'icommittee lat the cloie-ofithelis_
clt In do awayt witi lrt 1 i t in i
rule ii n tiiii he ati iiiilicd a eig o
1tile ('iti t ii ti h li i I~l,
11e1111-1yrdi le was u 'i ell,1111 il
c 1111111 le an i ion as t i h nnn
crof(' iti uthia t al chit---c i
team 1to n lth itanlce in.iiTheiimat-
let - o t e 1 he o d ii i ll i
I«a deidedtha tiiiin g111 ih fists,
if i'ication for te rem inder ofii lll ii lii
and i Il iiidfn i e m ll lo iisi hal-
11he111'ta lii tl i t, nut n iii lii iiial liie
thxla isq alfid
Ii lilpllter 1111 iiiict i ce n asa-
striing h riner ithl he1 hallil l ki(
face, i xi w ith (e a d, m ciiuu xi itli the1iil
111111 1pill n, iki ng1111withtelce
1111111nd ll lat o iince1 a
ofiit iiiar s
frr liiiinl o fdillli I
sion ofile l hl l taiil hold.i liii111111
hod : ut 'i lac Iiiiii iiitit liiwith ill-i alli
may iaiiuof iiiiiiT lt it i,;e
iha tils. x I olilitit or 5 11111 fill- lu- xiii
iigincu e tat glpllgItheii liiiii
lvtite:Im s I) )iiptu i h ndueltux
ope n ixctito push im itc xxiii I I linth
plac l i 'h t- n ti f 11 dlii \%i
l:al I l itve util t h1111 illa icc liii
itllf(it t y ifefinhliun ii ii xrullit iii it-
it hexxii tg ni i i indains ~ ~ ett
IttiCti- a am. i ~csst
ftttit asdri I uattl i iet i tnII m t 1meetingf It
Th tillii-yr alriewsflyd-
ills~sd ha no de i tion ts arri-vcti it.
"Miciga thleic epa tet t fias
1111ilulinee not-uighl i in t-i-ioleIs commiti-
il-i toi recadily - u-u- iiito aleyututugesiftiat
willbe aopte by ll oher choler
It l ired irccll-ti lihal sl i rdliti yesiter-
(II~creit %v - ellI uIivI-il Ii i l c the i
We hanes is wie ith<gra
rad 'i l tifotal (an ,w11 ay ta
the chn \e \\\,r ff I)t a \\w I iiig sih
PRELIMINARY CONCERT uttililii liii i yiiari'sii1111 liiI tree. ENVIRONMENT SHAPES
hic;10,t. 1 I hc (, ltat fr terityt
Supper Arrangements Are Now Com= tu \uMtsslWinifrd i A1,of:n liltorAlbert IH. Stone of Mississippi Speaks
t pleted-Order of Serving ls et ill led ii 1 th1eir-ill IMarch.uiiiiitile on Race Problem-Will ,Talk
Arranged. . llto o oi \1-;11 H-mion.iul -Again Today.
Fley w is pleatsedi wit h hf i-get-i -\ ittitC'll~iittalilitependston theAgersctilit
nouiiic illil I il th t ifilonci t l be 1111is l lii- I TeiiiiiiiiIii O N ftil ront -wt icths yflit viewrit e lituat i c T
-ix-pttutfiii fi t tiet it' h ch l the- Anglo-S m
flingiif the u inior hoprcpiltfoituh ii letes dpt fteniriI- t csidersthe negriitt qiiti tion dpett
liwill rlii s l -xiii eif ni - -for -hose c- i i n <i ()1iIIiii 11 1 toliii esflits irelyk ionitnt i on meii ntun it llucit -
cliiian ift part liip teitiet tiltciii.hi r (il111i olhe relildt ins enltte s flit n ieg uoes are iit il ftetl
Tieialeriwlibeo fie t 30a t(] l iihiispeial rl I -511 of1 ill('"bi aro se t raial andftit hy ai11111"
sctiitai'tt-itifpro iidedtftr tttarge ittance'litle" rifsttti I lofIiwaistfteis l the wittsibutfin theisouthtasiill[ 1h id'eevea twrthclta i"1vrte ny(te ilii acCpeCln o n thrcttui
is obtained fli mt) is vani-ctt cti-cp fi t i i iine'tulle itl ii ith 1111heu fit' iider ift t ia ii 5 iltitit iiiiitiii .t h
aliifiiftiilinelant'e alt- nebeistetenittwh "ti utimat pati tliick' itpulation leas bcoitexx sufiit ly
11111 ii pretiltn t'in-its moi t att racfiitivetliii Itieiipiatter.i ilillilis i i to thrtten tiliica pc1
itlht 111111ri amitson ilb i ~ti of h ilim o teilwa'cihat ins o istiinciitioniet iii lIi
it'llarftasiuiialitiittt t-ti i fiiicuiity 1 hen lt11il ftflit rxxiii iiThere t iisecl iof aigreiatiiii~ti
filifliti siliflilililtiits lilt)llit1flit tt oli of' 1 itic I li i ndiaiii lt ii utiest itlillI
"eiiiiavoir t toipro e ctainti bjection- tenithii - is lti lis -p aenf a d Iaso t tiolis great eie-st . I
iii - i t ti
tlilt- rai
ill- r~lu
lt 1111CW
ball, liii
ll a ll cill i
11111 lrll
:1<x r l)a cball -amc in kar-
IM;iilni last e cnin< between
Ilan ;md L ppcrelatis teams re-
t ()f -5 to xo III fay or of
Iv] I. A very small cl-mvd wit-
e amc. _\lanv of the oil-
till~~Ol i <l l'iltl 1g i uifultiti ii
lul iiilterc ii l i b s - ,cu ii i itac h ft xit xiiif x l i' ill th
1i itt.i iiTt ll xi I ii' x xi lit ito ffth e lyi n tlil alit it i
:p lata t utu. tras l wif h ii x ie l th edacrs a d hexii'wa' ii a
flit iiitut it titaxlximadif itittilice~ ae sevd.a dthet hei o - ivtaiitrya us
,crd itrus utddxxiidhn aesevd Acing tlthekt
inutlthxorh iiin hue sf'1 lrcwn bee the- v-ariis hDeft pitt-c\VfAcIxuNxux tAVIlt
xi lxxi tuftth ;;am.theffoili lowig xro 'sl i ll beisi rvexi iil I larv i i t'
'thih ih grs u stitS the ifirs uecftixcxt Ilitction ct-i- Deta hicll-ege \fenuwho
fifthinnimand i S lneIx i gmaxx Indpniiie seo d e-i olee_ Lan lan-
,celth u.l esStutark, l);road-ix iuf isixlo ,klhe om sdofC i iiet ~ls u s init
1 aI d wereu the starsiof the i Kapp F ix tfxx.tLe ta Piflux-taxeha lxx irasu-uuieltv
111'1St s i -ti t-i--er
11111111w of tt lithihi u-tt
aIii i f SI I' (tl r I )(WN'
>iii 1k 'ti c ul l i ili lit-
is toi ey t m c ll
trilt ttterti t i n tucll-
i till M c ituf n 11111 -
anifotirmalttme 'tiuut
ix i fll ln o tn e i
Sfr7imming TDank in B~arbour ,gymnasium Has Probed a Great Success
tutu r It
.trtu .t
;ttit( t?:i'
watcr, a
_tll ,l ctn.
trlttlt tr
> er ' ttta
CI1 tt r
I W' i' W,
t"\,() or
ti) the
ar c>1
1'ittle'ii t lt it 11111lll
im_ wc culL ii iii liii
fl-c. i- ~ c1(mci it in'
Ilit it; ('( tiit t oif xi i li h
labre tilhoth h ii Itxhetsutxh thlii
lit-it -iil fis xiii lxite tCollfux itlolx asi ,t .
'The scotuternpfillei still ilitinitfit ii
re-gtard trthetttii-tas ll(,traesani
tnetfchli oft Ihet tutulxuxixty am]thv
dlegate i l I ls ex hueoccut ionsc to hi;
hatnds.ii x nii it he xxiii l Indlst lx lii
c-li thantt ini noiitiltrnxstites fie t i -
ititiltiofti iihe ladncl orx" edxliofrtators
and11 reformersc conirm;i-thits stitemlit.
Theuse are stoieuofiithet ofpinionxh s-ir.
edl yesterdayr ueytilbeutu oeo
M'ijssisipc oil adenethai tutuowded
Tauh lhillfii lc xi tre o m to-ill(' x xxi
receivetd. tiltStonehastt liii ngpe
toaItuity 1-5is fuaiityplioth(xi ii'' tinii
and nit e ntttiit xhttaly - Lrg 1 tuttuliiit lvt -
generf-li ithuhisr seth gx tthtutuec-
rol t ttu meha tdv
tar.iti iittiSto e i t sthtilig fixm fill-thtx
hanlethqusti n. lxxxiii rehrt
il testh iathdu fam iltartiutfithexii -
if es tru ght'-fi - lifi me xxxi ttuit l
ith til aehehaiixv vtx-c ret
arc i iltudlltyhttof ii 1th ithpole it
its ocla ail ecolonlc asect iastilt-
Mri. StunesxanddufltS (giatutu tt
xxii I lxit~f il t lttii t r vedI ltclsxiity
ill- ill telll te orl am
thei stilt g t
I iIAI:lffiNII Ill
Ni, V I'I ' I fl ? SiIY
tiill rgt-g - i to ]earn thuath ne d '
it-illinner wtiaiscgiven- i m byxiilftsli hrohlt
cc oxftheut li- ita-ap a I- iut frtlt-
n'tit turdaytiht xx 'itiagt \~hIi
'eu till 'go toxNewtYortknc eit-ytwit-,
'he- wu-xiil cxpoiion wittu hI xitutu Iii xiii~
it-itwrt compay. ' proilletntatl-
Repti-rcomtitstfromiutil-liaridthuat the
uiersty- utill hut' thstuxi tnxiou t cie xx
cuiotiif luIst uliue'Rooxusevelt's urexi
cing in cdetict llowtilt icr h xler lto
.Atr'i yn r f lthe sut- e ft--c
ix I ma t iltd fth i istaughtl«xi.i it
( - ithlds. Sli thusucwitllsco fdrc_
toxcix naurallyxxandfto iutak ihe
to x i h ld iiher tb tit xand splash ix ii tit-dl
til t e I t i a raii pace.t
flux hutti lxii Slt ' I Altui
The xiii xti xeth i lt r iethu-tti-tutu"
withut iiiantyistuptptor t iNis hu-ti fit I
fitece Alluxi th ci eeednout- pa
Lice, andi the xiii lxl it cilelxiii lxxi
inii hueer d tit- Shetmatle if
Whe xse liioi te if ,, t-ar itly
her liii nsfit ec i ni shedii anii h-i i x iii -
flit ss tufro tcass iies. atisi
a 'ruutrhict i flit I xlii i- gittlti-tie
fwi'm ll "'ii 1 s txheir ux tft xii xc -
itt occiiis all11111timth y cl -xiii
a ock, r fitful.