THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hockllg Valley Ry. IJDN'IINII118 >ITS lIX,ELIENI' TRAIN SERVICE You will fid Four,'Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 iCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it wellj It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i 111 and 1 more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 320 Soth State Street COOK HOUSE Opposite (Ceurt House 'Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 steami Heat and Elevator All sight sersice SUNDAY DiINNERS A SPECIALTY 50c Eacti Vasrsder;;p to Get.. t 1 t t f i I ,. w. . _ ._ r e The Best Move Tollican makis totftmtliare ize toiir'elf willtheu r iese'ett (Itilile olf snit. anid overcoatls. lisi store is tntion the vidic- a cake pl1111 tee itever sleept. toe havte div iedloute sits ini t~olt -able No. r sustatis a eel of 25 pe enton a every suil. 'fabtile No. 2 cointains nts thlat111 fortterlv solil fromti$1tCto X20 now go al...... $13.00 All $15.00 Overcoats at $1 1.25 44 12.00 " " 9.00 46 10.00 4 4 7 50 THE SOCIAL SEASON IS ON Ye Stxlden* Shop 611 E. Williamrrs Street All $25.00 Overcoatu at',' 1875 4420.09 "15.00 4 1800 4 I3..0 Manhattan Shirts at 25 per cent discount. Spatuiding Sweater -vent 1-4 off. Ypsilanti Union Soils 1-4 off. Don't let thin opportunity past for it is a money saver. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200J-202 Main St. Siy' After Paying Your Tuition Fee ____________________________________________ The next most important thing, it to avail yourself of an oppor- Classes In Det in tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ANIED Intilupti itljittile or as late ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thing is now G . 'GB IF(JI'nar S 1 0 i 1thtatd recivie a till et ready to be seen. ilo lles s Corecthuh TAILORS Ii i i s m%"'s posibe tne.TATTRS TOpEN FURNISHERSBATTESfk- oy11and eKyer 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. ;HAS..- RENTSCIILER'S Representative called upon You yet? R A N D A L L You can prousre fruo hitm acoupon entilingo yolousne dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture toe use in the Michigan- ensian, all for $3.00. PH1OTO0GRAPH ER I i i i I } C siin ' 1 gar t ceIllit111111os. yetti t civil h Iisses 'St picedti ;C Cigar Ile . ( I)<1.t Ijocly'. t1 tf UNIVERSITY NOTICES. t 'cock it il 1 1111.111t teetit . of N \ o k f il itbeheld it"cewietutuhtll at psd mt l e hru11111 ,5 Thei ictli ll 11111miof te '07litcls wil ee t i tsciuiu iatt itotelr Th lectturei efit CattieldJiu ittir h0 is tttittttt ut lit a ttlr ittit pteo ;lle Taftliclt-i 1).11nottonttitti Ci lit \i 111111 to iniT eu I tel i.l Th r~s C itn - l lit ll. sit for wil'-. trawl1suit.tttIl ipr uitt.ttfl t Nit 111111omJnur h oJaur it b lonet ii tecitstn:,s ta --_ How's That for a Good Job ? Sitiofi a shirt lattudered in otur if< inishiedlflashitun. 'lie verdict of 4 smttart dlireser s amniig iten is that we knowtus owItott itsash, starch and iroin shirts, ecillarst aitdictffs In please par- - 2' icttlar peolel.andl that we act itt keepitng wnith ttttt inforniationi. Postal i~tttgs ourly nn-ttt to your door. - l'ttonc if youtire to aIturrv. 117 S. 4t-1 Ave. Bsth Phones 928 Al AClearTrack 1 I ", THDE product of sixteen years' experiment ; the successful re- sult of an effort to make a Turkish cigarette better than the best ! MURAD CIGAHLETTS are unequaled in richness, smooth- ness and mildness-the one Turk- ish cigarette that offers these qualities perfectly, and in perfect harmony. 10 for 15 Cents Bye mail postpid-If yon can't get Matf d 6Cigaees at your dcaler's, sd I je. foiten; rye. foe ft/lfty; $1.5o fore teutndeau ALLAN RAMSAY, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York City Glasstes re pairedi. Rivs arefttlly fitted aitt tested. Gl"ORGE1-tALlER. Malt St. Try Phteips' Perfecltin chocolate toffs 111111chips a tCutshittgs itiarmacy-. HALsER'S JtWUvttisScout:. Ilaiti Si Tlue college jetweler,. Estabhished 1858. Expect envelry antI Watch Retuisi Atrnold's Jewelry Sluire. Stei tspecerti. . itrleve'. It Full1er & OConttnor. tf ict-cs. u\itaciee & Cut.. Stilte St. 51-S W~atch, jewvery tnd eye gloss repair- lug bty skilileud workmtent. 1I lutt,.to'S i,-twltRtsSTORE. MaiiiSi / Tr- HE wrong signal by lithe man in tine I(towece"'may cost hundreds of human lives. Ot/ tic"the main in e lower"' to guard .our ttttostomnachn. INDIGESTION is a wartoing signal of danger ahead!l" Keep lte track clear ivith SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT a nttrial 11101. It bilocks the system against, disease, keeps the stomachn sweet and clean atid thne howels healthy aitti tctive. It is made of the whole wheat, steamt-cooked anti drawit into ine, porous shreds, pre'- senltig all thte brin-mtakitng, bodly-bitilding elements of the whieat berry ini tigestilble form. Supplies natural wartti to tine body in a niatural stay. Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot milk or cream, the BISCUIT is delicious for break- fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It may also be served in hundreds of dainty and tempting ways in combination with fruits,oysters and preserves. To learn more about "'Shredded Wheat Cookery" send for our "Vital Question" Cook Book. TRISCVIT is a. Shredded - Whole Wheat cracker,/ better than bread for toast,. delicious with butter, cheese or preserves. "It's All in the Shreds" kL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y ; 'J ! r t : t M M ai I ' SatIisltctorv itlitiitug at 1 1 1 1-to prices. Fuller &c-fO'onnor. 6toyEI Vi - hiaitistreet. tf 'Michtigtn insSs, fbts and stpoons. f -ELten'S Jr«,etno Stout Mutt St. THE NATURA d Y ___ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR ,fkH Eif~rOF EVERtY- THING IN 'fAILORINC4