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January 27, 1906 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-27

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THE MICHIGAN DiAILY. Iircicc ,ichliliga's athletic cod~itiols
I utfy h int im preferring sch serios
0 p ijn g,19 6 t51 SOus t liiarges. Norlhs le sticceel infoe
bu t tiie amg the concil into the positon of
criiciag Presidet Angell. Such an
lit cciia 01li a ieepte i cccii eais pesatra. PreidetitAngeli T R prvdpeotru.n1 ni
OUR S'I'ORY ~~ cn at a I act cashaigtrchi crci oen ariiaprrdo
en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h icpub ei cioi c- tliictotof the article. Nr.
Attractive Styles Managing Editr CLYDE L. DEW O'Blien coiltheInlilaneriacitedl oc thteir
New Colorings Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS own ii I (5iiiti t.
FRI ioii not app~er Ilth atnote as
rtttORS. ilblicht icueiei Mr. Gliicni of di-
ME ' nAlttlee Caene)Elrdg coachicItedthat genrlyadit and
* hit licetheelt e tiins dii ot exce
2 Largest Line of. Woolens ED~~iiITOIAL STAF. thiicpicpi inc of his actio. It is the
jrg iiiiiei tranckin C. Pak, iiiy w ih h a o e ta a
9 Shown, all at :Sch rcici . i'ein. iiii i ilt c c' coi ln a
* ~~~ccc t in It cc cienreadcinidigcaio,. ace
PRC SASSOCtATES.thtihcunciccl liehasctsiered. Icc the
- POPULAR PRC eSrige AObhnicHcrldC. Smith nesnisI ostdtsninnNIr
J. tat 051e, Jr. acore A. Bance ieei ie cl'lciei eiitei, Ar
circsaN.SmPcci ith 1ack J. Cak fBlin-s deiancce of thse liiiocqetinc
iobet I. Clany ihinry A.Motngccery hisa motivie is uccalle fora dcci icdi-
F'ull Dress Suits a Specialty r1. 11. Seenon \alter Metenbuac ree.
GiliciP Ii aleyni J ii . W iii. (Ir. II lren ccii c uicacitionci cwill nt
at k~c 5 i~iiil nc ii it Jaicci iccias te li-umiciler of tose crw o coi-
G" H. Wild Co. tiRATgc $aca per year, or $ann i pit i ... t Mrhfi - crrlrnsl r l
gg - adnice. cifortulnatecclc' lcccc-Ic ccill cccl rnuse
Leading &pamcicc ssiati isfacticniicilw i e Ilailcg of
,Addressc WALTER R. HANS' Business thliiunticou ccicel I is welihopele
MERCHjANT TAILORS gi Maager 236 S 12th St. Phanae 849 L. linicilcl iiisccfrtcct-ccci.
S 311 S. State St. --e-'-'
u go: il eericg toc 1e iat iude ccf Aieigccii
tocird-ti e Ic ptrfessinalcoaech"cl aucse
tA'1lI:: I- l J.\ YUAN11 2. 1)0(1 ccf Ie UCiccn cciferencce reonucccccclc-
io11fc C-hiccgo Dcil icaici has
A\\ci'ioiT~k Wler lelceiihciicici: Iflhigam lierelcceec
CH IC 1hvod epochc lthis aght ccecsith
A H I E L TCiALENDAR h]leterc eCmng ait does,..fromt
(If-ackcitinatihlei c eicialincic ic are ic-
la 7 eto;o\dlcl i - cicle. li edi rei t." Ilcif'astc-unalci es-h
Water-Color cier f lie Cr (c-n. . 1. 1 taten. tralyta Te atrwt
acid Sicic N ciy res. I 1: llong. (Ourc Ahltigics" cl eIce dceclyli-t1e
hi fMihgnSlt oma ol ge. e ccmies of Aiccligcii s exrinig st-
(a ._ I'r sici club eg speaksci Ie ln e-u e -Ia'tti rtce d e
notl represent 11c iiieoiiin iof 1the st
Girls' Heads,Poees' Heads; muned foeIhe iii o liiiii- dentcibcdy, o an at of ai itI. is clear
an glass with passepartaul edges. a~j Au ioatricl cinitest IlciBitagiccencrise t i mp ciressioi
h0c and 35c ones ferclhe Tempiii ccc e ee cli ldub, iln iiithalinc tinlicg ccciirelicec. Nc
Ro I tcci li ci ilicg. 8 p. cc. onei cmancclhas cliiright icc lilies-the is-hle
25c a\ 1o(;o''a(do S L A ouse civi c inih ai false ilipht1cefore-i Icc
Le cueI) c Prof.ci.i G.cCinfiifd, plblic.
Th C1cc'tin ilc pirl scI ciiilti' i lirccc -ca. Ail
i- nis cin rccg lac- acc yIfaip- 1slie dcci
A lt o aselRo 1. lcicecii3 hlcl lk h eomedtoc h o
SPALDING CAPS VU 1.tl ulcncr-. Frez l c cilitiic cli iic u ccii(li
toaeasize; regular $.00 Caps, 1 11ic-RiaoullicciII s icccianicc-c-eccici cc lie
Ia clame auteach cicihen ii re I thatclie prop ilosel the '1profesinccal
i} hall- cch" clause, cc icich is soil ealyic lis- ls
75 C Fci.q -'hr. c cc A ii ecci ccc rnicii c c i mi natii cci 'ga ist flicligc in icfacior
Ifct- -cicc -i-cc t iii clse.Io C ice-c-o. '[ - e s-ccnittgp cqi etencec
She ha1-Go I-1is 10ccel incUcii-cl n tiofCacli Sanicwho cha s ecpel lce
'teenane hCo. iacof til, coniiference cicer -cciera-
F, 1> rd ise e inse. I ch li yIls is anc ccplecciicg ilcicig tic
Students' Bookstore I icirmgc.-cilic. cnicsce r ITle atitulde ccf iur stuents
I~c i - NI C.ccii qu n ir cthis icnry has Ibcein clci an ii
couiisgc e ccliii- 'atec- Ic-le -itt iei dig
IIhr - a c ccr( Ich f ir an -ccii cic-clrtiesc-t f 'Thutsacy ig i llciibie
FootI811 l lu11aal wen i li cc cin riseiac ci- hea~-rc anccdtact lie Snaillc inocciial
~. I~l FUII j N lt Ion ro ii.NCltacOrc- iici.cB- Tlowthi s l un icfcirclscini icicilic acgcinl
.ccc11 i on ci Mich ciganipccii ccolie- lcu.
cc ci lp lilielylii 1h i cii-r. clipsclc lc- ctfcic cpcgi --.__________---
1.50io p iilii a ccc Ii-effort to pcehes 1C- cl. IDeat ifcrmdc-lticcsudcets at
cts a cmcli incc ca a e- lightI i en were i some-iithig thatley idcitkn s.
thi eeek atcl c d a- it- i i. Nocciin ill 'ic rc-tIthcccthe1coleli wiasci()cccii
DARLING & 11ALLEAUX c''dridicl thecle liii- ca c-niiili
>ii ccr cicice to thcoils ntrear Itha .A e cigar Icc the student. "Got.
22-226 5. State st M ,\ 'Bin c nt scflilci lc ii- Bacgle." Ash Generait. tf

'Helenaci'Sctci,--forelhrpci I- itcwith
ie 'Theodcore 'Thomaccs corcestrc, cca-
heard icc Frieze all ''nThrsav incare
cital programiL.eilca Farlitnoprnoii and
Forencee Cres. vioIliiiistsisictig. '
proga agei c s sicelcvried inchaatr
callicig forth lie tecnciacl rsces ofcc
lice ait scselitc- lie iqualiis ccl the
icslrcccecc. 'T'he ecellences ccl a harpl
techiquitie.I owseser.-re noctifullcapptre
ciated excep-t liy a hacrc plaer-. cciidI to
te orar cn certi-Igier ii-he c-cccicc-
pasags's acit-criaictoIthflesdc-l. Itiss
Stocce invsets-edes-ithlie- most -foriiniicg
af licsecctic cc mcicincishiilandc:I
chccrcicof teleramilen cltcct cctiiaIc11hc
performcance of tccci really eciting.
'Te Gocdefroidi Drecamciseemedctii
cadt gratefuli tcc lie istrmetilwchili-
of te ohncmcbcesthe caccitrsc rob
chiyprtceferredei lcecctc-ngeets f tcs
aid fas-orite Icices caneldie.
Misses Farlin.indCcci carathi s isisi-
ig artisti. acqietiteditecimseIccs-ivc-i-
cccc endabclly- ini t1c- '.\ccgcl's Serenade"lc
wichelwaccsca rmtly1enco-rd. AThe audi-
c-icee lids cclrtg one andciiIcc-c-ccppr
ci aive.
Theiactcioncciof thestuntccliilccdci illc
requiestinig IA. [cicC . Pounduthe cmccin
ceitor ofclthcs lclclccc to-. icc d,-
from ithe ctfouioriimembcc-Ic of
ccarefcu -i-iil ccl cideatonofth esonni-e l
thei cucil. 'ri lpuroseofin e l1c ccii
cii is.I1Icalei i ciicle-c'Judge qustioni arisi-
ing inc ticses-tet ccciiicanccclii uic
cccii icnpre-judicdc-asicn.icuc-I ordiIcrcto
crry outiiits lfuciocn ccciii ccoccc an c
eficint orgcanic-cionit111ineccsnarcto
tunisdi-fr tpcssible encccrgc-ccic . 111
tact ihereaftec-unoii cccetic oft- any ccii cc
c rnil cuhlulcic ccam, noaocfice ofl dcc
hual e eligiblc-tothecoucuil, eumls-c(ie
ofl Ie possnililty coi tecoucl cit
tohudge one ofr its ii mcr<
lCereeteitsode- showi. that cc-c l
orizalc'ctioncihas lbeen-estailishedn.i'itoi
make ithe cunucl wcill tie- achigh honorci
andiiits- memberl inhelculilnotlihiliinia
pitiiniui toi icclcam cini ces--nic cti ccc
time.. ASoIIticiUNS
tucccc. ccucASSOCIicgTIc'111N 1
cur-ccassociation.icliluid the f cuccnec
officrs. Dtteuaiicccceulctcdl presidecnt,
acid Lohmtille-r secrrv. Th flu r necwi
chic-ccccs clictech acltiecseticcct lcichu
cuts Rollinis ititsclnistic ccuccugcc.
licttttilci. fooctbacll managiiper;ItHC. 'ct
toncinanucucical s-c'cctcr Isieny 'Coc
Miss Janet- Actilcicn. teciwel nowncii
ldundrnicocll-gc'snttlemetccwucr. an
bececnc apoitd ntpccicl echr cct Wi-
concsini fr Ithe itsumaer sessioni. Shec

$6.00 Sweater Vests,
buttons, . . . .. . .$4.50
$5.00 Sweaters .....$3.75
$4.00 Swceaters .....$3.00
Micliga~n enn. $1.00
The Bookstore that's never Un-
For Sale Py
Cabot's Physical iDiagnosis
cc-cl, Ccl ihm)
Cushny's Pharmacology
Halbert's Pratctice of Medicine
Copceland & lbershoff
Law and Medical Quit Comn-
pends, D~ictionaaries, etc.
325S.SttcStret, 2dFloor
An Arbr, Acit rch.


It Feels Good

ccill thetis-c-nacsc-tic-sof lIc-cur--

Announcement of the
S'tudents' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
S JeromelK. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - . = Jan. 16
F. Hlopkinson Smith
Lorado Taft - . Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman - -lar. --
SOUSAS BAND' - Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers . May 2
Oratorical Contest -
Open Number _-
Tickets for the Entire CourIse -a 7 $2.O0
M xy be obtained at S. L. A. Office ice fronm Student Sellers
Seats resierved-S0 Cez~ts Extra-atf S. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SI~IM L, ADNE418SSIONS3 $1.00 S. L. A. Phofte5352
- Office Henri: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec




For Stationery, for Furnishings, for
Books, for anything you need, the
best place to go is the Co-Ogp. Store.
'The prices are the fairest, six months
of competition have demonstrated
that. The goods are the best, six
months of satisfaction have proved it.
Visit the Co-Op.

l f'.

011 your fale ath A dlt rface
always feels soft actsidsott,
if you use
Treajnss Laazea cArm.. Ar-bor
Goin-p Aci~c ci:05a. ticacdu4:3c5op.cic.
Gointg PcSch 7:20 a. in,,cc c35g in. andch7c51pm.
Gecil tass. Agruct, Agecr!,
Tcoledchi ciic AnnucArbar Niiccic
Itt-l phocceii 3,i1-it-clio a'le p aoce c69
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains Bast----l.18a. cn n.,p .1 . .
4.5p.m, .0 pcue l n . cc11.0 p.cni.
Locals tast sc5a.i.,cc tuctna.cnc., *4.05p..,
leaP6 p. ccc
Through Trains West-2.fia ccc7.58a. cc
9.1a a. n33p na c10.i0dp.in.
Loceals Went-c-224 a. eO*.28a nc,*1.4np.
m., tiP1 p, M.
* Except Sunday.)p
SlCnecionsatChicagoc lice9t. Louis
Kanisas litp acidlthe iWest.
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor




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