THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring, 1906 Attractivie Styles Ness Coloring s ME'1N'S WEAR Largest Line of Woolens Shown, all at I POP11LAR PRINCES F ull Dress Suits a Speialt a at G. H. Wild Co. g Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State t $6.00 Ones,.. $4.50 $5.00 Ones. $3.75 DON'T MISS THIS5 Seebdn 1& Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On it 'te e. itamtondsor(totthtr personal lproperty Wathes andewery repaired. Bargains in Watchtts & Diamond tfiien at rsidncet:391E. Lierty 't Ann Atai. JOSEPH . WATTS THE MVICHIGAN1\DAI LY.t it1, 1ot tp ilt. I t onhlyt' i lititigan, 4t m lltto wetelliotballdt ttlige Mlerdaaging [lass CLYDe L. teWA1111 iiie ounlitir y iheithert icollegesithite Rocineo Managr. WALTR R. hNS 'ootlt d.ithe citiititiiirtsiiy t lla Cln Ai eye a rei t iltten t<1lt iciliitti to i . .lvt aii Icto it. tqill-tad ; ~t. en ertaIIIlcet11thlc'cileies tstre..Bllpon.S). S. i. polnale 76 ri ltct i''~i iha u t 1tand, froiimi'the ilt uenistnd Sug iiAiiii 5'. kliisi ,.t Par. l Arthurb J . P~oiind.5. tit George A . (),,bo 1n I I -o i . Smth . FarlOgl, J. Gorg it. Baint AderrsN.imWLTEDr Ran BunCnerk Manger, 23. S.anc Ia St...Phong849rL 1).F. tvenson \Valtr iMtzeb 1"v v ' 1x11 l. i Ii Ito . Jones iliti_ti iiic iii lin t Nat l 2,nc tli ii ii ithe illfr miiu was lioi it as ng iI... Thci recntconerece 1 a 'li i f~~ici tti -t il ()1,i , I isiii toi th tt c p o- tls i i t Mal iin.c U atltcs esi On NoMichganthleics hi"I ;t t~tn at~d as tose f a toar oflthe 11Cmet ofi iiiiiti llcr (e t it tltt or Tile sude tiiouncil idecidletdthat thriltRetde. RustetatdHesitnto iiite kitw i his . 3IiCs.. 100 il30 i 13i10l.x. 10\l)S l I'Vl l;' '')YA Ci utedIfromiipage on.) the 'tilty of hei i vrsityri o f \A'liscon- W and the11111ivetsitylt ttitof iago1111 t'eier n elof iig nt who t called tile 'icilit't'ttet tilt iawaypiiti . withpr eital oaces eitita illssor litiii o ihga. Aih 11111.(I iia leader tittand iino t all unililtinig paiipator. Ch igo.had utoieatilt dici ttingto 11nyon1 coneigitsaction "f r t her iiatins fitit a tpro taili breachlbte ethte. tunir.siti ar 1'. hall f t e l l'ertl o f Chticoti SISN.\'liTO 7 SKohI FOR. lIl5.IZIiNI; (Cotti edliolpaeloe. kishu. 'D-t . .51 till JiI, 111111 Stile. F.eAoretuot e 1. Pagcii Sb Sett, EIltini Iehv Edwardiiii I. Saittilsonti. Ctikiiis. Sro it lum ilJuge lt eitrk rintroducile lth hutl. J1. 1I,. Bel peu. ell ta ti iisen ig nsly ls it.l ies tatktit ail l Niait.l is folols: "Whenlt'uiI was aitudntittiintisblostoil tutonIsok ti csure in iEnglish hiotir may xmpesolpiismlandlll valt} 1111111011earlyilit o o r o tlithtte oneil impreslilt me mos teitgittit I the tutu 11111 Iliii C om o , ihie boys ortitti lbetrampltuedtiupo ic 111111111 ililiso lder,, iit ati reotiii theyii l itpeIlei toii Generaii lGlt veil i or iiredritesst and111atisfatil he gnra di ' orderttohs oldlll il t to 11o1e1t1't111m lt thi lgamesonii'. thlil 111111l1111 lim iGergeITT ,li howitt t nclt gt''r i l ii il rs lt i ll urp1oes11111s th Fo talc il io t h iilledliT hrogt it lienty.1111hii hutcq ald s ii11;1 been aro ii eii Iand iltoiiit 11111clue 11he c ill hi 11111 iii t loyI liahut 1111111 .1ii 111111 asiiiri i n on oftee " g after "tMichiganti waspi in isl tht m ini lielt'kguistlt'sid to eith oteel, Spalding Sweaters* 4! OFF to I formeir coninectl init lii'Michiiganii.1111 $6.00 Sweater Vests, buttons,. . . . $5.00 Sweaters... $4.00 Sweaters... .$4,50 ..$3.00 IastIli.i 'o IIIetiltl 1"Ittit - li 11c1.1 e t.t t im tul1a] '111 01 ' w i inee tis hope w, ill e 0 ri ll 'thg1te 111111 I l w ici s to be ap-ii Th present li I im o and s ii' i'.sti'o liiitn esal ii lii 1ilt elvlfr (fth liii te- 111111tii is I Stilt 011111 inlithe- i s111 mcnt iot'the tor'k wst adl ouiogw ol ire tuundestodiitolbeietpatict. th denutititton li o te tuicliei. oiui Michlanensans, $1.00 The Bookstore that's never Un- dersotd' I i'nth lo11 t' gelit.Iwhotmt e suatyo m llin oitil usit Niitiu lt Ileis i look i1i.iing; i . lit111111 . i ofte 15ceach;2 for 25c no1 iti ourt tilhop Cluett, Peabody (& oCo. 0. M. IMartin R Ofite 20911S 4th Ate. lituuue :18. f eoldento' 102'S. 5ti Ave. Phel'1i AtlaULANCF ONOtCALl. To Beard a Lion in his den, first softeni the beard thtrougrhly with the creamy lather of' W ILLIAMS' S TAV"K ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tralrns Lee.cvreAns Arbr Goinug Nrtiih iS:05 . i..anills:Gt Boing Suith 7.:0aI, 11.1t:e i. a(uil:oli p. a. J . IRlutil. i. r. tttLe, iunni hats. Aget . Antis, ''hitlti,Othuit AntutuAbtin' tutu Belphn 1:-1r ( om )ine 9 ,.:o l .5hoip:y ro all' 5 'sin~t , Chicago Buffalo Boson New. York Treogh Trans iEaat--8.1. a. i%IA . int., 4.55 p. i., .01 p. in. 11I..5 p. ime Locals East itt-- . a . ais, *45 pt, Tlhrough Trains Wenttst,auw, 7.58. ., 1.16 a. a., Y 35 . ,1 o. t ,e . Locals West22n a u. I. *,1 a mi. t0I).p m-n.0hP, in. (EcetSnday,)_ Con uietinus at clicatigoiforit. out. ni I auastlty andutuhet tttt. , W. W. CASE, Aent, Ann Arbor 1111s.10. 1 S 1. te tciy takees tiis uk Iltuse. eue'llugo Lettonhs. iltty u let'till'u rtileto granititourtilt t 86 t (Cnnued ontpage 3.) 1111ittee clloseII i Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING JeromejK. Jerome IChas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - Jan. 16 F". H'opkinson Smith . . - ---- Lorado Taft . . . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde -. Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman rl far. _- SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest - Open Number - - - Tickets for thve Entire Courxse -1 '$2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers SeatS reserved-50 Cen~tS Extra-at S9. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGL~sADMISS1ONS $1.00 S. L. A. Pholne 552 Office H-ours: 4-6 Daily (Satusrday exceptec 1 I 1 I CO-OP. CO-OP. CO-op. I For Stationery, for Furnishings, for Books, for anything you need, the best place to go is the Co-Op. Store. TFhe prices are the fairest, six months of competition have demonstrated" that. tThe goods are the best, six months of satisfaction have proved it. Visit the Co-Op. THE STORE OF THE STUDENTS Douglas Shoes WA H RTh Soe a 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes 'l'XEII