The Michiga n Daily
'NN ARBOR, NITCH111 IGNFIDAY),N 3 A bN .6 , 100(.
No. 80.
Three Thousand
_____Students Protest
Chicago Publication Viciously Attacks
Michigan With Professor Patten-
gill as the Target.
TiheChtiicago Tiriunie of yestrda'
isIC makea h v icious attachiupot Sch
gin athletcC offcias with Prof A. It.
Patengli illthetrgt caing u~ Amt
cent foothll cionferece.
Sml in ther prom' 11.inet hicgo;tI
Aicitai71.evidenly tr ingIItottmake.till
Howtever.I tthe ittfottor s Seecotntott
Ih<1iwfolly acanartttvtnII appafty
withte dhiberateinteit no ac
in u om (icief. \i~i 111(
tlega eevdfrmDa ml
It-Po Iso ateng(C~i yestedayiiafte-
noon repiiateslwholly(every1part ofit
i' fllowVing (Ii the telegram7
Ch 11icao lln 2-C illliliin 111hittago
theitstoryi i rs111tillpe1111111 itl t711111
trutflnessll 1",a111 lith1(111(11Ita n
the .17 t i as ll ow,:tlt t ul il i~i7i
"Open tzar ilthreate ill VIIIeiiithe
llll at the gl)I fotil haIll ll i conf111reitnii
an till' 1111i1'1 t c1111 Iil.'\,t 117111it 111117
licntatiiiIf the1)111lt'i i ch1111171tN 1he
i lttliti il t theceterNofi1111171k 11rm ill- i.lf.ttiegiilt lgCliciCIII, lilypre-
tsenttiv ta metin.oolitailttreihaTs
hcen gentled as171saiineifdlliICriCC7prof
(oetecotinedaonpagea is
Petition Asking University Senate
For Hearing Before Resolutions
Are Adopted Unanimously-Mod-
eration Characterizes Meeting.
tis is 111 C ity w(li '('Cer 11ttin~t1to1 111717
CAi /os f~ acto awls ot' 1reak conrat cts
le aly l~uc. T i i tatement,711made11by
((gls ight.1 wa til e, iiI 711 11111111 ll
retil Sin 11the pall ct Iuponithe.
Althll' the 1m 1111111ast igt wa
anid 111111" 1111 tii 1. of I 111 ell.lctr
Wndetill. Catptai nit tdeli 1111111e
iIf. ,%iii \elir who was1 to 111 side,
c lus il 711lie Ithen in1111o711c11d111 Ir.
of p 1111s1dingive i s 1c i ,Ju g
-"til r sai( id amiI constr11111 n117 to
say tat, Jdgin fromthe e 11onel7o
and1 theIiAppearance of1 11the regt wa
((1(111'' 1(111(71 ((11(1 i ll applause. The il
in(( his 1 o i i, N 1 I ill h rtane,1 n
th riing1(We and111(1(11inary'ltrain-
dig %vill no t ( he1 11 11(1 /111 I (11 ill'des
Oratorical Association Secures Reader
of International Fame for 'roniglit
at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
11is Wiallit RichlaCrds,(lite If theI
l'lit('Vineu (toigiht111at ICIS I a 7oC i e i Aug
111 caton The11 (1111 (1111111 (f oil theitti 1 I -
versiliiare 1m1e1than fortu ate o lav1
the1 opportunity11(71 fl-Ntenigtoa reader
of stick1(1prom1in(ence.t11sMs.ii((oin
is per"tonaly wellknown 1ere, Ite Ill
(Ifrill - -aillprna c ht o so
the (11din IcI s fI ne\(111 and11('. -
and press(11I i~ ill er1I(11171711( ll(I 1111
('14111 11 1(1111 11(woki 1le f~ltit
noties 1wre ive ytepe,
Chicago 11171rald: 11 1 (111111 i,
t1ru 1atit (n1er li1,1 ( 111 c° ti
1(1(17 a d sh d,1 71C ii , tett
11111(111 1101 t i; (a1er s e u cest1 l
Rl-(;(7711'llH-N 01 S,. 1117( .lI-'17111 ('1- . 1- 771.
carr10ied catl 1(1 1111 liuo sl a d iIt 1)((lI(11711io s tte~ ion tth 11(1111(t
stu ent assembled to 711111111he i t N- I isi urti g t hat, 1 1171111 all1 1(the1
1(111 to o co~t te . mtilhe1117111 br1 li Iight1 II 11111111 tha1t ae 111171,(111(111
ti (e1"Moll Wendl't opened the(1 1(1meet-1 1our 11grea t successest ly a fetill'
1 1n ' 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 71" T 1e 1(Yel l o w 111a n Cd(Blu e nila a al l f el u pn11 1 1 1 1 1h d ow1ilt1el a s 1(o e1of " A l n A b o rfdi d s s p e t e d a n d d e p e s s n( n i s 11117t s
-Tway,1t1e1117licr i itciss((117a serious at- "W' i t11(1(1 e111 11(1motresllect foriiiIthose
titude and1 Ii the.111 men presen17tt made'IcyI- l' 11a171 11(1111 111 11 115' his cton'
dent, lils 11111 (Newkirtillsaid11not11only1 c1(11711 Cii adiii thingiII nf t i1111 .111(1s1111111(1
I' II' - legally(mole.
lit III 11 111111(
Ir. ('71.ret( ree
not 1(11 't anf cliti '11(11: 1(11'.e ah
ion711()1 I tho tonesat ay intituinc
propose lit st -1 )1 11 1 1111 t Noi rdi l l
CFl)ell 1an1d1the adoptig of aIeteofYellow
5((1III'eart and(1So1n11 and Join1011 ith1y1ou1(11 Ia ( not 44 '(it a pt o1(11 ()1' 0 >1'a I
itt 71(111 petition. and } 11 1 11( that (11711(5 (rIt of lithe lpeseti foobl i tati sdvc1
pitited ye llt notihig 711o 1111istbth117s11111- 1in ttitre IfeItititt i 1(d1ictatio 1711r1m1 theII IC 1111111171 ave iitttiititt esttili111171
11(111 I Ii o o rth u a d t d ns.W n on le. N w sIo t e tr iigIatr h v a dl a ah a i g 1cr
e dqu iity rkdir 1111711thtlrdoucwill '171 'u (71171 o1111 Cl t t ,111111571 oi l d t act body,71 idutetle Ue rs~ tihut ofts, Vi 'C
Cdivrc fr h th tl]vlIrIsl7111157ny17t1711n11711'r5ho'1111 tInchi'Isttienis1711117171 ftrte ile )art- ,(Codttilt oped anrpage me2.) t