7 Hockinig Valley Ryr t;ITININ S SS EX G Vf'111" N You wsitl find Four Trains Daily Prom Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots In Toledo and CoN- lunbs S. E. CLARK, 32 *Csmpus Martius Detroit, Mich. Allegretti C hocolate ream s f 3M 3 { I t I 4 t (' I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY I All $25.00 Overcoats at .',18.75 " 20.00 4 415.00 ' 44 18100 .c 44 3.,0 The Best Mrove You can makeoiso failar ize011 roof] isithi 110 pricer and qulilty 0f sif- 1an01ovecroats. Itois store is ruon toiiifel- 5111 ke pl1n1we1nver1sleep W\efhaveclivisfour 110suits inl two11 let siTable No. 1 1sustains a5 0111 1f12j fperent i 111esery suil. TaleNo. 2 e1111f iIISSuisolehfoi formrly old rom VSfo 'a0 n(ow5gio if.....$13.00 AllI $15.00 Overcoats at $11.25 " 12.00 " " 9.00 44 10.00 44 44 7 50 THE SOCIAL SEASON IS ON' R E; G A L SHOI;s Manhattan Shirts at 25 per cent discount. Spauldfing Sweater-vest 1-4 off. Ypsilanti Union Soils 1-4 off. Don't let this opportunity, pass for it is a money saver. REULE, CONILIN & FIEGEL 2(10_9(19- Ma iCt 611 E. Williams Street After Paying Your T uition Fee ___________________________________________ The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of annoppor- Classes Ian Dsersclng tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandisselect 1111(1 hip ppiIs llanijil1owots ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thtng is now GR I i1I C I)IIii-iiyt10ihi and eiiveia flfflt ~iii ready to be seen. I i Of l Is iiri. irr s ifdancin, I so-lii is I If sf1 ue TAILOR TO 1I1hN Henry ainil Kyer1 709=711 N. IJNIVEIT Sh AVE- We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60c per b. E. E. ALKINS j 5,20 SnothL State Strese.t COOK HOUSE t -ITCLASS IN ALL BRANCHB 2.00 $2.50 $13.00 . is feat aniil fesator All nighit seviie 01 issY flNisi oA SeneIAler il0otEahf F. J. SCHUH I SANITARY PLUMBING Is- and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J.F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washingtoss St' RAAN DALL PHOTO GRAPH FRJ GASa STUDY $2.50 Each 1001 Candle Power for I=3 Cent perlHour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. IISA.- RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? You can procure rouss fissa a coupon ati1111mg you to one dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photos and an extro picture tar use in the M~ichigan- ensian, all toe $3.00. Nis .1 1',lol1 1ct s.t in",fuss creai._ if UNIVERSITY NOTICES. bs 11111 so sl. '12 Sassz, 'Mtou t.I IMandlinsu cslufbI soefsgl J 11 'sslrel: tilo l;eeiill'uy- 11 -as 15c . sltc b fs(i1 Idpe dsloiiis to op115 111 out tos]feeingein o soC, Cniiseroiis nd ee glass refpairer;o motne ill STOoP, Main Sf 15111 otsmll le 111111noon5 for5iidulic-i turc at ent~hicr;. lisle i>. :; isb Glasse-s repairedf. - Usscarefuully fsttedf anl tested. GEORGE fALA7IS.Afainu St. I lilsfrilhs ageninile sveliot Kisses a } II 011.00'S Jiiwtoi LSo $0111, ICI sillSt T111 college jeiselers. Establishied 1t8S. DEURIEtS ART STORE sal2 1 511 s.ee i at(I Only the Best French tilas3 is Used. 223 S. Stain St. BAILY&EDMUNDS j 121 East Liberty StreeI ilcrti i t s!t,, scos lipr 1mpt. Ii 111 or 6191) ).Wil The' \lsfo-si-i 1 11111b Iill ee tf11 iie a he h u f goy i partcula, 4 o an c't(*ni: 1111101em Il ar rei1111 .11 i you s a111 the 1) sills ent catonssdthi iuseam wll e al ycg- c a e o f ff W r .; m A msI sion 51 Ills e is 10 s1 1 Barbour l:ym t il iIs atr on. 115r AAClearTra ck I "_ Gsarxd Raxpids, Lverythig first-class At leasoriihle Prices icef lls wlli aei u d t h lur 10 th 'Msls~idwy lisiu nt thle do vhlmnst of aIi cre11110111 ftse sqi10 spsotsi at1t1at 1111ive si F 11 1 iii -1 ielegated to iso p1 iinto 11the inum t sl have s t ih stisplanispracica- 1s h111. -Thelansiso c i.onectsthe four Issiosi ioisoWshg a li andsiiJack lson F111 t; - aleof idesia s iinfphotgaphyi I cmetoAlexrandser & Co., Hrniisi, I T IIlswiioig signasl 1)' the01011 in Ilhs Isoweri" ii} oust hudissi o fsihIuini v les. ss/ ar ii thei mans in tflu owr loisc 1gouard 11010 11111stomuach. 1 NIEST17ION is a Avarnini signail of "dsiiger ahead!" Keelp the track clearswiths SHREDDED WHOE WHv'EAT a natursil fuod. It Ilocks thle systesi against disease, keeps Itle stomffach sweet anol clean aiid Itle bowels hsealthy anudaolive. If is 111011 of the whtole whseaf, stehamf-cooked ansiia wn .oso-intoitnhe,150001usshreds,, lit sentiing all te braino-mfakinsg, boily-bilinsg oletnlents of thse wat bl eory, indigestile 1fo11. Stupplisnatural wearnith to the bosdy- ini a natursif 1101. MONY LOAN[D 011 Wattfe 111 ~lds. 1eeliy mi .+II I IClass LihoteI 0id ",Alatalsecurity. W. J. LOURIM till liiAve lopposite ourt H us TwoudaoossiothfifsewY. Ms1.A. 11 li tHornls; 8:05to 11:0; 1 to5 10to8-15 Buasiness Strictly Confidential ..®as 'x"rr omer a . rs'. y .. 3 J AY \ E c, > { P', _ G 1 _ ' q+ ,,.1 } + 1 { 1 . 4 / cl Rk ctr f' .4 ;,, r . - i -. .. ice: F S _ Yr ,. **! 61015. -Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot milk or cream, the BISCUIT is delicious for break- How' Tha fora God Jo atast, for every meal for every day in the year. It " may also be served in hundreds of dainty and tempting Said of a shirt lattsdeted ittio ways in combination withtfru its, oysters and preserves. finihes fahiot. ' li vedic ofTo learn more aboutl"Shredded Wheat Cookery"' finshd tuitiui. T~e erdctofsend for our "Vital stnart doe-ners attotsg tsett is tat we, Question" Cook Book. .^ . kttowv how ftewashI, starchlt 111i0111 - TRISCUIT is a Shredded shtirts, collaos astuffls o please pao- Whole Wheat cracker, - titlar people, soil that see set in btetabedolat delicious t trnomto.Psa with butter, kepn wltOtoifouaisi.Potlcheese or preservns.- uopisouotr wagotn to your dooor: 'Phtotne if you're itt a htuory. "It's All in the Shreds" Va.rsity La xmdry THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y 117 S. 4th Av'e. Beth Phuons 9281 f t r ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR TJIE B E 5 OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING