THE MICtCAN DAILY for Art amnd Ski ill in Tailoring Call osv SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City I06 EAST HURON' STREET Class Caps and Gowns A Full Line of Samples of the W. C. Kern Caps and (owns is received aod xwill be furnisbed the Commiittees of the different classicon0 requexxt, ox' ay be seen at-this store. Thbese are the Caps and Gowns furnished all the gyradoating classes olf 19)5, and which were nest satisfactory.I We aie sole agents.I MACK %401%COMPANY F IINE ,LUNC HES We' carry the larest inlexxof ''IL tI. IDomrtSTIOx& fiAlIUTED iGCiax vies axxxl Dlomestic & leIxprtexd Cigars. A 'sex{picto line of all sashing arclies. We are agents for Deacon &ixo., LINKMNacSl00, nIdI I Piles, aso for SlY's & IIPEEO,' fine chocolate loO-liO\s . R. E. JOLLY. Stat, St. Ohio Central Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all "Trains STATE SAVINGS BANKI U. of M. BARBER SOP V, J. Booth Jo. V. Sheehan "Alnsfr ult" Trjnwk State St. W. Arnold Pr. V. C. Vaunxn/___ ___________ Ja. H. Wade E it"Iilin N. . Itye JaohnHaaer zreeiOc A i Jo. Koch Prof. H1. S. Carhart0jGO. AG-I3 Dan . Zsomroxax Crinian artn , 1~) A I L E N Greatest Sc Cigar Made WeH SO BRS cdix .' Exclusive styles and extra values in len' Suits and Over- The Clothier iPSO RS Sell coats at theabaiove Price is our ospecalty. MAIN ST " SPALDING' r-'ul xthxe ii-dasofte C. xliii ealx viiai xx x .14sharp, xi lxlv D tritIFOR 1906 10 \txa nteein 'I. l xxxittrix he xx xx i g Ic u. Th l xxx wxxs. Ri.- x vi xx u i x xire S cnt; iii lxii Editd yJAMlSE. SULLIVAN e1 aiel(esix x11M~ lb ii li'ti 1 id ht xh ix tedx Stasl soudtx o Ysixx)i i lnti xx xou xig xxxoixxg, fareP~ICE 10CENTS iu TtiicIrn fl 11 i, x lr . Th ctii-ix a xxfis cxlclxxcxxlx'xxxv any lx( ccxi x. iivtxx'iixxx: ''Cxiixgv'ixlxxx.' O J Bllis het ix xxi xv vxxcxi Vixin thexx'xxii xUxx xxxxxc J C Ccxx A. G. PALIN G (a SBROS. ife I ((ich ixxiixx xixix cxxi 'ix xxlx'i%\i. iar d. e okC hu5c ao Pixxxl xxi x ch o iixaixiiixlx l:th iri'lfo 'igi - - - - otonix is xx xiiy cixr 1 .rxxoisi x a txilt iii t i e i' txtxxxnet'ilx B lctimorex ixxvxlxxx 50 xxixxx ii lllxxi\c 'i, 1( < ('1',1 ie( it e xxi lxx' 'xx vi lxl ~ yy lii'' iii xxs x'xvx vlx New I ci flxxixxxon trlC . lixixixii lix, li i i l iiitlxxi xixiiic Ii'x xx iv oterxil i l)fxi. Rcl' t six ;03x xx ix) \ iixx Re-' i Sip IIlx i c ataloue.i o f x a ll iii iii xxxix ix xxi ix i 1i id cio xi ''xxmaxild iieexeaixliy a xlxii WV'holesale x1 x xxxxxit xxii i ould xojc. Phxx is xxccx. 84c- x ____________________6___ Iln l I reI 'xow: i xx xii x ii xdviixxxxo'ot pu n h inas___-D Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY P rices 'x x I i lx 0) iixix lxi ixcci Ciixvxxx lxxv lxv Sxis pressex, 25;l troxuxe, cx.IC. ixxi xx xxlxxxx x i iixxi nl 1: Flc1\I , l n. i 1li)xiii i i xxxx. ionxxx ipif he ea ic ,px x iii ixti(ixxai l o ix i sa.I iii.xexy Fie & lO'Connor. tf xxxxxxixxxixx SUITS & OVERCOATS sp sx7~* ~__ i xxi xvi -ieiliixxis n'~i xia i l,,, cr $14 to $30.00 I"1: i x i ii ii'amxii'xixii'').i'xvxl i i .' ii liixi s'" c l i l. xxRe- .xx.,tm 'i c.i ti 1:x1hc t\' 0 rlxx l nIiVx x ixxx 'i ofixCv al- xiii ' ~ he a 1 Ztiii. .\ 1 , ic. ) I fti ttr rth il f hyical___ ttl xi c cxiliix cc lv. xxiv xciixxl one ro~ xnr nov ~ ii1i r. i lit lnlIt oiii)xIiOcii'i ciNIIvarn itxhan le'xrod xword xandcfilivs. i.. o xcv vxivv xlx ii i = 118-120 E. LIBERTY STREET lIxTwiy: ' rardI L -t i N t A -.Ahicxxclubixatxthev Ilixxixiathleiv a i nv liiy soixivixixvit l r es lxxv tievJuiorixic agho a~- i a" xl1M D il . ' :hix P lan ; o i ii ixixxixi cxxxms wiixivtx kexla ce hopxxiedxxiother xxoccavxsinxs lihis ci'. 0W c PRESILKwtIO i r 'ccf n \ix iii I I. lxxx '11) R ii N in Mechani' hal xi U'ixi'ixxy xto. lha iii ever'yixingx ini Amirica'ivx Beaiuiiiiil alsxthe xii gi tlxxxii ieq xxv1 vxrxxvxxtor ~~prclixiivst forxxi xiiilassixsvici lxonxvii ___MO__ qes.______&_enel, lrits LAT CLASP Ccxxiiirtaud ixi.apids ix, 7-90 GARTERS Try1BS'l'ALASKA RF) SALMON (Mix7iircxx xx1txx xii o Per Can,- - - 10Cents l'agiey 5c cgar. sAt lxixoxi Bri. f jx~ Per ase xf fxour lDxozen, - - °$4.60 ,AU Or In .0 CIIC I 11t5,Per - - lxpell exweiy and Wacix Repairs. Nle s x)5e yMi O se Ba - InSCseoterCase,- - - 4.40 IAnl' Jeweiy Ste. Ys - Oytr2a 14 Southx DANAne Arbr anS, EA & CO. Michign 'Py Pielpii' Perecionx cixocoice puffs PoerSeedrC.'fk.Sq l~~cH ' muand icips at C siinga piamacy. l rn..rn,rx'ix FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORCala Wa h m& Co' Of An Aror, Mich. S. 5W. Clrkhkson, Cahie OYSTERS apit,)sxoocl. Suplus adoits $,0 STEAKS AND GET PRICES ON FORBISF Choce Cat Flowes.., ad Plasata AND Capin St beweeHorn.nd fltterAe LIGH 1UNHES Negligee an Stiff' Bosoff Shirts Save a WakDwnTw repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of M. Pins A BG R D C INwhere they keii a fxll line at the L o wess t AEBGerII DUCT O prices. No .o' d poor stock f{in our store. s N ot h ing LUcharged for " 4 lxxooking at Eortifg;u-goods or nge ot i n FIRSTO _LASS W ADHAMS Q CO.,121-123 Main. St. $10 n~0~ ttergtpa Open Evenings f ii ' ALF-TONES AL SITTINGS AT NIGHT ZICnTHd G AlLSTUDENTS UNABLE TO COME IN THE DAYTIfIE CAN MAKE INCBETCinQualit &AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVENING Lower in Price BOTH P ONESWe Are Fvidly Equipped For Nght Sttinlis.I 46 Ask A. M. SMITH C L4FOURTH STS 1 Ann Arbor Savngs Bank mierl 0. *Vx4V~~5. Wx? 55~0 W.lnclStt9t...l.....55.f~e.I.~filflf.o.)$ 4 4 I r _a_ ......, ..... . .... . . .a.. . a.... _ l h 3 a , .. , ......-:*.." a k P b: ko g o,.g.. a : o ;+'r,".3" ... F3+2 2. k. +b. . . . .to... k....... .I ' W1E ARE NEVJ$R UND JiRSQLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOR14