The Michigan 1.all 'or. XVI. No. 8 3. CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS CAUSE GREAT INDIGNATION RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED PROFESSOR PATTENGILL BY THE CONFERENCE TELLS OF CONFERENCE tea:and 0to 111tiothe piricet iii forPRESIDENT ANGELL NEW RESOLUTIONS s-sC1ion-- Psile 111t1,ettiff-SCORES FOOTBALL CAUSE INDIGNATION 1111111,all he11111 itiG>uil1111ef Cl(11111 head of Michiga in Letter to Con- Students Demand Retention of Coach 11111 t~sIl ference Tells of Abuses in Yost-Mass Meeting Will Be lilrtn frprin ft\ 1 11~ Football. Held This Week. t1ijll(tl11111 11the11111,1 till111y p sse V1,________ 1)1-o~ose bV 1 tln~el-iti' (not 111- Football Croaches Must Be Faculty Members-Spetucular Features of (ame to Be Abolished. . That no( one m1 ay lay for tmore han threec ears it the aggregte ill ail sinterollegiae stort, andth lat tils or inlpalrt(f college stdietts shall tplay withi higiselhooil teamts, acactts or independtiilttttrofessionatl sltools. 3. That not oore tattive ittercol- osiate gamles shall lbe layeinilonil 4. TIatlit is reomtttetdeul to te colllege- cntferetce 11111 its rtle whlict n1ow55allowsistIllfist tre gatties f the 'Caso loe itciiititell ill pariciatol ;. Thai freshmittra s and1111secodi 1-Iella shall tlay otl sit tam.ilfom tieitowitistitutioints. O Th11at inot more tai 50cets sall Iiichargedl 111aity gmeilfor eaily-sea. owhetler restied ot, 11.for iiieihers of le ativersity- atd tat a lessum111 be cargedl ifposbe T.hltlin1o1traiingtabe1111shall he 8. IThatthe cairmiait oatthe Ioarl of athletic ctrnl sate ith ie certiicate Illh h gies as to tetelsigiilit of palssr lul ithie 111tc requiriteten ts 1 l tatestuldent has tissei all i- terveninig work itt te crrent semeter. 9. (a) IhIt ote gmtie ittooth-ll s playedliat piiesitis Iherety ibolisied asian int erciillegite ad olegiats5con- teiitits ciinftrettet ileges 1111b)tt the ico Iterttce awits ft0111the rules ini fits the gameisfrmii brtality attdl ttntecessary datger c that ii the eent sieh alteratiots are. ntsffficiet the cotferetee till iele- ale a csitmittilee Itosdraws- 111.1leso its own; ((1)il that if a sttisfactur gamte cani thus le estaliislei, the foloinig rests rictons shall aplyi to its cndtiii andatagemiett: 1. Thati hereafter there shall le ni coaching except by- regularly em- ploed-e mhctt es of ilt- Sirl~ctiital stallf, tiapproviedlblithde trustees of the tttiersiy ott reomtmiieidaticit ofl ie faculty. ndatui itineicslar attaceds to le positioni shallhen greater taitthat padltenother mietihers of the faculty of sii~ar rattk. . That there le tnoiprelimiiary- trainintg lrir to tie isCgit huh pof atadeticittsructit. ,.That te seasottenid ott the se- ond Saturday beftre Tattksgisitg. to. That the cotferettee beliees that le atouttt of mtoey takettit at at- etimcottests is ol grest;111h11the co- feretee colleges take steps to reiuce the reeipts and( expetdituitres; tht the tl- leic surplus be deoteud, so fasis1pos sille, to pemtaetiviiersity iplrive- me I;ithatthe fitattialtmatagemtetitof atleticsle ettirely itt te ciittrl of le faculty tiwIo sa[ ttublist ll r-- iors of reepts 1an11 exeditres. i. That ii case te vsariois recoti- mtendttaiots cifthe cotference ido nol mteet withl the acceptante of the colleges, tie cofereceerecottmoetds, as the otl- alternative, the sutspetsioti of ittercol- legiate football for at least two years. Michigan's Representative (ives Ac- count of Meeting- Does Not Know Whether Yost Will be Retained- A\ goiiil -icountioitheiisciiiifer-iceiiid later Siuniuayipesitons11oatthe grs-at dilies Of DtroiiiiandiiChicagowheretheliiims1 iwhiich1actuatedii theiimiiiiiirst if theiicoiii fereiice can ie suiedbhi nyil e nter Prie-idetitnge ll",cettr to the con-i fetec arie d iiiiieniisisil aiind iiimmeialyhis tte uthiltii sis iof t toru Iifssihsii hoty t1solldhinoie thatii ( PeidetliAngell ca.1r11 reform il t-ill llsie-imortiiipat-iuliiiaris l i. Algeiinia redutioin h nm finitercllgisteI gamigis5of111 ii sli i i 3 11111o111111n in telichaact r great itret ofchaungesi ereneeddi i tesithree111pirtilrs t sii 5 s1111 11 agre upoitiieylp li lls-s siiiilitiiiiis li 111111 tr i ii p111-Iiristh 111111erencetoii a rram-iii oi unllt 11111filleges prt . buti gressa ti f Illdli t iii fi nteroll gat actiiviyand itus-cosequits eciteme ias aiimeii rth--pu ts cnt ionlithei m iritofiiiamilswaliteto(v res1ich iiiisrt:lewas eired. T fvite t euupftat-iios li-istli-iti s-ilre- minafiter exaduion rthslepu is-sio waslimthu ot hree1111 grtaduateslistues d11ec lred iineligilei. wastlworthlkepingfit could-- be had aitii-i iso Imch iin liatii irill-. heysfiar thei iioit dly tifil usi nii he-ii i-tiei thiepese ofioachsss.t1 Itowils waslathede tiaersgfttlh hihpist paiie idtcoesitinestg 3id et Uchver iis itr nos ilhl lito 11111pIte i exit oitaht iatlly enthis siiindtoI full sbt-,tis itqttality such minwir peics-silitnsir iiii iiih anfullis- Yoeet of ili s t ITOhis mdssi hi n silt teaiuly.Prpoiionsileseitite and cisrisillyNonshaleto tilllisitaft toachts Aitiflbsrmal ressesthtadillelitmtdeitsotl st~bihp ottilofth-eii ariihthic so h letsits estdiof the nuins- inintoyta trat. t " s tott sui t l (_ood-ou alhes illieutnisnuone.- huuon- iiper1 i ills, I approve of tepii nple oathi rg lto , I did otfelat ihiiv t 1 litdiiiti elsue fhha w Nih To v m" fortiltmeasue wasthe mor I r-ei - l l l t te w itni o Il --cli l ii ll o i t( tri~ itiiil I o i lls i ii 111 t i ()I , i ( I " as ; ltte r~ d i i1- s-i-I Iiilc>1 llI C ' I i l~-ill -\Vvilisi siep hOst -Y Ti at Il iill i tilt I litliiiiti inlte ii 11111 huntt 51ii e oh populait that has w n (111-ig) hs con ectin wih th univ tr i l s Te-"iii ac lit eriiiil eling litfernc liltas Ioll- Nrr c cid. I , feelng f te stden holA ip i ciil- is wel n -n 11) l t l-iIll,; 1111111 litby Ca tillF.1S11Norcross: It liii aoi sh s s- lr li Iiiililitrain tl