I TE \i ('H Il c\N DI L tY SPALDING'S O FFICIAL.. FOOT BALL GUIDE ._.- FOR 1905 Editdby WALTER CAMP COccccicg c hc e p 'evd OFFIC[AL ['LAGI tliiLF ad piccoaec.of leading4 tc hmc cicbraciac 0cc' '.:00 players Price lSc Voral cc ieall Necc'dccccrs. Aciltic'IGoods Dealer's and Deplartmenot tor, s. A. G. SPALDING e. BROS. NEW YcOK HICAGOil DENVSoe AN F'lANeC5QCc Spadin's aloaue cif all ac~lcl(,icspoets moailedfreectoancadidrel'css STATE SAVINGS BANK IRESCTORS:ii W.VJ. ot. ccclc imcoV. Shcelcan Winc.Arnocldl Dic. 5' C.Vaghn .ja. 11. Wadec' E F1. Milla N J. Kcc'c' Johnccctarer .n)loch Profcc. tt S. Coclcccet tracnkc Y. Glazicer Chcristanccatin G3EORGE BISCHOFF' FLORIST Choicen Cut Flowe'sn'sa nd Pinrvs't Chapin St., between Huran and Pulter Ace. Phone 809. From tile slciccil ofCciloiithcsc.aibet a ratatn catt do at tiimethu'of the year is tame describes it otcly port of the title- days it is snl i le ii coot-just the tinlg io Styslisht alt the i tie. Waterproocf wshen Wie ore stiowing the fine Fall Shirts in Negligees /, THE MOST COniPETE AND) BEST [ ruFIOt~ w taebler &a S TUTTLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT w 9(' 0?338 5. STATE ST. oW or 9r CO ' THEt FARMERIIS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HUROCN STRE'ETS Capitat, $50,00,Surplus and Profits, $65,000 iit tile mcost sensile thil, I ai wtwcc c nin glccctsiccsscccndlPay tic hts a Rain Colt, lic e stsct. Scicty Dill'lccc ol stocc rent'cc in rainsi days. All o l U; ~.r. Pre's. W,.('. S'rEca, Vic'c-t'rc. )r tile cocci of earl' (fiii. IW. It. BI'tir Cashc. It. A. II~cAma Asst. 'ou heed it. '01 lite cof COOK HOUSE and Elan netsls iCourtccccIfos tm FIRfST-CLASS IN ALL BROANCHIES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 -IAT LINE IN THE CITY Sic mcli heatcandcc dcc orAc! alglct ewc OiSlNYIcssca.u.A ccciii cc ccl F5oc Vscrsdnrllp fU .Gale, .Propsss. ~Ltevt h The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caialcc sto c X 00. Sicrpcluc, w, 'iS 0 Recscccrcecs, '0'.0 00iii A tienera attcnking Itusiness'T'ransacted {)+ l irt: Ccas. 1V1. iiscccc' ,. Pres '. .) t r lc l .1 cc i sc 1cc dcc cc c *' cdcccc c l t< l r ittt ,vic'c' Iey.: 1.t . i r a h e. Iv ' cli' lt; Ii cccio ii cc FNE LUNCHES 'ccci ~ ~ \V rc'Ics ic cccc~y the 'lccce ,c' i 'cco'P t 'il Il .t "at_ -C ()pIllclit A I M:(V r tt I tll'icr ('v~ n~,ft)l iI c t' . iii 1 r4 it'e . I'' cc' lai'('csss ~ c' fted ci's ii c'i ucd p I iii c uss ''tItt I - I,> J w~ll- sto c.ct Money Loaned 1)1n'cW'atc'hes, hDiamondcsccic'othier Wcean ccd .ii.'iilry rep'laired. illlaic'ccc'ii ccc es &iiamondees AccilsArbors. Ho s s o11:30ai n c., I1itol3:l30scndl;, Icc JOSEPH C. WA'ITS .' , 1t 1) r - ,\ t ' ' . w i ; ' t VERY HAND-SOME in thir spctliss hicily ccc'sits~t, cici iaScci csT-1, etc., after sc's'havs' lauccider- cci tltc \\'c' p gveeecti rgwacshi- cciii' 111cc' cvery tist cce washcincg, ccs'tc- icy' ii'c-c, c'clling ifor ciiandie ivrc g 'lgoods.iitiii oi 111c' ieait cares 10 to socothtlccct ciii io t ihcar'gedlto Itlici Varsity Laundry 17 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928 I i U I After "Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care f or U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS 1 HATTERS -'TO lMEN H y r and K e 1'URNISHERS 7 I 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AYE, I 1 r GOR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE ' Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the "New rProcess" Plates col the CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Send trial order througrh un A. M. SMITH Over Wahr's DownstownsBnokstore Niagara Falls. N. Y. Ir _... - - - - - - --------- WEE ART NEVER UNDERS -M9--~ GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE