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January 20, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-20

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The Mic isan Daily

dcIT. XVI.

ANN ARBOR, A.\iWIGAX, SA'N,'RDiAN, fA>KlARV 20, i1000~.

No. 81.

Professor Pattengill Will Propose the
Curtailment of date
('h i a . a i--f ii ii) -rI h
',; o tile minorLLiLti 'gincat the spor
sILL. ''Citt he ge erl pi nin i
it wll bLItdct l refrmed
L'oe~ i iii LiLILL ii ili[LLL'. n t ea
of whItiheL wl dprooi eL utL ii Li' L iisl LLLI
,inf L LLL[fLraica lchingei , wich mayi
1oms LLocso ii i[Li.'Lit ill is als ciLia-i
pec dtohe in avr o te u ai liiinti
iii his e wil hae .,appot ofprci cal
>m t oillLL fI ulLr iith iilen tei ng o
thei 1111 o thfLeiIL. elgibiityrIL
c 111111 Nio. ]'t( rese iiiconfruu
cc ilno.dc ieli l. on the quesLLL i-
tions i i iiil 33 LcLnc u ibut ianLy iLL ii-
Iilno I L iid iL~iaa nd P ru ill [ii all
207cry de lete iillIIiadva[iLLsoicr iei
th IolyLiionesi "ithat iIi'.are iinf rL f iiabol-
GOiiilI. [hLl-I' LuLL
abiit 'p is i, h lf- iler i ciii. h ull
frm (ali Li ali f.iL' HeL hasLLL a rll cordii
,hedbeyo d tht. i ii,. k r Liii s
an atin 1Lii Liiy expect, great11 tingisiL
LuLL liiyho iluas Nai l2i 00
ILL ILLwnt wILL ill'i i i i'prov'"'i orl
sic h eining ofii the i iii andil oot.,
thel il er3 liii IwoniiLni'.L I,- lastii' iilri
an il l iiuchii outdoori [iworkLi'a L
ie dos notiiiitiend to 31LilicLLLL indoorifi'
alre in goodl cond1i t in.
Fi7 Lat ii l ii ILIIwiin h l iihilofr is-li
The lxiix~ iieuarfot uein er oodi ic[ion-
itiiiiani i s u~r likuely ' iii try ut ii llc
biiihii'ii ef'r'i Feruaryigi LLLLLr3 LI. gL

ciili fei't, asi Liii sopliomoLres wiieri' un-
a le [toihid 'Vil asi much1 asi aii cigaretite
stil, if Li LiIyi r

Students (Granted TaI Privilege by
Board of Regents at Meeting
ILh ' proilcge of Ill il iit lo lsf m th
lik et lca.Iiil, i Ii Tho or l
Soroi iii booksei fro"t''l e iiiil iii
he i put uii inorh Ji liti [L of the
sec nd ii. ~ t a'~ii l telaei t iil
e reoi lih Ir Koh piiict
Ilk iasm Lipill tei i eso i' rra
ofi tiie l iry anL isii, riicg
granted to tlie n1ides, s on Io
:LcLL eiiof. iiL iii i i ll iiii ki ii liibraryi
117i~iii Li thn h inionc on etd wl]I
dom1 oftee sevs1Cnet. js
h ioce i nat11 io,'. oosI 1,itt
haveimys1 rio~uly diisapere' Jst I
WeILLLC eihi'iiioi'iL I'LL thei reou
1111111 c no ice r msii a r f
rl'i g theaiipiriodILL Jul3 ciiil 1 1a1at ion
these iibooks ac ivi o t. m f 1h
opiion tha ifwo ll IL 1i3 cllnst
tak iie .i th .isi f rii,, o e: D e
giIve iiihe .sieakiau utili iii i overII hI
honesti'ii'ir itu e .i.
T.eSbourd i firegiiet C;la d C do.ts
Iiii Theiii librayis opeiiiii er y viciil,
feixar, lrull i ofJul , aderaii L 0 iii'
fo l ea ig miiteilnn itct

;3. Students are alLlowedI the privilege(;
if iborroing twoiioIkiiait ti ll ,',, axiii
[[lmiiof Itwoiweeks tutuctihookLI. Foir


t:,()iDiiiitc \S'10 \[(, ciliua',uilxit i 5iti
II . -~ l >i[l. i l.l Riui''Wl l li. LClILLItC fc~i

1 ~

)1 <t 4 111i 1111 LI m
d aiin I LJi c icn Liiada
' 1= p [d li t ei ))iii [IL'
't°huh )kisa'. nic(
11111 1111a t e woI-111
Stii, nt l lii -ltt~

I)II i-r- 1 .\\
l1 he 1 1- ii



Lii iii-
i i i gc
fi st11', e
at te de
ii .«na
e i 1 o i
riad lilii

wl, te ch ngesin the p lILLLo'f eh-
1 leliii [111 o eii ele s
1for lii I()r iii cue i[to i'gr a fort
DicLei 'he p - lfi iL il ili
are taill'"the mater p ioop ic
hut. ie fr ' Cu''i aftr heroi
linto a blue1,11ink y te uua
with wich th u gpecla le
liii soo to reh 1 [1he inantie
stogis at this ill [uof ie [iLLS
liir the1 can1 an o u ii'id ii'iii
duii IL ii .liuiiiii j.. [ i Lii fi ul
f; \ <11 c her I~oi'I forL~
hale toIc td sie t -r h
ns m rc op -nity toiii Li uc

mportant Action Taken Concerning
General Library and Barbour
Thei'1boariCdIof regei'its. w~a i :i o
illda yl~eiisteiriaiy, meueting toth ii Lih
amuntuuuo f htriiiiiiiiiitranacIed.ii huh
moot. importantmattr LpassedLiuponl L~as
iei iitru io of the11111 i rulesifor
the [t'i'i' g n r l l rirry 'allowuing s' tudetiii toi
6(ii' for i the i ' iiiinslt i f arini i n!;uuu
theiiiposit i.iiona uitor of sti ude tunds i
aponed i isiii p ii iu llace. :\n lffor w l'
beii madei il ito ipresierve i lull iii ofI'tli
wthicit wa dided toLii [abandi on' at [the
ifs mtulingie theeget,,u i andli i a llLI
ating ttu cr117miteeLw'' insrcei,
the stat ion ad.reorton telf'ui
it fei p lanotear down iii athewn
Ltry and preserve iheiirst foorLiii c
weuitirn iiie ,se ll as o hill huh snic 11
of properityil ,Li i OmahaLwhichcanI t
the iunivl ei3y hroug'thiC Bte b
Liiit wa Liiiloiiuuit
SillsitNW. Diis, who!I wasI' apointed-
asistan il i n Lii' ihelil ticlI'i or1 fheLluLLLt
'semesiteriI ti was eappintedCLLLo'Lthenttsamt
W.iiismithiii i'ies .D, waLiuiuuutu1 17i-
g'-uuuuul ntukhela hc ey . G'lMoyis,~ue
res igned. 1r.11 .'. Park'hu ru \%asi, [tug hc t
bakeha lieams veterdayt aft uer-ii,
rgood l ubtu tlictory.l iThei lageod
lcdufi the ii i n ii end.. '1 i
uTheulte11111 an''.i'u onug he tloor'uatl suuuu.
spedn ini u uuu uu thir ineiw whiteCLIfblouse
andi Ideliberaut ely Ie aliii' 1 n th
sohmoecouut Iihi''gre'tLu, paii.of till
vin aiitemptiatluteiuasiket. is Rulti-
uLwet ll a in ofii tLe,'.i o 13 eami , made
mane eded th ifir '.ualf it uuhexscor.
hiblt tILa soon ii sLitheuusophtill,'eL
gooked ai' huto uh th l'ic"ouldte'
Thli[ttiii, ut's " fulouws'
Pta 'luuuu ii Suuiiiiuittc
G~reathuseut. jutep. 1, I..N Ilutlir'.uu
Mal~son.....[ight Cnte... alc
Sater . I.. iii Sit Cetr ... n a
l~oieil.. R ii 11ase'. ... ..C r
MSlartiuui Silener BIl'.... rr
Fearon...t .Left 13askt..,,. I I u xiii

llioadclxiil .1Rgut Gua~rd. .. Rulhu'uui
Tregar...,eft Guaud..Jeuli,

Iit 11Sip 1 111 1oes
1111e idi fr x nilh i ti ya
ii'' instead uf I Lusfin h a thyx
lii I iii ulunu-houruuuui L inl thell enior
;rduiIi lLincre sed, 1,111(1 '.thiu e s n
hei 11111111wr of quc111s illils 111i ltex ln

lue (>I, 111c wl

clm ,;cd t'j)tit'
Ii. 'lhc n
Illy 1.00111 <11-t
llt 11. ThcY
tit itli tltc c
i tallt i11 ( 11
tr (l for t11t'
the I'C'tC'1't 11( '
tt()ll t}; t11c 1
(Ic!I <ttt( r
lis(% ail(I t)v
1-c°ttll'I2ed melt
t 2 TLC 1)
the ttltlellt
Iic : hIII ,1(1111
of t1w sfzw:

tlI rai
;r5 ca1 i
ii 1 I I iie


O(' thei a

(,tn[Lo h eiod ilfuur sxim-
'liii ha[ asi be ncesed to twiu
is c~s Thi Cilgl 'I' l hci
<aiday tutlea s uctweellueachu -s -
atio. 1he hann5 wll lso ir

ot e s [I 0>1,;l I
iiv t t c,( t~-'
SILL, 1()ii' l t

in t]az

aft ii

th Ilil li ,ul [iex
it [a1v a silde

will uuknow beittir
mhiler thei' lchnge's
S. [liii Li, t t a
:'hut 15i acquuiingi iii-
effLct LIf th lii :
iti jius ililitiu' ufa

of its ll) .
thu ILI LicLC

fil l' tltM

'T'us' T'oas~tmaterivs' clib iattheir liii
nweinug ulecitcdul I i'uhuiu' 1VS. Clark andi
Artu'ruC. ['uuui. uu f 'T'le Da~ily eitoiriaul
boardi[I thtoie ubeshtipx. TlfiiIcers ouf
thelub 'nI:Presiiiett.MinVi,, Realty ;
F'ier-pidiuent, Cha'lexhis i,. 111 a xelia rd
secreCitary, SVur,,e ANineSOIL ; treasur en,
iK. S. huu

[IinLuLis Ius t; 1e t I' ~ r lI( f rs (
Ii' d-Itili sxu CanLit fuor ti' he asll teaIill
sto till luu'uube made uluuiu'u ithere
huh 'ultrieieL'thi' Secki to ci' IL Lu' h
asiato s Ilii's 1,lu ast[LiiyeLar.

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