The]AChI aI 41XVI ALUIMNI OF MICHIGIAN AR~E HIGHLY I placed Third in Percentage of i i Ilembhers in "Who's Who"-itrsigct First Among Western Colleges 1 a~cs(f ,jlii .Wisconsin Second. tel-ii ii il emll 71 is'iigvii isecialil thu i hl isii 'tuis i' - ibii olleg sa110mm Ci op orun at 1to theif ember (I th ir almi 5 i''i( om :.i f rs 'il rtcl s y r fJseph mmi g areiThe l C lii curl iiliittorough ind Ccmhesive sit f1the1 Ii's o s 1riiisioiiiiiiiilg ' o tabui on this ls e. of teioc icing oly of t im l iii elog ryigiiiidi iiNa shliC .\l siandi ofstes etetvriyiimustoter;dtdwit . 6;;ill miig, ofwhmliii isi al ' t2; have succeede it) brellng int uai and sacrific iii ili n iish te i verit S mu h itrnom sim lvtn i. o ilihis eslms, mm153 i liin g t heiio iii o aiit c a r iiisn i .i n - 6 1 1 Is \C fiing:tpec ntge. is.7s is smsmlmm thmg iigia "C fulltIex ten ifth ath orlwss i x ii'ihi iiniit- iiiii sili. . . . 1 '1 997 i ;el a graduaeI of . . . . . \Iiniliis iii all i i . . . . . iill illicc ill. . . . . Ci 68 all is lng ii lii ite 1. o . . . . .Ias i 4ll Clie'e ' ing' aluiis 36ii ariis -\Vtscm W hsoiis is i rtuli e' as 'mm siin, for 4.43.ld 'tieicalistot l icc si t i l 11 '' Ills' ii mii s:I c I I 11:<111c111,Ir 111:tl tc c11 t mli lii I l o tt 1i'1tonsc~il iii" C' y v ";) chr 1c](1111t s (1:1 i tic (i)m mm1 'i' sil ntll' 1'sriml 'mmmSo 57(1111 <1111-1 111i m ll c I I I s o - itWi 1\. 11<> - I l i t C m it o eoaio. A ot lard' 's cci I i n tIc I iiic New Nig ollht ai lllstll ntiang of~ zlii Iiegos Me tito Avidngero f 11c Firt ~ttl').tt 'cllr{c 4t1t ii°1 t ll l a 'l es1(11()- sdc WESTERN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE TODAY 'e 'ia'tteisgill as Representative- ie iof Western (lame Hinges on 'ymf Michigan and Chicago. .6C7 L Ii SS i ,: - t lt cent thti Jtt>>ir 1- I lle ()r calc 1]ttiti[l'j' Wl li 111 t a t 11111 i's'iof' the 61itmimim~sIl a, a1 sls1:i'l 'lii i dea forl .i t )f111msuaol iturest. In ighits o'ii helio nl aeo strikig ili. 'aticuie- lloeeci l m-igt is t') ii mliii ii unvesiyihi yar I' 'heSee tinifi Ih m onhti c mmIliin urdumft I'of i I l csii il Ililiuslilil hcs iuiim liiiht is liii 1111 illsning ii r i li liiier tronger ihanl theiiiiliiil ill "Iiiit Isand mlat- henmm Iii element71115 dlal gerl in oni AmricanI t hii ill fte liii cctae ofth ; . c ., r { , c t: I ,z-. ; a til n"i h cci a Il, 7, i a statemenhit ) th n ieit111 f liir KO II iba ii isof th sk tc ofm thelis' lisimg oif iseFce fmicmmmsisims ni's n(I' 711be1i1es dsusm ofemtheisrecfent mmiit is gv mm e su exced f'ormmerir.ecorfdsmi POR isl mONi 1IUItiX1. e1i11,i s mii1 e11 hmis mmcm ifth regmentiis e ncle, si e if so s'klis for suc s il monalge'himimtol ro- Is1 sasl thatioiilth e lc K illlxluit\V)RK, I> 'RA.6C']I 11111f lY nli i 111111 11 1111ch (Iiad Ill1ir) Ii 11 sl lmn afQ } Squad (If half-11111 ill's 11f 1 111'live 1 { I It' . sila:ersh i I 's iiin ,fi q N a (parte -trie 1(lip nd 1Ianlii (- 11i them il nii i nmmm'"llil ndcshl olin' vs a, much1,InliiiiiiIst themiseInd isNoits1\!"11i stiartsesdil.m' o oms 'PP il ili e' c agommm toidiay. ii 111 1 1 1111 5what li iscs'S ti 1c (ii t e tronn th t it ,k ic i i's l 'aii conrovsyu I 1 1c 111 C'rle~ llt i il I'' is futt ll ' lof estrn oot al tV 1(° imdc as isco si'is l'::lli'hat sse'pofesiona ls s I ,i lii he 11ab imiised smith tt' s stem rc esabli es t tvmedd tatthi sstmc 1 1"t" tis111chane. ils I ' jw-:;;'m {111 he qu stio and'' i i i t ism iil-s Is C' iir~~,i c 0 is s es iiv llit'rre~t llc g ~ misgith 11 1:,c ' Im entirme.stu en s i watchs lii romn fort' Hit'1.)mtmmm ii'WON Si RECITAL OF SONG BY NOTED TENOR George Hamlin Heard in Program Consisting Chiefly of Strauss -Miss Schade Assists. Ge'osgceIHamilin, tenor, f Cticssos appearec rc bitte ChIoal Uiosn writ:s lsts ight in a songrecisal, ssitdl Is It mii Schssde pm iists. 'Them'intrst (f list ights prgcoam centerIdccearly inathie'Straui s nun:' tiers,.lOf this compssmse's lsricms M. Halin isoua'saow'edsap'stlemits'ntuh ei- jills 11mm'uniimeticmsstincti'nm ofseif n mg'tlie fis risttosig them iin ticoiuntry'i, oast this monly arist muorssent mitime Strauss programiits. 'Thiciumiibesrs heardmlalst night stregth-' cueditheticfavorab leitsmprtessionis mails heeun' mii rtcmis moccasons by this musschestr a surks f te niotd tos: phtosgrastpter. fiOne nmay welt qusc' .el wirti hMrtHsamlin iso ime mftimm terpretationis, nomtably thast omithte "Hien- ishis lAtffsicmtccutg.' Tie 51051 peasis iing siid successfusl artisticaly was tec "SItndcthen,"whicth is lsos ttec mast ticuarfte citire Strassiediuer Itim SchtuanSchibetit ndtihuters tiadm hein tgs ini this:recital, asdithIle Engishi soinng-maikerssiee swelt rprsenesd nmerniiic'allyf tarticula r smtsbig a portii Iioof Smlihsns's sttig fTen'' o'scycleI"Tindowit"iitllsuitthin FrtrusmLIoses Stsicss hum 117'of Psic- sill, wicstosodmutfhrst i thouIsalfsrch- oms 'doustswitts whichtheticprogramsublu- Of1siencs71Mr Iamslisngacislytts gave'c trecsincudinssg te favorite "bis Kahne"ofsif eegte artislturelstitt; ecstenscoren wits sitorslsIrogrmi no'teinls gitig Is titlt. This satistqmli ~ties of hrI'Issulis's vouieare toseswicth arc ustI Iessentiail hum atistic recital1wins.Ist ltis sigig' last inightditscloseduncmiss onsitsiskill mu troducinsssg roundsil istuidtolimis's hmcsli ins ccartisticslly joinedtin um flawlessl smioothilegastom This"Stasndclt miis tits sld n dir-ti ahle sesessofthir grauionulssmswhichi muiniated stearly te dutsts geninesu nuusictisthiipi ITt'heccwas eidenlsice, to, of great strength, whischslietiscreetl hecldt in restrait, yetIwisnssisg sloss fronismthel resasut eithiusiauu s tauilt mmmc.bytinCctoursisdesfusse i te"ar riasgce Moringt"of tse Sulivs gromit. Them sone stortcomisng consisted ii foilhng timgaisn resl emomtsiit ffect te emoustiosal qsltity bts hel.wshom emi fasr oaway fcomsshiss iImehod- pcsttninv for a display(f datcusims fervorcarsne sum rthc SchsumasnsnstProeucualisctes ied uthc sircisig lus of whichs ts steson mevoked 's suistt f 1app1ases 'from the Miss Schadies sf te locl Scool of Muistitpresenstedsnm tudtmesnocturcne, ansI thi sescossslIlasde of Chopin~, payug as encosese vesr satlChoinspstuelues. Ihs tim mbersssslsconsstuuted mue nf then atstic featurecs ftecosncet I This acmspanist"VMe.I'FdwinsSchie- tsrccquittedlhinslf lly srmnounsting thes comp1lxities in the Srsuss mnsslers cwih admicable esess. Tiesnxt ciusse,t it thiss sscies will loe a pianosrceital hr Raoosl Psigiti.- d SPECIAL 6E',CTIN. Leret usseest islbeisg smssnifstedl us the special mseting for enss at McMillani s alt, Sunayaenetintg, at 6 :30. "Nash- s ville"s the themse, assnitanespecially g mfmc programn is beisng prepared. Thee smihwicbespeechues by lpruminisest univesty' mens.XMrs ray,coslralto at te Met- odilst churchsi,sandl te Unsiesity Malc simquarttwill ftrnishs mussic. Rcgents Babour asi White weme vistors at Barsbosur gynmnasiunm Thr- se lay afternon. Plants foe a running -trssck intsh~e gallery ace isndee consist- eration. 1' i if thecvari'u'ssisstu'isslimls. s It spiiter',' is milt Coiunil,it