T14t MtdCHIOIGAN Ali.V INSURANCE ae++ i +a +.+++++ s t e Geo. J. Hallaer ~Co. *+A S O & bWII o&4 OorF REALhT E +< jtooin 1-4 xlx0 ++ + ,MCam pus B arber Shop ++O +++ A.M Et0 .Uiest v .'he records of January and Febroary Sales fairly erlipsedl. Ihe overstock, ; tdue to the Mild winter, most he disposeri of quoick. Prices hav e been cut i .TO The Ann Arbor Savings Bank many instances to half and less. The variety offered for selection has ixever + C~pt tc, ,o. sriu,'o)l A been so great, so choice, so completely dlesircabxle. \\xttl ilew5inter just ibegini-- spial ste rel s , $5. oox , 00, ++ 5) yo cn ealize swhat this sale means to von. Toocannout affordl to hesitate. :,a {+,heA era! Banking Busness Tansactedx (+++'I he Bargains genuine, unmatchahle--son hase ieen scaiting for axe hexre fo)r T UO IE«itsiChas. E. lscia es-; . 1) soxu. COME, and come at once. .. T RQ~'S a ,y+TIS SALE CLOSES POSITIVELY JANUARY 31. (* Thomas Rowe, Proprietor j.........- . . . . . . . . . 326 N, ithuAve. Gr a - taebler ++.Cqjx %%. BILLIARDS S. ROTI ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ane. \I 11121. 5.1 l I I (lY\[ x>n hiSxat e cit, or t xiiici xviii (xxtri 2- iNi) i~ hetiiii li0h-ix-xx. -xixxx li 12, Sxc-iil:xiici o t i l i fre onx'oici at A Cxici til e ,i ar i en cc x r-- xxIId. i''i ortt ltA, t w l K c e li - New' At Tasttle's,333S ta,- -,17 en 338 S\S}to 111 iii i~~\"t w Cn~il. 1 t:11 re r u1(mliis (ulx,,xxxixlben I tl i ii iilxi ii Siii Si ic i l le i- xxxxxxixxe fxixei lxx cxxixxin.k, xii xxi: i x n) \-ir o 122.x 3Si haiti; THE FARMERIS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HiURON 51 Ptrits Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profs, $65soosj lees a GeneralBankinxg sillxess5,andxx',y 3 percenixntoxerest xion xiTheexxxd Saxingxe xepxxsits. Safoxy Depolxsit Boxi-lxestorenxx at $2.00 and uplwards It. xcuon', Pres. Wx . SxeeErNS, Vie-.'eis. F0. .IBELSoxRCash. 11 . \I~LiiaMsosSot. j La ega The finest, lear I Ba 5ll ute. elixe vin the i irkix.l MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. Eldison Machines and Records Victor Machines and Recordsj since crp- i Delicembier. indlxxyx solicit 11 rerI orteij xiihar espixl lyi dexire hopxIndoter ccsinstisyei ixxxss xixax-iixhatixxer wiillfxIxx-cx xxxiand il he leasedxto xx ixiiixiixCnstroughoutxxxx theix pricexx lxit; lorxirs-ix stc u o _____ _- Grandx Ridsxxi ix ix 1101 1 O S(iCi:i m xii i Sine.x 1, " ii . lx i l~ ~ icti iiix xcixxxxxxxf 1 ~r1(>btixi AM) lx ll S lxi"Th r i iiiT I'-1.1 i x 1 '1 oii NsG l I, I, R1>1 l 'S ' See Rexilseliele's ail xxixpale 4. tIf 1t t I-I lit 1 ca xixi xmixixtee of lie '08 cn- Watch, jewelry anxd eye glass repaxir- -xi all x 0011ixixi x insetx- ixxg ly spilledi workmxenx. xxxic stxartedi "dxingsdo-lxx HxxERSJEWELRvSTOREx;, NSlain St i lci- xxix ofx thlxx xi-. - - - - clx <r 220 hui and 1 II he III a , axi ix sec ii l S l-1l L1TCO Seei lixxlxcl-x s xadloxxixaie -. tf oflfii. --SitiS pressedl, 2xr ; triuses, Ixe lii Si xx= 1t e11 i lxlih e i e st if Fxller & O'Connoir. tf 1 a dinnr eahrxiii-h t: _V of M ihigan clulbxii xi 1tsge btsad hly l ixink xx. li xliii xl c xxt lxat xlthat lxtimetoate d Cxxxl< ix Sxxitxxxixxxxx. lxxiiir 221 . coci,* Of th lix xc ixix ofl the Sxixih ---- --- lx 55 xi iat xas ilix xxix See Rentsxcheler's adoil xii gIll 4. . x adi.c l),ice -t ig tf ('lz'iiliii7n;, xiot xiiindlspons. xx xcix''s I x-xxjx~is- S7ixixc, iMaixn St. Mxi1 Oaor ii i i as a inutii GoCl . y;c ir. SitIHustionixrhexx tf xxxioffers bar- See lii xfl eir Opal( D J1 ax-li1 I E. 1) IChi Sa Bay ,ho lint pric ill 0 cha IiJ. I FINE LUN1CHES conry thxe larget line of TUI~~si1, ESTIxo & tMlt)ICTEI) Cigarettes and vSIle & Ismpioted Cigars. A complete fxi allsog articles. We se agents EMUlTHi & C., LINEMiAN & Co. and 3 1 . also ror STCYS & SCHAFEES hocolatSOilN-BUNS. R. E. JOLLY. Stat St. io Central [ines DIRECT LINE ILEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on all Trains of M. BARBER SHOP rojonowski State St. JOy. BAGLEY atest Sc Cigar Made HUSTON BROS. SPA[DING'S - OFFICIAL ALMWANAC OR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS 0. SPALDING 1a1. BR.OS. per Syraicsie lxxixepolis Lois Syacuelxxlx Cincinnxax~ti Oil i-asasCity Sanx iFraxisoe Olrexans M~ootreal. Ca. I-ixiixix. t~g. ixgs ctaloguxe f all itixitce sprxts xmalledifre toay aiiirost IY. A. A. J. RAILWAY r)etroixt, hlyrimiG:15lx axx ntlx9:15 Ithxenox1l:i5 l. i. 'lxix a. xx. ler Ypi- xxxly. 1:1igx I . and x 1ii2:15sa. xI. Fo sex, Liili-xat .S:1 a. i. Locals, Inrom a, m. txl12:1 r.Im Ow 1:4a.i n. $c4ire 3=1 rght.x. IlaIClasx ,I -. I txcaevery F E SILKi,-sa -t meeizedcttnand iet t 25cets- i..x Nootiiergart ndllaog car-inxysi sx IRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS alers cqBy Mail Phlexelphin usp silo,, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of An Arbor, ich. I.isnne, Pros. Harrison Souls, V. S. W. Clarksoxn, Cshir isIl, $100.000 Srpxuxiand Profits $40,o (EORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST nba eCat Fleirea aned Pl.,.t pn St beweiene Huirnansd rilueAve. Phone S800 we a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place year U. of Irl. Pins re they keep a fl .es. o asire' poor stock Jur store. is..* .lSj No th in g ,rged for a '- lo ooking at goods or ge tt in g esO 0n repairs, et. Alarm clocks o and uip(lll at the right place. opposite Law Building. i rx 3a- . A i , s M~~ath %: ver shoes3 $3.50= $4. 0 FINE LINE DRESS SHOES For Women-Patent Pumps. Snade Slippers and several dOyer fine styles button i nd lace patent shoes. t For Men-Patent Pumps, Patent Oxfords, and Patent Button Shoes and Oxfords with fine Military Heels and on the new Potay Last. SWALK-OVER. SHOE COMPANY Factory--Store WR. F. HOFFSTETTER, Mgr. Sole Agent Everstick Rubbers 111 S. MAIN ST. s IL ! I So.i Stae"5SITTINGS AT NI H St. i4 +ALL STUDENTS UNABLE TO COME IN THIE DAYTI CIE CAN MAKE ________+ AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVENING+ 0. M. maptlIl ETO FUNERALIRCO We Are Fuzlly Eqsiipped For Might Sittings. Office 209S. 4th Asvi. honxe 98. * IHENNING . E.IHURONAN tlesidenee 302 S. 5th Ar ve. P~hone hI14. BLCK ALE AN E C FOURTH .STS. AMULNC U CLL A BLr*+r+r{+ O EX A N DE+r*r r+~srir~~r* ~srr r' r r~ r rr*rr+rr~sR 'r r+r + +r CO+r~r+r? r +.ri!ir+rr. '..±as+ . AN...D... H A LF-TO0N ES and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Belter in Qoality Askc A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings lianks Block ------------- WYE AR E NE VER UNlDERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOR1j