The Michigan ily OL. XVL. ANN ARBOR, ?IlClI IC::\. Ti'il"[: 1)iaY, J\NL"''A18 jo(st PRACTICE IS ENDED- DEBATERS GO TODAY Coach Tueblood and Team Leave For Chicago at 2:35-=Strenuous Prac- tice Held Last Night. 'Te last rctitce is overanstd at 2:35 this stftertoonasssichtigast's aehatitg teams, Alaclit. Legg asd Rstwlits actim- paniedsilbitCitalhTrIuetblootd sill leaav fo tCiagotos mteet te ita asti (t e-i atssilthesartwn rtttda ficsha- i~gml ses it sail stnot ihe trtught aca k ii of prep tatint lot ieesaaiteme ha eett tsringss fortistii itI tCan a stssnsgt 5 tthey t etptistro gass a rdsiac ofin i itls att eatssis ing si e st 1 sta udr ttt sas tt t y s t.Ca IhsiiTase WootsandiAsstistatiCoisach oliser A rc ttaltdebte stt Iha eld swi ah t e tta- sityebst a t dfncigteirpoe railoads com tission s git teasut sf ls acssrdssss sassse's lCesiisn Diesatist ssslleassu ie i tea ss A. sD.ssa rciss, alternssae lts s tsyers ta ,F Al m sesisti isins an, sschroeder, scssnatelis its onosinstehte.tts t heconcst l s ioin ti h al55555h 5 >a s isa s i sied stat hetam illt T ise Nibtel tomoi rowat i ghtCsa as itt iithe w nae othe555 s tti it stti a il1 i itaico tst.Ocihsi ihiiibaes eI lisween iselsssassesadCiao h t iii iii at issvn au o ine.C"isaidsPss The iihi aanaIntavenoeasyaac i s ssessiss hei s troia nestistiat haasaaaasr representedsaaesinstitution. W ia its atta s gaa ted from~a 555a5a55 asicoaltlege iiwit teaa egree mouti n iatsstait ercoti lgit ates ora- toricl co test in tat yar. urin iith isa C ti s s its caoCinsasass iiit Charl t's it.A Its 55 ttt coaic.;5fioa Sp ig iiIts a1s.lits graduaisdis it h dere o . I.afromait t laaeaiiiltati si s-ii in it904. andaltiths th 5 degree5oisA . sMa irm the islankcraits ot C icgst nto-; ass it suniv sisit.iit t ass ici at c n tstst h is i or tyat ndi sia sit5 y of Chiagotsint oo an i wati s siu laasss Iay a 5 ftth t vai l lc i t i ii ofsheC sisssiiiB t apaCii ey n sat oleeDo o s itsn istoy- adss n J st. leiasa jC nCo C is thesa sit hotoit oaf thaa NN a sititsf Chiagoa . tis The juaesasarc Juidge JS.IAisHarvy- hNiNapoa lissiofathesits Cdsianasi upt eme sstte 5555vi s.of taisite Stess dki-~'it AAausie t siel., of te 'titt s t e ts difs- footbsaa.llta ilts'beshelsa thse Cooket able5 tatCatbtstheNsrwisethe affttairt elect Curttis, Losntgmanst, Tom1'attsi'ssttttstc Schutlte, Schltitz,Crathamtt, Stut,.Casr- Clisak, Slagalhist, Barwand t Pal tsricka; twentty a"RasWitnthl Iue seventtmemblers sfihebordofcotsi ;t 5 evn5ir ectrofttheAthNtiass iatmi issKeene5 I izpasc CoachYsti Cihas Baiird, its. J ms I lass Ainitci Rseaent 55Sa ye n a-Sentorisi Jametis a li ii Norcrass.aptais-eieat CsrisChsarles Baid, Iiet a i isitaitri a i5an uga ban.. intarsyitolpseviou s ansh as ill rissis ea rs. i it' 1t111 ITIGI ii aP asaside t Angel lasat a aua5( a vea intearest5 igsa li ini Newahai rytaha lliiani sit (atgon of Casasis s fn y a hca anddelaedtht at a ssitm ositsy id alsgrea t rspecai tisis duas i t."is aloi- eta . la i ii stisIitfuncaesiviea moirisis oa le tsans nyits her lii 1 (lasits (i wChosilt er-5 Theothr tlwoigi onsoN Ciinas art it m sis andis ~ s l tluddhi sm. C isaita itsca sa thuse ratliiss asdit st of sthtemss do, -An estal ors ip i a stherspis s tse C tutu 5 betief lihi I IisNlSiTN'SIIOlat Perc sistassi i N sit er lan Stnor.i ilc i s its t acquisN- tis aiinth ay f trac'sttmtersial Ato hs it a isecord situ:ts (aiforsthe ilhundred5( tact tisspig SCHUMANN HEARD IN HISTORICAL SERIES Albert Lockwood Plays the "tirosse Sonate," C Major Fantasy and aCarnlaval." C l N'id1lists 11i a rk 111J lipehass it le ;isad Ye Its n1(' 1( itt z pliii (si aisisiss' sill, performance.sillslt Ofal Sii lalcaill(la wsatsticlly Isisi al thet ii(iliaand-lay lieat I1lit t sill istit th (5ifea~a tMailsi Sa ian itla (ih ighlevl itof (hilt ill a (a ii ill msll succils silis -eis eason.( sc e caltins pinsatiso a stsaa essfats crsiissss- (l i i asills 155 ii iln fthf cosa isaetioas effosrts af isa rc in ir< i t aa5re' 11mmittaeas. it1 tiarasmses ofcta toa rs ,il]te t it he ca psts a r ie 'otd l vr11)el rage- issiicaitii t he t 101)st ilt l beI s thisa most ,f 5ica55 ( 6r 55 ss illsi t o t s t iendanice, istla- l;i;h t li I;- s (fdeaitiosis ansiu ierfectiona al st- s (sail ( tc ils;si t ile hsiso y oall e li a ssl f ttttttoui 'it~s i san i T e eoai tionst tutisb a dste lby lt'e 55551 t WI~sIsaN& Decatsion Ca.,iofIDetroslit.hia rnl a n~et c"(n lilv a ssiepttioni folis axcellent dc a i sisand theya r si re t p,) ducilse ilaifil effects. T l orit aldeas - ( t't re; thehass of st rownsstaillN'St- distinctsilirss sant decIsa tille liev tties a (ii rllt a5 anii;islasislettriacstileselist tacit sitcalitand ir to the sm Csi te s da 'tce syi a ii s h ~ t5aled, iolDetrot.,lla55 p5lay iiaii t cr-ll~l (ll iss isail hsetw (msal t sgatssat nis VC lirci moshv pae tt hopinti s yeass thy h tcm d til e i msic s c it i I NI c~l tasslro i st 55(L; a fl i 111111, of 5T ositu ,(t ill ;ti thiNkite ;sspissil its ( Inci~,o ie J tn ,o st\i i ltsbo, ill as I7 lilacc W te upe soisissast alas selaboratits 4liK atheilskatiltisul useaa h ed (sail lilawas athe sfrs aloer t als l a v' ii ((s recitilal were ' liaur '((5 ith Nit" I hitngeietuo h uios Tn the Birch mp(fisctofteFnay (tllsc Iue as mit out MIi aoe tesketcheils (that s (sll frhte 1 S &I \ (eslits of the artists tst is su b itg (5 li> i a to 55(('5i ( a ts iltrtts io ofitsi heP la' 'u istudits il ill ls Id II 5(a55((a nce, he pc((aila dIsaem a George Hamlin, Tenor, in Choral Union Series Tonight ((((e la list eiaa rai a ppteusar, Bightls itn C.((((al a((5 hallt inthe ii Cliii Cno (tlser~iies ariluareitll with a A tall a(klst '''uts l Chol ina sin s by MaieisScack, sla mis Its lalisss at pre''sasiti hair la ;Ii r tes i tail (( -tI Cai eeI , whih us ac iv d hs g etslu t r s pia5 a s in ti int ((a usstasa'as (ofilta e s w al ig, f i c (( lSa sat ((a((sa (a((a5I 'ho ;'t iii sis Icc i l i yed d staishi refore t ol lg \,ad fro j trt~s ntuast elayiiIss asts Inl "Isiusiusuis Niit tiuss Iaof l t ais lm(ra tia a qalatuhiit Ie hia tt n nealy a h ndi sa ongiuSsits ii l thea ,) ce nllah idea ndltilt uilaltis s(Its at isa tis fiorm sistiat ahis ciicaslils agree li upltiai sit etug i c' 15 itia' Sit o i s (a als tare( lit l iii' itials" stilict toia a ia ii g tsrtseasp.lnd'sny a dec it lisa: astittidS tassitms iths i lsa tai lieis ft esna it l ust its ittli' teiissit a th Iand rco t e.sti' as 111u(mlia i se sdists him. t Hsis exit sit ionia 4thal msltesil t c: is Sitndica t i sofa i subtle Is te t ain' la sen sa s. s ica aittt'st stur. Isisal, the' isaeme ii-tatisiis islity sti lat st sis stlils liats 'sa eresaerstit is tis'sec loative usic-mk i i gs teres a i lione. Ihethertdramaticta taphst' icalsorsson.- CplI (i RA111IT ITF91 N~l ' Dr. John \'NN Schlsaldstat eredsaul Icel - sirs' sn " irissl Sclel a td Goesthet' at Ste 'u''gult'(ia l's icn sa t of te Ilulkw-- Ic Is'roc i 's's 1 (luot I",i versta s itt11"111 las sev i asaust hsh u tshit year1 (siltla a s p ets i w sra tolii sundite(ait (ranee it:asgre't ii terst n G eek dra a ti (assis ts ru t r~< hewhleof(;ee: iteat ure ina )rd r o ceae tri h stric andit sit- w al h is is s r t is ts c;a nd s's''"us's las- i nt (iisils ati =1C I: sltltr o hti-y a d b sui ' sfIlls his toric t lm 'a'ss'>d ts'ach d r'sl i'()1 tce'' at l Gt Illi i n e o i li tss i tl1 vy a rslila iii s Is thur !JC'Ilai51a Ni ,SchSl'NIIiwIs 4i I a 'NNIItIhac N loSmo1er Cin C'C'tslan Ni a suit'' ti lls a ( as thes's ty' ti sit'tiug si it at uss u der t itnsfln ie of shun us' ars' W tssetisa iii ta' lss isai a Io Cssusa t Ni lusts J Jsastn lyttit ilaarot muc lJust r paer alteealit'. ic atil oIiC Nei C 11111IlINISor.1 'celats Iciar.Itaswaslathorhauly iaugust us sandlust 1 jost ableti t llsa usia tutu ca se tail'siteiuiiassa art patlists Nh eis'cats u s h'all -- utlid llis)t helia A: utie ilsuit'. Nil-- it auld N siur I isith Nusare l -ul e N hrim t'' Issassie sa sosaa Cs's-i', Itidat . "hss NN adoi o h Sag ofthi ii hi u sal NN sitnl C 'SAalthits I rNN (i srausn ---Scihuert.i'hile Crx'na of s at N ails's- itastedalIu C~isteti a itsPropsusasisahaa Sca tas hs I alia.s IC ampbeiaTahtoe asistO hituit Ii s lay-C ashBts Xast' ussus" Cliiisecalsai t a ucsssla inis us' ls'' tsu Nh shah lis -Goilloasda h Nuts ''assn RIctssiuaiu 5.fforn i i -sush Td i Schi derls acctpi it Rialshash Straitt .N us aussassly 'ususu suacedithe' as's 'tic' P ilto isumbs:iia Stushy COh. usa Noa'scs'a tilftthe ay 1 i it al uit'e utu salls ist Nou rnesit Op. 9, 'S:uo s i usla sa saae te School , sit lNu i'a