Hocking Valley Ry. C.ONTINUEi'I ITS XhCIILiINT TRAIN StERN lEl You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Detroit, Mich. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original AIle gretti Chocolates. 60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 SOsotb Staste Streset RA N D AL L PHOTO GRA PH ER THE lMICHIGAN DAILY IROLLER SKATING COLISEUM RINK MfAYNARD STREET AFTERNO1ON AND EVENING AD)MISSION: 10c, Skates 15ic. Evening 10c, Skates 20c IDoors open: Afternoon, 2 P.M. Evening, 7 P. M. THREE SIMPI.E MOTIONS TO FILL Th OINsALac NLYGENUINE, p SELF-FILLING PEN UEOC. HeBr of Rwtttt tte S l lS's 1. n ill c7 Itr III-iii wa nidl THE COKl IN Pt* eFN ~Coi., /7ii ~tct f K - The distinction that comes from .- being a correctly dressed man in yours --by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagant-my creations are reasonably priced. WYAIeTrCATq TRT P; RS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives l/y.Vanck = c , Judge for yourself bcy asking Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. HAS,.- - RENISCIILER'S Representative called upon You yet? Too can procure fromi him a cou?on entitling you to onr dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos ansi an extra picture for use in the Michigan- ensian, all for $3.00. The Aim .ci coi Press (frmerly PaI-c kcr & Si dr)cic'cc nrsioiite Michigan Di liceTh me nnu, Inlander, Sostie great Imok onifootball, teicl i do . .. handci ook, tc, ta.,i aid li'itei' tiCtheistudent body 117 1'. VinI- UNIVERSITY NOTICES.I cli ccc. cc ccii icceecic e atcliii mee i Roocc cc 1t iii after 9 (1.iN~ e repiredl. SysCarefulilyIfitd anditeitcd. (;IIORGRI IAIIE.T!R. Mai Si. I ilcreilci gc'aciiic- clvi, ii sscesNat iI-cc. lhcili' Cii le.Cat ic)1li'i. ii ticINi. YiicR UNFRsoMciDicicc o icc DEIE~S ART STORE aniiihave rthem fraedc wciit hiie S~itieitii Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. 4 , for home or office L__ _ _ _We__Ire IL &'c i'cc.t cto i--cc t ci it T ed II i ccc cci Nt ri i k iie' ciii.r COOK HOUSEt ~ lrtt Po!letIu~i"le!' i I Opoit5cce Coiurit 1cinse 'Squarc e l cik c' c i t of i. cii c i c jo e o FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES 1101e ci, $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Tedrtosvet ila cc Thooi-soc tiesiat ndElMore Al nigtisee ice R oeet ila c eSNAY IINNRSaA SPEsCIcTY 5c ccci Kinley, Abraham i.inotrn, John 'Varaderlip lam.G~ir.. 'i Hay, (len. IU. S. (irant, Marcus icc, F. J. SCHUH A. Hanna. SANITARY PLUMBINGi i ,c i c'ocricc i-, c ices 'cid c ccciii ii'cmttltdcon.'c ric ciii Glas and Electric Students' Supplies ~ otrdat orS A SPECIALTY ( cccii( c'ccci' J. P. SCHiUH, 207 B. Washington S' bil 30 _iti t ulym111 ____________________________________________ 0___for$ 11 wic c t l ' cic 4tii'. 1ccc - c c i n eI }x_________________t________cci .icI Ncclci i.c'ttt TIc "ic ticcz ci ci Cii ll ci tl en< ie irchit' cccr illii1w ccci hcin l. J:111ciccc 2cc. ciii . i toii il i Oicchalci overC c,r' it<-' Mor ciii1 M in ccci s lib.111>. clloolcic ati4 ccocci. Sucits Ipressed,. 27C;trocisecs, ciii. Fuller & O'Coccnor. if BAILEY & EDMUNDS Watebc, jewelry acidee glas's repaic- 9portilO 00066 cccg by' skilledt workmtecn. 121tEst Liberty Street" HIJtiFRi'S JersY ScOEi, T acccSt GAS STU DY $2.50 Each 1loo Candle Power for 1-3 Cent per flour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. MONEY [OAN[D it1 Watcies.tiamndO. Jcoert aall Mitc~c~ -1)asClci cii,1 aColit.liatersecit y. W. J. LOURIM 1a4 4thc Ave. (Opposie CoortEHtusec tict dorsiothonew Y. it C.A. Oi+HOE t ic uic s ci8:30 t 1 i30 I1 En5 in 015. Buomers Stictly Contidential HACIKEI)ORN EN0i. CO.I 221 Huron Street Toledo, OhioC THltSEt N~h1BltESSi SForgottell Toilet Articies Von will f indnep thndCecil 1r) t, iC iQ A l n v 1 c c ii iiie-cd i n'ci iipii ciii' . ]c c coiii th fncng iii i it he c~ ccI htic c ciii ii .plcturesi ,"11 o ] C111 iia e i ic'ici'c.'Cit beill, Ti II iAIOI RHSR Adlilceics I,.:0 i. Rales,.mactoter Sody ccciiit l~i i av'erckc. h-]ons c ell, C/cl'the e 'ofnect AClearTrack '7 ' T I-I iccwrng signacl bi th e c sicniii lice icciraycoc ccccistcun reds of humni lises. I)iiO il ii. cci i 11cc iiieC mancinc u rd ciccic i cci sioticccli. IN11C 311 i s ica wninctg siginal cit"dcatger ahead P?" ecu lihe track ic cla iii S HR"ED DE D WHOLE WHEAT i antiitt occdqualty. Rcct'clceier offers bargai. See Iis Tooth Brushes, Tooth ice. ociiiag 4. t£f Powder, Soap, Wash Rags, Towssli, Etc. ii sticcis Jc'EccctvS'cecce Haiti Si. 'lhe college jewcelers. Q LIA.R R ' 9S Sctii'factocy tailoincgct satisfactciry picicc. Fullecr & O'Ccccnocr. 6cf1g . CWil- a atraccl fioci. It bloccks lice systetm agaist disease, keepislice slctomchitwetland clean candl lie boiwels healthy cndacivie. It is cmadle citthe iwholewets, steami-coo~kedl caid drawninito flne, pocouns shcreds, pr- sincg all the brcain-itnakincg, bcody-buildincg eleentsihoci thie ciliccilberry' itcigesticle fortm., Sucpplies ncticrcal wacrnimticc the bocdy in a ncaturcal iway. Slightly toasted or warmed, and served with hot .v_1 . mil _.l _ or cra ,1.the71'11c1 lT isdeiciustorbrak ; j . ,r I , ' .' ,- l .{ L \ s Ty 4" A Dellghfful fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It I6 U rehnes may also be served in hundreds of dainty and tenmpting zresanessways in combination withtruits~oysters and preserves. 'o desireablie iniiectcr shirtwaitscud To learn more about "Shredded Wheat Cookery"~ 4 ceglige-shirtis is calwais cetained aftei send for our "Vital secal diays wecar Icytihice gariciencs swlen Question" Cook Book. + " lanerdcc -cbVy lody hsTRISCUIT is a. Shredded ,~oc Whole Wheat cracker, < Icee us ccccak spcialtcans o dotlisccbetter than bread for toast. dowdy or sale' if iota faior us withb cheese or preserves._ ycccr paronae. It's All in the Shreds" Versity Lsa stdry y178S. 4th Ave . Bth Phornes 9281 THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y t ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BESF OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING