T14E1 MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 0. 11. W ild EnterdasseoclsnatrtthAn Co. Published dailyf(?Mondays excepted) durn th elege -car, at 117East si tioe stret. Beitu phone 892. tHornephonte 76. ILeading Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW j Business Manager. WALTER R. BANS MERCHANT TAILORS 1,ItTORS. jAthetics .......Carencee E. Eldridge ew................ Louis D. Stickney Msc................A. H-. Orteye .. . .n .... .......Effir J. Armestronsg i The Iargest stockc in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and a dents. 0. H. Wild Co. 5 311 S. State St. GYM Whether yotu go out for the track learns or not, you'll surely nseedl good Gym Shoes Gym Shirts Gym Pants Supporters Elastsc Bandages anud the like, ad olsen yousneed Ilsesuouonl1 fid igooed selections AT Sheehan &Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office as residence 331 E. Liberty St Ass Arbor. Hears: 8io 11 :30a. in., 1ito 3:30andr"to 9 p. iM. ALL BSESSessCONFIDaENTIAL. JOSEPH C. WATTS ig Al, litnFraeklitnC. Parks AXrthur C. Pacnd. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborn tHcrold C. Sesith J. Earl1 Ogle, 1J-. teore.aes ttt,,s N. Semiths trank J. Clark tiotten ii. Clattey tenry A. Montgoetry I). iF. Stev ensetn \Valter Metzenbaumt GlennDiBraley11 Johnite. Wet ito, V. 1tell1 Eloyd H i. Jotnes RATES.t$2.5e pee year, or 5a.ee it paid is advace. Address: WALTER R. BANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12ths St., Phone 849 L. (5 l-lllSt)Xi. JAXNUARY X 17.,190(1. Edlitor Toaiy-J. EARL OGLE, JR. CALENDAR. Jan. 1/ H i-ist I 1recitil bye Sher I oskoittil I itertsiltY Schotl of N w er 11 1 6:43 I1. III. Jan. 18--Meil at lilla i tall. 6:4; -al.i 8-'TIhird I Chotral tiioii coilcert; s1 reital by h G- ectr;gc I alailc. teno, Univesityithall. 8 p.,iIl. Jtin ig Ill mtt thbanue i~t.i 11,111,I\till treet11. -itt 'Iti -uC nt rait lor hi~ till" le t of ii, 11.10--Seior 11-1lei0-bn ta Ta .2 - d e illas - tioll. lci n < i-huh;-ilt- Il,, lt le,,, s titist I lit00 queliti n isit- clyIanswered.tiTu hett ett i sl nil lit-iectilt,nrlis tha~e e opctiiof siy-ttrut i, btentli h-aiet.wtheplits Th am micealesicmitteliehfri, ai te iio o ts ts-cctgftr, tout itt ipe- teed wl il , Iill owijhthsmmili buibito . T h Ma icio anUnl ioisitti itg tllibuld la studen ts' u t hu fs. ii ills- emorial committee-had (jetn intret l istiaimemoialI bii ng lalit-d.Reiz, ig th at atcirclat-iji of tetilubi thoius u bs 171cit itic ould fillth- eirj, pl, (i,,,jt ~tthe usk d tue l'itr dire ctorts coijotil Wlit-irt-cc ea1rit-ch tl doltet,-fie.The memoriil schem tok a ie cas flit- fom tatio lin i lt Manyi oatlimn i t-ught thir s l - subscrptions. The5 ic$rc0o,00i, h ub-0 vsav lc ie ncludett club feai tus iftelie SC iiLi \INN REITAL(.. IThis, tft,-r1i,,,,,, ai4:30 SAlbts-clck IllertSchumantin. T hi-~eelit , asfl Soit- . h I.,, I i -i ATII AYNVN r iMC- 1Ii.r sS . A. S e ntermezzfo et Siet of bae-SNe0ctt). 1 . Mo. tt: itDurc h ue iTo llsNToiltiii-i Iet ml t-v a tipis i etr s i ,.SNil S Itttr ii,, ,tiIn gzo ee S T. 5 llesi iPtlket ite ir~..reun as S. C. It .1.--Letres Da san i- Ci- Xri NesslCop i. 5 s tr ll.ic t i ,- Allemtnit , P gal ii im i,,, 1 utit if n coti re1 l7estt 11 titt tl -. Michigancnsians $1.00 We htave psurclhased a limsiteid numbster of copies of the M(i eligastessiasi anthare tell- isig theis at Exactly Half Price Fully half of the prurchase is tlready sold. Sixty copies sold Satusrday alosse. Get a copy while thsey last!I $1.00 Calendar of Events Wec still hak-c left a few of or Art, Calesudar of JI entl anid are itiw sacrilicisng theim, for the sake'of closinsg thueut oust lit unl- 16c, Each Other Art Goods 1-2 Price The Bookstore thatl's never Un- dersold See Rtdsclelers ad on page 4. tf See Rentselers atd outptage 4. tf A5c cigtur ht the stiudet. "Gist. lOS'I .S ipocketbokh. Finduer pletase Blgey." Ask Geneetix. if reun t-t iif223 Stilitti andtushcui-si-t--re- -- wr.78-79 See Rtentsehelers ad out page 4. tf ARROW COLLARS ditife fmot,, tetrs tintwou-essenttil1)itttili it, have a tetutu-ittlit-tltthue titeesiteswht t it comes og ,,yfthe v stus it w s withen,, 5 i ier Site e. t tt utw odtintuo inisiit.. 15c each; 2 for 25c Ovr ill stylestsele scut feoTht'retil-ju ior ett-ti ps Cluett, Peabody C& Co. I'.et nkr fCllars -ut-itt-il heWold 0. MY: Martill RE o Offbce 21(1 S. 4th Ac. IPhone l13. Rieside-ne 3012 S. 5th Are. iPbone 114. AMSBULANICE 5ONCALL Men who Shave rust big risks in using any- thing but the best shaving soap. That's the popular WILLIAMS'9HAIN ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Going Nerh9:05a. m. in.td 4:uitS p. in GoisngSoth 7: >0a. mu.It 35a.i. an~dl7:51p.tm. J. J. KIRHY., SW. T. WILLS, Centl Pass. Agetit, Agent Tolted,5)Oioa Ann Arbor Mich Hell phase h13-hr Homte phone 6I8 :VXLCHIGAN CELTRAL~ The Niagara Faills Route Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Thsrough Trains East-85.18 a. m., u2.40,tp.in., 4.55 p. in., 5.30 p. in. slit5 p. sm. Locals Ease-6.t5a.a-i., *11.10 a. mc, *4.05 psi., *83 p. m Through Trains West-2el7at,,~ 7.58 a. i. 9.18 a. s-m.233p. in. 1.tS p. in. Locals West-224 ainm., *8.28 a. in., e545 p. in., *6.10 p.,in. * (Excgtt Ssunday.) Connsections at Chicago fuse St. Loots Kansas City and the West W. W. CASE, Agent, Ass Arbor Announcement of the Stucdents' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING JeromejK. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith....... Lorado Taft . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . 'l'ar. _ SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest - ----- Open Number Tlckets2for the Entire Cou~rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-SO Cents Extra-at .S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phosae52 Office Hous: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec Every Man in the University could be supplied with hosiery from what is now in stock at the Co-Op. There is not one man who cannot find the style to suit his taste, and his pocket-book. We have very moderate priced hose in every dis- tinctive style. Black, Gray, Tan, Split-foot, Shaw- knit; Imported Fancy Patterns. In Cashmere, we have hose at 25 cents that is all a man can want. In Imported Lisle we carry the finest weaves, a pleasure to handle. Try one pair. It won't cost yon mudh, and if is worth while. At the Co-Op. THE STORE OF THE STUDENTS Douglas Shoes SW AHRDTIe homa 218 So. Main St. Gym ShoesI~I II 7IJi1U~