he Michigan Daily V'ol-.X VI. ANN ARBOR, IIC1GA. k \VWBDI'SI)\V, I A\K lidN "17, tfoo('. No. 78. f BASEBALL TEAM IMUST wellxxxxofi xhxe siy for keeping up DEFEAT CHICAGO cxxxlas xox.xiux y lttrfrmCo \,' \11ixs'. hard wxokxwii start the lnthusiastic Meeting of Baseball Can= ixx rsicla tec care is loxxered. That didates Last Night-Work xmein i'wl'b i oodxplan toiwork Satns February 12 nt i fe uimit tx eaci dap until i ten --c-- to itart you a n ii sapeic XWexxiixt A\ iili e lg ii \P nit beat l hi - . ii 'xxxp lixiex' xloo '.ttro glx' tie necesitxfor the m eting of iii xb ixitni- w l i ' xtogether itxwe' 're tox avit I lx ~ r~~ 1ar Iri rI ' iiridkiy }x ha iif or 'games' lst xyxeart : xd xpiiii X iii d li -1 il xeetOi y ot iinedthisx'.xxixcrun e icii ' i'xr'lixid iii'il ul, i.l lar t ine ilsxclueto iti Ifa ct 1"'I th lin li e.iLAcuxl iiia, a ea : ot in i xiual 'yxand xwreixx i.~ lftxxxh he rlixixixixtii t t 1 aera e, sl mpif it ii ix xxi help 'l %cyhn' ili ii \lrIil l ii the x ciii i t n h ti h p t\e M s xiii i'x l'hellxBent iticxlianxi xx xxxiii xx lxii I. jiixixid ,[o1 t iix I ixlixiain i vxi is i kniiixii Coxfxtxtexnew 'xtxiii twho thxiiipinli~ f h ei i llixiiifortii .x tu Mtthxewxxxix xxii yex~ as al i tcndi'te cr irst~xcx 07~ CLASS NOMINATES . 3, FOR STUDENT COUNCIL Junior Lits, Laws and Engineers Put Up Names For Friday's Election dam ; ,., -Medics NominateToday. iiiiiixxi'i'x'ixi'x' xxi iiiticsin i tie isii~ .ii ,,i literacri andii lx i t ic' lxix lidexixixil xlec ion, m xexit- :um rt~ ~weffcttha electixxcschive iiit iiii 'xii into the cont xxtxin ith e xxxit 'iiy- q t° i deipartm ixent xi'ha s e icd outxx i ow is ip \c icd xxiii -- a . all i ixxxixa i a 4;__________________ i lxi iiixti'xxi s in' yt' rcnlcnt do 0 Xelecionxcrin i 'a 'isis xi xxiisirmxoiwnxi'iixx lf iandii'i'the lxxtix Cxxx scent.-xox bex thtx be Who doeJ wil u M :.xx } xi li xxi r e-xx iiis p p o t f o m it aj orityx.tx ix lxi Xi x i I lxxixii'x liiiiii'l 1xxi Jcr iii x'iiix'ilix nomineex are xxxi'o l 'x'xil'i's Hiiixxxx F lethe r x'xJacxkxDe xis c, xBarli l .ol itiii eexixxi l i elxxi i xi iilxx xtf i ol.Ix ixxx is . h ix cliih i V-e laresnxe. x'xx xlx 'ixo xcxc i x'x'x Lar i lxc't'onxI sxx pti xes thexBieriltxi' iiithe - ii )" i''hop -xxicooi lxxiiii iixxixt tit" xtcttx 1 l iii x\ oflx uxxiii xxxiii .X itixatdx tist o cxii xisimer, %%oilciwiliiii lxxliie'initill it ta is wishlxx'lxxiii xxiii iii xxxiii t 'xcIMu xx2i In hi- I i'tc xi ' xx liii lii c'i ii'xxl 5 xxx i i i'n l.c'Cii oalxt h xiii'x xxlxi ii~t >~ cs 111''.'11 XI II l vpi ti lltHaryXX sir, ISinnuP "Al i Iutxofxthexlxee'lipaProf N 11 ktcxcxxs. xcnig to th st~rcxuofr xtxx tix i n he x liiA ilixixirL x idxxxic xiilintxi" xxx th' h w ek tioloticy Itdnes lax, was men an hiei pr ied xth.x\iri i o xxi sxxx'x ' t xecxor xl v tix clsscr metincgxlxto close' ofx thx eixxx.x Ilexxxxxxx'' ll(' xmoat' ill that da l xdther Wtxx e'l lre tx xx to se iicixi Cci xii ii xthexir l oki i ~~ diii department ts temecsx tielcifold the 'ta andi xxiiworkl lilacs ifoc theibestxiveri-in'raii'i calxxsorx't. It is ixntendxedxlxlsxo intere'stsxxofilih' team.'' ' xas ai xsefli x'elc't'exi'bookxii'fxxr pxactic- Cxaptaixn NX'odxxli, aft'i'r' iemiiixxiixxtep n()phrmcits MICHIGAN MEETS CHICAGO IN DEBATE FRIDAY Wolverines Uphold Affirmative~ Last Debate ot Central Leage-Rec> ords of the Michigan Men. leases fur Cicagoiiiiiiihre lesxwiii xxxiii inx de'bate' li'x''~ thisre 'iiinaiii' csofxC'icili x xiii I xxxicm Fl ixipinigh . 'liii l-t a prciet llxehldxin ii ixixs'xsilx'halxi p lmer oixii i lroads x ratisi.ix i lieig t I uphods te atirlutkc f ix>queion. Thei thxrci meniiixxl"xxillreprsentiii K. Lec'"''o li, xi(* lxw. lawsian honorxxix texii Tlwr Icon Iis xiio h er to The xii xxxii 'xofi xiii' ixc'ixxxxx eam haveibeenicix ixxiichi'' d xin xxx anw Prof.i Floyd i lcclw . f rmeilxiiixniin her i if the Xixitxt x of the i law departii ixet xIi xioi thei hicag Lim choo faculty, wxiill ri de .t ilcc ae V i iiy ight.i Thexi judgii sixxine 'lwco The Chicagoi tiamxihs halian xxdxi- iii u'ii ''ialeto secure infr ato ofi great x''xixc' xxxiimi lt eon thei fcl tyxi x xliii r f-IIi , Ni e ,f r mc l f ilii ri,' and' he xiiie ' xi xxttiiiixli i iin i, ix xxr}ini o posti to the proxpositiioxixxix siiixx foil debate. 'I'bis iiiiixi w ipobby he elast debat inx whxiich \ixxbi xx xx xii xtaiiparxxx Olex aux >pies o h CnrlDeaig la u .Ini iii lix i xxxiii li \i ll, in ialli lk lh o , lie iiw'ii ix'xxixixsii lxx ,- hi xc'x''. \'xxxiliix xxix ax d x iii igxx iii the' xxne lec , ii xxiiX\ i\xiscn \ii xlxixc- xxx ndIowalxxin theiiiAl.. The iecords of thexmen onithe \li i -i x'ig ita flo s icrc A ll ixi ii4 l. li. oii aw 11olxr d bate ofiiicl i~i xalId Gei'orge \XXliiici xx i xx iii s ..\ oni the i wixixix e m o te :d lii socetyinhisxx > hm nya l h -cri, . Ais i ea ing ta xnxhsxjunior xxxexxrxxx igwith 'x Soni campalc xlixi ignsifor Ilc ii'ii iixiiarty. xxix tox is xii li\\ x a xiglxx ii rit Ni cxx xxic'xxx'').'C..X 'isi iixi''idebaii agans N\ 5 xxxi'' iii f ilina. 7 mxittce xif iiall departmenti s .i oat masers cx>ilxxb. Jximeis A' il ii 0 it Sl 1Lkc Ciy. Ni Acccccxi xicadeiimxxi >iic'i'c'i'xi Pa.'' Mi el 1 1,1 NCxx - ucxtic il icont iiest ii xliii''. XX xxii Drope dxit macxii 'yer. . Cose fromix Xxi socx'xxiietylxxx Ciiitraliebx- Marley Kx LSegg, x'0"xcxx lii08lxxx' xx. heiextcxledin debaing. liiCho'e fromix iAlh x Nixliterary scxiey: . I las lxxxix ctx'c xin Alpha ix lixebating ifor smtie Alnte il isidepart xxentiteam- for the \ixc X scoxxx'.debat l ast lxx ycxxx. iG. I las spokenc'i i Ia itn cu cntestcfor xiwopyxars. XW 'xlter l'iliicltii . iii rgh txcke xxxitlxe'x'xrsity' fooxtaxill xxiiim, lhas reture ti t o caxi'lxxiiaftir a xxxtxra 'x'xi'ti x'xcxxtionx. 'le xw'xs forcid lxox'remainxx ii 'Nest , Virgintixi, vwhxre lie' six'ntthlili- tiays, lip ilxtes. 'CO\il'iiX' ('iii ;'I'll 'Ix 1%Iilx ''' I i'lll i WTI'PIiii 11" XlYVSi Il ipca lxxxii 'ii' xofiiYpsilanxti plaxy- "'ortl' ix xxxccciix' Comedciy clxxii xais L withi delightxbxxaxcx' geiii'xi bxxi of lxi' cx x i s ixxxi'tudent xs xxiii iixxuiable toii t-ii'l ii xxii xii xxin ixxciiiiil' it to witness 5 it t' Theii p toU Vp i Saturda'nix ghti'ii wi lxh hex the' lxxi xxix ie ix'exxxi'x ix'clubii hlxx i n taien in cas, utas re int iig- xx ill's pelxx iiiii- has lreay ibe pro in pecia ca, ad noter peialti n ill x e prii ii I 'byi'the 1c'x). x Y ' who wish to iwetness t c p lxoiiiiic'. is Theiii xxxiii ~ r the yjsili d x choce eat to.in aror.Tickxets s MICHIGAN SPRINTER LEAVES COLLEGE t Keeler Leaves to (in to Illinois--Trackt Men Getting to Work- Big Squads in All E'vents. t "('ix cr }i. l-1 txx() x4"1 lay when is i x it xwas lear e i that Kelrtexl l Detr it i n-i i iea hic o th e iin ofx xMr. s arn nd-hik xixas way ccin Aro xa'rxhsfred 'I- ii xiithat i i otlt to bexii asi ASi i o , h il'x rnenxsxi etiii tox xxxilo~ thefrmewa kptxxix b th l;ix xxx x> xx x' r;x.xi~x xxii xxx Txiii sxiadxxIII t'xx i ghiiix'iiii andii pole lxiii ar 'not-y'xattempi'gxo bra that t11i nea nia- li cl s 1 iii liti111 thlarg space'x-x~' left vacaxtxivhcnI xi voi'iraki j lap" lwly, giviii'he tilv ien l x'l iixiiii learxhow lx ru iihe liec 'I'll(' tillg xii iiu ii e gy-III is th xxxi-exiiover IsixtslTheisquadxwis xlixvidcd thing; i ia; iyet x m c-cxl trinxxig Coiii' Dunlii are bothiiin the gli yxxi brxit tree ttii x' lxxxihest 'weights i ld oxi itheir exerisexraher hantheshot. Crcil is tooxx lxii \\]i i ew o i sli otherii event;iii toi tryx thex shot xxxii' The tip- ctin tii lxxiiex wx is proba lyii theix mosti noticeable ii ntheixfloorx. In om pany iwih fI iixiip 11'xi l ii' 'x woki ng an xx th hgh1t~d~s.Ils izi'e hasxiiicrea'xse'd very not iieablyi sine xasiya i adlroxxx ii xix wel lxxbui lt: ix ith it liex xxis xtio yearago e hasdeveopeinto xxiii lhesltx bu tl ete xxi's eenii atxxMi chiganxxfoir'yixair'. H1 ,is xrunnxing theli' hurdlexs twithx xstont- 'xxiii ix ' xciii a iaiwell xnownvtt xtl- lxic i-xxpc rm re,'1 edntgtthelexi- arudchampxionxxsipx ii libelbecautse hex is nut eixntred, &COB A. RIIS MET WITH FAVOR rge Audience Listens to Instructive Lecture Replete With Wit and Pathos. JxacobiA.l Ris, "the maost useful ciizexi iNewc York Ctyx," was the attractixon nthe S. I,. A. cottrse last ight in C xi- 'nsity'l.iiMt.tRiis' xsubjet txas "hei li te audi iexce;-ixitas ase xf a xxxi il ld xwthlxxxxsitubject. hetill:xxwisiutratx'tedl lip'ster'eoptti'x xx vi-ewxxxoflthemxaiy phaxsis of su le abxt hich x'ixethe peker groiupedxisli Imalks. 'Te dstereoticxoxx xtacixixc ventioa xxiiwrid the ceiiiof te txli: udx soxie fertilxirinxcoxix ceivedt the lxea o ivx igthe N tai" pell in le irk. Tiii clxviringixcxntinuedxlwithx tilt CU. ofiALi pll at itiexxiiiaiilix firthe 'tic.Rixistshowxxxer( lhxi'wt' geograph-x' cali localtinxof NexxxYork Citpiake txacc'essa'rp'tolxxvte i lap'ers.fi-e saxi: "Ixnfluentcs.ofxl il xins tendxtoward xxxxigitx xxxxxtcxx lihere xiii'tireex xi- lxxi soulsiing xixxxtxxx iinxtne tnt 'oue xi- rci 5--morexpeplexthxanxxxthin' lreini hex wholexist'te of xxil iigax" Th spae odheex xcx axiilx udxie'ncex taxt the' wiorki ling'ip xxteisi' disreputx- ble' joits progre'.'ssed-lowlyx'ip xxitil IiTe- dur' Ixixixxi xii c xii xtothe xwork. Sixce lxxxi tiii' thexorgaiedeeffo~rt hasIoi-te Tesituakerimenionedxxixtlhei-fact lxxit ther xxis x xpl xxtyxofxroom lft, forr k leid: "'Thiriare p0,000 roxixi wxithi xbsoutelyxiip iio iec soutrec'of xair orx light -Xlthouxxg x xii'weha extalished-x tmtny'ptrk> ixdulayitgrundxixs axd xt ings, xi nevrhless xxtereis axarlutrof New Yuc htiixchis xxx intteplorable codition." ix. liiRxii i livhe ttntionxxof the xaudxix'en lip' givin"g xhisxxrsonaltxpiIexr- iiccs wxxe lxx tiiexepr'teint'x theli mextropolxis. lix xxxin-anecoxtes'xouftei vxariousx Iixpicturesshowncitgxavexxaxlight adu enxtxtainingtu xrnto xxthe grxave iandlsr- iius suxbxictidxiscxed RICPCT(aICN 'TO0MISS SACTNI;RS. A re'cptoxi 'xxsxgiven itoor xxf Miss SxaudersofIO xord, Knlgand, lip six f theifacuitlaieis eterdap after- noonix, xl Nexwberrxpal. the ihostesses were x:NMrs.IIHaxryB xutcinst, tis. . C. XlC[ xxglixxNlxsitenrp Carhxrt 'tics.XX. ifLXWaitt andilMrs.X. J. IHerd- man. xiiTwo xiurin xvitaioxsc-cce issuxedi andiia' large xxiumter of guisix were resenxt. Th ecepxtionxlasItediifromxth re lxx fcuxr xo'clockiwhenxixsNisxxSaxnderx spke fo a urxi oxi xxihe lifec'lexlege womaenx axnx the iwork of theXWord' Stuxet ChuristixixiFederation int Ruissia, Nor- tx-up.Sxwexden, Gerumaxy, Hloland, South Aflricxa axtdIndtiax.Mis Sauder hasi tratveledl andlworkedl it all thee coni- tries, ixndlspoke fromix lieown exer- iences. 'Thxe ixal xxxixittenselp interest- 'Texiwsxsexrxveditfter te talk, M~rs. F. i. Jordlax, Mrs. VicorVauga, Mrs. Millan ansi Mr. Williamas preix- ip' aiithetha txilte. Severxltofthie college girls assisted. THE I HARNESSINGI OF' NIAAIXix. xtt intresting freexenterainmtiaeini lie form oolanxillusxtrxtdllectire till lie givexxnxmrrowxvenx'ininIthtie downx townrtiY. X. C A. buildixg unlder the auspxlics xf the local dassociaticn. Tie lecture is gixena undeir the directinitof xf boardi of trxadecoflNiagara Fals, N. . CTe lectre i inendedi toxConvey tox the Amaericant itublic aix idea of then scextic bieaxity of Niaxgaral anti to present graphically the stxory of the htarnaesing tif thle mtighty cataract-pthe entgineerintg feat of the century.