THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hlockillg Valley, Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCEI.LLENT1 TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32,- ICampus Martius Detroit, Mich. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. E.60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 Sosuth Sta.te Street / Magnets that attract PATRONAGE ARE -JQuality and Price The quality of our Suilts anid Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest possible margin of profit? REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. , THE SOCIAL SEASON IS ON SHES Ye Stusdent Shop 611 E. WVilliamrs Street p7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S The Ann Arbor Savings Bank BAIEY &CEMU DSialtock, 5,00,000. Surplus, $00, () ! Sprtin 4 t esources, 12,200,000 fI VA Classes Il Daenoln lae __A lGen ealBneking BusinessTranoacted -Itotoig ppl cnjoisn now o0000lte121 Est Liberty StreetS 10.0 000Ott tot ,Cha. .Ht'octe, Pees.;W.Ii GR~AINGEIR'its Feo lotot10th, and recteioea full term l kriaivicePres.:Il itt tooattool Campus Barber Shop1 0. A. MOE, 705 N.Uni ersty AvelpOO R PHE HAS. REN THLR'S Representative called upo You yet? B~I LL IA RP DS Yucnprocureromhmacuo entitling you to one dozen $i.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for ute in thr Michigan- AND ensian, all for $3.00. 11il t 1 o p1 ) I i (It ordro lEesca0reful idadt estrd.4..5 ROT I ENSTI1N, 707 N. Univ. AA. t ti; a ((Oc 000 lI t<,ffryth l ti. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. OEEIAII Oa N A Vin' l 1 00t t): to tl0 adyitp0 Mate.areNtSiUyRfAtted E ((ttiotl0I 0 ~(t.. Itostosoot Jewootos' Stotoc, 7Main St. Geo. J. Hatler ft) Co. to"t ncith (. .,"0( We Insure otclu tot go 'te jo ' etotes our totoks, W aigapte li -ot -r"tot;rctIogo o oto t7 ( i -^00t'it. ot. p.ot.Establisliot 0858. totto R4E AL El5ST A T00IE lItftto.t. aitreitnotl _particular_________go__to__________________ otlototo;oraooltr; tutif y o tttteItest 0. Soeet 'tttc lert ottdco piagle. . _________________________ c om t \le ct & Co., I leotoitog -rO -- -t s to tttct I tootl btock. cod-Of (1' roctIcto inotoioItogo o la\-ocyou ;tto t he ito' otIto ''l tlt 1 tooso Vots Y OUR sRAEDoooFoccTUooooTO J' opoI-N . so olnfom otil, ome i Rowe's Laundry1 .homas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, 1ith Ace. Neolw o~ Phne45oBlPhonec437L CU Kl j . HVUU0 F'or1 t. 00000 'ol]Ce oppoostc e o 0tose Stoutae '000000' to .\0o. er FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES block. $2.00 $2.30 $5.00 Otraso Best and Etecator At: night sevic SUNDoAY DtlosA SPCALsTsY 5tCEtact Soeet 'ooot'1r'0'3.dto ;wtls p ressed1, 2,;C F. J. SCHUH Fouller & O'Ctonnoor. SANITARY PLUOMBING o'l~ 1o. 0 tGns and Electric Students' Supplies '(c ___C ef1sa A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington S'; 'Get The FUNERAL 1Habit"? 0, M, .Martill DIRECTOR ORIENTAL Ol~le 209 5. -4th Ave. Phtone It. Bowling~ fletidenee 3012 Ave. Phone 3104. Alleys AMBIULAN5CE 0N CALL BILLIARDS Arad POOL, D. Y. A. A. J. RAIL.WLY CodatoTototoco, oeSTAA20016I0EtondiesSoft Dtonk ; tor erosit, toutorly tromto to1ta. tot. ototil .40 too' heBt tof it'.oct(ilt- 000000 he 1:1 . mo., 12:45 a. 00. P0F o ttps- antooo lty tnn fur d'ot'. latio nly 1to 0 15 p .Oand t2:15ot. int o. Oec 000too too, .oa,'tsono Limted'a 5:51a. so. tocals frtoot o u ilP (o 611.m o1.:5a n het1:5a .t t (0 00toot 00 0 WA.TING.OOM. Ott. n. WESToo OtF 00 to . 000 GAS STU DY.;.. .._ LAFIPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1 1-3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, MoneyV° and Troublel 4 ANN ARBOR GAS s0I0 tdo1ttogo'ottlo C o.. Ol[eottolot etod -of tot paoge 4. t1 Orouosers, (toe. tf t o age 4. t1 tlto .4(0(300..,ltrectlY aftero'(007 lit Th castitcrrectbive ogymnasootics woill It he 00(0ach adfom botSo t on'doo3tooA' (000n000 J 0 (0,00 2(0, a0O~t o e o '0locl. Flec- (0i000of (Otttum ol d therllot tot 'tatoo ltoi- '1'".Membrs 'ar reqeted tolto tbe present.0 All thoe'it oetedl 0000 0.00 dial0 ttctool to ate d lotess'or 'Trooelotoooiohes 00 tonrect (the impo~ressio ontatto eotionortth oratricl cotes wer tha Oedin lat s,'ooooo' loThel' impresiono'0w1a00 o undedooo ()1 msak. stheora~titons n (nes 0.00 tn''re otduoe t.o'on he ra 0.02inteadtotof jotlatoot .' lieotoelecr offers Ibargaino. Seelis So rietloiip to-date. bOcty . t.' 1 t" 1 DE[RI[S ART STORE 0000(00' eatt (bout o l oloo'o'. ( . ( ('x11 el, Pop-1 ) ndta('tote rameoodts t-ilolretlo's gentuoine velvett issestO Utoslologs. Only the Best French Glas3 is - -----Used. WVatcho, jewselry aontd eye glass repaoir- 223 S. Mete St. 110g by skilled wvorkmoeno. I-IAOUtt'S JFowetos'STOE, Moinlt. ________________ Thte Anno Arbor Press (ftormterly Pa.r- ,lj0a Me ga Dacry &Tyee).tAlumuslandtt ~ericlogtsTloe fintocelear Havana 5 et. cigar jot I tdily, 'he Atooootottotutotr Vmosthe omarket. gretlbiooton000footbll, te .1ccittic, S. -Al'- C. A. hanodbooko etc., re., ore torintoers MANN',; DRUG STORE to thte stuodentt body' 007 ht. Wolti; 213 5. Main St. j too street. t 01-- Etdisonl Machines and IRecords THlE T-ABotONIC ORCHIESTEA. Victor Miachiioes acid Rlecords Adidress Ia. D. Bates, mtantager, fibS Souoth Fouortho oventoe. Phones:0 Bell0 SCH'AEBERL.E & SON oo66-J,; Home, 289-ted. tf 104 W. Liberty St. -Erx.och 1Dieter-le M O0NEY LOANIII) mblmer andiFuneral Director Ablne-alattanded day or eight. tot Watt 00. D00a0monds. e 0elrt20S. Otho Ave.: Rlesidene saotmo and alt tto,,0 Class(0000t0ettPhone404. Ann Arbor. W. J. LOURIM ALARM CLOCKS 10.1Oto Ave. Opposite ou00000 use 1 $1.00 to $1.50 Twodoorcsseoouthofotnewt 'Y. t. C.0A. VFielly 0-. .-etend OFHOr URS000000 10 to 11:30; 000t005 (OerDottar Clocks are thte best moadte 7 to 08-00. 1for thec money. Finoe watch rcpatitiog a specitalty. Buoiness Strictly Cr' idetiul I J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St. tlo'.to on age 4. tf Nos. 220 and 222 So. State 'Telighetsopriceod c cigar otatoe- t Bag2 ley.On stle at Dolly's. of Satosfaoctory tailorinogtosatisfactory prices.Foller & O'Cononor. 609 C. Wil-, boot street. tf Lxpert Jeswelry sod Watch Repairs. Aronold's Jewelry Store. ,ccgrtoothte ttuoenot. 'tGots. '0 v" As etooreaotx. 01 St' T'ry Phelps' Perfection choocolate pooffs aood chips at Cusbhings phoarnmacy. A Delightfxzl "Freshn'ess "I so desireable in Summter shtirtwaists and neglige shirtso is always retained after several days wear hy those garmnentosehen laundered at the Varoity laundty. This is because we take opecial pains to do them property and right. Tou will never look "dowdy or stale" if you favor os with your patronage. .. Vekrsity Le un~dry 117 S. 4th Ave. Beth Phones 928 U 11 After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS HATTERS TO rIEN H nVadK e FURNISHERS 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN T.AIORING