___________________________tkt M14If-AM DAILY - BRING YOnU 50500 DPICTURES TO DEFRIES ART STORE and have them framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St d THOSE NUMBERLESS * Forgottell Toilet x A fh n1Ano RL L ERSKATING COLISEUM RINK MAYNARD STREET AFTERNOON AND EVENING ADMISSION: 10c, Skates 15c. Evening 10c, Skates 20c Doors Open: Afternoo-, 2 P. M. Evening, 7 P. M. - fx{ : " 1' 1 S The distinction that comes-from - being a correctly dressed man it yours -by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagant-my creations are reasonably priced. 1 I The Ann Arbor Savings Bank 1 ALY&ID U D C'apital stoch, $50,000. Surpins, $200,' AIE0& EM0D Rte our es, 2,00,000 S p ortin gO 3 o b A General Baoking Businesa Transacted 0) einowS CSas. E. Hisiotk. Pres ;W. T) 121 East Liberty Streel. lareiman, VicePrI'es.:1A. 3uFrtz. Cashi RIUMLIA You will find neat- at hand and in good qnality. Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Soap, Wash Rags, Towels, Etc. AT QUARRY'S I _. After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next moat important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. FTTiS To lMEN H enrv and Kver 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. WAISTCOATS ITROUSERS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives MyIMIIk Judge for yourself by asking Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. Ohio Central tines. DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars en all Trains ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will Sond Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Traina Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lurohuol S. E. CLARK, 32, jCampus Martlus Detroit, Mich. 1 01 HAS... REN17SCIILER'S Representative called upon You yet? D.n-Y" A. A. J. RAILWAY SA ADTM You can procure from him a coupon entitliug you to one dozen $1x.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the M~ichigan- P~oe I)pleolt, houely from U.15 a. in. octil19:5 ensian, all for $3.00. p. ci. 11:15iSp. ni., 1'.1:4 a. in. Foe Ypsi- laoti oily, 10:15 p. In. and 12:15 a. mi. lFne --- Jacsonai. ULit( Eat 5:51a. In. Locals froin i ft-1 , tf,19 -IlN :i. \I t 't -IIN111NEARLY i UNIVERSITY NOTICES. I Ii igiislREADYl ^^ i he bi 1nav 111ank inl tie prsctt~es \lndyip m, i o m fi-smo. i a t siim ilei The enir lt t Ihld 0ill 111(1(11 ii lihe lfuturecnavalarcitlcctst bosioss m eig M ) } iiii 1 ill ro'oIslallce ofii bps woeni miisi . tIpco . \lae tg~ s o tarnill t, 1 t1 e (ivatilel. lo do thiso, ap1101 Th'l lesb ls o ecniiilm moraia l, of tIelI s se'P0l ridser si cln1 soil.ek. W liil iisiirought in iii made, all is imeiinisos tels 'his If sl ssss slob sl ie n i-fin raios iilo oe of tilec in forma11l'cepriions and ill cingl parly'' 11i his lj model i ispow dcl 0 thc Harbou s 1 m,111 rs1 11Jan1ry118 t'cra liig bilole.li Onth'ii 1) Rece (ti 5llfro ill to 8:30: dai ng t<, o o cs' isul i strume sntciwich1511 I erm e , Powcrs, Ide teinsBel- lccur siisimrkeililupn the lThe sm iiiii-a i solmis"ting o his' Sill cs'sitruicteds aniisip isigiic ltcasca i s vill ise1held1ins , er liii st i.L Ssadler'. thic he oo ck Tss hIie 111 fo liiiwig o ftics'\\ill b FOR USE liw censin seillaiboiit to fiudthIls ing through rafiniimsoidet deraiionsis arn allce.rsu taiik isy a bi'idgec15 s Is conniectesd ter's pull11 papier coy'- tus Is well A bsy Prsf. 'adoil stfhei nt. 1 e I Glaisses repaired. Eyes carefully filled aiid tested.1 GEORGE HALLER, Main St. Satisfactory taiiloriing at satisfactory prices. Fuller & O'Connor. 619 E. WViI- lain street. tf Expert Jewelry and Watch Repairs. Arnold's Jewelry Store. A yr rigao i helstudisenit. ''ov. Baley~i." Asis Ecisrpso's. if TFry Phelps' Perfectioii chocolate puff's and chips at Cashing's phiarinacy. bALatEt'S JcwcERnvSTORt, Mobs Si. Thse college jewelers. Establishued 1858. Reistsclieler offers bargain. See his adv.'oii page 4. tf havispyou i sitedi the inpsiw''liisriv" baiirbier 151 Ii i ishpfa air' cuti aiishaveiis's Strictly up-ilto-alc. lhtercse.irst supr east \lsiiiissi ,11 sris. G.YW Campbell, FProtp. - 747 Hildretho's genuine velvet tabsos sit Cushiisg's. Watchs, jeswelry aisd eye glass repair- FINE LUNCHES l~e carry the largostline of TURKlIolH, DSOMESTlO & IMPORITEDS Cigarettes and Domestic & Imported Cigars. A complete line of nil smioking articles. Wi' are agents for DTHnni & Co., LINKMnAN & Co. and 3I B PIPES, also toe OC NOV'S & SCRtAFFtEE'S fine chocolate BON-lIONS. It. E. JOLLY. State St. GJEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Cholose Cent FlOWeere .rd PIe.et. Chopin St betwsern Huron and 1TllIer Ave. Phone 500 Save a Walk Down Towil Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of M. Pins where they keep a full line at the L ow e st prices. No sin poor stock in ourostore. :o N o thting charged for ",>e loooking at clce l: F otill 5111sul.' uisr, f 5 sl is' 11 si((5s1, fromis aiiii la tio l itby i',11' illsi' ills ctasi ni''s Ii tI V: fnl'sl scce A 1,555'S IN COR- EE"FTi'\'E E'u'YNASTIC1S IDanic ii'lundier certiniicondiiitiscis hepfliand I ibelieve Pnim111portanst pars of one'sliiduciiio, SillS iP111 besbused. Toithose side sirinlg lip subjictl I will 51 thtIsfuli termsof lisosiiBiaiic- iso pill bic-'v n at ;raiig'er's acad- eny slier Itie'comisin gexamnatsiions st the Uiis rity ire oser. NWc dolist, 1as a s1-111e, mae up11lost plessons,.but will cat1ht o Flat a ats gierev o'ite ind11tirt n e. Ths yarp ae o f andln gwear-isistaupon B5%RIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS All A~to~ Or Dealers ~ 5p By Mal PinerSupndr o i' krs( 7IS Market Streest, Pionerer rPhilapia ,. Stupenders. We Sell DIRECT To YOU at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 118-120 E. LIBERTY STREET Edison Machines and Records Victor Machines and Records OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE SCH-AEBERLE & SON 114W. Liberty Si. Ann Arbor, Mieh oil51Psoo oinsccisinym imbr sflthippresent inlg by skilled workmsen. I )lirccsr Keeneitzpiiat~irickawis hes 5toclasses itds it necessar.siii ac count ol HALLER~n'S JEWELRYSTOREMain St announce11 thtihii ll'b'uliiiiii I 111115 P1a1 workp prsepai'tory to'5 iexainatisons, to f - - _ --____ cla00 ss ill is' lheld ;,t1thii nasii forilaiosss alfswlessois at our schoiil. lI The Atn Arbor Press (formnerlyPsar. Sill' iprose ofs'orrectings slphiysic iii'ominypass scaiersiuc 1sparticipastions in Iker & Snyder), printers of the Michiigain Iec s andin strucioin specallusds velop-, dancsuusig isiagreat belts duiriing hisrdtDaily, 'Fbe Alumnuis,- Ilander, Yost's na.stoiy periodist, ii sscons ini danicinsg great bokinot OSfootball, thur Technoic, S. 11ul(1t 1 P iltioci to interfere with C. A. handbooka, etc., etc., are printers Jassnury Piss Funrs d a ibsoteric olswo'irk. Very respectfllys, to the studeint sody 117 E. Wasfiu-l- secrisd it'oiriicllivesiy.Ths sRoss Gra'nger, Grsanger's Sch111111or Ion street. If cminshorsuiiug Slipelsirchitaisof tlbs -THE IfARMONIC ORCHESTRA. fsiuindeirofsIheiiveiiisrity. z1aCiiornelli Sce Rcitsctiler's ad 01n page 4. If tFormesr PrcsiiliAniireiss D.N isie - A0ddress L. D. Bates. manager, SoS deivred an sill ess po n utheus sujctt'hue hiighest priced ,c cigar nmade- SnaulsFourth avenute. Phois: Bell, "'Fli P rosps PfoIsr Fresedomi iRussiia tills'. Bagley. Osale at Jolly's. If iodfi-J ; Home, 289-red. tf our goodsoor 'w ge tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. s opposite Law Building. J . LSCII[WK, 340 Sou~th. Rowe's Lau n d ry -Thomas Rowe, Proprietor- 326 N, Fiftb Ave New Phone 457 Bell Phone 457-L ,. U. of M. BARBER SHOP //6 Trojonowski State St. mOPRyiGaT 1 w A Delightf~al FIRST NATIONAL BANK 66reshriess " of AnnArbor, Blob. 00 desireahlc in Summer shirtwaists and E. 0. Klsne. Pres. Harrison Soule, V. neglige shirts is always retained after S. W. Clarhksn, Cashier several lays wear by those garments when Capital, $10.000. Surplus and Profits. (40,00 laundered at the Varsity laundry. This is because we take special pains to do them properly and right. Tou will never look "dowdy or stale" if you favor us with Yo's °8' " gots' your patronage. Hot Lunch va..rsity Le.%urmdry At Ti.ttle's. 338 S. Statg 117 S. 4t04 Ave. Beth Pleera.. 928 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THIE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING