THE MICHIGAN DAILY 41 frArt aind Skill in Tailoring MON[Y LOAND REDUCTIONS IN Call on On ,'Watches. DImiaed cli') il a andJCal atralsIM Mens' and Boys' Sweatcrs Mens' Negligee Shirts SA B RC N LD& O.MVens' Underwear Mens' Hosiery Twodorssothofne Y ;1.C.A.ALL AT LARGE DISCOUNTS NOW The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 0 ica>°°"or n Fto11:;1 10 I O P N 106 EAST HURON STREET Bsns tityCnieta A K f O P N SPALDIN'S OFICIAL. PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDINKG C& SBROl Now Yrkc Chicaga Philadlphi leaer Syracuse Mitnneaapols .l'ous Buffaloin Cici sal Ialin lre Piltsrg asinglue~ New Orleans Mnrel. Can. London, leu SalilgI atalogue af all ahltic SI) mailed free ony adlres. Greatest 5c Cigar Ma HUSTON BROS. H A LF-TO0NE S and ZICETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11n Arbor Savings Bank Bock BILLIARD AND BOWLINI S. ROT I ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. A F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supp A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington S BEDDED WHEAT ACAMP COMPANION When you go into cp or start ono a hsnting fishing or any aoter kindf f a tip the tm prtance of 1our tod sp~ply should1 re- ,i. /ceiveca r ef ult 4a'cnsid erain - "7f othewsie y aIu / yui forgot t ma'the appetit you are sle/ to g. Shredded Whole Whe Biscuit should go along by all means. Itis qiii and easily prepared, and is splendd in c binatioii sith milk, cream, fruits, vegeta and los of other things Yu can trriaa in a different way for every meal-aw come relief ram mnotony. It will ala1 lots of good, too. Q1 It is mae solel the whole wteat berry, and contains m strength and vigor and vitality than other food, as whole wheat i compoed all the elements which enter into thec sruction of the human body - mls) teeh, bones, tissues as well at heat energy. 411.Write for "The Vilaf Qnes Coki Book," ree. QI. Trisuit is a wI wheat cracker. Better foc toast than hi and flne with boter and cheese Cm and easily carried. THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPA Naara Falls. N. Y. r )rr"Allen's for Quality" G AS STUDY a41 i5a LL N LAIPS S. Exclusive styles and extra values in fl'en's Suits and Over- The Clther I coats at the above Price is our specialty. MAIN ST. $2.50 Each \l l.f) SIN CARDINALtohi r liicfutuiwlfv ilare. ciiiwilegc f'iiL, 1: \100) Candle Power for RA P111 A UT iiiil 111 s111l,,cliiIi i =3 Cent per Hour coomiloirlto Ilth1e1liiI ~11101. c brsbu tiaste lhrra [ hhsoneihttto 1 Save Eyesight, Money T1 i l f cillw i liping fvomila111edii- esult if yacics of expe lvC e, akei te incilhe bul tnho 1 sin the I«cI and Trouble u>icii sit thll C Irina l s bahute pr ivilege ilf clligltilig liha faulty o io h e eu I i il r I ac faculty a.,lrec ivelth tde tia l li-nlliiii l a icgaiicliiiil sa id 'ii hriy to.T e Ina ift i }>n - body:1 and liie011on it,.1wayreoiig aiiinii i oh h usa ad1 gish I ANN ARBOR GAS 11111nd el d! the f Ilc aciulty, illn ii ii a 1(' l liniac T islit i.was v l ii l- 1,1 ig .. aiind is n 0 iii icetiiisoave-CO its self-de li vse , ief-ra tedl a ut lllonlomy, 1cc actli fl ast eveniin. airi. itis s lign d yi ccl ,,s i thei i aScac- san o;aia l iii hatscams desaineda "The Cardinial regrlets thatithis vail iii ii. nps ciiiandi i\i liiiatIofAll Itie to surpass evenitlilautocriacvly If Rulssli ia llmoiii as a kn b h ei, ii faili cultyand I iiil Czr ii' l .i ra n li -______________________________ in theii egrelvi its Ic oca' T erihs sdeem ned to ightit ui i l eenda of ii i n Iiiiialan t. l~brIla ndi feecl ins iof lthosae shose bali ci;ig it tovbe ha Ia nati viitoPtle.hetA leie t ~inteessliev ostt cstffer Ic 01are at lev n icintr ss if thI i versiciiy anlagalil 11dint I)S P al i lld in ife ;old crsiill ori are theyiccalliiiedi toiexpreass suetd auniilil iiI iiii ni ent i ii ii iin )c ad I-Al c. iii cl In ii C h o o late iliip ini lwhen lthvirclinic is at sa o a cli"or. 7()7 anditveIjgerrantif ltiis autociaacy _Cre+ams- rols ii csi ng downi, liiua heliariglis iif Sae Rentscalaeler'sad oil piga 4. 1Ci I netii Ge( an. iii iiii lie uiii b dy a yi light tthe O igina.Alle i~iv kl lio il~l oh~o ffe. pnscd f\VInilsinclallfti n the v\ Alill ,1nI)i lsi We have the exclusive a~kd s ha teybepemite toelci°raty pp celte its etrnI' -gretfi Chocolates. daeoilil dvmatte i f snil ucimiliportance San Rentcelielar's ad11ohn llpfage4. if - - - SS__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rvllisalala's ad 1111lpalge4. 1lId 60C per lb. P^ r'MM r^.^'^w" M^ ^W"rM'v'hr'Wv^w^'"1~r'r allay ffr.. . 1E. CALKINS aS A L M 0 N4 Michigan pills5, fobis a11d spoons. DI-s Stwa BEST ALASKA RED SALMON 320 ,liSJavvo .Souath Statestre -I Per Can, . - - = = 10 Cents Sac Raonaiclav's ad oii yoga 1. if 1 Per Case of Four Dozen, _ :'= $4.6o 11 i xi.snv i111 a lies In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, = = 4.04Q Fild llflvo, etais ia nutii ---Govi . i 214 Sooth DAN& CAsOro.llgil.S SIt~ Main St. DANAniAbor Micign ~cltclclr ffrsba",THISeehi rs sI at . hiet y of u e Thc GREATEST SALE of thc SEASO f i IN MEN'S FINE CLOTHING ONE-HALF PRICE This lot includes all our Winter Weights of Fancy Cheviots. Each and every one goes at half price. $15 Suit for $7.50, an $18 Suit for $9, a $20 Suit for $10 or a $22 Suait for $11. All Overcoats at One-Fourth Off. All other goods at reduced prices in this Sale. Every article in the house at a cut price. No old and out=of-date goods here. WADHAMS (a). CO., 121,423 Mainx St. SPACE IS RE~SERVEiD FOR Ojyster Bay FWATCH IT!i SITTINGS AT NIGHT 4fA ALL STUDENTS UNABLE TO COME IN THE DAYTIMIE CAN MAKE * AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVENING+* We Avee1Fully Equipped For Might Sittings.: HENNING.HRNA BCKALEXANDER & CO. E HORN AND ~f BLO* + FOURTH ST~ f T:i.r t'+t+ r~Ottatat~a ~fsw #w ~~w~ .a. ..ta.+.i+ :.+.. . .+. . .+ d . ..+.+ . e _ c .--:--.-,cz--.--r-v-r-.- -:'+."r ':"'+ !A' ?.'.'K K K'K-"K"K'i"'S"+: .'d!+PI v'a + 'P'Z F.«'i"Z°'+< A':'F'i 3""<+P i ':""." F"F"S Z'i 'A'F N aB +:" I WVE ABE NEVER UN1DERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORIh