The Michigan l VOL. XVI. TWO RECITALS IN WEEK'S CALENDER' ibert Lockwood to Set Forth Schu= mann and George Hiamlin to Inter= pret Lyrics of R. Strauss. iTwo muttsical events of unasual note; \\rill take siace titis wneek, tite Schutanno recital oil Wednesday afternoon by Al- pete Lokslwood, ande otn Thuseday tight Fl stng recital bsy George Hatmlin. Mir. Lotckwvoods recitals have reachted a hight level of excellencee thsis season, In tee faithfttlly attetndect by local tie- r.ot res otf te tottalt atl. Tihe atperoachs- ttrectitat. whticih is devoted etntirely' to Rssbert Schsttmantt, idits fat- ttt tsr te test of te series, insasmuchei as Mr. Ikorkwosssd's siuaities finsd te rusggecd rststs ssf te Rotmatnticist pectliarly oYratefsst. Tihe Sonatas O1). sit, C stajor iantrssie ands te famoussss Carenival tstake thegtrottam. lis "Thturscday sighst, (;eorge Hatmlitn, tenor, atpptears ont te Chsoral Uniotn series tit t sottg recitatl, attd comttes forti- esi withs tt etnviatbte Eutropeatn reputta- isst. Thse lyrics of Richarti Strautss laregely stake Mr. Httstssit's progrsat, sciichs thus atfords att excelentt oppotr- ttity tos stttdy at test passe otf artistic endavr ots te tats osf te ntedt tttte patitnter. 'IRACIK WOiRK tS ON IN EARNEST 'Tle gyttntasitutm tess st lively plate restertday afterttoont, te occeasionstin te bsegintntttg of trat:t workc for te iot seasont. Nestrly otte huttndretd mnt weesltsttnt thtt cstndiitastes fosr eacht evettt seere gtivetn a ltghst wvorkottt. Th iesqtuatt lest ity Cote atnt thse htalf-ttile stutd tt d bs y Catptatitt Rsttney, stee thte largest, atbtout twentyv-five tmett run ttn cn ealt btuntch. Gotodwitn leel tth ttquartettttlcrs titter. ltps att St slotw josg. K eense Ftitptrtck spentalrg sert of thte aftertnoton tt t i t cittg thte ANN ARBOR, TMICHIGAN, St ~.\Y, JA114, t' .. sOsl. NO. 76. BASEIBALIL CAM~- fOLD MICHIGAN ORATOR PAIGN IS STARTEDj WINS HAMILTON CONTEST Tiecamtnpatigttfor svictory its basebsall opsetts Tu esday tntghtt All cattdidlates aecettestedi tsosmeetit it thetophy roomtssat svetso'clock. Manager Baird atnt T rttner Fitzpatrtck wilt address te csandtidates. It ts also probable thsat Coach\'IcAlitster w1llspeak. Captains "Molly" Wentdell wsitlite Ipresent, witht te othset "i"btsebatlsmens wvho are its college. Te cat ttpostos tee shotrtstop, csttchser tttcIrtghttfiteld, sitte Camtpbell, tHastch attd Carrothsers save left. Active weork begitns tefNst patrt of Ferutary, whietn te caestg will tsrset tsp ittthse gyttsastdialt cattdidates sworkesdtott ftor thtes'ariststpositionts. IlIMOrOPAT~iC SCHOOL I SSUES XMAGAZINE A res tteats attdlservicealerlittle mtag'tzitnetiesitned 'speially for tsratt- ticittg phystcias ttsts intg pttblitshed quttsrterly ity ste ihom~oiopatthic.facutit ssf thet.nstatst.t It is catiled "Thte Universitv Homssttopatict. Observ er, and ttttndr ttr sthdtrtal supervision osf Drt \. it. Hisdlewtit octors R. S. CopelandtW.VA. Dewey, C. H IKisyost OeanTt.N Smith, Clautde A. Burrist tt ttdsl.N1itStevens as'ssociates. 'T. t tutrentt tnttmbercottattts stevteratl sicy tetittas iscssittg thteattitttde osf te Uttisvetrsity of ichliganscholsto osf hooseothy t towated thse medical wosrldsanttt hie tprofessionasl sitttatittttits geter.t ii Set ttlsmortatasrticles otn vaioustss pitass o f ttedtical sciettce are cotntributtettby tmtembetrs of te staff, whiilt.t costtertale stetiott of tbe masg- aztes tstie nsto took reviews. Eugene Marshall Wins For Wisconsin With Oration lie Learned at Michigan. I~ichigansttmens sill heins testd leatrntthttst EutgetneJ. Masrshsall, ts' ol oretiortorssfromDttoiesrst, swotn te Ia ilttnconttest its ChicagoFrdaynist Matrshtall repres enste'dNWiscosinuss e rathiercitt'sisstittabe si rc'sts r555c rs. ii, watntedl to etnter' iMicigan ndctss itt te Hamlton istcontsests 'Sc isel s rptresentttive. Professorst it its isre fttsti totallowthitottt ssis ith iNi, sse- sitl tlalrteady ttatd at degreS.C.andsiths, it tiht stttatiotn of thet.roessr hisds atn uttfatr tdsata~gt. overitsesirersnta-i ttsvCs of thet othser csollree.IiKev W scosstan s sw a ts(scsruttlosandts straintedte spit 5fsthe onsituio govrnitntg te constr t to aditslsa itt rtettrestettative. Thsesn MarStsitatlasitstesameissirsit'r hst hadts ttsdinits testt fteircontst a t Micigantt tisis fors siscosinss O(f aNitchitgatttprodctan rre pec issittst tast lartgely sPrssi re 5t tttmtraftetimtte , tting suiorssssndtmos ittret st itttt. Thsesonysosoigs ca tute of thC witosiesitfituInte itssits' ts te fat thIts :MarsNi ls itoisry is virtttathy ta tityfrMihg so- Setondtipttace sa~swo bytit Illn s whttsr e ttraie n oatr, rfso Adas, tssttttold i scigan'sdcisi'tcr,n rtetetvtt itts ktsosiese intshis.dsepsirt mnt tfromssPrestsorTrub1 o. t ~ i also is a vtrta icsttoryssfIsisMichiganis mth~tods. N's Ri T 1N l 'R \R 'i'ssiII Ni h COUNCIL NOMINATIONS MONDAY', AND TUESDAY Nil1 ortsin s it , 55letlL a u c ,;tes rc fledN 6i Seretry ssts Junior Classes Should See That Their 1rtZt tishtandid is siromtshlirsmuits Very Best Men Receive the Places he ad Inliyp~ ii' to s mst sts - on the Student Council. siysiay Stcltt t Ii 0CIaiii o - Att eteguliartsmeetittg of thse Sttttet tlcvro s inetsis i isis soccursit si fol- sisiirt Iheldst yesterday safternsoon fiitasl ios: Juni Ci sod- 'rraem etsswere tmstse for thse c tits- k~ar I~vv li, . ssi, 0: i- c ats' ,l,'el)-insts' .'tettitn its 5he'ittistirclass. As lis roa~y mot; firt-yarItW Iibrar 23 ben lredy statted, tte tnominattioss scno i e iuai >. i tsi-ea lw5 ail e stdit ertt Moinday or 'Isses- l'ebuary 20. 'he unitersiy co tes da sitscrn sn. t thtt. tteetutsgs htlistsi cxnr :arh 6, irront Nit la is_ ist s lber l ists1,0 be i iars, ii a'dti ive'mny tdesiredtinfort't- - - - -- it sit rlatisve st thes tht~ od sif electiont N 1111 ii. NiSiC INTi fiN itchsiisistisfllos ilttFrtiday, \ Iii 11111) ii ii ;' 1 i i\ listCounctirt i sshes so matte the fist- Iitmststttttett ig thte comit- it'd'rce s is the p ssit s ito ibe filir iimg, ieietiosi : It ai s Itiiy nmportt atth nna l ar eetin ofte iht ro'ss 1rep5r esettivte stett le pttutp Atllcic sscitio ,c~t S~tuday a ti s uitnday's tmeetttng-tmen in whomts sc m t ~ 11 it i, sto utu 'fice foli e clss caS lisp t s'ontfideetsrs stdt fiel fia cal scctr' 111--V sItis Ii cer ita its'itnterests will br serv'eds. 5 1 5 5 Is h i l an iat. 't e rd ttt treah cls ill save a ca tints o he r tasit ii':un it of ussisitri s sbtt it snust hte not yet soinae h ddts'1, I(d l tumntu hastt onlsi a ten' ran lie stilts 5 i stirsCi it) litSt 5555 stte tist - Sctitilitiittn t order toe eeytle Corfl (at 'Dltadbrt isurt iiI'sitnitc ssaryithaus e von'st' Cak-in.\. Iohmilcits'' [.'sand obestinde r tent iso per stintcstn vote fsis iN 'lterriisli'si sitarc n i's ie ts isoe st, tuit s rniissi ees. It is ctrt- at ity foobal natltge. ble rrr cersssserrtseembser this, its - - orde t tso srte shouitstli e thrownvtastit. I~ry nFbrayt set ive sit il5 'lT.e 5me" 'el'rtedi sill tipe streir sieats iil' tk srn t essots iC'i'iicou-itrut sts( )Iir)'..55"in ;- If hre ''condisemtn eris mee telbe m, t h i s tae i tu hltist flicertlst(sts year5. litichc tstsv'lie sicest'. sts still bit plced s It ii sits -t slitpte 5 c a l 55 e.-c "Si" Perkins This Is the 2lusy Season For janitor r'attdidts sfisorst tiepl lt t.t5AtttlarNgite st i tt. be ttnttng(if ts theindor itmer f catttidts for terittts .Sittt.tttsit~sfss pratcticetd stattin nrnittn s sssssg ,atrtoi t' floor. yo15" 'tletet'sering" stotu t ite gytt- sts whiilt.aisflist thss sork wtilitt. easyuaddi 5tiat resposibility t jantor "St it tawtite graduattytitttctr'easdtiby' Petis. Setuvin'sas areisitosryfot tttttginingsf tise seeonsemesttrster tll srrttittft''aluab'ss asststing' ftresht te tment t'wiltsre itsf'tirly'uooshapesit.i mtttntwthotshtave fosrgosttenths ~e irsokter ___________cominttnstsspierforminttg tttvesytiadof iNT'iI RS'(T RON'sS. duittes ronnsectsedttisthshisspstionss,'"Si" ____isowexr'tisencinsg Iris itssysesonss. '"Trasse thustsisss s i s tas tdeveloped t iitt. sitsott.e sitsus inowss"'Si,'' greartly'at INMichigans is inte pastfewtt i few rtknoswstt hissressl snamse isnst yestes, ssaidt Reesse Pitzrjsteck Frsiay is bts JohsnHisltonssPerkisns. sighstafter te rally (if rcandii idts a, t tws holutsnsitn Wyndhtiams, tHast- te gym sssiuis. "N'VhensIirt ito t.uicountsy,.Connteticut, star sixty' )'iiciigssiltt'9 . thardytht' irtty ny ears t. ago, andssatSaSitearlyy'ager nesi turedeotut fur te teasssm. Bssebaitwasito tetiest setsthe n'arisroske ot thsess te raesgr. Istssalmosst eresha'dowedsintt'itsheenlistedt inthtie 29thtIowsa its- foostbalsl, its fst.Trseasitdeld wrkIfatryservaisngt unssti thseclose of tise hasds little tpresstiiandfewss' d aes r Is . 1-1r. Perints hadt at sost ihonsor- sert .nsiit. ablerecordsinst t.esarmty. liets '"Tonisigisteigihty-live stess isasted me tiriotghssteVicksbsurg camtpatigns undser therirstsamsetsa candsidastes fserte teamss (enseral.Grt,r'tfigtintmg at Vicksbturg. sndict iis ahnossst certasin tisha t.ewiliCitammpions tHiltstdPorl (Gi]son. Ilm haeasquadsstof ussreshundredsinmmasisorts1864 list regimenst, oetsrsinsg upotsitus tmi. 'Ele feliilissasee coring to re.lizt. lasit1helisedt Nsms iral arragumtatte statisotither ibrancsisof athltissgives sMosbti s mel-tad m"Si scl ts tossves'raeen sticisit nopposrtunsity fore ist. tmmsrai lsteget tadsmral 1ashiedisi inte rigging man~t. Studensts sthosinever rats ss bsock sofhims shtipsorederinsg tefleet to '"go may by tsrasinsedin to recordt-bresakers." aheasds." "Te regimnit I fousgt witih __________________ wsnseser whsippted," said "Si," ansdtsr PROF. WHITIE, WILL LECTURE hstdoutltess givenstisaslogans to Mint- ]IREORI, Cl ItNI ICeNL STUJDENTS igasssasthlsetic tteimssdisming time past twe'lye years. Prsof. A. H. Whtite of tse depsartmenrmt After timestar Mr. tPerkinss retured of cihe'mis try witl tecstmre to tile stum- toIowissa, stit ins 876 tsr camne to Mict- denits aimnd facilty inschsemistry in Rsoommigainsandsettedtons a farmt at Grass 203, chsemicslsiinmg, tmossrroswsafter- tLaske. Immm884 tsr canse to AmnmsArbor noonsmsat foumr o'ctisck. 'lThese coll~oqumiumsssas aggsgmssssm orfise ueMichsiganmCen- sire hseld eery Inwt weeks oms Mondtay, trail, wiih positioms he held iuitil the (si nwihihsoccasion otne of the professorasdopeinmg of Watermams gymsnasinis in useasisatstgivestalmsk oms work that 1894,sshenr in hsatiacer seen emnployedm. tsr hass perfosrmedt cr rise ai reviewr of Dumrimng time early years of "Sits" ex- soumme braischs of rhemitry. Because of perience at the gym Dr. Fitzgerald, now thse informat character of thse meetinsgs, ins tse east, was director amid Keene musmch practicasl goodt is derived by alt Fitzpatrick ws instucor. Barbomr stimdenitssindtiimstructorasewho sattemnd. jgynassiumwas inot romnpetedl mntil I8m liii senisous'its still shldSaclts et str titsurrusr'afterdtonits5wthict tile muchlistcuss'.r'ui hust itu iof scombtined metir iss i t.eti ltssiesttwtit" 1 tal« 555ill). hr itls iarclamongith ie firt i to al~ an cef iteacinalonmg Slits NitItis mihhrg " se''al if she chitrus Stre f the class criiiiittr'es will ibe- alls I hu1hhhhu touu u''thitrt reporutstutu use us S tfi llass \illt pur Ssue isto b ntttc;° Neillus .sui e the silass ).s f r s-rdsitu s u i' tt f' us- .h nar fuur . Sio gtu' s e u isIthsi ldca 's Idiplans isisauclasssptrty th ft rs )fSeit s ne t lt' if the ith a'gsti1n- ,'a usgte. slute'itmsoiftince ofisss. Nutei lr