-1 THE" MDilcHtGAN flAILY Loading IMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of I high-class fabrics and special style for-stu- dents. GO.]H. Wild Co. 311 S. State St. BUY YOUR WRITIlNGPAPER BY THE POUND Tresnont Bondoliite and bluec per lb. _ L~ Shr chaos Bond, a bn grade of bond paper, folded sheets, latest fashionable stan - L'J5j Envelopnn to match, per pkg, 10c Huard's Holland .Linen, Or- gandie t,'inisb. white and 35e blue, per lib. _ Envelopes wxith sqoain lap pnr packageIsl O~lde Am-tnt-dam Lines, fine Or- gandie finish Linen, in ix bite and blu shades peer0 pound,-- - - - ---- 30 Eoxvelopes to match. per pkg, 1S o(f .Emobioi(-l S7rliow iiom-p Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstowe~ VIt I C1ATT1flfDflnmAIM THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Etered dasxsend clastter at the Anne Arbor Post~ieit Publisiend daeily (onaysexceped) duing the coiiege yenr, at t117 East Watiton street. Beii ihone 892. Ions phone 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS- Athietics........- - Ciarene E. Eldride News...........-- - Louit D. Stickney IlEichnge- ...... ..harestE. Winstead Musie- - --..........A. H. Ortneye omn..-.........EffieJ. Armtttonlg EDITORIAL STAFF. HuogiAAiin Frankliin C. Parks Artion C. iPnund. ASSOCIATES. Genrges A. Ostorn tiaroid C. Smnith J. Eari Ogie, Jr. George A. Sarnts Ferrole N. Stmitih Frank J. Clark tintertIi. Cancy ileery A. Montgotmerp Ii. IF.Steveson OWalter Metzenbaums Glen D Braodey Johnt 1. Ware -tiny V. Loll loyod 11. Jonies RATES: $2.50 per year, ar $tt ti pale is advancne. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12ths St., Phnne 849 L ,;A .'R1I AYf JANUARY 13 i, 00306. lhdtor 'Toda'-- Walter M51elzentbaitto. CALENDAR. falli. 13 -\l ertitig of Aipha Noulierar socoie to. \ioiii ll iitg, 7 :30 P.i-l Aetilig of Adielplil siociety,- M1n lbeoioliit.7:30 p. to. .\iinn Saineiler'-. of fl-for, l ooo:;. Newblerry litll. 7 P.- it. iill- andrto l p mo ocol~ wouln S atii n ii ill-phall,40P.ege Jan. 0 ;Sale.1of -elis for the Mae Ins- ti lb gn , tot 9 fl.Ili l. ioicer ol addressn-,bloProf. A.11. White li- bolt .Cllioiioal (elloetoiuoet ER0i11 201, ceoiocoll lboraitiory,4}p.eo \lInn Saoioli ers- ooill ser oI olg Jon 16Jacb solI) .A orye. Jan. 17/l--Ilotoi -rcta y ilert otk oo, to iei 'li Sch 'oil of _Tan 1 thied C hootohljUnioni concert; teor llenotby feetl, e 8 1p. oil i Semi-ooo a1.de110eri-leii i9all VsIto J tt o, CitlloCentrlioiiooo , Ienu screlio t ii elot-hlnlno -Cli J~l '-eeaStoneot aist Schroo0l accord ilhthelion-ttimtet 001most el- iors. erhapsthe 1mltiliity of Cg- ge-tioot- astoo whlit formith lettemoril 000hl11ta.- in proof in itell that ltoe -eioros ave considereod this p rooitiol srioous ly, aondolare ini favoor of it. It iwill le ighllo-unoforunteorif the dier- sity of thee op~in ionotslhall le allowe too odefeat the projoet wht-ieo is son ge- eratlly- applroved. Itocaeethe 'Tippanttmemtorntiais fnall ro-etedo.it iimpilrolbtable tat anytinig furtherean lee dloe it the mtter. Tfle committtttee repreeotig tll depeartmtents loos-netosidered etery noggesion, tnd there ischoteeof coorooise ito their fildeceesiot. 'fle 'fappanoe metorial is genertally appirovedl lopthe faceetty ando espteilly hatothe emphaototie oiproo-al of Prenienett Angel. It i 11001itoappropri- ate thot the fist of those uniersit mtemotorial loohoul be ti reogitiono of the serviees of the fondteer of Mie- ganlre sentgreatess. 'Wito the fittids ato te dispoosl oilthit sonitos a firs- cltassoportrait of DrTapp1010nic0ani le pro- cred. O)1 eoriseit 0w iltotlhe o lalrge aO portraitos ithatithit un110111ropoioses too lotte pintteodof President Angel, or itil itle tofullentetloiew. Asy too t odispositioonoof tier lpicteitsol le hunog ilothebs'Mitorilbulotioongoweto couletoedol 01hiich will bl o onltlttoo ll oeplotetst. ThotDai)lobellives thot tif, Tiupptometootrtooial i is a rooopitte tand practicaeoo nd inooletoeoyto01yt tobelot-l fh lo.1iehioieosiooo bodthoriiis yenr iamitiousototooogo-itheimaloouttearlttr thano ooool andtuuhasnlielon 0s10r01glotactae toastile doay- to wxot:It to. TofoIth iis makes on i t olnotely neessarthttuthe senilors tutd oganttizatitnco-oeate too tile extett of gettigtle ir p tre tei tt oce. Itis theo crasolttintion1010of Ion enirs whoo hs 0 d e tt laeditheno lon1011- lictti ottof teil o eI ryyer. It melithbtoo t aoyiiitdol snorl, bott twot-tm otonloigoostsifoo t hit-ookoo r o the-m to lttoane tot sttong rit tilaty. Mroen.rootry sorsh -outl tortotge to otl~ rtotr 01 int 01010ntal. 'flee oyte ototof groutp1ng0 oxhih o-s too loeitsi-t oho111 notursnthettirpiiturotto teloo boarl w lol 000001n011ediatteOendof litOli oenitortsections tat i s itantl1010 tuat tll snosb n Attoentioo n s caled o thlonfatethttheli oenioorsmtt palit ronie their ot-ticlss phiotographolers to itt-tre gttitg their picitures n itheotlsstictyltore of linheielt lotoleni ni. Alesxandelr & Co.01hliihato t lit-aiod oteoicltsesyhlotinlstlled too eletric light tandl tre repreod too titke night sittogs ortyioappoinenttso0 tuat they cniiotae caeoof tliosnsrtious ai ftoostheytapplyi. Rnodal i tdoig lien workntfor ln ooe tolaw detgietr. 'fle i-yof .mtitAr1boon. for most of our- 1111-mio th e eefulifoltagitowheliho sitodentactoitis stndil out itt relief. is coomig to le atorm it-neter of exit- lent. \Wlittoaoeoxedaily oiler strling li ton loioldi1.10.esiluobewlin-lifetutd tie skttigriiksandtooelioetyr-conciliadditg toutlionatyio-of lnttilo."thelin town is nicly fillig it tie gapllbetotee Crisltts tottd tile exa.tll See Reotsceleer's ad ono page 4. f 99EBS'flflfSOCIETfY D)EDICATLEf'fOOMS A lrge hid enthittic autilencert-n jxoying -itoenilrendoereod progrtamtfor-- nishoeod tot auspicitousatoidehinigtfuli te- oicatioo to 0theie to-o-quoartes ofthot Weser socoiely tit es otig. \V. G. Muriohyrcarried thondtitilOf chaoirtottit oey tcepntbloi, itroduing toe xvarious speakotierositrematris i- tincotly tapropos Afer "Amterica" lotitibentug lby toe tutdoer-e, Jo1011 otiiospoe othlen thoutght, T hfle SWeoster Spirit.' le gaxe ta ros11000of lion soiey's loistory, devteoping fromttottuthe iea-htth isi gathoering togeter of cntge-iaituentsil for sle purpoe of dolcneoingtissesonoof the day, exeioolifed the spirit an life of tile Weser soety- H. 'T. l-Martinogove 010 ecelent renoi- 110o1 of 1Ptaul ILawxrtnce nbar'ostohu1010- orous oneit."Tile Rio-ots, 11nd1re- ceive-to ertyl troonsof odeoved lp Profenssor llen of tie lwoxdeplet tile captio001100 ''WhatotIn hegitimtetiAdi- vertisng ipfor tie Ltowyrr, lseth-i eoi targut ti- ioftintexcollenottaddries. Willii plesig ucoieessohlotool ht.thlio younlg barritereshtouldo 10 t o d ow100 lie .siotololset abo001u ~t igitepopr things. 1IS hoionsg tlogt 0atin."Cait cter thptiaIl}tr equooiste foo titaw- yer. and001force ofichoartctoero.itoolotro adtoraioing wit nativoe abilitly-marotoo1il ye. l~oyalty,- effcienoo nd tork:olfa ii- fullyi- ongitot 0a1rel- lin et advoen- tisemtent,1-antitoo elonl0111ntte-oxwilt1 il help-im111011tot-odittilolo-slets." C. 9. Dc-Vli itt thenfavored-tiltd- one wnoithi ticorntol ol, tter 00hlohb G. If. lPooionogaooe a pleaingooca-ionlec- tin.Thw e tout of teogxroalm oTn gconludbyng talk ioftteotetot0nin ofa nturtiie wiclobiloteeted n dt-i helpedoit- entcy ebs9 ltr anpt set . hespak ner Itwetltipot hoe-votaloinecessitynwhich plesticootdoitiooon derantha lt a toato veye ltuetoo the w01ldin wihimblit lixe. 'htohle motkeepitbti stottwiithi thin titendottoo a lot-tfor 0in01p011rels ootside of hslegl atie.Thtihi onti roadening lotftoetnho tanitheir 1110110to- itt99oisttl:oldot.i00100 an0ins1irCioon 00 0to t99 olst r n n tui tu iionnto thir w01ork. 1. . Simt.concluodedh ,hepogoormo wiith ian~ oi o usoo, hen eod 0wit o10 litleskiell .911110110 niiate010s oil tiltevnn gesited,.timseutordlto ion a ero- haopy cltosng incidoentitof a01univ-esiy toreer Of Illue11111anodinary rnoownsu. FERRY JR., ON STfATL IfRi. Denier hi. Ferry Jr.. thei clhigaot ii tll s wh ws 0 100 insiltrumetl thiiget- tilsisuhfathoertodonooatte Ferry ielo too to' atohetic associatuion, has Cioeut illp pin~utd e-u stosher of tinStte IBoaroof Eucautionu. lie unoeds 11 ul-onoC. IHinmantl of Baotte Ceoek,resiged-o. I 1905 Michiganensihs Only $1.00 ii We have purchased from the muantagemencst of the 1905s Michigatiensian o v er 3 00 co pies of this puhtication which we will sell at Exactly Half Price You Want a Copy Purchase at onece, as the demnsd is sure to exceedl toe suspply. WAHR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold GET READY FOR I i 1 1 > 1 1 1 i 1' i f r EXAMINATIONS, I have ass excellenut fine of ositlisncs, lectusres, asnd Cossi- peihs, otn all sisfjects itswhtich there will hoc ass exainationt. These abhnidgimenits of hex" hooks asich qiizenrotire very helpful i i obiga thorusgh asnd syrteso-uie nnrv. Fon suite ah retducedploners oh I C. E. Barthell 325 S. STATE S-T. ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN A PILLOW TOP t bTemurne. Resnerhcebb. intt of the Ro .m1 t awhbuiig. Sit.Ibl. Ftootball T~eamli nds, Sanob Caoswelnl9ugeliidl We also have a Nice Line us Noveties hoit hhquie geonoul tadmtittedthtit thin hls e ori t re otooootlnluehueto uchan DARLING & IIALLEAUX lackbinug itonsigifhice. T it'lue louger boy- Both Phsnes. 224-226 5. StateSt100111101 lthat iien a.joituumuueuoriaiois inIt Bat Phases 761 2nd Fleer Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING JeromejK. Jerome Chas. Batiell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riifs - - Jan. 16 F. Htopkinson Smith Lorado Taft - - -Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . . -rhar. -_ SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number _- Tickets_ for the Entire Couzrse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats rese rved-SO Cersts Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE )ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. phon~e 552 Office H-ours 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec Every Man in the University could be supplied with hosiery from what is now in stock at the Co-Op. There is not' one man who cannot find the style to suit his taste, and his pocket-book. We have very moderate priced hose in every dis- tinctive style. Black, Gray, Tan, Split-foot, Shaw- knit; Imported Fancy Patterns. In Cashmere, we have hose at 25 cents that is all a man can want. In Imported Lisle we carry the finest weaves, a pleasure to handle. Try sne pair. It won't csst yen much, and it is worth while. At the COop. THE STORE OF THE STUDENTS i bstv-1te1 are dangerous. Beware of dealers who offer you substi- tutes for the famous WILLIAMS'S IC THlE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,00s, Surplus and Prof its, $65,000 Does a General Basking Busies and Pap 3 per cost interest onTt'ime anid Savings Deposits.' Safety Deposit Boxes to rest at $2.55 and upwards S. KEuse, Pres. W. 0. Stevens, Vice-Pes. F. H. BoLSen. Cash, it. A. WI'LLIAms Asst. WAILIJGAN CENTRAL "The Alsagoa Falls Route Chicago Buffalo Bostoa New Ysrk Through Trains East-8.tS a.sm., t.40,p so. 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p. as. 11505 p. m Locals East-6.i5a. as., al1.ii a. as.,*4.5p.., 15.35 p. as. Through Trains West-SO7 a. n,, 1.58 a. n., 9.18 a. as., 2003pm. 10.10 pm. Locais West-224 a.m., *8.a8at m, .05p. M.,t*6.10pM. *t(Except Sasnda. SConectians at Chicaga for St Louhis K~ansas City and the vest. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STARET.S