THE MIfl14t AN DAILY '-' ' , BRING YOUR U FRsAMED PXCs'U RE9 O DEFRIEfS ART STOREZ and have them framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Olas3 is Used. 223,5. Male St. ROLLER SKATING COLISEUM RINK MAYNARD STREET AFTERNOON AND EVENING ADMISSION : l0c, Skates 15c. Evening 10c, Skates 20c Doors Open: Afternoon, 2 P. M. Evening, 7 P. M. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank BIE DUD Capital 'totk,5$5000. Srplusa 5,050 Rtesources, $?,000,000 Sporting Gooao A General Banking Business Transacted OCEsR": Cs. F1'is5('5.Pes ;W. D. 121 East Liberty Street. THOSE NUMBERLESS Forgottell Toilet Articles You will find near at hand and in good qttality. Tooth Brushes, Tooth As well try to smoke a ,-'a without tobacco as to try o ssedacmfraeeeioa hoewtotae" " Smoking]J ackecior Lou :gin. IBCr ?! Until you have enjoyed one ik of my Houo Coats or Lsaur,2rng r Robes you n t know what comfort realv means re,; My representative can show youi a coat just suited to yor tas ecoloringo aoIlthi-. s a quiet as you l Kc or la oth ras oLrjgh: ad wa°n as a July niratin. lust ask LINDI3SCNHM1TT, APFEL & CO. * Powder, Soap, Wash I Rags, Towels, Etc. QUARRY'S Ohio Central tines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS T HATTERS TOIENuH nyadK e FURNISHERS ilnyadK e 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Parlor Cars on all Trains 11 HAS. .. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? Too can procure from him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $4.50 Cabsinet Photos and an extra picture for use in ihe tMichsigan- ensian, all for $3.00. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY For Deitrot,hourely fro :5 ta.srmrruntil1 P. so.; tires 11 :1is. ir.,1t::45a. mr. tFrr Yprsi- lanrti ronry, 10:15 p. ir. andi115 a. mr.Fo Jiackisonr, tinrited as 5:51 a. mr.Lscats fro... i to 1°:15sa. rm. thca12:15 a. m iI _..__ liocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You wilt fiod Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Totodo and Co- tumbus: S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mick. FINE LUN CHES r-Ve carry tre lar-est line of TURtKISHi. D)OMESTIC & IMOROTED) Cigarettes and tDomestice & Isprteed Cigars. A complete tine of att smokinrg articles. We are acests fr Onostot & Sri., LINKMAs & Coosnd 3hB PtPES, also fore STACY'S & SCHAFOFEE'S fisre chocolate tBON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. State St. GJEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Choice Cuet Chapin St between Harto. and Miler Ave. Phone 505 Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pins where they keep a full tine at the . L ow es t prices. No la e. poor stock in our store. 9 N t hi n charged for B; . loooking at our goodsoor - g eL t tin g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $t.005 and up Call at the right place, opposite Law Building. 30J U1Ea_ ~meSre Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Phone 457 Bell Phone 4s7-L U. of 1"U. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. ifif tIfS SI I, . 1; 1?aifS VACA.TiION., ' ts'al t t'k r 'oil. ts'o r's intit a Chi- ca> iatchst.his leithets' i l it o trot. Ths ea stst ill is t heu litt iefth tttt Ill l e~ sri whic issornthi ofat Mta ittttim's'- the tl;g edair t till thevcnl eft1 lls I is aidth sa lickie-1wIts t rnO Illsr t II . lltea1 net1 f ll, 1tter tee is 1eviectttst proa w the rat 1111111 stt ht Aih- rst asthlet itt rd o butths i dnid b Dretorti RtaiSrd. 111 hqu 1111111siive ev111c agaist l11 sits si h. "I y UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Hsaldt' sire sat Sdrilof sMusitsc at 7 t'sloctonttighttt ;imprsoitant. The os litserary sclassaxviilisthtldist o'sclck. SI s'stiltrsof ts'eXX'asirgtsrnrr ttidayts somttssss ts'se Itiday sat I T p. ir. t111 Rootmt Theetill hes'a'mestssli"rrofts'eSit's- st sj s sclub a tyocok titht. All Xi '11t555 inl t tthe 1I lti alt 1 re. i iicdtoI its presest. Siisastna Sslnirsosirsof 'tle ex- enic ommss stssis t f ho rlIl d'tstiita rioul aVmnssChistsian sociatsiis' s'nd1 in 1anubeti ntlthinlit tirscoSunars- i soe interes'sts oSthe.iSr'tsl ds''s's tig lt - as ovmnt.iXIs r'ts isSandei rss'wi triswomen, andrSundy afterniooni sr .4 ts cottlee' otilsti asot.Xsrltitastes' noon att esirrv hall. LOST-Oinior' ne'ar ca'.'11t5515a air555'of glrirlsts spcaices inc cisat. Please 15 itnrt t1126s Waishta 10 st1te. 7.1-4 is c550' gitstlasrit nialnot opis' ait s.Moitrrl's oaitrdtintg I'iSa714 C. Mtonroes. 73-74 Expert Jewelry ad Watcho Repairs. Arnold's Jewelry Store. ALLEN, THlE CLOiEIR, DIiIN STREET -N EC KWXVEAR,15. i LI?- LERS. GLOVES. ;;c~s c'igasrtothesostudt. "Govlt. itssitis'." Asolo C'tsrs'ia. tf Glasses repaired. Eyes carefully fitted asid tested. GEORGE HALLER. Mai St. tHitdrethr's geninie velvet tisses sit Cushinig's. Soils pressed, 250; trousers, soc. Puller & O'Consnor. tf i i ~care. OW=1 F tiecio slot silcap 5's Gters outwsearee'ry othi thriee ta osne .5ersarimat'o PUREISILKoweb-nsotsmercee c tottonsod socot bt t5 cets a1pir.Nosothergarte hasathUigh. tc55ttct sp Fr comfsortu andtlongwer -insistapo BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP GARTERS A ~ 055~ Or Dealers It , = ,fO By Mail 718OMarket Steet, 'Pioneer Philadeelphi. S'usenders. We i .. Sell IDIRECT To sift s i htli le n tiit s si'buttha ihe' adi ittle1f1.' ts' sts' There rsis odnt 5' b r'it'astcesall is a rofesimnt t, but to p o t it is lito'ne I'llt'of st ~Stte-hoobllmn t all1i trofesiat li sm Nach 5 ilo' ts'elattervs 5.astill illIhe igh cho l t\'s'cisgssi tothis choic of ollegs, aid sth is astOa; club1 II to It Is'ists' I tiltos t enter515' Ch(i- Sec Esstsoiscicr's ssassonpage 4. Big offer. tf itALLEt'S JrEwoRcoS'ooss, Main St. 'Te college jewvelers. Establishsesdt858. 1iSir aunrsiritis .a Somesrvilecollegi' The AnnssArbor Press (formrlty Par' W0I tilt it 1t OffordI she Nvas10chnnec tedt ker & Snyder), printers of the Michigan Iit atits s raartiausraarl o treDaily, The Alsumnsuss, Inlasnder, Toss's XX stis un.iversity I iaaisarr Settle- great hook osslfootbalt, the 'Technric, S. sit rr i rii s' srsrandthsis Studestos' C. A. thandbook, etc.. etc., are prisiter; Vosinsg Ssiser'saChrristianoasrciationsill to tire studentIbosty 117 E.XWasingr;- I tr sIndia. The ssa t arseis asorrfamsitiar too street. tf wi ths tudntir wos rki' iSoth tAfricsa sand_ Grea r 1itarrtIis irilsiat she is sanrunusarlly TilE HARMONIC EORCHESTlRA. inrs tirigspakeIcirirnd lsthat se lis Irmstothsaontiryiratsrithe eanes r- Address L. 14. Boles, massager, 8o8 gt o f tlosei trwio owriwhatisienhssSosuttsPotirtho avenute. Phonso: Betl, acsomrip lishterdisntithseril~adssiestier to66-J;I Home, 289-red. t ir st Sutittr I 's'ssi. Upon risrriv'ing \,iss aunersrrwenti cii rtlys'itrothe tabe Try Phselps' Perfectiosn chocolate puffs 1?i onsference "andiItrience its thin- and chips atCshoting's phrarsaacy. slit irisis collegea. Watch, jewselry and eye glass repair' Renselsieter offers bargain. See his ing by skilled workmen. asic. oil page 4. tf Hfltten's Jlwltnv STong. Main St. YOU i 1 J r 14- f f A Delig~htful "Freshness " 00 desireable in Summer ohirtwaists and neglige shirts io atways retained after' seceral days wear by tiso garrrents when laundered at the Varaity laundry. This is becauae we take special pains to do them property and right. Too wilt never took "dowdy or state" if you favor on with yourr patronage. Ve .rsity L .iindry 117 S. 4th Avea. Both Phoeses 92$ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ass ,Arbor, Mtch. E. 0. Kinne, Pees. Harrison Soule, V. S. W. Clarkson, Cashier Capinal, $00.00.Surplus and Peofits.$40,oil jo~scenget e HfLunch JAt TsttI*, 's~ S. State C ,1 at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 118-120 E. IBERTY STREET Edison Machines and - Records Victor Machines and Records OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty 50. Ann Arbor, Mieh ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING