}P MICHIGAN DAILY for Art and Skill in Tailoring Call ork SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONY STREET On W atcthes, im jwi r ad alltHight Clasht tel W. J. LOURIM 1044th Ave (Opitt touotHoase Twottoors soth oftew Y Mt (.A. OFFIEt ou ttits; ,':tt to it:30; 1 to a; 0 to 8-ti. Businesa Strictly Caonfidentia~l REDUCTIONS IN Men' 5Furnl 1shn1 s Mens' and Boys' Sweaters Mens' Negligee Shirts Mens' Underwear Mens' Hosiery ALL AT LARGE DISCOUNTS NOW, MACK ft COMPANY SPALDIN'S ALMANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 ENTS A. G. SPALDING (ab BR Os. New Yrt ic(tago ttttttdeptta Denier Syracse tMitneapois St, Loos IBuffato Ctnctncati Boston tKasas Cty Otto Franctisci Batttmore Pttshurg Wshtttont~ Neaw Oreans Matrea. (an. Lodo. Ndsa. Spadtng's ctaoge of ao thlttetto spott sated free tony atiress. GOV. BAG LEY Greatest 5c Cigar Mabe HIUSTON BROS. H A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH St Ann Arbor Savngs Bank Bock BILLIARDS AND BOWL!ING S. ROTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St SHREDDED WYI [ ALWAYS IN 5SEAON Titos swho enjoy o the futl extent te sports and recrera- ions of outdone ie realie le importance ot proper food.The appetite s keen, and te eet inr tods that satisfy anti strengthen it felt. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit preisey fttls ttese reqtre- sents, oe the reason that it is nmadeaftheentieewheat err, whittcontainsnoresteecgtte- tng and uphauiding popetes taayothrrfood. Q t coi- taln stir chesia etenets r- qaied tr strnth, enecy. muscsle,onand tisues. It is away timey becaseit an e prpard in hundreds ot ways- sith nit, ceam,rits, tee tabes, etc. Q Atways tae i wihyo, and pepareit acod- igtoathenmanyrectipein "The t'rtal Qaesnw eeook Beok, swhihswesedfree. Q In pae 'of bread use Trisut. the - whoe swheat crater, swhit is foe hetter than bead or toast I t is compat and easlyparried Q't'ry "Toasted Tristit" n Ltieese. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls N. Y. * "6Allen's for Quality" f'\\ ijg 0 '.AL L ALLEN f J J M J i Exclusive styles and extra values in Ilien's Suits and Over- coats at the above Price is our specialty. The Clothier MAIN ST. r .\ll)RE F ACULTY SF1 NI (INS iteo6 Iltits, I lookt:ioti saorilico ofi Ihave volit visitoed the inewt"Liliorty" (iN JOINT VIl TMORIAL eventia olass cusstomt,and tlin t ttstandi- batrbier shttior air ttcut tittdlshaveo ig iiitntt w y oitheli t . ofitt heu ttii Strictly tilt-ti tto t. Bettteit. see. First: IConttinuedifroottipage otte.) torsity. I sincerel~lyiopeo such a-couitr seo tor oilas tI;LittoiLibtorty. G. W. - twill ott its uterits prevail." CamtpbeollFroit. 74-76 amu t or tat stint, thus oteasigitoff________ on mentit Ii itlio ltsitndtl teir shatre.' Soc Renttschler'sad ott page 4. tf Gcuege \A.\lttlcolit, chtirmantit (f 'o6 ROLIE'R FRI NG (IF IN \ NCFI______________ ta eoilcmittee:.*'"Iimier-c \SEI N COU.RT Michigan pitt, otbs and spoons. it olls int fttvoriof a jotuituntumeoialtianI fAtLtEo;oJEWLttR SaTing, Main St. I t sii l~e ttI ha e w re ad a d litng to' thtit________________ end. A stitienitis tlitisa ii tit oc ebrof Te aruent iiof thIniijuntionititwhich Sec ffotsohloer's ad ott page 4. tt tisclssanda lemer if theuniverotsity, the ptitetours if suttheCiolisoeuim___________ adin tis inistanceioyatitlty t llit ianskai t i 1rink haveskedlftto tgatint thlt Thto iigh estttrioced 5o rigor smad Itul tlpitev fits to.vrI ldtwish t otiitt futnn oltorborotupied ltheo stigO in Fov. Bagloy. Ottsaile at Jolly's. tf corrc t aitt t wrong impreissionu. In ter- he ottitortyeiotlttxy. Thte i- ____________ 3 - Iul ii itolltls otitsilirs i h Rotv. J . Goget, if Jtcontt, spirituatl- ittt'oo 'influteocoo till till the lptrotcityseofurctig st thetrinaneoo sltiolt ws t mu tand'ipsychlic roeader, ltotedoi thrugh it"ttesettio ltt lass. (Wo sitall i ecttls ipassetditwitteobtectjoft iprto-it (Cutl: oituiseaitipresent ; Roomns1i.1 donthttttingftoesort . Aiomttitite icotim rol loririnkx. uAttonottisiotsn_______________ itbu te ierat todity it reptre-ofthe argo meotstio udtge K~inetooktiitthe Sot Rontsohelers ad otn page 4. t centisititd te shall simpl~ty present facts c teitde sadisotmett5.PFoot. IHunkier ________________ addesfrte class siwttiot itfli if teusa e pIarsltm e tnt 5auth ftomeoo In- Statistfactorytiloring attsatisfactory tice t ie ontt. ts there xIiino ii titttDwycr reprtsenstedothritnkItro- priots. Fuller & O'Connor, 6tg E. Wil- moe atioicclssoilte tamustan priettrs.lions street.tft 1 r fl y BEST ALASKA RED SALMON Per Can, = - = = 10 Cents Per Case of Four Dozen, _ = s g$4.60 ' In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, - _ = 4.40 S214 Soth DEAN &7 CO. Aaa Arbnr Mat. St. Mtchigaa Soc Renitschler's adon t page 4. Big offer.t MI lidii lttfavor,sweotetas it out-Foe. Fagloyc c rir. At HustoisBros.tf We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 Souath State Stree.t 7 F r r i r r r r r .. C STUDY LAI1PS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent per Hoar Ssve Eyesight, Moneyj ad Troublej ANN ARBOR GAS co. Allegretti Chocolate Creams ALLEN, TiHE CLOTHfIER, MAIN STREET-SUIT CASES, SUIT C~ASES, SUIT CASES. Rottxsolor offers bargaine See hisi tide. ott page 4. ft Thc GREATEST SALE of thc SEASON IN MEN'S FINE CLOTHING ONE-HALF PRICE This lot includes all our Winter Weights of Fancy Cheviots. Each and every one goes at half price. $15 Suit for $7.50, an $18 Suit for $9, a $20 Suit for $10 or a $22 Suit for $11I. All Overcoats at One=Fourth Off. All other goods at reduced prices in this Sale. Every article in the house at a cut price. No old and out=of=date goods here. WADHAMS f~ CO., 121.423 Main St. r * a. 1 I s ., . THIS SPACE IS REiSERVED FOR Oyster Bay WATCH IT!, SITTINGS AT NIGHT 4ALL STUDENTS UNABLE TO COME IN THE DAYTIfI'E CAN MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVENING We Are Fxslly Equsipped For Night Sittis~gs. HENNG ALEXAN ER&CO E. HUOAN BLOC AND R " OURT ST . Q ' * t +t'*t ti+ tr* i '*t 4+s+i' * O s i* i i*t }* i* * ' '+ t'* t t *it f F ia *t ir+ r+ w+ r ++F + ,+ r ,+ F r+ i*ts +r + rs+ ++r +, '+ r i'i*+ *ki*H' + N*t WE ARE NEVER UNLDERSOL4D---GOODYEAR'S DRUG STOR14