THE MICHIGAN DAIL.Y BRINGYOURU NIANuIEDPIartit iTO DITRIIIS ART STOREI antdhave themt framted with Choice molndings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 s. Main St. THOSE):1NtUMBERLESSa' Forgottell Toilet Articles Youi will find near -it hand tnin igiood qnality. 'Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Soap, Wash Rags, Towels, Etc. ATI RO0LLER SKATING COLISEUM RINK MAYNARD STREET AFTERNOON AND EVENING AD)MISSION: lOc, Skates 15c. Evening lOc, Skates 2Oc Doors Open: Afternoon, 2 P.- M.- Evening, 7 P. M. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank 'PAILEY & EDMUNDS aptal t ak $5 ' to 5, Q. - 0ttrpius, ci2tOttlO A GnerlBankng BsinessTransacted - I-prin -~o (I cms Citto has. F. Hiscock., Pres. W. I? j 121 Bast Liberty Street- t~ini t, Vici Fits.: 'It.. itite ('ashirt As well try to nmogr it without tohbtcco as to try I / jspend a conifartala I a f' n eI home 5withut!an Smoking Jacklor~otig ~f ) ~ s Utitl yout lnia. eljo d n of toy Hus.Cot ra~3; IRobe., outt ;(Itt 3vo w lt comfo;-t r aill)manis My tepti sea tie calntilowtilact " quiet'is yor li! cor Mi thesV i brli anit Ii s o j LINIESCNH'MITT, APFEL & CO. I MMMMMOM-A I After,. Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS . . -I I QUARRY'S FURNISHERS te Y flL! ..f.~I :.~.I .709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. oDIRCT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUSHA . RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY PaIrCr nalTan You can procure from him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture o use in the Michigan ~ t it tl Pro Caso alTrisensian, all o $3.00. toti itItia ti'te * '1 ,' e iti t h i , t t . I n. it H~ocking 'valley Rv. ( ~ UNIVERSITY NOTICES. , "I u. ttatit'tin AAV %JLLALAC) GLM i ! E TtA I N SERtVICE, You trill fiod Four Trains Daily' From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Ittiin iDetpots in Toledo and Co- 1 (t t1 tI ti' 1it' ittl 1t S . i;%e t It ti t e l p ti 1111oi whe Ititthe lii ttttbseball'ti f ta la d eIet a t eam i It of \S'iltt'aitl tets]tin t ithe locdI mp elttt-i ]I,(. actatnt o th ant, w ich ig a tofte w 1 i 1 tie " o i't fil t t h , hat -I r til It o -ek c~(r hluau' r or11n111 5 riti~the'11 i >il ta ,a' __________________ojayinla rc t lr? tt tors of the Cross Cmilitry Club Glasses repaired. (Itt ;, atl tratit s oos T,.I reu icttl attt tt R t51 rtir rrrtudiot iti Wrc ic toii it IItt tatt ;o 1 It ritl aI tl T hIa ititaottetgetCi W6 i tt' CoachIII tlt 'a 1111111 ii Futller & O'Cnnror. 1]V fitt I1 I te a i I sr itt, Mal St. tf I'xy :en. ie irimbuona1\ allt S. E. CLARK, 32 tCamnpus Martius I"1h Detroit, Mich. 11Iti .La 2lega a< t Theafinert cletar tdavana 5 et. igat'in to a . it the irarket. -AT- MANN'S DRUG STORE i1, 213 5. Main St. UEORUE BISCtIOFF ltl. i FLORIST i t, Choic ttFoesadPe~is Twf pin St between Huaron and Hi11er Avet tte Phoaer8005'it SV Save a Walk Down lown (Get your Watches and Jewelry \It ltill repaired at the Right Place 't llty your U. 11. Pins inheae they .. ' keel) a frll line at .the- ' L o w e s t SIttI prices. No 14 poor stock for;t~ ittout tore. 3:5 ' ; Nothftin g charged for I$ loorokitng at tritcostin repairs, etc. Alarm eloecso Vitl6 and ott Call. at the right place, opiposite Law Hilding. F J. F. SCHLfIIDE, t to Sash Rowe's Laundry t.. Thorns Rowe, Proprietor 32h N, Filth Ave. rout onr57 BeltltPhoneotsr-a.L u U. of lV. BARBER ,SHOP Frojonowski State St. woo-colt St that t. iierhetilrr oletuityS ih ;]O dn ne pit u iti rethel ettltratier tite. tie iae 4. 11 t4 r liii lska tmitink tinth ci ty i Knit tie ul be enated. The imana 'e I ry 1Phelps' Perfeteinti t )tti it' ff hai(ttin (n ll ii uti at ltlesa l ll th ehal l101rtits le 01111err t i tthe atahir ric a ndr t er;gls ea- u u e it) ttifetrreently 1 se im icy tskilliedi tatrkenr. iy ythe.A111 Abor am~ i iT eai ng l -f- ~ tFRI lariris rta'RYrea StOie_'1Slee t. in teinjltuilncti eta'atcingrrsa ttrttrirl I Score, 3of U Er li n]II l )G rtr0u- a vr I 't e Liu tre t oie- ']ieat gad o BIGHTON FLAT CLASP ? GARTERS ! AllOr IDales r A4, By Mail i i 1I rkettit eetPinetet We I Sell DIRECT To YOU at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 1111. t rt'ist i. IIite. teCamp-t puteri tuntil rI'lttiller. 1 i 'M erirose.a 'le litterisr a In lcse th n tilreltleion i etis lld Ad aasa .I). IlDlaestmerert Soit le etrsioritta t h s laed III lt tlt mantrit e n altttoftheiii' isc, ro - leouh eorthi ae e. litte s Ca e lit lirto tke temtter ifirthrinrar e tail iiJ lottie, 2(19Ied. i '1ii y tel wr tera' tirestudtst woit urti r i ''h e n ritil'rlo tle''oys" tre ltrae-i it'll iiihas bee tritoerattutio ic f ri cl a hattid ri it i I foi _ nritta. 'try a'tginte't't'' rg. for aii t cwee. 'lTh etiormarlinpen- tilm t 722e' a kl cl fI 7, iilrel,'ii rM enginra :' t Samtter ii t..'-c Chitm slt dayi . 'ASll tire ngne;Stter 1.Eitii o) tdc~i howrescilipthii c- h AAt br tis frririr Per hirc . i l~ttl, '07 enginrra Sriotier itnerrrt errihndai rel atK&SnydietrI printrs o'ra te Micligait ntieialit, awett; GI t. Hnyii er ink iws paied t'ttteedorsItDtileyliiThetAumnustr, IntlanderY a't' 1111 G1.1ranit. 'li entgineear. 'ltttt i tert n ed el i'girndi mr chI ae tiegire iok rofo thill, lihe' I eie rc, S. - _- -- it lire it at ed l ff t he fes'tivities of tire . A.ithandiook, err.. ec., tire trirrter .an putt, fohsand spoonis. (a. le ik ae ra ovte itsefaci pop11-1to lire studierient bod'117 iR -SWaiig-i LRta JF:rWpJnx- YScORE, MinSt.Si ii ii111resortithllathe siic'rtsever since. Iton atreet. tf A DeIiahtf 'ul ,Freshness'" FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01 Ann Arbor, Mich. so denireninie in Stumrt'shirtwasistnstaid .a. nne, tPres. tlearriesonnnle, V. n~clivn .:ait, i .ln. a ntanPl If r s. iW. Cilrksont Caher I seeveril daysiwear by itose garmnts ithen tCaptital, $1e.0ii.snipine atd Prtfts. ititt ,laundetred at thie Vatrsity laudry.dT5his 1Ai itecause lie take special pains to do them proplerly and rightt. You wili nonvat look "'dowdty 01'stale" if you favor tis wirh Yonsn ]get o. [dison Machines 8and Records /' your iarlmonage. -H ot L utn ch FIVictor Machines and Records OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE j -V8 ,,: Y rsity L2 . rsdry At TsattI,'s, 338 s. Sta' aSCHAEBERLE & SON G~r -117 S. 4th Avre. Both Phoesa 928 . 11t4 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mieh ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, T HE TAILOR THE BEST OFEVERY- THING IN TAILORING