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January 10, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-10

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The I"ichig n D. ail

VO-01. XVI.

No.; 72.


Joint Senior Memorial Commit=
tee Endorses Plan-Painting
,n r ann lvrd

ti'(l1\ItY C'tL'it PLAY IS

"'The Outsdr" is a fourict comedy
The uggstio pi fotlt o I 1)'I,%- Ryley, nl was put o sitl great
Thle tiu'estgonttuttfothby TheOtis elorsesslithre ers go i New XYork,r
'ne uim at hat tieafits i sirha ing 'an 1uiroeiiu111 1 82 Pnihts.
.o e repriesenttative tint! sblstaltil T epa pn i h ' eo
me oil to th e t1tiv(erstl hasbree'%t h uio atehsasod
fruit. sr 10 u itsoti
rut tc.t nwitth te unds tainug ttte Ortit0n=
T jon eoia 11111 ]cmii i1ttse ta
mieetiig las tnigttideress tp 1a 1 econtti itus'i'te sniori'prtneriio(Ithelirm, t
nendat it uti ch thtey wil 011fer to ttt t 111be 1nPlft i beuetst by 'ian 1'Englisl
o ce llepatmnstal elouies o 1fari 1(tllit i d 1marry ' aly of tEngistt
is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~brh Ai 'e'iite'irtstiit t ttis crisi s bioarryig Iisc
st t a irstbtisosmetsoptosit ll io. T eco in he ofrm to he odtost
evr. itaue for somes te eeicn orga-)othe l.not AftetheiuncertemioilosI
huh euitttiuuit ts isl Puttding, ttii ch liiit eis yisitia it -ts
tic t sai nt o mmitits t ieand tte rieiiIv- et t u tl r''
th omtteietiust btiendioroseitbyit
ciite iof tie lidife nts ni or ca1 se, bu s re. iiodto viiidi igossi. Thte
thre sentis to le at ser godps petietttfternm si cone o
byter kinhp
ecm edton is as folli s
To ite seniore class f te I ines it si c15thir i r ist imetig aidte t strttt-
f Ittis'tigati, te m moril co mittes s-n iy of tiiri coimct is relxediut iiti
1'f the var ious etartmiteiis to lir e l the r ilai aginipp il, td irety
nniop f this (isatshi ie hll otit f
'.liat aftr idue ietigati ;at he clear sk i-the rvrsioniiiit e tiers
iiisititi elits ili raud.i \ h s u cditis 0lstisaness itets
It iigll litt s'cigtuziii' indto himselftu''e itt ts ol iiwo tli
teeat w1iiwould iiileisbiiiii ii
liii ~ ~ ~ wthu friesoisntlie oielumitns.(1
AS thell' relingi"o11111sitess iteretths
take ghte irm lof litpitntig o P isd t s ly iii 11 had11 rompl e d iess totes ntilie'.
lam s B :A teliibttttig cit isingtheili 'ld' ol ls.j eotslle i
iiinaecies to f iit indi t o rdspsl r oi teomariage loo i t li h ilcut i titas
we w iinity tieltinquish liith is oeto11 s i rl fenrpen d i bkuioeo ofiitrspetue
an e ra tier f or hei.tg ltonpien1111 is si
th e d11irec to si te t i i gan 111 1 1, sa t1 s o " p l s a t r n n t i
i t t uitlot ths th eritt s ats ot s-i a l m ltIykof te ne e sai s fiie
ni notr opers'itpatini tttif tie orteos - ~ tI'(t ''P t15
furof t i s i r polse a hr. Se$fco rs sog
.' llle cl it I if tratntl o fIii 1( thie siiticillof her inctomunt i l
Ttil , iliterle. theil tlgett lin11s inliii s ttu ts~ e i
litlersts ils 1111 i 1111 ot hillfrid oI stude'syth 1 el03 tesi
I ioi me oral e pantng f r tshis whti e u tees tis dong S essten diesi
o~~~~~~ t it le 'ltn fte Ir 111 hcerei ftie ileitin t to adhe li hss tepltttsidetettst t
cie uttiIo otit tis tlte , 87 -18 3. Siu11(1 (I ttChange elids l of le aI lso
silil Ii 111 si ii i li ie Atn t''ii 'tie (gilncithtntri e o me t l tfhimli
Allm uto 51a tushl Isatiltn1111d1 110 s 110111 to lit e endti hes stroulledit itatu i's of te
m na jelouitestitd siine fo 'l steigiaI tbecomiplt sasc i tisl t te. sils
Ihatorgeh's putposeiititicomitMICHtGAltRAD ocoo 'tti illt
Iite rcmend111 tt the pt clss, CLeLG15EdtPREi SIDEiTsit
CliTht Pth a toel ns mayo becar Its t ii iBtt erttfii Li. A.t0tuitsw fu
rind tut th c i noftheode pa ti eten prei et o'il t'eis hItis sl antdes
1eta om iteeI shlt oe tht rcsn : riltrticasdite'schans ic csl Ate, lat
J lnc te t'v tritihmeo ril to aKigtoniiR.tL .IsinceiApili 190;3s'tl etst
I.sht hereotIofthe tresrreeted1 eiditet ofi t he Mf ssacthusetts!
shal e Jtrn d silrloy he ii ii SttelogsrI'ieulturaltesoity.ti Its1'89 tiger
Al fw ich isuai't sleh 5 -toth uiveritsu'taking i smti t n e s s.

''te Dteitschier Vereins wri1 tttiddthe
Faculty Representatives of the "Big fn-st of its receptions of thte yelrrat Signs Contract at Big Salary to Coach
Nine" to Discuss Remedies 1tarhotir gmnuasitn this i'veing. Pro-' at University of Arkansas Glood
for Football Abuses. £fesir Stanley switl speah ott "Mtsic (it Material tin Hand.
Gemay, an fe hsteewl eestde'nt IJtits 11.ttgell, recogutized tield tn informsal daince itstn sittiealtrs. tio tC us lM tegraest fill-
tLast sear these affairs trovetd to tue is
as th da o1 eser1 oeeurs - itc in hel s hpst Casonian0
liii ts P let cllegeures-great stuccess ansd it is exteceteid tha t the
tutetts 1a0clledltfortiufooutball contfer- 't'hiiib1st:f'l'c(1i( ;nc s-or h l,
stie this esening uwillte o xeto~t iisli (1
ito e ofothetmetiers of the "tig Nine."th tie rle''lteAlretislts oogit' 100(
IThe eet11 e iol itthtPti'aiito1 'the rlut e' ito e tict 'ie'l~ls tlt'
l's ciihu I i Ptoe u i cu J tiiat ~ fore the sits of the sethtil eare
'IThee i cllou Ptrestett nge°ll us re- Afermi_____ed__'____at(
(Yarded las tile titlst imporoitant fooutbl lltsllv~i<c rl h
&It litlttit ill hitettWest ilce the 5011 PENNSY DECLINES It2 <'1cit
I coscrsys' ls tarted.l l(-tdecrd-ltsr-TO MEET MICHIGAN 100
alet says -- -f 11utulh i 5(1 x s

'"T'ehe'etinlg is likiely topruse tof
tioch-uiiahitig imptance I inltthe uatials
of iserhu'olleesostols. keeitters of
teclothferenice fauctititiesItaue repeatettly
tplacued themtselsvesitot ruecord itsoppossed
to thuetpresetisystemin iute inithe swest
and inu faooraialsatie!fat-reachting
clhangtesdurittithe fom'agtationi
wihhIs swteoveis the sotrly sine
thue fooistblseasion joist pa ssed. Itswas
tt'rughtheitus'esouests of rI tittoet' of
prhoinenooithrfessor, s otfdifferenlt cut-
heges 1n tte 'Big Nithustha t IPresidenit
Angelludecideduol ca slltile sconfsrentce.
"I ii suds fithle expressedl opinions uoP
iany rad tbial anti-foottballitoeuotu ntg
thts 'olleg'esit is hlcieseu thIt itradiical
cean-ties il lihe 1110commende11id ini the
ctontfleecu iling's. liii' ebes of
thei conferenitce:tI wilibe indeenet of
till re'"ulahi' iohnteree com5metitte wh~icht.
aOt 'utotiI ts innalnet iii attheii' ctortia
Iot ls'eeitiseiI, shiftedl responIsiblity
til lie footba ll qutestiont andtoot okiitnIo
aetio111 initileilltther.No ianouncemtent
tot iou coaliionuulotwesen he Oistisol lii-1
illtt s huese111111(1
-The coltth (11 wilclarIt ystemt
of the surluls ee'oirgys' t ue'ulue'rslhae
benstoiup'' urintotgo"tic ruin"-tofoot-
ball wa-e. he ~ig ~ti' clleges
Itc~ lie o111responded lit othenttion
oft tilleastern citlics. It is prtoale,
howtieser, tha t .ths ue stusill toase tulacedt
itsel it toh rsin otthumtutes befcore the'
eastootoshdtuu' to organtize its feorce's.
ousinug too thus'lack of unde11rstaniig ex-
istinug sitwelntheu' ouriii i tinduu n'u
foottbll irules co'((itt11(1 Thels easteri-
eu's ssillhoot tauke action(ill il ths regutlari
rootss cootoutittee trut ths seventdtl
consttutedrule-aking schoos htms'e
descied wuhiethier car hut I 111toisitieans
wuith theu'iteu ' commiitteehe
LARPRIt ltR1IGS IN 1t tIIt'l 11T.
Lamrry Blriggs a prtominuhet iteittber of
latya' eior hit clsshas gottent
him11self tinto5 tihutistli-t us 1s shown
biy thte Pftt(1551ngd(isptcih fo Pm Atuiske-
LainrueneBlis.s1tellher of history
in Ithe tigh setoihelisle left toeday Pur
Puan Raepttuuis , saytug te thad tot re-
"ouce, u titu atii se suoutldetvser come
Pak.1. ".GlpitIasttudettswhis-
tulleditatutdttlkeditdutintgclassuswitt the
teeitlt that lueusas eltuideud fuemtit hte
clmtss 11y'Air. di igs Galpuit carriedl
lois expulsionitotittithboutri of edlucattion
mtt tuhaui tiloy rinusset tuthimottthe
grotundthlt it eis tinlawsufutltokeetp a
studuentmus-ms'frsm schtuool 01 classes.
i1O'lk'T IFORldC ASPARd.
CausptmrAWhitney udidut'tluavs as tuaty
fmacts mabiuo ti lthe titd eondtionuutof
westernt fotballas "Purity"Jordtan, tut
lie's there withi th vocaoulai'r'y.Chicagoa
Recoird-It ermile.

Proposed Track Meet With Eastern
University Falls Through-No
Game With Amherst.
The negoatiationis uwhichlt Ii ri''tor
Charles iBairdl Ils baeiscirryilig toilfor
a'uindouuornmret uwith Peutsy Itave comteu
to nutght, ths'authoulrities sof the easternt
intstituionutdeclining io mtet Ahictiguti.
Thle relations ibehwe'enuitii themanagemthls
uhf the to 11universities5 are estee ly5i
frienly.)',anduthe (0111y'reamson uthu' eamst-
erners udecied a gainust thumtiis ta
i tsuakigthes'trip lto-Annu:Artotour0o0
touch valuabuu~le litte usoeutldiuhoo >t hbs
thse toen comuposinug the teamu.
Evet' situet wasss uuuuuotone'osevse'ral
uweeks mugo thast negoatitontsisere ontfor
aut induoor countest sb etsen Micigan1ait
P2elit a-huauti. aIgreatIe it outerest i
hms bieenu shiouwnlespec'ilits iithe vut
ais amueue'tiung of these tuwo teasiths 0(0101
hue amu ueeting of repuresenttvtusIttns if
the st situ! st.Tthe faiuore o r
Bhairud's efforttshoweve11,1115rels' goes to
shoes'hows'duiffiutit i s Pour Ph tel toiou
to arrahnge anytuu!k iPd u n thetlito <)th-
lost wsith thseelst
Thle annuuounucementuu that ithciga" ill
lull clash usthAmuherst 111illh, iamon
this spring causes hiss (hisaupoinotmenut.
Wheni ashedt it the umatth adr bsieini set-i
tleu! -N r.iBuird sait!.
uWe null have ito gme'wuithi Aimherst
t111s stpringtofr uvariouis reasons. lIn thue
hurst leeethe udate A'Ilshersi mskedl Por
is 1111155whichiwusalureadiy iledtbho'
iarkse westernutiviersity', so o uI'' hldo
1(01 sceduhle a gamue if sue wisih. 'hti.
too, thsboamrsd oaf cotresl euishoesous to
unmtlthe u' mbittersof gaums eachmyeta Or,
and ams thue schedhule is uneaurs'lytfil orb
the isswesternt contfereutce collegus mutdI as
there is ttoure itnterestinii theme gam'soi
ithuan oue wuith a miiinor easte'rut college,
use canntot cut these soil. Oh course, if
Pmule, Hamrvard, Prineetont our Penntsyl-
vaniimuatatedt 11gaume iitouldhue liffer-
cst. itn that ease sse uwoutildiundsoubhtedlty
meet thieta."
-Althoiughtit seas given t euIsoicsetimoe
ugh thathule Auunherst teamtwus-utdhhtouir
the nest itt-May. the trill is rathter
dutbful, as Itey are sauielto1( ehi avtmuinog
trubtle seulrinsg thteelates they wsishi.
IJoe Welt, 'o6 lit, atud ctairmtait of
lie senior pipe mitts steiut comittee,. hms
left schuool. Joe wvas outs of ths'opulir
mtettblers of the senior lit clauss attu his
swithderawaul so near the endu of his course
is unuforutuuate. le hams heft ts gut into
bmusintess wsithhis fattier. 'The svacant
place tupont the tpitpe munsdsteinucommuuuittie'
tehas ntutbIeenufilledl.
L Tutrinug the vaucationu theus' nuiversits'
}literary receiredt mugenueraul oserhting

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Comet>dy Club OUTSIDER" Jan. 12- 3'

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