V 14 TH MICH.IGAN DAILY iJ GRAND OPENING OF THE Roller Skatillg Mayard Street Xmfas Afterilo001 2o'Clock Equipped with the famous Richardson, Ball Bfearing Skates Coliseum Band in attendance Afternoon and Evening Beautiful Decorations and Elegant R2efreshments ADMISSION Aternoon 10c; Skates 10c Evening l0c; Skates 20c Ward robe Checked Free Evening Session at 7:30 i i i c i I IL Yo / Magnets that attract A PATRONAG~E ARE A/Quality and Price The quality of our S"lts arid Overcoats, is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, but do you know, that our prices are based on the closest possible margin of profit? REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. S Cla.sses inDa.n irln We of January 14t1. bSchool wolt be open for -2d erm. Ladlices eluielysSaturday after- GIL IIday mLornigs. Itt tielock,. Jdies anenlemet Tuesdtay evening". o'clok. $2.50 Each 104) Candle Power for 1=3 Cent perl-Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. - AILE'Y & EDMUNDS %- portin g oos j 121 East Liberty Streett Campus Barber Shop JO. A. MOE, 705 N. IUni, ersity Ave 1r Sell.~ DIRECT To YOU at Wholesale Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $14 to $30.00 %s.""""RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? ou can procure from him a coupon entitling you to one dozen $4.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the Michigan- ensian, all for $3.00. tr:e. ctttfortable roam. Batis, tele- po et ritee, httwater. 1224 \Vasli- teiiw' oe bock fromiticamnpits. 64f66 Try Phelps' Perfection chocolate pttffs and Ichtips at Cushing's plharmsacy. \Viteli. Jewelry attd eyr glass reltair- ittg by slkilletd sorkmnt. HII ,rtt'S Je~WtcsovSTEt, Mbain St. Glasses rrpairrd. Eves carefttlly fittrd and testril. Gl ORGE HALLER, Main St. Studensts' lasitts at Deats & Co.'s, 2t4 S. Minli street, $t.5o anid $2.5o. Brst lanits.in sty. tf AIlEI N. 'i' I?1(1,011116k, MIAIN S'I .11"' N E C K W V 16R,\AI PEP' Ptlielsigats pits, fobs attd spootis. IN\C [' RSIII RANTlES '12111R IbiscoL'S JEWELRY STOor, Plaits St. S'1' 'lI[VN' ANMA\S VNAP (IIIN Reitscheler siffers bargaini. See his Aeettt ho tlidaytsvacetioni, te :Ann advs. ion lige 4. tf ,\rboer railrotadl sill sill exettrsiont ticke- -- -- - to itudssents irertisetcertifieate See Retis-eeler's aitdstntpaige 4. tf sine lity.eeri etry o niviiersity,at1 - - I eist Iiee'i.20,i2andil22, goodtl ftr re- I-Itticti's JewiciocStanty, Mait.5 i turn ut isil ndinieluinig Januartyse8, it 'Tecollege jewrelers.ittitesnd(onthtelirid.Setre fSite t oundis Estalisherd 1858. ti. Iic ets iswill lie sold Iit ll pits s- (itnI tel igani, also --(ititril, AVestern,. II ileleetlis genisnleselvet kisses it Sitmitswesit tereadSotheasitess Passes- t.'tshting's. 5 6 rti tet irritoryties i 4 Sits tressedl, 25c;trousers, toe. NVA6N I I IILIies otientrleiseniitf P urlr & O'Contnor. tf fsisi esd utuion tet ok fo ;potitlite tle IS yost tre nsttparticular, go to av1 1Cas 42 Sotisit Pttiaisenute. I sltitogrettsler bitt if yost wattt the heel comte tsAlexasnder & Co.,llrentitg Shit Isi islieler's ael ottlige 4. iBig bloclk. rod-tf titler. tf 11-20 E. LIBRTY STEET RANDALL PHOTO GRAPH ER BILLI ARLDS AND BOWL ING S. ROTITENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. I N SU RA NCE 1110 ACCIDENT HEALTH1 Geo. J. Hiailer ft. Co. We elinsur o ur ieooktas,wern ap rl adfritue.AU [ 1AII Rtoomis 1-410.:IiI Bsitito RUNFRAEDliPICU cRE T DE[RIES ART STORE andt hice tem framedi wlth Choice Mouldings Only the Best French (las3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. La Mega IThe finest clear Havana 5 et. cigatu in the market. MANN',S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. Edison Machines and Records Victor Machines and Records OLD DISCS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE j SCHiAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mieh Cmioch Dieterile Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance-Calls attended day ornight. 210 S. Oth Ace.:t Residene se Phose4014. Ann Arbotr. GSEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Cholae Cent Flower-s aned Plans (Cha pin St between Huon and hillecr Ace. Phone 500 Al BEFORE CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Going Out of Business Sale CUTTING, REYER &CO. OrSt~ tloiingaout th ir tde i otoc ilof 'lotaing (tGeots' t asnishiogstRats, CaosBags, Salt Cases, Etc., and are inatking pries whi 0 trill inwe thle mds at once. Pluole stock of fuernishitngs lo the moot complete and chic in the city. These sits are boaghtt foe this fall and winter's trade and are of the latstot styles and patters. See the Prices All $10.00 to 12.00 Sunlta, $7.30 All $1.25 Shirts, 84ao All $12.50 to $15.00 Salts, $9.50 All SO to 75c Vniderwea.r, 42 All $16.00 to $25.00 Stalta.$14 to $16.50 100 dozen Llrien. i Hmnidkoerohlofa 4c All 50c anid 75e N.egllgee Shlrt. 42c All Linn Colla~ra-°4 ply-1in ALL OTHER GOODS AT EQUALLY GREAT REDUCTION CUTTING, REYER. ('COMPANY 109-°111 E. Washing~tons St. A Triumph of. Art L in laundry work is whut everyone calls th . otputt of this establisment-shirts, colars, colfs and all el a w,.bed Oithosut tezrio . fraying,* ripping oil of buttons; ii starching clot too little or too much:front- ing without scorchin, or otherwise rain- ing of everything in a ma n's wardrobe ,. that ought to go into the tub. If your a_ . friends can't tell you about our work, phone us. We'll call for and deliver the goods and oar way of doing up things will a eli for itseIf. .t t Ve rsity Lausin ry 117 #. 4th Avea. Both Phories 928 After PayingYo r Tuition Fee ' The next most important thing, is' to avail yourself of an oppor- t unity and let us showl you our various lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. -TAILORS N, HATTERS- TO fiENtien ry vand isyer 709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. , WAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OFEVERY- THING IN TAILORINGv