- - - -THE MICHIGAN DAILY . 6Q Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS I The largest stock in the City of exclusive I stylcs io Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of I high-class fabrics and opecial style for st- I dents. G. H. Wild Co. ~S 311 S. State St. I r r r r r r i r r r t r r r M r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r , r r t TH-IE MICHIGAN DAILY. and telproporti otisOfsoeeof the nrite- tips iaetietieliee., ttiabovehottest atritixcism.tBliti lie general toieitofthese cx xred assecod class mxatter at the Ani~tsx swtlsiitx xrln ta Arbor Postofice.isuswswoeoeth Wrin wa ao nd lie ap~pearanie ot the sheet Published daily (Mondays x cpted) dering tplcasitig. Stelh fatilts as there xxere tite college yeae, at ti7 East Wiashxingion eniphasizedlite fact that theory aeid stireet. Bett phonie 89c. Hotme phoen76. tirtiee go telhltogethie, ciid that either tloisilt a cite-aided tool. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW - -- Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS \\uili this issue Tlahe aii-aail isstpexixs ___________ -publlicatione until afte ta ix liriitv EDITORS. xxx xxixn. tNe irixulxiliketox sax otie Athleic...x ... Clarence E. Eldridge ixtie wordx ofitle \lMicinxU.nionx ail Newsx........ e.... ois D. Stickitey the clubiihouse prjetixi aiiiits -titae..,......Cales I..tWixisteadi exxitlasethe ili e ofa ile imasiiieet- iuxie- - --.........A. H. Oetxiteyer lug ilasitnight. Aftera rtai of te :- W.......--Effe J. Arnstreong site)ytxrg-ctiizi n mn ... , g xxi xadrtis iii', tihe FDTORAI.STAF. Iiion ix s nitty ttk ingte firsti xliiitt- Ihi)ITRIAI. PAISF. aectontowatytrds saeuring the Ifoxndsi-- Iug euAlentFranklin C. Parks thaeaC1.1)lhouise. l itixixch reati to x Aeti ie .Ptttitti1. taic -i at-uti thle ixnxtext oithle ASSOCIATES. axii iti andxxiifriendsixof the a iviersityr. G~ege A. Osbona HIareid C. Smith lie- exctinatuxrte-xxii purposie oftifhe J. EaltelOgle. Jr. ileorge A. fanes Untitu xxix niot le tlxiii roi hlyx dver Ftceis N. Stmitxit eFank J. Clark tledi.axxiiihe greatItnea-dlofi axClxibilhxiise RobetirtH. Clancy ienr A. Montgnomery at M3ichiiga-nicaxii xxiitlhe- too xixxrxxtgixhl it. F. Siteceo t alter Metzenbaumte imptressed uxxxiithose frosmi t-ihomiithe iten )trleiy Jxohnii. iturez necessary fltuh xist come.i le-re is toy V. blii. Floyid It. Joese oppxttity foriilxx-exerysett-oixxri ax iii lie - - lx Uxio-2. hut-gthe vtxttixsitdentis RATES: $2.c0 per year. ar $2.00 it pai4 in tilCitn x ilryecy oixxiil adnaiee thierex Michxiganxaximmxxii re loctedex. Address: WALTER R. HANS' BusinessiMutchtdeenedxs xiii lie ixiirexsitxitt Manager 236 S. 12th St.,Phone 849 L. tteyrice of what lie litittandiiitle -- -- t-lubhosa exel t he li sitatuentxbody. ill any-xx mannxer sitte li-c-exi i %%a. ieiwaytorithelie :xii . Finaltlt-. l txill sayx thaxt I 1haxdxiixthixi ts dlix xx- thete rigxin ae xfitie erilixixie- other than that oxiiytUeitiesasir it clerk. Yoiurs rery-rsptsfulilly. Ross Graniger.- '['e 'WisconsiinsCxardinal voiices the sentimtintisxii the vt mxixa xrii- of cxxi- legexixenc xx xxx knowxxthe gameiaof lxxxi- xcii xxii -ifromxxreaxdixiglie Sundtay ptiers butx f roxmxiexseriatice. xxixasitlxxiys: Lih-ite lchkxxishxeeixthe ixeoplxx- are faliling lin te andxriniigxrefotrmi.just iteextist .someonielttacseixiaies the Ihowl. T sheltroible iss - efeatsnyi remedyit-foxi the uxicixtithaxxxiis likelr to crxiisu lt ie thedeathxoi feootbaxll. the trite refotrxmer"is xthe maitxwholioffxerrs ax chaxnge cxx somteitig inxphae ofi the exisinigtxri-." Mxir. xxxii Mrs. Grcanger invxite xii slt- dentsxr-minxinxg ini the city ditrixig lix hotlidaxyslxxo xiitciiidt-hepries ati the acaemxii-ChrixtixsxxxiiNext Yar's iIitis. PTa-re xxilihe-no miii cas meetngs cti wee ofJani. io. ilo('. lair tix ilastideas xxin taicphI, comie is Alexanider & Co., Hencinxc bilockx.reld-if Rentsxcheler offers bxargaini. See lxix UNION LABEL I 11111).\Y. i)E CTlhlhlR x.io. ) Bargfains il~ xxxy31 N n CALENDAR l S~ 'Iii. 2 i Iilit VIa sxCatisttt igitis iii axi tti.stdtRrtmenxtxxiis ati thxxxiloseoftilha 'I Books of Drawings lc assesg. x leSicri x ixlicx ati t xiixxxists cxxx fixtliiatedl To exiii suetxx Smallilotiofx , s itxiie soicieties. Nt-si dic-let 5 Ixis. Daaix t itxs nl. bidn xx-x x ixl boksiolilackan D s.28-Receptionxtthe li-Soiety of xxxI x i r xxx x- aing, 2 x I ut.A erica-ttNa-tuxralisitstiy the regexits lit-niod or)i heavy plaex pa-iand i cxiii}-. ixisixti gymti . n. i pc xrii lxxxi itifuI , thoy d i.oixx - Ixcercisex ri-s xxxxxxx i ni alxiidti $4.20 et s attlde xx xxx- ofifets, flx lis: Ja. 1 F cult coceirt xat Schiooxi of 'trilLde $1.95 J1nxx --xx i tonixxx cltb ttxxitxiccxx x i- A ithxist atd ter Friends - - 1.95 iteit. 1 ticagit "ittort-s xxiPeoiplt- 1.00 Tlix ltilt- te-ITi-s xto corete i iitn- Oaxx gs1.00 frnteC x i mpixxressiionii thixt the rea-gxxr lndtn.1.00 stattiiha\-etdesireditoibeliiittetwok Oirixisc-str Scottis it-eslither claxsx. whoiixconducxtedxiheii-liithree- (lxas l tiweix. \iixia-sar tx-ciixave- xaid onx liethe xiiibxctI.tihxxs ntt beent maxiiixuxsl Sheehan111 0 o, o r U h axxii liait-oxtakxxan unairixi